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Salesforce CPQ-211Exam Overview:

Aspect Details
Exam Cost $200 USD
Retake Fee $100 USD
Total Time 105 minutes
Available Languages English
Passing Score 65%
Number of Questions 60 multiple-choice questions
Exam Format Multiple Choice / Multiple Select
Prerequisites None

Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for Experienced Administrators Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
CPQ Platform 23% Covering CPQ Product data models, CPQ Platform settings, and Subscription Management.
Bundle Configurations 17% Examining how to set up and manage bundle configurations and features.
Pricing 16% Understanding price rules, discounts, and product pricing methods.
Quote Templates 7% Creating and managing quote templates and quote processes.
Product Selection 7% Managing product selection processes and rules.
Order Management 11% Managing orders, renewals, and amendments.
Product Rules 10% Configuring and applying product rules.
Product Configuration 13% Understanding product configurations, options, and attributes.
Approvals and Advanced Approvals 6% Configuring approval processes and advanced approval features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce CPQ-211 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

The Admin has created the “Promotional Discount ABC” price rule below. TABLE Assuming a quote where all conditions form this rule are met, which products on the quote get a discount?

A. Product C
B. Product A, Product B, and Product C
C. Product A and Product C
D. Product B and Product C

Question # 2

Universal Containers (UC) has set the CPQ package settings of both Subscription Term Unit and Subscription Prorate Precision to Month. UC wants to quote a Fixed Price Subscription Product with a start Date of June 18, 2019 and an End Date of August 21, 2020.The Product record has a Subscription Term of 12, a Pricing Method of List, and a Pricebook Entry of USD 100What is the Prorated List Unit Price for the Quote Line?

A.  USD 116.67
B.  USD 118.31
C.  USD 125.00
D.  USD 100.00

Question # 3

Universal Containers has a requirement to ensure that Product B is always quoted with Product A in a bundle. The products are in separate features and there is no clear indication that they must be sold together. They implemented a Product Validation rule to fulfill this requirement, but received complaints that it was not user friendly. What other approach should the Admin take to fulfill this requirement?

A. Create an Option Constraint with Type: Add.
B. Create a Configuration Price Rule to add Product B.
C. Create a Product Selection rule to add Product B.
D. Create an Option Constraint with Type: Dependency.

Question # 4

Universal Containers has a quote with the following Process Inputs. The Admin wants questions that change dynamically based on answers to previous questions. For the first question, if the answer to “What business problem are you solving” is: Consolidated IT, then Server Types should be shown as the only next question. If the answer is “Manage Time & Express,” then Deployment Options and Commercial Segment should be shown and Server Types should be hidden. How should the quote process be set up to meet this requirement?

A. Create a Process Input Condition on Business Solution where Server Types equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Condition on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals Manage Time & Expense.
B. Create a Process Input Regulation on Server Types where Business Solution equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Regulation on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals Manage Time & Expense.
C. Create a Process Input Condition on Server Types where Business Solution equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Condition on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals Manage Time & Expense.
D. Create a Process Input Condition on Server Types Where Business Solution equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Regulation on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals Manager Time & Expense.

Question # 5

Universal Containers has a bundle that has a large number of Product Options. They do not want all of the options available to be visible on the configuration by default. They want the User to click a button within each Feature to see which Product Options are available to be selected, and then have the User select Product Options from that page. How should the Admin set up the bundle for the display to work this way?

A. Select the Required checkbox on each Product Option in the Bundle.
B. Select the Hidden checkbox on the Bundled Product record.
C. Select Add as the Option Selection Method on the Bundle product.
D. Select Click as the Option Selection Method on the Bundle product.

Question # 6

The products sold by Universal Containers (UC) have a Product Family of Hardware or Software. Each Quote should only contain one of the Product Families. At the time of Quote creation, the sale rep is required topopulate a custom picklist with the API name Family c with values of Hardware and Software.If the sales rep selects Hardware for the Family c field, the rep should only be able to add Products with the Product Family of Hardware to the Quote. The same premise applies for the value Software for the Family c field.How should the Admin meet this requirement?

A. Create a Custom Action Condition related to the Add Products Custom Action where:Target Object is QuoteField is Family__cFilter value is Product Family
B. Create a Custom Action Condition related to the Add Products Custom Action where:Target object is ProductField is Product FamilyFilter Value is Family__c
C.  Create a Search Filter related to the Add Products Custom Action Where:Target Object is QuoteTarget Field is Family__cOperator is EqualsFilter Source Object is ProductFilter Source Field is Product FamilyHidden is True
D. Create a Search Filter related to the Add Products Custom Action Where:Target Family is ProductTarget Field is Product FamilyOperator is EqualsFilter Source Object is QuoteFilter Source Field is Family__cHidden is True.

Question # 7

Universal Containers has products that will only be utilized as Product options inside five different bundle products. When a User adds products to the Quote Line Editor, Universal Containers would like. Bundle products to show in the product Selection page. Products that are Product Options of the bundle to not show in the Product Selection page. How should the Admin set up the bundle?

A. Select the Hidden checkbox for any Product that is a Product Option for the bundle.
B. Select the Component checkbox on any Product that is a Product Option for the bundle.
C. Select the bundled checkbox on each Product Option and mark the Product inactive.
D. Select the Selected checkbox on each Product Option and mark the Product inactive.

Question # 8

Universal Containers has two products:*C-STOR-L, which is a Large Storage Container.*C-LID-L, which is a lid for a Large Storage Container.These are Product Options within the same bundle. C-STOR-L is required before C-LID-L is selected in the bundle. The Admin wants to create an Option Constraint.What field should C-LID-L be stored in to meet this requirement?

A. Constrained Option
B. Dependent Option
C. Required for Option
D. Selected Option

Question # 9

What additional field is required for all records when using Approval Variables vs. Summary Variables?

A. Net Variable
B. Combine With
C. Type
D. List Variable

Question # 10

An Admin at Universal Containers wants to configure a bundle with multiple features and have the product code of all options displayed in a single field for easy rendering on the quote document. What should the Admin do to achieve this?

A. Write a custom trigger.
B. Use package product code.
C. Create price rules and formula fields.
D. Combine roll-up fields with formula fields.

Question # 11

Universal Containers has a single Price Book for several currencies. The Admin is creating a Primary Quote from an Opportunity and notices the Quote inherits the Price Book from the Opportunity.Which Product will be available within the Product Selection page?

A. All Products with Price Book Entries in all Active Currencies.
B. All Products with Price Book Entries when Dated Exchange Rates are enabled.
C. All Products with Price Book Entries with a positive Price.
D. All Products with Price Book Entries in the Opportunity/Quote Currency.

Question # 12

Which two scenarios can be supported using Amendments? Choose 2 answers

A. Change quantities of existing Products; apply different discounts than original Quote
B. Change quantities of existing Products; maintain same discounts as original Quote
C. Add new Products; co-terminate to existing Contract
D. Add new products; use different End Date from existing Contract

Question # 13

Administrators can control the location of Configuration Attributes using row and column orders.

A. True
B. False

Question # 14

Users should be able to quote ramp deals with non-consecutive time period. Which setting should the Admin turn on for this requirement?

A. Select the Allow Non-Consecutive Custom Segments checkbox on the Price Dimension object.
B. Select the Allow Non-Consecutive Custom Segments checkbox on the Product object.
C. Select the Allow Non-Consecutive Custom Segments checkbox on the salesforce CPQ package settings.
D. None of the above: all custom segments must be consecutive.

Question # 15

An Admin at Universal Containers has hidden the prices of Products on the Configure Products page.How should the Admin make the prices visible again?

A. Go to the Product Option object’s Unit Price field and add visibility to its Field-level security.
B. Go to the Product Option object’s Option Configuration Field Set and add the Unit Price field.
C. Go to the Product Option record and check if the Default Pricing Table field is set to Standard.
D. Go to the Product Option record and check if the Price Editable field is False.

Question # 16

Universal Containers (UC) has an approval structure that involves both the Deal Desk and Finance teams. UC wants to send both Approval requests simultaneously when a Quote is submitted to reduce the time for Quote approval.Which Approval type best suits UC’s needs?

A. Native Approvals; multiple Approval steps can be set up with the same Step Number to send Approval requests in parallel.
B. Advanced Approvals; multiple Approval Chains can be set up to send Approval requests in parallel.
C. Native Approvals; multiple Approval Processes can be set up to send Approval requests in parallel.
D. Advanced Approvals; multiple Approval Steps can be set up in a single Approval Chain to send Approval requests in parallel.

Question # 17

"An Admin at UC added a new logo to the Documents folder for use in the quote template. After adding the image to an HTML Content Section and testing, the image is too big.What should the Admin do to resize the image and to maximize image quality?

A. Wrap the image in a span tag and resize using CSS.
B. Add HTML height and width attributes in the img tag."
C. Resize in an image editor outside of Salesforce.
D. Use inline CSS height and width properties in the img tag.

Question # 18

Universal Containers has a Product that requires a price of USD 100 and EUR 95 in the 2019 Price Book.When the Product is selected under a bundle, the price should be included as part of the bundle. How should the Admin meet this requirement?

A. Change the Price Book Entries for the Product in the 2019 Price Book to 100 USD and 95 EUR. On the Product Option, set the Selected field to True.
B. Change the Price Book Entries for the Product in the 2019 Price Book to 100 USD and 95 EUR. On the Product Option, set the System field to True.
C. Create a Product Option record and set the Unit Price field to 100 and the Currency field to USD. Create a Product Option record and set the Unit Price field to 95 and the Currency field to EUR. On both Product Option records, set the Required field to True.
D. Change the Price Book Entries for the Product in the 2019 Price Book to 100 USD and 95 EUR.On the Product Option, set the Bundled field to True.

Question # 19

Universal Containers has a slab Discount Schedule for Product A with these Discount Tiers: If Product A has a List Price of $100.00, what is the Net Total for a Quote Line with the quantity of 21?

A. $1,050.00
B. $1,725.00
C. $1,700.00
D. $1,575.00

Question # 20

The Admin at Universal Containers wants to add Maintenance and Support products to the parent bundle.Maintenance and Support products should display in separate sections during configuration, with the Support products displaying above the Maintenance products. How should the Admin set up the Product to meet both requirements?

A. Create two Production Options Maintenance and Support. Maintenance will always display first, due to alphabetical ordering.
B. Create two Product Features, Maintenance and Support. The Support feature should have a lower value in the “Number” filed.
C. Create two Product Features, Maintenance and Support. Maintenance will always display first, due to alphabetical ordering.
D. Create two Product Options, Maintenance and Support. The Support option should have a lower value in the “Number” field.

Question # 21

Universal Containers has a block priced product, Cloud Contacts, and wants to apply a 10% premium to the product when the payment frequency is annual. Based on the Price Actions below, what is the correct Order for the actions?SBQQ    CustomerPrice    c = SBQQ    RegularPrice    c * (1 – SBQQ Discount_c) SBQQ    NetPrice    c = SBQQ    PartnerPrice    c * (1 – SBQQ DistributorDiscount_c) SBQQ    PartnerPrice    c = CustomerPrice    c * (1 – SBQQ PartnerDiscount_c) SBQQ RegularPrice c = SBQQ ListPrice C * 1.1

A. a) b) c) d)
B. d) a) c) b)
C. d) c) a) b)
D. b) c) a) d)

Question # 22

What does ApprovalsArchived c need to return to properly archive approval records?

A. True
B. False
C. 1
D. 0

Question # 23

Universal Containers sells a bundle Product which contains many Features and Options. Users report that the bundle is difficult to configure due to a significant amount of scrolling to find the desired Features and Options.What are three ways the Admin can adjust the design of this bundle to reduce scrolling in configuration? Choose 3 answers

A. Set System to True on the Product Options to be excluded from the configurator.
B. Set Option Selection Method to Add on the Product Features.
C. Group the Product Features of the bundle into tabs using the category field.
D. Change Option layout to Tabs on the bundle Product.
E. Change Enable Large Configuration to True on the bundle Product.

Question # 24

The Admin at Universal Containers is setting up permissions for internal sales Users. In addition to assigning the Salesforce CPQ User permission set, for which objects do the Users need Read, Create, Edit, Delete permissions?

A. Quote Template, Template Content, Template Section, Line Column
B. Quote, Quote Line, Quote Line Group, Quote Document
C. Price Rule, Price Action, Price Condition, Lookup Query
D. Discount Category, Discount Schedule, Discount Tier, Term Schedule

Question # 25

Universal Containers requires its customers to commit to a new 12-month Contract Term whenever requests to modify the existing Contract are made.Which two steps should the Admin take to generate accurate Order records? Choose 2 answers

A. Use the Evergreen Contract feature to permit existing Contracts to be extended beyond the original term.
B. Renew the existing Contract, amend the Quote Start Date to today, and modify the Quote Lines to reflect a new 12-month term. Process the Renewal using the normal Quote > Order > Contract flow.
C. Amend the existing Contract, updating all Quote Line Quantities to zero, effectively cancelling the Contract. Process the Amendment using the normal Quote > Order > Contract flow.
D. Amend the existing Contract and extend the End Date to 12 month from today. Process the Amendment using the normal Quote > Order > Contract flow.

Question # 26

Universal Containers provide a discount for an enterprise-level customer if a single line’s Net price is above a certain threshold. The Admin has set up a Price Rule with a reference to a custom formula field on the Price Condition to apply the discount automatically. The user has to click calculate twice for the discount to apply. What is the most likely cause of the issue?

A. The use of formula fields in Price Conditions is unsupported, so the Price Rule fires and returns an error the first time.
B. The Evaluation Scope of the Price rule is set incorrectly to fire on the configurator, so the Price Rule fires on the configure Products page.
C. The referenced formula field contains date/time date information that is unsupported, so the Price Rule fires sporadically.
D. The referenced formula field contains information that has yet to be calculated, so the Price Rule fires the second time it’s evaluated.

Question # 27

An Admin has created a Configuration Attribute on the Product A bundle, and now needs an Identical Configuration Attribute on the Product B bundle that saves its value into the same Quote Line field. Which tasks should the Admin complete to meet this business requirement?

A. Check “Apply to Product Options” on the existing Configuration Attribute, then make Product B an option of Product A.
B. Create a second Configuration Attribute on Product B, no further administration required.
C. Create a second Configured Product record for Product B on the existing Configuration Attribute.
D. Create a second Product Option field with identical values, then create a second Configuration Attribute on Product B.

Question # 28

Universal Containers has multiple sales teams that need to select from a subset of the product catalog on the Product Selection page.Which solution meets the business requirement without creating a separate Price Book?

A. Create a bundle with a Configuration Attribute.
B. Create multiple bundles with validation Product Rules.
C. Create a Hidden Filter in Product Selection based on Profile.
D. Create a Filter Product Rule.

Question # 29

Universal Containers sells a bundle with several pre-selected Product Options. Most of the time, sales reps leave the bundle configuration as- is, but want the ability to change the configuration if desired.What should the Admin do to meet this requirement?

A. Set the Configuration Type field of the bundle to a value of Allowed and the Configuration Event field to a value of Add.
B. Set the Configuration Type field of the bundle to a value of Required and the Configuration Event field to a value of Always.
C. Set the Configuration Type field of the bundle to a value of Allowed and the Configuration Event field to a value of Edit.
D. Set the Configuration Type field of the bundle to a value of Disabled and the Configuration Event field to a value of Always.

Question # 30

Which type of Discount Schedule would you select if you wanted a blended discount rate applied across all units?

A. Range
B. Markup
C. Slab
D. Block

Question # 31

How can an Admin prevent users from reconfiguring a specific bundle after initial configuration?

A. Set the Configuration Type to Disabled.
B. Set the Configuration Type to Allowed and Configuration Event to Always.
C. Set the Configuration Type to Allowed and Configuration Event to Add.
D. Set the Active checkbox on Reconfigure Line Custom Action to False.

Question # 32

Universal Containers (UC) has a Product family called Software. When a Configuration Attribute in the bundle is set to Perpetual, UC wants to Hide all Products with the Product Family called Software. The Admin has created a Product Rule with a Configuration Rule.Which additional supporting records should the Admin configure so the Product Rule meets this requirement?

A. An Error Condition should compare the Perpetual value against the Configuration Attribute. A Product Action should Hide each Product.
B. An Error Condition should compare the Product Family value on the Product Option record. A Product Action should Show all Products with Product Family other than Software.
C. An Error Condition should compare the Perpetual value against the Configuration Attribute. A Product Action using the Filter Field should Hide the Products.
D. An Error Condition should check the Product Family value on the Product Option record. A Product Action using the Filter Field should Hide the Products.

Question # 33

Universal Containers (UC) licenses shipping software that is sold for a fixed price based on each quantity tier as seen in the table below. For example, buying eight licenses would cost a total of $1,800 rather than multiplying unit price by quantity. Further discounts on this product are unavailable.

A. Set Pricing Method to Fixed Price on the Product record.
B. Set Non-Discountable to True on the Product record.
C. Create a Slab Discount Schedule for the Product for each quantity tier with a different discount for each tier.
D. Set Pricing Method to Block on the Product record.
E. Create Block Pricing records on the Product for each quantity tier with a different discount for each tier.

Question # 34

Universal Containers uses Contracted Pricing to set pricing for specific distributors and those distributors’ business units (child accounts). Product A has a product family of Storage and a list price of $300. The parent account has a Contracted Price set to $200 and a filter based on the product family of Storage. Which two ways can the Admin set Product A back to list price on a business unit account?

A. Set Ignore Parent Contracted Prices to true on the parent contracted price.
B. Create a new contracted price for Product A on the business unit account with a price of $300.
C. Create a new contracted price record for Product A on the business unit account and set its Ignore Parent Contracted prices to true.
D. Set Ignore Parent Contracted Prices to true on the business unit account record.

Question # 35

Universal Containers has come to an agreement for future pricing with a specific customer. The agreement is for special volume-based, tiered pricing for Product A on all future quotes.How can this agreement be configured to set the Regular Price for this customer?

A. Create a Discount Schedule and add Product A to the Product lookup on the Discount Schedule.
B. Create a Discount Schedule and add it to a Contracted Price record for Product A from the customer’s Account.
C. Create a Discount Schedule and add it to the Discount Schedule field on Product A.
D. Create a Discount Schedule and add the customer to the Contracted Prices related list on the Discount Schedule.

Question # 36

The Admin at Universal Containers (UC) has created one bundle that contains all of its products as Options.The bundle has Subscription Pricing and Asset Conversion set to null on its Product record. Implementing the Product Catalog via a bundle allows UC to enforce logic about which Products can be sold together. A bundle sold by UC contains a combination of Assets and Subscriptions.After making selections within the bundle, a sales user saves the Quote and creates a Contract from the Opportunity associated with the primary Quote. Later, the sales user needs to amend this Contract based on new requirements from the customer. When UC amends the Contract using the Amend button, the sales user notices that the bundle is excluded in the Amendment Quote.Why is bundle excluded in the Amendment Quote?

A. The sales user neglected to select the Preserve Bundle structure field on the Contract.
B. The bundled Product is excluded from the amendment because it lacks an Asset or a Subscription.
C. By default, bundled Assets and Subscriptions are excluded in Amendment Quotes.
D. The sales user must use the Amend Assets field on the Account to amend a Contract which contains Assets.

Question # 37

MDQ products are automatically removed from normal Line Item tables whenever an output document includes an MDQ specific table layout in another section

A. True
B. False

Question # 38

A customer is implementing CPQ to support two languages.Which two portions of text can be translated using the Salesforce CPQ localization object?

A. Picklist values in the Product Family field on the Product object
B. Configuration Attribute picklist values
C. The Feature Name field on the Configure Products page
D. HTML Template Content in the Quote document

Question # 39

In order to assign a fixed price to a Product based on a range of quantities (which would override the automatic calculation of quantity x unit price) you would use?

A. Block Pricing
B. Contracted Pricing
C. Cost & Markup Pricing
D. List Pricing

Question # 40

What is a valid formula for use in a Price Action where Target Object is Quote Line?

A. SBQQ Product r.SBQQ DiscountSchedule r.SBQQ Order c
B. SBQQ Product r.Name
C. SBQQ Feature r.SBQQ Number c
D. $User.FirstName

Question # 41

At Universal containers, the fulfillment team requires that Order Item dates reflect when orders are created, rather than Quote Line start dates, because there can be gaps between anticipated versus actual start dates.At the same time, the Account Management team wants to ensure that all items from one order appears on one contract.What are two ways the CPQ Specialist can meet these requirements?

A. Set Order Product Date to Today when the record is created using Process Builder.
B. Set package Default Order Start Date to Today.
C. Set Contracting Method on the Order to single Contract.
D. Set package Contracting Method to Single Contract.

Question # 42

Universal Containers has created a Discount Schedule with the override Behavior set to All Tiers and appliedit to a Product. A sales rep then adds this Product to a Quote, manually changes the discount percent of a discount Tier, and saves the Quote.At what point during the sales process can the sales rep be assured that the override amount will be unaffected by changes the Admin may make to the original Discount Schedule?

A. The Save or Quick Save buttons are clicked.
B. Override values are subject to Discount Schedule updates made by the Admin.
C. The Opportunity status has changed to Proposal/price Quote.
D. The Quote status has changed to Approved.

Question # 43

An Admin at Universal Containers wants to map configuration attribute values to the quote line in a customer’s product catalog. Assuming the field mapping is correct, which setup will prevent the configuration attribute value from being stored on the non-bundle quote line?

A. On the Configuration Attribute, “Apply to Product Options” is not selected.
B. A selection rule is being used to hide a configuration attribute value.
C. On the Configuration Attribute, “Hidden” is selected.
D. The user chose a configuration attribute value that cannot be mapped.
E. Create a cross-object formula field that stores the Product Field’s value in the Quote Line field.

Question # 44

In what way does Smart Approvals expedite the approval process?

A. Approving a quote will auto-approve any lesser-discount quotes related to the same opportunity.
B. Quotes within defined thresholds will be automatically approved.
C. Quotes with multiple steps in the approval chain go directly to the highest approver required.
D. Rejected quotes that are resubmitted within previously approved values go directly to the person who rejected.

Question # 45

Universal Containers would like to show the Monthly price column on the Quote Document if the quote has payment terms of Net 30. Which two configurations are needed to satisfy this requirement?

A. Create a new field set on the Quote Line editor without Monthly Price.
B. Fill the Conditional Print Field on the Column Lines object.
C. Create a custom Formula indicating if the Payment Terms Are Net 30.
D. Create an additional Lines Section without the Monthly Price field.

Question # 46

Universal Containers has Quote Terms specific to Product X and separate Quote Terms specific to Product Y. The Admin has created an output document with separate Template Sections for each set of Quote Terms.Each Template Section references a separate Template Content record. Which tasks should the admin complete to ensure Quote Terms for Product X and Y appear separately in the output document?

A. Set the Product X Template Section filter fields to Product Code = Product X; repeat for Product Y.
B. Create a Term Condition for all Product X Quote Terms where Section = Template Section X; repeat for Product Y.
C. Set the Template Content field for all Product X Quote Terms to the Product X Template Content record; repeat for Product Y.
D. Delete the second Template Section and set the Group field on the remaining Template Section to SBQQ ProudctCode c.

Question # 47

The Admin at Universal Containers set up a Price Rule to override List Price with a discounted promotional price. The Price Action has a formula which is as follows: SBQQ_ListPrice_c * (1 – Promotional_Discount_c). The Admin is finding that every Calculate is clicked, the price is adjusted. For example, if List Price is $10.00 and promotional discount is 10%: 10.00 * (1 – 020) = 9.00. The next time calculate is clicked, the following calculation takes place: 9 * (1-0.10) = 8.10. If List Price must be overridden, how can this problem be fixed?

A. The Salesforce CPQ package has an Original Price field which should be used instead of Last Price in the formula.
B. Create a field to hold the Price Book price and populate on Quote creation with a Workflow Rule for use in the formula.
C. Create a field to hold the Price Book price, and populate Before Calculate with … Price Rule for use in the formula.
D. The Salesforce CPQ package has an MSRP field which should be used instead of Last Price in the formula.

Question # 48

After installing the Advanced Approvals managed package, which object is enabled out of the box to leverage all Advanced Approval functionality?

A. Core Salesforce Quote object
B. CPQ Quote Line object
C. Opportunity object
D. CPQ Quote object

Question # 49

Universal Containers must be able to create Quotes that contain Quote Lines with different Start Dates. Order Products must be separated into Orders after generation based in the Start Dates.How can a CPQ Specialist meet this business requirement?

A. Separate Quotes must be created for each unique Start Date.
B. Set both the Order by Quote Line Group and Ordered checkboxes to True.
C. Change Default Order Start Date in CPQ Package settings to Quote Start Date.
D. Set the Order By picklist on the Quote to SBQQ   StartDate   c, and the Ordered checkbox to  True.

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