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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- Salesforce-Communications-Cloud Practice Questions
- 77 Questions
- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Aspect | Details |
Exam Name | Salesforce Communications Cloud Accredited Professional Exam |
Exam Code | Salesforce-Communications-Cloud |
Exam Cost | $150 USD |
Total Time | 105 minutes |
Total Questions | 77 |
Passing Score | 65% |
Available Languages | English |
Prerequisites | None |
Delivery Method | Online proctored |
Registration | Through Salesforce Partner Learning Camp |
Salesforce Communications Cloud Accredited Professional Exam Topics Breakdown
Domain | Percentage | Description |
Discovery | 25% | Understand customer requirements and existing IT ecosystem. |
Planning and Design | 35% | Design solution blueprint, establish processes, and timelines. |
Delivery | 40% | Implement the solution, migrate data, and customize configurations. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Sonic telecommunication delivers B2C internet (broadband) and TV services to thecustomer and technician need to perform various task for the add product operations. Atone point in the flow there is a manual task that required technician to complete the steps and to provide information back to order management system to identify the equipmentordered, which action should consultant take to support the manual task resolution?
A. Design and attach the omni scripts to the manual task to help technician with each stepthat are required to be completed manually
B. Use the integration procedure to manage the various task that technician need toundertake
C. Use data raptor to assist with integration and introduce several manual task into theflow.
D. Use call out to fully automate the flow so that no manual steps are required
Question # 2
A Large Tier 1 Telco with 20 million subscribers needs to move all of their customer dataform legacy system to communication cloud. The team have discovered it would take along time to migrate all the data over.which approach should the fulfillment designer recommend as the migration strategy toensure that all the orders uninterrupted through the salesforce platform during migration?
A. Migrate Data on demand as orders are raised through the salesforce interface andimplement a bulk migration strategy
B. Partition the data into logical blocks and run the migration in multiple stages over time,allowing for on demand migration for the non-migrated data to the legacy system
C. Partition the data into logical blocks and run the migration in multiple stages over time,allowing for on demand migration data when migrations occurs
D. Disable the production system during off peak hours and migrate the data from the oldsystem to the new system. Ensure both new and old system are online during Peak hours.
Question # 3
Acme technology is Tier 1 Provider selling fixed line internet and TV services. In order tosend Set top boxes (STB) and modem they are requiring a single call to the shippingfulfillment system, which combination can be sent to the customer. They also want toensure optimal performance and avoid unnecessary use of storage of inventory incustomer base.
A. Decompose Modem & STB into one CFS using M:1 decomposition pattern configurescope field on CFS technical product definition to Account
B. Decompose the Modem & STB to distinct CFS technical product using 1:1decomposition relationship. Configure the scope filed on the modem and STB products todownstream Order Item.
C. Decompose the Modem & STB to distinct CFS technical product using 1:1decomposition relationship. Configure the scope field on CFS technical product definition todownstream Order Item.
D. Decompose the Modem & STB to one CFS technical product using M:1 decomposition relationship. Configure the scope filed on the modem and STB products to Account
Question # 4
A telecom service provider offers internet, mobile and TV services that can be sold asbundled and independently. Fulfillment consultant designer is designing the orchestrationorder that contains any combination to consistently improve the customer satisfaction, theconsultant need to design a solution that makes the service available to consumers forconsumption and support changes for completely fulfilled offers even when other are stillbeing same. what is the recommendation approach for an assets management strategy inthis case?
A. Module each offer as top offer, Use the standard assetization in orchestration toassetize the offer that have been ordered
B. Module the offer as a triple play bundle, Use standard assetization in orchestration toassetize the offer that have been ordered
C. Module the offer as a triple play bundle, Use staged assetization in orchestration toassetize the offer that have been ordered
D. Module the offer as a top level offers, Use staged assetization in orchestration toassetize the offer that have been ordered
Question # 5
Fivercorp is migrating its operations from a legacy on-premise system to communicationcloud. They have already migrated the account and product information, and are nowplanning to migrate the asset records and route of MACD processing to Salesforce by theend of the year. Which two considerations should they take into accounts for thisprocessing to be successful?
A. Large assets volume should be logically partition with staged migration, consider ondemand migration to allow seamless operations
B. Only Migrate the assets needed when customers are trying to place MACD orders.
C. Both commercial and technical assets need to be present in Salesforce to successfullyprocess the MACD orders.
D. Only Commercial assets need to be present in salesforce to successfully process theMACD orders.
Question # 6
A company uses as in-house legacy order management system for order fulfillment andinventory management. The order fulfillment support team complains that the items thatmakes callouts to the inventory management system get stuck and fail for days and manualintervention is required. The company has decided to move the industries Ordermanagement (OM) system. How would industries OM Fallout Management reduce thisissue for the company.
A. By automatically balancing order processing tasks across multiple orchestration items
B. By automatically balancing order processing tasks across multiple orchestration queues
C. By automatically queuing the fulfillment request to retry according to predefined retrypolicy.
D. By automatically queuing the fulfillment request to retry according to fallout analysisreport.
Question # 7
Universal Connect (UC) sells several mobile devices to its customer. UC has severalattribute like color, storage and screen size that are common across mobile devices. UC islooking for recommendation around efficiency them using SFI product catalog. How shouldconsultant model the product catalog for UC?
A. Create ‘Mobile Offer Spec Type’ object with common attribute and set the patent objecttype as ‘Base offer Spec Type’. Then associate mobile device offers with ‘Mobile OfferSpec Type’ Object Type.
B. Create ‘Mobile offer Spec Type’ with base attribute as parent object type and associatemobile device offers with object type and add additional attributes
C. Create ‘base offer Spec Type’ object type with all attribute and associate mobile deviceoffer with this object type
D. Create ‘Mobile Offer Spec Type’ object with common attribute and set the patent objecttype as ‘Base offer Spec Type’. Then associate mobile device offers with ‘Base Offer SpecType’ Object Type.
Question # 8
Airtalk has recently acquired Mobitel, which uses communication cloud as in CPQ andorder management system. Airtalk wants to upsell Mobitel products on its consumer portalto increase its revenue and make share without incurring the cost of migrating thoseproducts onto its own legacy CPQ and order management system. What should aconsultant recommend to quickly integrate Airtalk;s portal application with mobitel’sCommunication Cloud.
A. Use Cart Based APIs
B. Use Digital Commerce APIs
C. Use CPQAppHandler Methods
Question # 9
Universal Connect has a requirement to capture site address for its high speed businessinternet offerings in order to do a serviceability check. Which two entities are used incommunication cloud to capture location information?
A. Service Account
B. Place
C. Premise
D. Address
Question # 10
United Telecom (UT) has a high-level of customization in their exiting cultural landscape,which results in higher cost on maintenance and development. They have chosencommunication cloud with an expectation that they will be able to drive down theoperational cost.What are the two option to achieve the expectation?
A. Assess the entire architecture and identify ways to replicate the legacy system in Communication Cloud.
B. Handle the complex business processes manually outside the IT landscape.
C. Harmonize their business plan to reduce the complexity
D. Access the entire architecture to identify application that can be decommission.
Question # 11
ABC cloud communication service provider that uses communication cloud for their B2BMarket. ABC cloud sells services to tier 1 enterprise companies across the globe thenumber of items in the cart for each customer is usually high and with new products beingintroduced, the company expects even higher cart numbers. Sales representative started tonotice performance reduction while submitting big carts to order management. A consultantwas asked to provide design guidance for product design while taking into considerationcommunication cloud CPQ and order management constraints. Which two options shouldthe consultant consider while designing the commercial catalog?
A. Keep the number of attribute on the product low, avoid big picklist and directassignments.
B. Advise them to use picklist attribute with multiple pick lists values instead of configuringnew products
C. Avoid deep product hierarchy and big list of add on, limit the number of advance rulesuch as AutoAdd or Auto Remove products.
D. Model all product in flat while controlling the cardinality with AutoAdd and AutoRemoveadvanced rules
Question # 12
Acme technology is an internet service provider that has 20 distinct download and 10upload speeds, unique billing code must be sent to billing system during fulfillment.Which two actions should a consultant recommend for modeling the technical productcatalog and decomposition relationship?
A. Create a single CFS specifications and map the upload and download speeds. Retrievethe fulfillment details from the calculation matrix market using the integration procedureinvoked by an auto task
B. Create a single CFS specifications and map the upload and download speeds. Retrievethe fulfillment details from the calculation matrix using a custom auto task
C. Create a technical product catalog which maps 1:1 to the billing model. Use the out ofthe box tool to create product and generate billing code. Use unconditional decompositionrelationships to select the correct technical product
D. Create Multiple CFS specification where the billing code attribute is defined. Useattribute based decomposition relationship to map the various upload/download speeds tothe billing code attribute
Question # 13
ABC Telco wants to offers a self-service portal for their B2C customers so they can browseand order from product catalog. Which salesforce industries based solution helps activatethis?
A. Enterprise Sales Management
B. Assets based ordering
C. Mobile subscription Management
D. Digital commerce
Question # 14
United Telecom has release plan for their digital transformation it includes both legacyCRM and their new communication cloud, both of which will be active until the digitaltransformation is complete.Customer data from the legacy CRM will be migrated intocommunication cloud as part of first phase of the digital transformation project. There arebusiness critical operations that will remains active in legacy CRM after the first phase ofproject. Which strategy should a consultant recommended to keep the customer data tosync between the legacy CRM and communication cloud?
A. Synchronize real time customer data between the two CRMs when updated happens ineither of the two CRMs
B. Synchronize real time customer data between the two CRMs at the end of business dayusing batch updates.
C. Introduce customer data management system as a part of digital transformation to keepcustomer data up to date
D. Allow updated on Customer Data only on Communication cloud and synchronize theupdate to the legacy CRM
Question # 15
ABC telecom wishes to offer certain offers to retain its outgoing customers. They would liketo give pricing adjustments across the catalog. They also want their agent to have theability to give runtime adjustments and wish to have the approval process defined aroundthe same. Which features should the consultant suggest to address the aboverequirements.
A. Discounts.
B. Adjustment using Context rules
C. Promotions
D. Customizations using CPQ Hooks
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