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- Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-I Practice Questions
- 230 Questions
- Updated On February 10, 2025
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Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-I Exam Overview:
Aspect | Details |
Exam Cost | $200 |
Total Time | 105 minutes |
Available Languages | English, Japanese, Spanish |
Passing Marks | 65% |
Number of Questions | 60 multiple-choice questions |
Exam Format | Multiple choice and true/false |
Prerequisites | None |
Exam Type | Proctored exam (online or on-site) |
Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Developer 1 Exam Topics Breakdown
Domain | Percentage | Description |
MuleSoft Fundamentals | 20% | Understand MuleSoft development fundamentals and platform basics |
Designing APIs | 25% | Skills in designing APIs using RAML and managing API specifications |
Building APIs | 30% | Developing APIs, implementing data integration, and configuring connectors |
Deploying and Managing APIs | 15% | Deploying, managing, and monitoring APIs using Anypoint Platform |
Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning | 10% | Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving issues in MuleSoft applications |
Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Refer to the exhibits. A web client submits a request tohttp://localhost:8081/fliqhts?destination=SFO and the Web Service Consumer throws aWSC:BAD_REQUEST error.What is the next step to fix this error?
A. Set a header In the Consume operation equal to the destination query parameter
B. set a SOAP payload before the Consume operation that contains the destination queryparameter
C. set a property m the Consume operation equal to the destination query parameter
D. set a JSON payload before the Consume operation that contains the destination queryparameter
Question # 2
Where are values of query parameters stored in the Mule event by the HTTP Listener?
A. Inbound Properties
B. Variables
C. Attributes
D. Payload
Question # 3
What are the latest specification of RAML available?
A. 1.2
B. 1
C. 0.8
D. 2
Question # 4
Refer to the exhibits.A web client sends a GET request to the HTTP Listener.What response message is returned to the web client?
A. ""
B. "End"
C. "Start"
D. "String is not blank"
Question # 5
Refer to the exhibits. How many private flows does APIKIt generate from RAML specification?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Question # 6
What does C4E stands for in MuleSoft recommended IT operating model?
A. Centre for Empowerment
B. Centre for Engagement
C. Centre for Enablement
D. Centre for Excellence
Question # 7
Refer to the exhibits. What is valid text to set the field in the Database connector configuration to the usernamevalue specified in the config.yaml file?
A. ${db.username>
B. #[db.username]
C. #[db:username]
D. ${db:username>
Question # 8
Refer to the exhibits. Each route in the Scatter-Gather sets the payload to the number shown in the label. Whatresponse is returned to a web client request to the HTTP Listener?A)
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 9
Refer to the exhibits. The main flow contains an HTTP Request in the middle of the flow.The HTTP Listeners and HTTP Request use default configurations.A web client submits a request to the main flow's HTTP Listener that includes queryparameters for the pedigree of the piano.What values are accessible to the Logger component at the end of the main flow?
A. payload
B. payload pedigree query params
C. payload producer var
D. payload pedigree query params producer var
Question # 10
According to MuleSoft. what is the first step to create a Modern API?
A. Gather a list of requirements to secure the API
B. Create an API specification and get feedback from stakeholders
C. Performance tune and optimize the backend systems and network
D. Create a prototype of the API implementation
Question # 11
Refer to the exhibit. A Mule event is composed of a hierarchy of objects. Where in the hierarchy are variablesstored?
A. Mule event
B. Mule message payload
C. Mule message
D. Mule message attributes
Question # 12
Refer to the exhibits. A mule application is being developed which will process POST requests coming from clients containing the name and order information. Sample request is as below
A.1. 1. {2. 2. orderkey: "payload.order",3. 3. addresskey: "vars.address"4. 4. }
B.1. 1. {2. 2. orderkey: "attributes.shippingaddress.order",3. 3. addresskey: "payload"4. }
C.1. 1. {2. 2. orderkey: "payload.order",3. 3. addresskey: "address"4. }
D.1. 1. {2. 2. orderkey: "attributes.order",3. 3. addresskey: "vars.address"4. }
Question # 13
Refer to the exhibit. What can be added to the flow to persist data across different flow executions?
A. Key/value pairs in the ObjectStore
B. Properties of the Mule runtime flow object
C. properties of the Mule runtime app object
D. session variables
Question # 14
An organization is beginning to follow Mulesoft's recommended API led connectivityapproach to use modern API to support the development and lifecycle of the integrationsolutions and to close the IT delivery gap.What distinguishes between how modern API's are organized in a MuleSoft recommendedAPI-led connectivity approach as compared to other common enterprise integrationsolutions?
A.The API interfaces are specified as macroservices with one API representing all thebusiness logic of an existing and proven end to end solution
B.The API interfaces are specified at a granularity intended for developers to consumespecific aspect of integration processes
C.The API implementation are built with standards using common lifecycle and centralizedconfiguration management tools
D.The APIO implementations are monitored with common tools, centralized monitoring andsecurity systems
Question # 15
Refer to the exhibit.The error occurs when a project is run in Anypoint Studio. The project, which has adependency that is not in the MuleSoft Maven repository, was created and successfully runon a different computer.What is the next step to fix the error to get the project to run successfully?
A. Edit the dependency in the Mule project's pom.xml file
B. Install the dependency to the computer's local Maven repository
C. Deploy the dependency to MuleSoft's Maven repository
D. Add the dependency to the MULE_HOME/bin folder
Question # 16
Refer to the exhibits. A company has defined this Book data type and Book example to be used in APIs. What is valid RAML for an API that uses this Book data type and Book example?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 17
There are three routes configured for Scatter-Gather and incoming event has a payload isan Array of three objects. How routing will take place in this scenario?
A. Incoming array objects would be split into three and each part would be sent to oneroute each in sequential manner
B. Incoming array objects would be split into three and each part would be sent to oneroute each in parallel
C. Entire event would be sent to each route sequentially
D. Entire event would be sent to each route in parallel
Question # 18
A flow has a JMS Publish consume operation followed by a JMS Publish operation. Both ofthese operations have the default configurations. Which operation is asynchronous andwhich one is synchronous?
A. Publish consume: Synchronous. Publish: Asynchronous.
B. Publish consume: Asynchronous. Publish: Synchronous
C. Publish consume: Asynchronous. Publish: Asynchronous
D. Publish consume: Synchronous. Publish: Synchronous
Question # 19
Refer to the exhibits. A Mule application contains a Choice router. What is logged when the flow completes?
D. ["US", "EU"]
Question # 20
How to import Core (dw::Core) module into your DataWeave scripts?
A. #include dw::core
B. Not needed
C. import core
D. import dw::core
Question # 21
Refer to the exhibit.
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 22
Refer to the exhibits. What payload and quantity are logged at the end of the main flow?
A. [[1,2,3,4], 14]
B. [[order1, order2, order3, order4], 14]
C. [[1,2,3,4], 10]
D. [orderlorder2order3order4,14]
Question # 23
Refer to the exhibit. The input array of strings is passed to the batch job, which does NOTdo any filtering or aggregating. What payload is logged by the Logger component?
A. Summary report of processed records
B. [ "Apple", "Banana" ]
C. [ "Apptel2", "Bananal2" ]
D. [ "Apptel", "Bananal", 2 ]
Question # 24
Refer to the exhibit. All three of the condition for the Choice router are true. What log messages are written?
A. Route 1
B. Route2
C. Route1, Route2
D. Route1, Route2, Default
Question # 25
What is not true about application properties?
A. Application properties can be encrypted
B. Application properties can be overridden with system properties
C. Application properties can be defined in .yaml file only
D. Application properties provide easier way to manage configurable values
Question # 26
What is the correct Syntax to add a customer ID as a URI parameter in the HTTP listener's path attribute?
A. #[customerID]
B. $[customerID]
C. {customerID}
D. (customerID)
Question # 27
Refer to the exhibits.
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 28
Refer to the exhibit. What is the response to a web client request to http://localhost:8081?
A. After
B. before
C. Validation Error
D. null
Question # 29
Refer to the exhibits. The Mule application implements a REST API that accepts GET requests from web clientson the URLs: http://acme com/order/status and http:Vacme.com/customer/status.What path value can be set in the HTTP GE~ event source to accept web client requestsfrom both of these URLs?
A. *[order,customer]/status
B. */status
C. ?[order,customer]/status
D. *status
Question # 30
Refer to the exhibit. How many private flows does APIKIT generate from the RAML specification?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Question # 31
According to MuleSoft, what is the Center for Enablement’s role in the new IT operatingmodel?
A. Implements line of business projects to enforce common security requirements
B. Creates and manages discoverable assets to be consumed by line of businessdevelopers
C. Centrally manages partners and consultants to implement line of business projects
D. Implements line of business projects to enforce common security requirements
Question # 32
Refer to the exhibit. How should be the where clause written for the configured input parameters in such a waythat it achieves below SQL query?
A. WHERE city := ${city} AND state := ${state}
B. WHERE city = attributes.city AND state = attributes.state
C. WHERE city = :city AND state = :state
D. WHERE city := city AND state := state
Question # 33
Refer to the exhibit. How should be the where clause written for the configured input parameters in such a waythat it achieves below SQL query?
A. WHERE city := ${city} AND state := ${state}
B. WHERE city = attributes.city AND state = attributes.state
C. WHERE city = :city AND state = :state
D. WHERE city := city AND state := state
Question # 34
To avoid hard-coding values, a flow uses some property placeholders and thecorresponding values are stored in a configuration file.Where does the configuration file's location need to be specified in the Mule application?
A. The pom.xml file
B. A global element
C. The mule-art if act .json file
D. a flow attribute
Question # 35
An API was designed in API Designer, published to Anypoint Exchange, then imported intoAPI Manager.A Mule application implements this API and is deployed to CloudHub. API Managermanages this deployed API implementation.What is the easiest and most idiomatic (used for its intended purpose) way to enforce aClient ID Enforcement policy on this Mule application?
A. In API Manager, apply a Client ID Enforcement policy for the API instance
B. In Anypoint Studio, code a custom policy tor Client ID Enforcement and then add thecustom policy to Runtime Manager for the Mule application deployment
C. In Anypoint Design Center, code a custom policy for Client ID Enforcement and thenpublish the custom policy to the API portal in Anypoint Exchange
D. In API Designer, add Client ID Enforcement policy requirements to the API specification
Question # 36
Refer to the exhibits. The Mule application does NOT define any global error handler elements. A web client sends a GET request to the HTTP Listener. What response message is returned to the web client?
A. "End"
B. "Start"
C. -...
D. "Siring is not blank"
Question # 37
A REST connect module is generated for a RAML specification. and then the rest connectmodule is imported in mule application in Anypoint Studio. For each method of the RAMLspecification , what does the REST connect module provide?
A. A scope
B. A flow
C. An operation
D. An event source
Question # 38
Refer to the exhibits. The main flow contains a Flow Reference component configured to call the child flow Whatpart(s) of a Mule event passed to the Flow Reference component are available in the childflow?
A. The payload and all attributes
B. The payload and all variables
C. The entire Mule event
D. The payload
Question # 39
Refer to the exhibits. In the color flow , both the variable named color and payload are set to "red".An HTTP POST request is then sent to the decideColor flow's HTTP Listener.What is the payload value at the Logger component after the HTTP request completes?
A. white
B. red
C. blue
D. Error message
Question # 40
Refer to the exhibits. Set paylaod transformer is set the firstName and lastName of the customer as shown inbelow images.What is the correct Dataweave expression which can be added in message attribute of aLogger activity to access firstName (which in this case is Madhav) from the incomingevent?
A. firstName
B. customer.firstName
C. vars."customer.firstName"
D. vars."customer"."firstName"
Question # 41
Refer to the exhibits.
A.[[5, 10, 15, 20], 1]
B.[[5, 10, 15, 20], 5]
C.[[Req5, Req10, Req15, Req20], 5]
D.[Req5Req10,Req15Req20, 5]
Question # 42
Mule application contains ActiveMQ JMS dependency. Mule application was compiled andrun successfully in Anypoint Studio. The mule application must now be exported fromAnypoint Studio and shared with other developer. What export options should be selectedto create the smallest JAR file that can be imported into other developer's Anypoint Studioand run successfully?
A. Select only Attach Project Sources only
B. Select both Attach Project Sources and Include project modules and dependenciesoption
C. Select the Include project modules and dependencies option only
D. De-select both Attach Project Sources and Include project modules and dependenciesoption
Question # 43
What is the correct syntax for a Logger component to output a message with the contentsof a 3SON Object payload?
A. The payload is: $(payload)
B. #["The payload is: " ++ payload]
C. The payload is: #[payload]
D. #["The payload is: " + payload]
Question # 44
Which of the following is invalid type of event processor which can be used as a router ?
A. Choice
B. Round Robin
C. Pick First
D. First Successful
Question # 45
Refer to the exhibits.Larger image The Mule application configures and uses two HTTP Listener global configurationelements.Mule application is run in Anypoint Studio.If the mule application starts correctly, what URI and port numbers can receive web clientrequests? If the mule applications fails to start , what is the reason for the failure?
A. The mule application fails to startThere is URL path conflict because both HTTP Listeners are configured with same path
B. The mule application start successfullyWeb client requests can only be received at URI on port 2222 but not on port 3333
C. The mule application fails to start because of the port binding conflict as HTTP requestalso use same port i.e. 3333
D. The mule application start successfullyWeb client requests can be received at URI on port 2222 and on port 3333.
Question # 46
Refer to the exhibit. The Database Select operation returns five rows from a database. What is logged by theLogger component?
A. "Array"
B. "Object"
C. "LinkedHashMap"
D. "CaselnsensitrveHashMap"
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