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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- Industries-CPQ-Developer Practice Questions
- 315 Questions
- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Aspect | Details |
Exam Name | Salesforce Industries CPQ Developer |
Exam Cost | $200 USD (plus applicable taxes as required per local law) |
Total Time | 105 minutes |
Number of Questions | 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions |
Available Languages | English |
Passing Score | 63% |
Exam Format | Multiple-choice/multiple-select, proctored in person or online |
Prerequisites | None specified, but experience with Salesforce CPQ and general Salesforce platform knowledge recommended |
Retake Policy | Retake fee is $100 USD |
Salesforce Interaction Studio Accredited Professional Exam Topics Breakdown
Domain | Percentage | Description |
CPQ Functional Capabilities | 26% | Covers basic CPQ functionalities, including configuration, pricing, and quoting capabilities. |
CPQ Setup and Maintenance | 24% | Involves setup, customization, and maintenance of CPQ, including product catalog management and pricing rules. |
Integration and Data Migration | 20% | Focuses on integrating CPQ with other Salesforce applications and migrating data to and from the CPQ system. |
Product Configuration | 18% | Examines the setup and management of complex product configurations, bundles, and constraints within the CPQ system. |
Troubleshooting and Support | 12% | Involves identifying and resolving issues related to CPQ functionalities, performance, and integrations. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
My product has bothContext Rules and Advanced Rules. Which rules will be enacted firstat runtime?
A. Context Rules
B. Advanced Rules
Question # 2
When adofna products to the Cart, the developer notices that nothing renders in the cart.The developer uses the browser console network tab to troubleshoot the issue.Which method should the developer look for in the responses to begin troubleshooting?
A. postCartsItems
B. createCart
C. getBasketDetails
D. getCartsItems
Question # 3
How is a time plan different from a time policy?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. A time plan is proratable.
B. A time plan can start on the date of purchase.
C. A time plan's start can be delayed.
D. atime plan contains the duration of time for pricing to apply.
Question # 4
Which of these could be considered an adjustment? (Choose TWO)Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. S12 price for a product on an employee price list
B. S50 off
C. 20% off for 3 months
D. S35 recurring monthly price for B2C customers
Question # 5
What is CpQAppHancfler?
A. The remote method used to filter products from the shared catalog
B. An Angular directive within the persistent cart templates that contains CPQ loqk
C. A specialized global Apex class that includes methods to perform CPQ functions
D. An integration procedure invoked by the persistent cart that performs CPQ functions
Question # 6
If more than one promotion has been applied to a bundle in the Cart, what must you haveenabled to beable to delete the promotions?
A. Update scope setting in the promotion
B. Deep delete
C. Shallow delete
Question # 7
What data types are supported for context dimensions? (Choose THREE)Note: Thisquestion displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Text
B. String
C. DateTime
D. Boolean
E. Integer
F. Numeric
Question # 8
When Vlocity Cart builds the product list, which type of rule is processed first?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Context Rule - Qualification
B. Advanced Rule - Availability
C. Advanced Rule - Eligibility
D. Advanced Rule - Configuration Validation (Compatibility)
Question # 9
Which of these can be used to launch a guided selling process?
A. Vlocity DX
B. A Vlocity action
C. Using a field on the Order page
D. From the line item actions dropdown menu in Vlocity Cart
Question # 10
Which of these ensures the user will return to the page where they began the GuidedSelling process?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. checkout
B. postCartltems
C. remote action element
D. selectables element
E. done action element
F. set values element
Question # 11
The options for pricing bundlesinclude: (Choose TWO)Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Assigning the parent a zero price
B. Assigning a price to the parent and zero prices to the children
C. Assigning only pricing elements to the parent and children
D. Assigning only pricing variables to the parent and children
Question # 12
A fifed dock icon next to a line item in the Cart indicates which product selling period date?
A. Selling End Date
B. End of Life Date
C. Fulfilment Start Date
D. Selling Start Date
Question # 13
You apply rule sets rather than individual context rules to products or promotions.
A. True
B. False
Question # 14
Select all that apply: What are the phases of theDigital Commerce user experience model?
A. Configure
B. Basket
C. Cart
D. Payment
E. Submit
F. Checkout
Question # 15
Which type of action can be used in a Configuration/Validation Advanced Rule?
A. Restriction
B. Product Relationship
C. Penalty
D. Qualification
Question # 16
The developer prepares totext the rule by running by running the appropriate API cache jb,but ...Which two properties are causing the job to fail?Choose 2 answers
A. Code
B. Default Value
C. Data Type
D. Values for caching
Question # 17
In an attribute-based pricing matrix, which field is used as the key by thematchingalgorithm?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Source Product Code
B. Source Product Name
C. Source Product Recordld
D. Source Product Recordld and Source Product Name
Question # 18
What must a developer set to allow a user to modify an attribute in the Cart's configurationwindow?
A. Run-time Configurable property
B. Active property
C. Not Hidden property
D. Filterable property
Question # 19
Which of these is true for a time plan?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. ithas a start date.
B. it has an end date.
C. it has a length of time.
D. it can be prorated.
Question # 20
In Vlocity CME. if you want to regenerate the JSON attribute fields for all products in yourproduct catalog, what job should you run?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob. accessible in Vlocity University's training orgs via theProcess Attributes button.
B. ProductAttributesBatchProcessor, which can be run via the Refresh Pricebook functionon the CMT Administration screen.
C. ProductHierarchyBatchProcessor, which can be run via the Refresh Pricebook functionon the CMT Administration screen.
D. ResolveProductHierarchyBatchJob, which can be run via the Product HierarchyMaintenance function on the CMT Administration screen.
Question # 21
What does a time policy on a promotion determine? (Choose TWO)Note: This question displayed answer options in randomorder when taking this Test.
A. The duration of the promotion
B. The start date of a the promotion
C. The end date of the promotion
D. The purchase date of the promotion
Question # 22
In Vlocity Context Rules, a rule set must contain more than one rule.
A. True
B. False
Question # 23
A. Using Advanced Rules pricing rules
B. Using Context Rules associated with the price list
C. Using active pricing rules and related calculation matrices
D. Using the price list entry marked as base pricewith no calculation
Question # 24
Evaluation entity filters are used as "internal filters" for qualification entity filters.
A. Trrue
B. False
Question # 25
Which type of discount can be used to apply negotiated discounts to customer orders usingframe/pricing agreements?
A. Contract
B. Order
C. Group
D. Account
Question # 26
A company wants to offer a promotion only to new customers. The developer builds acontext rule to meet this requirement.The developer creates:* picklist named Account Status that contains values of New, Active, and Closed* A context dimension named Account Status and links it to the Account Status picklist* A context mappingthat uses the AnyAccountScope and a source expression of Status__c* A context rule called "New Customer Accounts" with a rule condition that will evaluate theAccount Status context dimension using a Hard Fail Fail Level* A rule set with a Rule Type=Qualification and an Action Taken=Qualify, adds the contextrule to it, andthen adds it to the promotionThe developer confirms that all context rule components are active and effective. Thedeveloper configures an order for a new account in the Cart, but the promotion does notappear in the list of qualified promotions.What should the developer have done?
A. Run the Product Hierarchy Maintenance job.
B. Create a context dimension name without a space.
C. Set the Rule Type to Evaluation,
D. Set the rulecondition to have a Fail Level-Soft Fail.
Question # 27
In Vlocity Cart, what does the Submit Order button do?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Invokes the CPQ API to create assets, sets the order status to Activated, and navigatetheuser to the account
B. invokes an OmniScript which calls the CPQ API to create assets, set the order status toActivated, and navigate the user to the account
C. Invokes a Flow to create assets, set the order status to Activated, and navigate the userto the account
D. Invokes an OmniScript to complete the order process and collect billing information
Question # 28
In Vlocity Cart, which of the following rules are run in the cartline items panel to determinerequired or excluded products and/or compatibility?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Configuration Validation (Compatibility) Advanced Rules
B. Evaluation Context Rules
C. Qualification Context Rules
D. Configuration Validation (Compatibility) Context Rules
Question # 29
Which of these is a method for pricing bundles?
A. Price the child products as zero and assign a flat rate to the parent product.
B. Use multiple price lists to assign more than one price to a product.
C. Change the display text of a price list entryto show the starting price.
Question # 30
A product does not need a base price to:Note:This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Show up as a pricing variable
B. Appear in the cart
C. Indicate the type of price it is
D. Have rules associated with it
Question # 31
When a user performs a search on the product list in Vlocity Cart, which fields are queried?
A. Product Name
B. Product description
C. Product Code
D. List Price
Question # 32
What are the purposes of the CPQPartition platform cache? (Choose TWO)Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. To store a streamlined version of the product hierarchy
B. To store a consolidated product attribute list, ensuring good performance during productconfiguration
C. Tostore data for CPQ context rules, increasing the speed of read/write operations
D. Cache local data for browser use
Question # 33
On the CMT Administration screen, what does the Product Hierarchy Maintenance job do?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. it calls the ResolveProductHierarchyBatchJob, which creates a streamlined version ofthe complete product hierarchy and copies it to the data store sObject.
B. It calls theProductHierarchyBatchProcessor. and copies the product hierarchy data storesObject to the platform org cache.
C. it calls the ProductAttributesBatchProcessor, which copies the filterable productattributes to the Cached Filterable Attribute sObject used by Vlocity Cart.
D. It calls the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob, which regenerates product attribute fieldsfor data that has been migrated from other orgs.
Question # 34
Why would you make the time plan of a child product different from that of the promotion?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. The child product is available only in limited quantities.
B. The discount for a child product ends before the promotion's subscription ends.
C. The billing system forthat child product is different from other child products in thepromotion.
D. The price of the child product is on a different price list.
Question # 35
Why would you make the time plan of a child product different from that of the promotion?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. The child product is available only in limited quantities.
B. The discount for a child product ends before the promotion's subscription ends.
C. The billing system forthat child product is different from other child products in thepromotion.
D. The price of the child product is on a different price list.
Question # 36
Which twoactions must the user lake before a completed Master Quote can be submittedfor a Multi-Service point Group?Choose 2 answers
A. Apply to Group
B. Configure line items
C. Add to Cart
D. price and Validate
Question # 37
Which twoactions must the user lake before a completed Master Quote can be submittedfor a Multi-Service point Group?Choose 2 answers
A. Apply to Group
B. Configure line items
C. Add to Cart
D. price and Validate
Question # 38
Which of the following are the key functions that you enable with a Guided SellingOmniScript process? (Choose THREE)Note: This question displayed answer options in random orderwhen taking this Test.
A. Instantiate the persistent cart
B. Allow users to select products from the shared product catalog and add them to the cart
C. Submit the order and return to the account
D. Allow users to review applicable promotions
E. Use multiple OmniScripts to get products
Question # 39
InVlocity Context Rules, what is the purpose of a rule set?
A. To contain one or more context rules in a set that can be assigned to products,promotions or price list entries
B. To combine Advanced Rules and Context Rules into a set
C. To define the cardinality used during rule processing
D. To organize context rules in logical group during design-time
Question # 40
Felix is a Vlocity CPQ administrator, and he needs to helplaunch their Smart Widgetproduct. They are doing a soft launch only for opportunities for existing B2B customers.What context scope should Felix use for the context mapping that he will create?Note: This question displayed answer options in random orderwhen taking this Test.
A. Opportunity.Account
B. Opportunity
C. Order.Account
D. Account
Question # 41
Which component uses a child catalog code to call the APIs and get a response with theappropriate products?
A. dcCatalog
B. dcChiidCatalog
C. dcOffeisList
Question # 42
The ProductAttributesBatchProcessor job copies the filterable product attributes across theproduct catalog to a specialized cached sObject for use in Vlocity Cart.
A. True
B. False
Question # 43
The "Take Me There" icon in Vlocity Cart does what?Note: This question displayed answer options in randomorder when taking this Test.
A. Returns the user to the Order Detail page to correct configuration errors
B. Navigates the user to the Line Item details Modal and highlights lines that requireconfiguration
C. Takes the user to the Product Catalog
D. Opens the Price List associated with the cart line items
Question # 44
In Vlocity Context Rules, only one rule set can apply to a promotion.
A. True
B. False
Question # 45
Which three of the following product relationship types are available when creating aVlocity Configuration/Validation rule?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Requires
B. Excludes
C. Recommends
D. Optional
E. Limited Quantity
F. Suggests
G. Not Compatible
Question # 46
What tasks must be done when new product bundles are added to the product catalog?(Choose TWO)Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Clear the platform cache
B. Refresh Pricebook, which runs the ProductHierarchyBatchProcessor job
C. Run the Product Hierarchy Maintenance batch job
D. No manual action is required
Question # 47
Felix is creating a new guided selling experience,and he notices that the Total Summary inhis persistent cart always displays “0 item in Cart” and the one time and monthly total areblank, despite having several items in the cart. How can he fix this?
A. Add “vlcCart_Top” as the Response JSON Node in the remote action that invokes thegetCarts method
B. Add a remote action that invokes the checkout method
C. Select the Render property for the remote action that invokes the postCartsItemsmethod
D. Activate the PricingElementServiceImplementation for thePricingPlanService interface
Question # 48
What is a layout section in Vlocity Product Console?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. A mechanism to group facets
B. A Lightning user interface control
C. a container for a Visualforce page
D. A WYSIWYG page editor within the Product Console
Question # 49
What do you use to take 20% off the price of a child product in a promotion?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. An adjustment
B. An override
C. A price list
D. A price list entry
Question # 50
Product images can either be URLs to online images or files that are uploaded toDocuments.
A. True
B. False
Question # 51
In Guided Selling, to initially set the price list Id for the cart, you must:Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Set the price list when you create the order
B. Link the price list Id to the checkout remote method and the order
C. Edit the JSON of the remote action containing the createCart remote method
D. Add the account number of the customer's account and the current date
Question # 52
What designates an attributeas a product attribute?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Setting its applicable object to Product2
B. Assigning the attribute to a product or an object type
C. Creating the attribute through Vlocity Product Console
D. Setting the type to Product Attribute
Question # 53
Felix is a Vlocity CPQ administrator, and he needs to create a new context rule for a B2Bproduct that enjoys the full sales cycle of opportunity, quote to order and then to asset.What context scope should he use when he creates his context mapping?Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Any
B. Order, Quote, Opportunity and Asset
C. Order andQuote
D. Opportunity
Question # 54
Which two actions are taken by the chechout method? Choose 2 answers
A. Validates the pricing and configuration of the items
B. Moves the opportunity, quote or order to the next state of the ordering process
C. Invokes an integration procedure to fulfil the order
D. Invokes a calculation procedure to validate and finalize pricing
Question # 55
Which two actions should the developer take to troubleshoot this issue?Choose 2 answers
A. Run Refresh Platform Cache
B. Run EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob
C. Run Product Hierarchy Maintenance
D. Run Load API Metadata
Question # 56
Vlocity Product Console does not support the creation of custom EPC objects.
A. True
B. False
Question # 57
A company wants to automatically decrease the price of a smartphone product withinspecified time frames.What should a developer configure to meet this requirement?
A. A promotion and time policies
B. A price fist entry with affectivity time frames
C. A context rule on the smartphone product and time policies
D. Multiple price lists with affectivity time frames
Question # 58
A company has two telesales teams: one that does business in Russian and another thatdoes business in English. The developer decides to enable the multi-language feature inthe shared catalog. However, during testing, Russian translations do not display in theCart.Which three things should the developer verify?Choose 3 answers
A. User's Locale is set to Russian.
B. Russian translations for the products exist in the StringTransIation object.
C. The Russian Locale is activated in the Vlocity Locale Code picklist.
D. Russian translations for the products exist in the Translation Workbench.
E. Users Language is set to Russian.
Question # 59
Context Dimension Domain Types include:
A. Picklist
B. Object Lookup
C. Type In
D. All of the above
Question # 60
Which of the following are the key technologies that power guided selling experience?
A. Vlocity OmniScript
B. Vlocity CPQ
C. Vlocity Order Management
D. Vlocity Account Manager
Question # 61
To test the new bundle, the developer adds it to the Cart, but only the parent productdisplays.What is causing this issue?
A. One of the child products has an incorrect Selling Start Date or End Date.
B. The product hierarchy data in the platform cache has not been refreshed.
C. The bundle's hierarchy exceeds the limit of 2 levels of child products.
D. The bundle is trying to roll Up monthly prices, and one of the childproducts has a onetime price.
Question # 62
All Vlocity Picklist definitionfields are not visible at run-time during order capture in VlocityCart.
A. True
B. False
Question # 63
All Vlocity Picklist definitionfields are not visible at run-time during order capture in VlocityCart.
A. True
B. False
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