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  • Updated On February 04, 2025

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Aspect Details
Exam Cost $200
Total Time 105 minutes
Available Languages English, Japanese, Spanish
Passing Marks 65%
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Exam Type Proctored
Prerequisites None

Salesforce Certified Sales Representative Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
Sales Strategy 20 Sales Strategy, Planning, and Execution
Sales Process 30 Sales Process, Opportunity Management, and Pipeline
Account Management 25 Account and Contact Management, Activity Management
Product Knowledge 10 Product and Service Knowledge, Pricing and Discounts
Salesforce Fundamentals 15 Salesforce Fundamentals, Salesforce Applications

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Salesforce-Sales-Representative Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A sales representative is doing a 9-month check-in with a customer following a successful deployment. The sales rep found an additional product that will help improve the customervalue and adoption.Which customer success concept is the sales rep utilizing in this example?

A. Improved experiences
B. Innovate together
C. Shared risks and shared accountability

Question # 2

A sales representative delivers a proposal and checks in with the prospect on theperceived value and alignment.At which stage are they in the sales process?

A. Connect
B. Confirm
C. Collaborate

Question # 3

A junior sales representative is trying to develop relationships with customers in an industrythat is changing rapidly. In addition, the number of channels to engage with customers hasincreased.How can the sales rep identify the most effective way to communicate with new andexisting customers?

A. Continue using methods that have worked in the past.
B. Collaborate with internal departments.
C. Follow standard sales scripts.

Question # 4

An experienced sales representative has several new leads and wants to understand theirpain points and decide if the company can meet their needs.At which stage should the sales rep complete a qualification call with the new leads?

A. Prospecting
B. Relationship building
C. Research

Question # 5

A sales representative is having a difficult time identifying the root cause of their customer'sissue. The sales rep knows they need to first acknowledge the customer's experience andperspective.What is the recommended action the sales rep should take next?

A. Provide a product demo.
B. Show empathy.
C. Make recommendations.

Question # 6

A sales representative is showing their customer how they can reduce their costs andimprove productivity.What is being delivered?

A. Use case
B. Value proposition
C. Success story

Question # 7

A company is introducing a new product line.How should a sales representative educate prospects on their products’ key benefits?

A. Storytelling
B. Customer journey maps
C. Social media marketing

Question # 8

After a successful sale of their latest software product, a sales representative wants tonurture their long-term relationship with the customer by driving productadoption.What success metric for product adoption can the sales rep use?

A. Session duration
B. User login rates
C. Number of users assigned a license

Question # 9

Why is it important for a sales representative to follow their company's sales methodology?

A. Creates consistent vision across sellers
B. Understands different approaches for achieving the same goal
C. Develops a better pipeline for growth

Question # 10

Which aspects of a prospect's buying culture and climate should a sales representativeconsider as part of the qualification process?

A. Standard billing terms, legal authority, and payment methods
B. Decision-making process, urgency for change, and openness to new solutions
C. Preferred communication channels, time zone, and office hours

Question # 11

What is a key indicator of a healthy sales pipeline for a sales representative?

A. A high volume of new deals entering the pipeline each month
B. A high percentage of deals in the last stage of the pipeline
C. A balanced distribution of deals across different stages of the pipeline

Question # 12

A sales representative's existing customer is opening offices in new regions.What should the sales rep focus on to increase the contract value?

A. Efficiency target
B. Growth target
C. Expansion target

Question # 13

What are the key elements of a successful cold call?

A. Several short questions and a shared link to product descriptions on the companywebsite
B. A compelling hook that ties in a product or service and open-ended questions
C. Details about the decision maker and a follow-up with them soon after the call

Question # 14

After verbally agreeing to the price and receiving a formal agreement, the customer informsthe sales representative they are delaying the signature due to concerns about a liabilityrisk.Which customer role should the sales rep meet with to address the concerns?

A. Legal
B. Operations
C. Finance

Question # 15

A sales representative identifies a strong business case for a customer and hosts a demoto show them potential offerings and solutions.What is the next sales pipeline stage the sales rep should enter to summarize and addressthe potential customer's needs?

A. Lead Qualification
B. Prospecting
C. Proposal

Question # 16

When assessing the risks and opportunities of a deal, why is it important to consider theduration of a contract?

A. Longer contracts increase cash flow predictability.
B. Longer contracts increase flexibility on delivery timescales.
C. Shorter contracts increase leverage for negotiation.

Question # 17

In the context of deal management, why is it important for a sales representative to earn adeeper level of trust and access to decision makers within the customer's organization?

A. To enhance the sales rep's understanding of the customer's needs
B. To increase the sales rep's personal network and influence
C. To gain access to information about the customer's competitors

Question # 18

How can a sales representative best identify a customer's challenges and initiatives?

A. Elicit detailed responses by asking open-ended questions during meetings.
B. Present an overview of new products their company has brought to market.
C. Ask "yes" or "no" questions to make the discussion efficient.

Question # 19

When assigned a new sales territory, what is the first step to prioritizing selling efforts?

A. Determine the physical location of each account.
B. Determine the number of accounts and territory size.
C. Identify the territory's key accounts.

Question # 20

A sales representative learns from a survey that a strategic customer has a low satisfactionscore because they are using only some of the products in their contract.What should the sales rep do first to improve customer satisfaction?

A. Offer a comprehensive demo of the products to the customer.
B. Encourage the customer to purchase additional products.
C. Add the customer to an educational marketing campaign.

Question # 21

A sales representative is looking for ways to engage with a prospect at a greenfieldaccount on a digital platform.Which customer-centric approach should be used by the sales rep?

A. Promote a prospect's content on social media.
B. Upsell to a prospect at an existing account.
C. Send an email with content links to a prospect.

Question # 22

A sales representative wants to foster team selling, increase customer satisfaction, anddecrease customer attrition at a critical account.Which business capability can help implement these goals?

A. Territory Management
B. Account Planning
C. Account and Contact Management

Question # 23

A sales representative spends time building their pipeline with many opportunities. Theirconversion percentage is fairly high, yet the total pipeline volume is far from their quota.Which strategy would help the sales rep increase their pipeline health?

A. Be patient knowing that the numbers will eventually improve over time.
B. Challenge their manager about whether their sales quota is realistic.
C. Analyze the potential deal size and decision makers' authority.

Question # 24

A forecast is based on the rollup of a set of opportunities.What are three dimensions in a forecast rollup?

A. Contacts, product family, and revenue
B. Time, categories, and territories
C. Quotes, contacts, and territories

Question # 25

A sales representative is having challenges getting access to the decision maker to close adeal.How can the sales rep convince their contact to make an introduction to the decisionmaker?

A. Focus the discussion on the contact's role and responsibilities.
B. Share a customer success story based on real-world use cases and results.
C. Increase the frequency of engagement with the contact.

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