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  • Updated On January 16, 2025

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  • Revenue-Cloud-Consultant-Accredited-Professional Practice Questions
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  • Updated On January 16, 2025
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Aspect Details
Exam Aspect Details
Exam Name Revenue Cloud Consultant Accredited Professional
Exam Code Revenue-Cloud-Consultant-Accredited-Professional
Cost $200 USD
Total Time 105 minutes
Number of Questions 60
Format Multiple Choice/Multiple Select
Available Languages English
Passing Score 65%
Prerequisites None
Retake Policy Can retake after 24 hours for the first retake, 14 days for subsequent retakes.

Salesforce Revenue Cloud Consultant Accredited Professional Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
CPQ and Billing Fundamentals 25% Understanding key concepts of CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) and Salesforce Billing.
Configuration and Pricing 25% Knowledge of product configuration, pricing methods, and CPQ tools.
Quoting and Contracts 20% Creating and managing quotes, contracts, and orders.
Product and Pricing Management 15% Handling product catalog, pricing models, and discounts.
Order Management and Renewals 10% Managing orders, renewals, amendments, and subscriptions.
Integrations and Data Migration 5% Integrating with other systems and migrating legacy data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Revenue-Cloud-Consultant-Accredited-Professional Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A Revenue Cloud user story states: "Sales users should have the ability to create new quotes with established rate cards and account specific discounts because currentcustomers are entitled to the pricing that was originally negotiated". In addition to loadingdata to Accounts, Contracts, Quotes what other objects will need to absorb legacy data?

A. Subscription
B. Contracted Pricing
C. Order Products
D. Entitlements

Question # 2

What three key considerations for legacy data migration will expand the project scope of aRevenue Cloud implementation?

A. Fragmented and incomplete information will need to be aggregated and validated,otherwise the solution will yield unexpected results
B. Extracting from multiple sources takes additional resources and time to access andprocess
C. The creation of external objects will bypass the need for legacy data migration
D. The Amendments and Renewals process will be subject to customizations
E. Large volumes of data take a longer time to load.

Question # 3

A Revenue Cloud project has a requirement where a product can be either 16m 52staxable or tax exempt depending on a custom field that holds the industry. “What is the appropriate solution to address this requirement?

A. Use automation to set the Tax Treatment based on the value of the custom field
B. Use automation to set the Tax Rule based on the value of the custom field
C. Use automation to set the Revenue Recognition Rule based on the value of the customfield
D. Use automation to set the Billing Rule based on the value of the custom field

Question # 4

A CPQ admin wants to improve the performance of Salesforce CPQ so that sales reps canquickly generate and send quotes. Which three steps can an admin take to improve theperformance of CPQ?

A. Product Rule evaluation event should be set to 'Always' to ensure product rule works inall scenarios
B. Ensure users who want to create large quotes have the CPQ Plus license
C. Ensure Salesforce CPQ is upgraded to the latest release
D. Reuse referenced fields across the Ul and rules
E. Rules that have a narrower evaluation scope will lead to better performance

Question # 5

What does INVEST stand for in the INVEST criteria when defining user stories?

A. Investable, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable
B. Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sequential, Testable
C. Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Equal, Small, Testable @®
D. Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable

Question # 6

What are two benefits to having trained customer CPQ admins participate in the planning,design and build phases?(Q2R)

A. Facilitates a more efficient test phase
B. Eliminates the need for documentation
C. Increases the commercial value to the paid engagement
D. Presents more opportunity for customers to ask for new requirements
E. Customer is better equipped to scale and maintain functionality post-golive

Question # 7

What are three reasons to establish a governance structure as part of your Revenue Cloudproject?

A. To assign more work for the customer when it comes to designing and building theRevenue Cloud solution
B. To establish a communication plan between the implementation team, the customer andthe work is coordinated between them
C. To ensure the implementation team can work independently for most of the project withlittle to no input from the customer
D. To get agreement on the roles and responsibilities of the implementation team andcustomer
E. To ensure the implementation team is aligned with the customer on assigned work.

Question # 8

A Revenue Cloud customer has posted an invoice and now wants to add on more items from another order associated to that account. Without using invoice batches, how can this be accomplished? 

A. Credit the invoice, add the new order and run an invoice scheduler to pick all the orders up. 
B. use bill now on the new order and reparent the new invoice lines to the existing invoice 
C. Cancel and Rebill the invoice,add the new Order and run an invoice scheduler to pick all the order up. 
D. Use bill now on the new Order and consolidate the invoices 

Question # 9

During user acceptance testing (UAT) a tester submitsan incident because the invoicetotal did not match the expected results. Which 3 types of information should be includedin the description of the incident and a quick resolution?

 A. description of new requirements that will help fix the issue 
B. quote number ordernumber or invoice number 
C. expected resolution date
D. steps to replace issue 
E. Expected results 

Question # 10

Universal containers recently migrated legacy contracts and subscriptions into salesforce in order to facilitateamendments and renewals in CPQ.however ,sales user sare getting the ‘attempt to de-reference a null object’ error when amending the legacy contract.what is the most likely cause for the error?

A. Migrated contracts and subscriptions cannot be amended using salesforce CPQ 
B. Amendment of legacy contract and subscription data requires asset-based renewalmethod 
C. Required fields are missing or incorrectly populated on the legacy contract andsubscription data 
D. Legacy subscription data are missing a lookup to a source quote line record 

Question # 11

Universal Containers sell a product bundle named “Corporate IT Solutions”. One of theproduct options inside this bundle is named Hardware Firewall Universal Containers has arequirement where if the customer has purchased a hardware firewall in the past, thehardware firewall product option should be hidden while configuring the bundle. TheCPQ admin has created a product rule to handle this requirement. What should theevaluation event of the product rule be set to? 

A. Always 
B. Save 
C. Load and Edit 
D. Load.

Question # 12

Universal containers has threeproduct families-hardware, software and services,their salesreps want to be able to view the net totals of various product families at the quotelevel.in order to support this,the CPQ admin has created3 price rules that use summaryvariables to add the net total for quote lines that belong toa particular product family andintend topopulate the sums to custom fields on the quote record.from a performancestandpoint,which of the following is true? 

A. it would be better to create separate quotes for each of the product families 
B. it would be better to use a single price rule with 3 price actions 
C. it would be better to create separate quote line groups for each of the product families and then use quote line groupauto-summary functionality 
D. the current solution with3separate price rules is the most optimal solution 

Question # 13

What Planning Strategies Should be taken to Make User AcceptanceTesting(UAT) efficient?(Choose 3 options) 

A. Execute all tests on behalf of the customer 
B. Define and agree on acceptance criteria with customer 
C. Issue change orders for all incidents that arise during testing 
D. Train UAT testers on the new functionality 
E. Finalize test plans before the build Phase completes 

Question # 14

What does the ‘safe harbor’ slide at the beginning of every salesforce presentationmeans? 

A. roadmap capability will be released exactly as they are demonstrated
B. new release capabilities will not have impact to existing implementations
 C. anything presented from salesforce must be kept confidentialmergers and acquisitions integrations are immediate 
D. You and or your customer aremaking scoping,design,planning,purchasing making decisions based on current and available capabilities 

Question # 15

What is the most Scalable way to set the legal Entityon the Order Product and OrderProduct Consumption Schedule? 

A. Use a WorkFlow 
B. Use a Custom Setting 
C. Use a Quote Calculator Plugin(QCP) 
D. Use a Flow that is triggered when the record is created and run before the record issaved. 

Question # 16

You are implementing the Design Document for a large Enterprise Revenue Cloudprojecthaving multiple lookup price rules supporting a complex pricing requirement in the Buildphase. During construction the customer discovers additional logic and external datastores that need to be incorporated in order to achieve the correct pricing in a particular setof use cases. You estimate the lookup price rules will need to be modified, additional ruleswill need to be created and API development will beneeded. As an Implementationconsultant what is the appropriate course of action that should take in this predicament? 

A. Communication to the customer ongoing adjustment can be made as long as we're in the build phase. 
B. Implement the lookup price rules immediately then review with the solution Architect. 
C. Communicate these changes to the project manager who will evaluate the impact to scope, timeline and budget them determine the next course of action 
D. Consult with the solution Architect first who will expedite the updates to the design documents, then implement the changes immediately. 
E. Gather more details, if it requires a low level of effort then implement immediately before starting the next sprint, Otherwise Complete on the subsequent sprint. 

Question # 17

A Revenue Cloud User story states “ Sales Users shouldhave the ability to create newquotes with established rate cards and account specific discounts because currentcustomers are entitled to the pricing that was originally negotiated”.In addition to loadingdata to Accounts,contracts,Quotes what other object will need toabsorb legacy data? 

A. Contracted Pricing 
B. Subscription 
C. Order Products 
D. Entitlements 

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