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  • Updated On February 10, 2025

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  • Process-Automation Practice Questions
  • 78 Questions
  • Updated On February 10, 2025
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Salesforce Process-Automation Exam Overview:

Aspect Details
Attribute Detail
Exam Cost $200 (plus applicable taxes)
Total Time 105 minutes
Available Languages English
Passing Marks 65%
Exam Format Multiple-choice, multiple-select
Number of Questions 60
Prerequisites None
Exam Delivery Method Online proctored or testing center

Salesforce Process Automation Accredited Professional Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
Workflow Automation 30% Understanding and implementation of workflow rules and approvals.
Process Builder 30% Design, build, and manage automated processes using Process Builder.
Flow Automation 25% Creating complex flows to automate business processes.
Approvals 15% Implementing approval processes and understanding their use cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Process-Automation Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Salesforce Administrator would like to build a process to ask customers ten differentquestions when on a call with marketing users. Questions are based on the country andaccount languagepreference if the prospect is already a customer. How could the Administrator meet thisrequirement?

A. Write Apex code to show the questions automatically.
B. Create a process builder to display questions based on country and language.
C. Create a custom object for Questions and another object for answers, then use LWC todisplay questions dynamically.
D. Create a flow to display questions based on country and language.

Question # 2

Once a flow is activated, what are the two requirements for any user to run the flow?

A. Access to all the records referenced inside the flow and all the referenced fields in thoserecords.
B. Access to all the records referenced inside the flow.
C. The "Flow User" field enabled on their user detail page.
D. The “Run Flows" user permission.

Question # 3

Torun flows, a user must have which permission?

A. Manage Flows
B. Flow User
C. Run Flows
D. View Screen Flows

Question # 4

What is the maximum versions per flow that one can create in an enterprise or unlimitededition?

A. 100.0
B. 50.0
C. 1000.0
D. 900.0

Question # 5

How is a flow interview described?

A. It is a reflective instance of a flow.
B. It is a special connector between two elements.
C. It is a running instance of a flow.
D. It is a debug instruction.

Question # 6

Which two places can a flow designer distribute a flow with a screen?

A. Lightning Pages
B. Utility Bar
C. Buttons
D. LWC javascript
E. Related List

Question # 7

To override the context a flow typically runs in, set the flow to run in which context?

A. RunAs context
B. User context
C. Debug context
D. System context

Question # 8

What's the difference between Salesforce Flow and Flow Builder?

A. Salesforce Flow is a part of Flow Builder.
B. Flow Builder is a part of Salesforce Flow.
C. Salesforce Flow is the fastest version of Flow Builder.
D. Flow Builder isn't available in Lightning Experience, but Salesforce Flow is.

Question # 9

In which three ways can a flow designer distribute flows that involve user interaction?

A. Microservice Frame
B. Flow actions
C. Custom Lightning web components
D. Field Portal Mobile App
E. Lightning pages

Question # 10

Which three Process Automation Settings can be found in Setup?

A. Let Administrators resume flows with pending actions
B. Let users select run-as another user
C. Let users pause flows
D. Let users resume shared flow interviews
E. Let Administrators debug flows as other users

Question # 11

What does a Constant resource do?

A. It displays text input.
B. It displays static text to the user.
C. It allows to configure logic to change the data type.
D. It stores a fixed value that can be used throughout the flow.

Question # 12

Which resource should be used as a placeholder to store temporary values, and can bechangedduring a Flow?

A. Error Message
B. Text Template
C. Variable
D. Formula

Question # 13

How can an Administrator monitor pending scheduled actions?

A. By executing Monitor Script.
B. By periodically checking the Inbox.
C. By going to Setup.
D. By creating keep-alive events for scheduled actions.

Question # 14

Which three options are appropriate to distribute as a flow in a Site or a Portal instead of aSalesforce org?

A. A survey to collect feedback on new products.
B. A guided script for service reps to follow when customers lose their credit card.
C. An interest form for an upcoming conference.
D. A partner-sourced lead conversion wizard for internal Sales team.
E. A new product registration form.

Question # 15

The architect is designing a flow where a screen flow is used to create a contact anddisplay aconfirmation screen. While the confirmation screen is displayed, remote API is invoked toupdatethe contact in the external system. The update fails. How should the architect resolve thedesign?

A. Add error handling mechanism to the flow and test often and early.
B. Use a separate transaction to update the contact in the external system.
C. Use Apex since updating a contact in the remote system is not possible in flow.
D. Use the Process builder instead of flow.

Question # 16

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is looking to build an app for its logistics team where userswillbe able to submit inventory refill requests. The current manual process involves filling out alongform containing many fields. NTO is planning to replace the current process with Flows.Usersfrequently change field values as they are filling out the form. What should NTO keep in mindabout letting users go backward in the Flow to make updates to field values?

A. Allow Navigation’ needs to be set to TRUE on the Flow.
B. Only users with "Navigate Flows” permission can navigate to previous screens.
C. Letting users navigate from the later screen to the previous screen could result induplicates.
D. Once the user navigates to previous screen, all field values on the current screen will belost and will need to be repopulated.

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