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Frequently Asked Questions

Splunk SPLK-3001 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which of the following is an adaptive action that is configured by default for ES?  

A. Create notable event
B. Create new correlation search
C. Create investigation
D. Create new asset

Question # 2

Which of the following steps will make the Threat Activity dashboard the default landing page in ES? 

A. From the Edit Navigation page, drag and drop the Threat Activity view to the top of the page.
B. From the Preferences menu for the user, select Enterprise Security as the default application.
C. From the Edit Navigation page, click the 'Set this as the default view" checkmark for Threat Activity.
D. Edit the Threat Activity view settings and checkmark the Default View option.

Question # 3

How is it possible to specify an alternate location for accelerated storage? 

A. Configure storage optimization settings for the index.
B. Update the Home Path setting in indexes, conf
C. Use the tstatsHomePath setting in props, conf
D. Use the tstatsHomePath Setting in indexes, conf

Question # 4

Which tool Is used to update indexers In E5? 

A. Index Updater
B. Distributed Configuration Management
C. indexes.conf
D. Splunk_TA_ForIndexeres. spl

Question # 5

What is the maximum recommended volume of indexing per day, per indexer, for a noncloud (on-prem) ES deployment?

A. 50 GB
B. 100 GB
C. 300 GB
D. 500 MB

Question # 6

When installing Enterprise Security, what should be done after installing the add-ons necessary for normalizing data?

A. Configure the add-ons according to their README or documentation.
B. Disable the add-ons until they are ready to be used, then enable the add-ons.
C. Nothing, there are no additional steps for add-ons.
D. Configure the add-ons via the Content Management dashboard.

Question # 7

When using distributed configLradon management to create the spiunk_TA_Forindexers package, vrfilch three files can be included? 

A. eventtypes.conf, indexes.conf, tags.conf
B. indexes.conf, props.conf, transforms.conf
C. inputs.conf, props.conf, transforms.conf
D. web.conf, props.conf, transforms.conf

Question # 8

What is an example of an ES asset? 

A. MAC address
B. User name
C. Server
D. People

Question # 9

Which of the following is a Web Intelligence dashboard?  

A. Network Center
B. Endpoint Center
C. HTTP Category Analysis
D. stream :http Protocol dashboard

Question # 10

A newly built custom dashboard needs to be available to a team of security analysts In ES. How is It possible to Integrate the new dashboard? 

A. Add links on the ES home page to the new dashboard.
B. Create a new role Inherited from es_analyst, make the dashboard permissions readonly, and make this dashboard the default view for the new role.
C. Set the dashboard permissions to allow access by es_analysts and use the navigation editor to add it to the menu.
D. Add the dashboard to a custom add-in app and install it to ES using the Content Manager.

Question # 11

Which of the following actions may be necessary before installing ES? 

A. Redirect distributed search connections.
B. Purge KV Store.
C. Add additional indexers.
D. Add additional forwarders.

Question # 12

What do threat gen searches produce? 

A. Threat Intel in KV Store collections.
B. Threat correlation searches.
C. Threat notables in the notable index.
D. Events in the threat_activity index.

Question # 13

The option to create a Short ID for a notable event is located where? 

A. The Additional Fields.
B. The Event Details.
C. The Contributing Events.
D. The Description.

Question # 14

Which of these Is a benefit of data normalization? 

A. Reports run faster because normalized data models can be optimized for better performance.
B. Dashboards take longer to build.
C. Searches can be built no matter the specific source technology for a normalized data type.
D. Forwarder-based inputs are more efficient.

Question # 15

Which of the following is part of tuning correlation searches for a new ES installation? 

A. Configuring correlation notable event index.
B. Configuring correlation permissions.
C. Configuring correlation adaptive responses.
D. Configuring correlation result storage.

Question # 16

Which of the following is a recommended pre-installation step?  

A. Disable the default search app.
B. Configure search head forwarding.
C. Download the latest version of KV Store from MongoDBxom.
D. Install the latest Python distribution on the search head.

Question # 17

Which lookup table does the Default Account Activity Detected correlation search use to flag known default accounts?

A. Administrative Identities
B. Local User Intel
C. Identities
D. Privileged Accounts

Question # 18

A security manager has been working with the executive team en long-range security goals. A primary goal for the team Is to Improve managing user risk in the organization. Which of the following ES features can help identify users accessing inappropriate web sites?

A. Configuring the identities lookup with user details to enrich notable event Information for forensic analysis. 
B. Make sure the Authentication data model contains up-to-date events and is properly accelerated. 
C. Configuring user and website watchlists so the User Activity dashboard will highlight unwanted user actions.
D. Use the Access Anomalies dashboard to identify unusual protocols being used to access corporate sites. 

Question # 19

Analysts have requested the ability to capture and analyze network traffic data. The administrator has researched the documentation and, based on this research, has decided to integrate the Splunk App for Stream with ES.Which dashboards will now be supported so analysts can view and analyze network Stream data?

A. Endpoint dashboards.
B. User Intelligence dashboards.
C. Protocol Intelligence dashboards.
D. Web Intelligence dashboards.

Question # 20

Where should an ES search head be installed? 

A. On a Splunk server running Splunk DB Connect.
B. On a Splunk server with top level visibility.
C. On a server with a new install of Splunk.
D. On any Splunk server.

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