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Splunk SPLK-1002 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which of the following statements describe the Common Information Model (CIM)? (select all that apply)

A. CIM is a methodology for normalizing data.
B. CIM can correlate data from different sources.
C. The Knowledge Manager uses the CIM to create knowledge objects.
D. CIM is an app that can coexist with other apps on a single Splunk deployment.

Question # 2

Which of the following knowledge objects represents the output of an eval expression? 

A. Eval fields  
B. Calculated fields  
C. Field extractions  
D. Calculated lookups  

Question # 3

Data model are composed of one or more of which of the following datasets? (select allthat apply.)

A. Events datasets
B. Search datasets
C. Transaction datasets
D. Any child of event, transaction, and search datasets

Question # 4

In which Settings section are macros defined?

A. Fields
B. Tokens
C. Advanced Search
D. Searches, Reports, Alerts

Question # 5

Use this command to use lookup fields in a search and see the lookup fields in the fieldsidebar.

A. inputlookup
B. lookup

Question # 6

Which type of visualization shows relationships between discrete values in threedimensions?

A. Pie chart
B. Line chart
C. Bubble chart
D. Scatter chart 

Question # 7

Calculated fields can be based on which of the following?

A. Tags
B. Extracted fields
C. Output fields for a lookup
D. Fields generated from a search string

Question # 8

How is a Search Workflow Action configured to run at the same time range as the originalsearch?

A. Set the earliest time to match the original search.
B. Select the same time range from the time-range picker.
C. Select the "Use the same time range as the search that created the field listing"checkbox.
D. Select the "Overwrite time range with the original search" checkbox.

Question # 9

The eval command allows you to do which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

A. Format values
B. Convert values
C. Perform calculations
D. Use conditional statements

Question # 10

A data model can consist of what three types of datasets?

A. Pivot, searches, and events.
B. Pivot, events, and transactions.
C. Searches, transactions, and pivot.
D. Events, searches, and transactions.

Question # 11

Which command can include both an over and a by clause to divide results into subgroupings?

A. chart
B. stats
C. xyseries
D. transaction

Question # 12

Which of the following is a function of the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)?

A. Normalizing data across a Splunk deployment.
B. Providing templates for reports and dashboards.
C. Algorithmically shifting events to other indexes.
D. Reingesting previously indexed data with new field names.

Question # 13

What information must be included when using the datamodel command?

A. status field
B. Multiple indexes
C. Data model field name.
D. Data model dataset name.

Question # 14

What is the correct format for naming a macro with multiple arguments?

A. monthly_sales(argument 1, argument 2, argument 3)
B. monthly_sales(3)
C. monthly_sales[3]
D. monthly_sales[argument 1, argument 2, argument 3)

Question # 15

Which of the following is one of the pre-configured data models included in the SplunkCommon Information Model (CIM) add-on?

A. Access
B. Accounting
C. Authorization
D. Authentication

Question # 16

Which of the following statements describes calculated fields?

A. Calculated fields are only used on fields added by lookups.
B. Calculated fields are a shortcut for repetitive and complex eval commands.
C. Calculated fields are a shortcut for repetitive and complex calc commands.
D. Calculated fields automatically calculate the simple moving average for indexed fields.

Question # 17

When is a GET workflow action needed?

A. To send field values to an external resource.
B. To retrieve information from an external resource.
C. To use field values to perform a secondary search.
D. To define how events flow from forwarders to indexes.

Question # 18

Data models are composed of one or more of which of the following datasets? (select all that apply)

A. Transaction datasets
B. Events datasets
C. Search datasets
D. Any child of event, transaction, and search datasets

Question # 19

This tab shows you the event patterns in the results of a specific search.

A. statistics
B. visualization
C. patterns

Question # 20

Which of the following searches will return events containing a tag named Privileged?

A. tag=Priv
B. tag=Priv*
C. tag=priv*
D. tag=privileged

Question # 21

Which of the following searches show a valid use of a macro? (Choose all that apply.)

A. index=main source=mySource oldField=* |’makeMyField(oldField)’| table _time newField
B. index=main source=mySource oldField=* | stats if(‘makeMyField(oldField)’) | table _timenewField
C. index=main source=mySource oldField=* | eval newField=’makeMyField(oldField)’| table_time newField
D. index=main source=mySource oldField=* | "’newField(‘makeMyField(oldField)’)’" | table_time newField

Question # 22

Consider the following search: Index=web sourcetype=access_combined The log shows several events that share the same JSESSIONID value (SD404K289O2F151). View the events as a group. From the following list, which search groups events by JSESSIONID?

A. index=web sourcetype=access_combined SD404K289O2F151 I table JSESSIONID
B. index=web sourcetype=access_combined JSESSIONID <SD404K289O2F151>
C. index=web sourcetype=access_combined I highlight JSESSIONID I searchSD404K289O2F151
D. index-web sourcetype=access_combined I transaction JSESSIONID I searchSD404K289O2F151

Question # 23

What happens when a user edits the regular expression (regex) field extraction generated in the Field Extractor (FX)?

A. There is a limit to the number of fields that can be extracted.
B. The user is unable to preview the extractions.
C. The extraction is added at index time.
D. The user is unable to return to the automatic field extraction workflow.

Question # 24

What is the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)?

A. The CIM is a prerequisite that any data source must meet to be successfully onboardedinto Splunk.
B. The CIM provides a methodology to normalize data from different sources and sourcetypes.
C. The CIM defines an ecosystem of apps that can be fully supported by Splunk.
D. The CIM is a data exchange initiative between software vendors.

Question # 25

During the validation step of the Field Extractor workflow:Select your answer.

A. You can remove values that aren't a match for the field you want to define
B. You can validate where the data originated from
C. You cannot modify the field extraction

Question # 26

If a search returns ____________ it can be viewed as a chart. 

A. timestamps
B. statistics
C. events 
D. keywords  

Question # 27

When using the timechart command, how can a user group the events into buckets based on time?

A. Using the span argument.
B. Using the duration argument.
C. Using the interval argument.
D. Adjusting the fieldformat options.

Question # 28

Which of the following statements describes the use of the Field Extractor (FX)?

A. The Field Extractor automatically extracts all fields at search time.
B. The Field Extractor uses PERL to extract fields from the raw events.
C. Fields extracted using the Field Extractor persist as knowledge objects.
D. Fields extracted using the Field Extractor do not persist and must be defined for eachsearch.

Question # 29

In the following eval statement, what is the value of description if the status is 503?index=main | eval description=case(status==200, "OK", status==404, "Not found",status==500, "Internal Server Error")

A. The description field would contain no value.
B. The description field would contain the value 0.
C. The description field would contain the value "Internal Server Error".
D. This statement would produce an error in Splunk because it is incomplete.

Question # 30

What does the fillnull command replace null values with, if the value argument is not specified?

A. 0
B. N/A
C. NaN

Question # 31

Which of the following searches would create a graph similar to the one below?

A. index_internal seourcetype=Savesplunker | fields sourcetype, status | transaction status maxspan-id | start count states
B. index_internal seourcetype=Savesplunker | fields sourcetype, status | transaction status maxspan-id | chart count states by -time
C. index_internal seourcetype=Savesplunker | fields sourcetype, status | transaction status maxspan-id | timechart count by status
D. None of these searches would generate a similart graph.

Question # 32

The gauge command:

A. creates a single-value visualization
B. allows you to set colored ranges for a single-value visualization
C. creates a radial gauge visualization

Question # 33

Use the dedup command to _____.

A. Rename a field in the index
B. remove duplicate values
C. provide an additional alias for the field that can D.be used in the search criteria

Question # 34

Using the export function, you can export search results as __________.( Select all that apply)

A. Xml
B. Json
C. Html
D. A php file

Question # 35

This function of the stats command allows you to return the middle-most value of field X.

A. Median(X)
B. Eval by X
C. Fields(X)
D. Values(X)

Question # 36

There are several ways to access the field extractor. Which option automatically identifies data type, source type, and sample event?

A. Event Actions > Extract Fields
B. Fields sidebar > Extract New Field
C. Settings > Field Extractions > New Field Extraction
D. Settings > Field Extractions > Open Field Extraction

Question # 37

What other syntax will produce exactly the same results as | chart count over vendor_action by user?

A. | chart count by vendor_action, user
B. | chart count over vendor_action, user
C. | chart count by vendor_action over user
D. | chart count over user by vendor_action

Question # 38

which of the following commands are used when creating visualizations(select all that apply.)

A. Geom
B. Choropleth
C. Geostats
D. iplocation

Question # 39

When you mouse over and click to add a search term this (thesE. Boolean operator(s) is(arE. not implied. (Select all that apply). 

B. ( )

Question # 40

Which of the following search modes automatically returns all extracted fields in the fields sidebar?

A. Fast
B. Smart
C. Verbose

Question # 41

This function of the stats command allows you to return the sample standard deviation of a field.

A. stdev
B. dev
C. count deviation
D. by standarddev

Question # 42

Which workflow uses field values to perform a secondary search?

B. Action
C. Search
D. Sub-Search

Question # 43

Which search would limit an "alert" tag to the "host" field?

A. tag=alert
B. host::tag::alert
C. tag==alert
D. tag::host=alert

Question # 44

When a search returns __________, you can view the results as a list.

A. a list of events
B. transactions
C. statistical values

Question # 45

In most large Splunk environments, what is the most efficient command that can be used to group events by fields/

A. join
B. stats
C. streamstats
D. transaction

Question # 46

Which of the following statements about tags is true? (select all that apply.)

A. Tags are case-insensitive.
B. Tags are based on field/vale pairs.
C. Tags categorize events based on a search.
D. Tags are designed to make data more understandable.

Question # 47

Which statement is true?

A. Pivot is used for creating datasets.
B. Data model are randomly structured datasets.
C. Pivot is used for creating reports and dashboards.
D. In most cases, each Splunk user will create their own data model.

Question # 48

Which of the following are valid options to speed up reports? (Select all the apply.)

A. Edit permissions
B. Edit description
C. Edit acceleration
D. Edit schedule

Question # 49

Which knowledge Object does the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) use to normalize data. in addition to field aliases, event types, and tags?

A. Macros
B. Lookups
C. Workflow actions
D. Field extractions

Question # 50

Information needed to create a GET workflow action includes which of the following? (select all that apply.)

A. A name of the workflow action
B. A URI where the user will be directed at search time.
C. A label that will appear in the Event Action menu at search time.
D. A name for the URI where the user will be directed at search time.

Question # 51

Which command is used to create choropleth maps?

A. geostats
B. cluster
C. geom

Question # 52

These allow you to categorize events based on search terms.Select your answer.

A. Groups
B. Event Types
C. Macros
D. Tags

Question # 53

Clicking a SEGMENT on a chart, ________.

A. drills down for that value
B. highlights the field value across the chart
C. adds the highlighted value to the search criteria

Question # 54

These users can create global knowledge objects. (Select all that apply.)

A. users
B. power users
C. administrators

Question # 55

Which is not a comparison operator in Splunk

A. <=
B. =
C. !=
D. >
E. ?=

Question # 56

Which of the following are valid options with the chart command ?(select all that apply)

A. usenull=f
B. useother=f
C. split=t
D. transcation=t

Question # 57

Which of the following searches will show the number of categoryld used by each host?

A. Sourcetype=access_* |sum bytes by host
B. Sourcetype=access_* |stats sum(categorylD. by host
C. Sourcetype=access_* |sum(bytes) by host
D. Sourcetype=access_* |stats sum by host

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