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Splunk SPLK-2002 Exam Overview:

Aspect Details
Exam Name Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect
Exam Code SPLK-2002
Exam Cost $130 USD
Total Time 90 minutes
Number of Questions 68
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Available Languages English
Passing Score 700 out of 1000
Exam Prerequisites Splunk Core Certified Power User and Splunk Core Certified Admin
Exam Delivery Online Proctored and Testing Center
Recertification Every 3 years

Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
Introduction to Splunk 5% Basic understanding and initial setup of Splunk.
Planning and Deployment 15% Planning and deploying Splunk in a distributed environment.
Configuration 15% Configuration and management of Splunk components.
Indexing 15% Data indexing, parsing, and retention policies.
Search Head Cluster 15% Configuring and managing search head clusters.
Indexer Cluster 20% Configuring and managing indexer clusters.
Monitoring and Maintenance 10% Monitoring the Splunk environment and performing regular maintenance.
Troubleshooting 5% Identifying and resolving issues in Splunk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Splunk SPLK-2002 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Following Splunk recommendations, where could the Monitoring Console (MC) be installedin a distributed deployment with an indexer cluster, a search head cluster, and 1000forwarders?

A. On a search peer in the cluster.
B. On the deployment server.
C. On the search head cluster deployer.
D. On a search head in the cluster.

Question # 2

When implementing KV Store Collections in a search head cluster, which of the followingconsiderations is true?

A. The KV Store Primary coordinates with the search head cluster captain when collectioncontent changes.
B. The search head cluster captain is also the KV Store Primary when collection contentchanges.
C. The KV Store Collection will not allow for changes to content if there are more than 50search heads in the cluster.
D. Each search head in the cluster independently updates its KV store collection whencollection content changes.

Question # 3

When should a Universal Forwarder be used instead of a Heavy Forwarder?

A. When most of the data requires masking.
B. When there is a high-velocity data source.
C. When data comes directly from a database server.
D. When a modular input is needed.

Question # 4

On search head cluster members, where in $splunk_home does the Splunk Deployerdeploy app content by default?

A. etc/apps/
B. etc/slave-apps/
C. etc/shcluster/
D. etc/deploy-apps/

Question # 5

A Splunk environment collecting 10 TB of data per day has 50 indexers and 5 searchheads. A single-site indexer cluster will be implemented. Which of the following is a bestpractice for added data resiliency?

A. Set the Replication Factor to 49.
B. Set the Replication Factor based on allowed indexer failure.
C. Always use the default Replication Factor of 3.
D. Set the Replication Factor based on allowed search head failure.

Question # 6

As of Splunk 9.0, which index records changes to . conf files?

A. _configtracker
B. _introspection
C. _internal
D. _audit

Question # 7

Which of the following server. conf stanzas indicates the Indexer Discovery feature has not been fully configured (restart pending) on the Master Node?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 8

When converting from a single-site to a multi-site cluster, what happens to existing singlesiteclustered buckets?

A. They will continue to replicate within the origin site and age out based on existing policies.
B. They will maintain replication as required according to the single-site policies, but never age out.
C. They will be replicated across all peers in the multi-site cluster and age out based on existing policies.
D. They will stop replicating within the single-site and remain on the indexer they reside on and age out according to existing policies. 

Question # 9

What information is needed about the current environment before deploying Splunk?(select all that apply)

A. List of vendors for network devices.
B. Overall goals for the deployment.
C. Key users.
D. Data sources.

Question # 10

Determining data capacity for an index is a non-trivial exercise. Which of the following arepossible considerations that would affect daily indexing volume? (select all that apply)

A. Average size of event data.
B. Number of data sources.
C. Peak data rates.
D. Number of concurrent searches on data.

Question # 11

Where in the Job Inspector can details be found to help determine where performance is affected?

A. Search Job Properties > runDuration
B. Search Job Properties > runtime
C. Job Details Dashboard > Total Events Matched
D. Execution Costs > Components

Question # 12

Which of the following clarification steps should be taken if apps are not appearing on adeployment client? (Select all that apply.)

A. Check serverclass.conf of the deployment server.
B. Check deploymentclient.conf of the deployment client.
C. Check the content of SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps of the deployment server.
D. Search for relevant events in splunkd.log of the deployment server.

Question # 13

Which props.conf setting has the least impact on indexing performance?


Question # 14

To expand the search head cluster by adding a new member, node2, what first step isrequired?

A. splunk bootstrap shcluster-config -mgmt_uri https://node2:8089 -replication_port 9200 -secret supersecretkey
B. splunk init shcluster-config -master_uri https://node2:8089 -replication_port 9200 -secretsupersecretkey
C. splunk init shcluster-config -mgmt_uri https://node2:8089 -replication_port 9200 -secretsupersecretkey
D. splunk add shcluster-member -new_member_uri https://node2:8089 -replication_port9200 -secret supersecretkey

Question # 15

What is needed to ensure that high-velocity sources will not have forwarding delays to the indexers?

A. Increase the default value of sessionTimeout in server, conf.
B. Increase the default limit for maxKBps in limits.conf.
C. Decrease the value of forceTimebasedAutoLB in outputs. conf.
D. Decrease the default value of phoneHomelntervallnSecs in deploymentclient .conf.

Question # 16

In splunkd. log events written to the _internal index, which field identifies the specific log channel?

A. component
B. source
C. sourcetype
D. channel

Question # 17

What is the expected minimum amount of storage required for data across an indexer cluster with the following input and parameters?• Raw data = 15 GB per day• Index files = 35 GB per day• Replication Factor (RF) = 2• Search Factor (SF) = 2

A. 85 GB per day
B. 50 GB per day
C. 100 GB per day
D. 65 GB per day

Question # 18

Splunk Enterprise performs a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) against the first and lastbytes to prevent the same file from being re-indexed if it is rotated or renamed. What is thenumber of bytes sampled by default?

A. 128
B. 512
C. 256
D. 64

Question # 19

When should a dedicated deployment server be used?

A. When there are more than 50 search peers.
B. When there are more than 50 apps to deploy to deployment clients.
C. When there are more than 50 deployment clients.
D. When there are more than 50 server classes.

Question # 20

When should a dedicated deployment server be used?

A. When there are more than 50 search peers.
B. When there are more than 50 apps to deploy to deployment clients.
C. When there are more than 50 deployment clients.
D. When there are more than 50 server classes.

Question # 21

A Splunk architect has inherited the Splunk deployment at Buttercup Games and end usersare complaining that the events are inconsistently formatted for a web source. Furtherinvestigation reveals that not all weblogs flow through the same infrastructure: some of thedata goes through heavy forwarders and some of the forwarders are managed by another department.Which of the following items might be the cause of this issue?

A. The search head may have different configurations than the indexers.
B. The data inputs are not properly configured across all the forwarders.
C. The indexers may have different configurations than the heavy forwarders.
D. The forwarders managed by the other department are an older version than the rest.

Question # 22

Which of the following is true regarding Splunk Enterprise's performance? (Select all that apply.)

A. Adding search peers increases the maximum size of search results.
B. Adding RAM to existing search heads provides additional search capacity.
C. Adding search peers increases the search throughput as the search load increases.
D. Adding search heads provides additional CPU cores to run more concurrent searches.

Question # 23

Which of the following Splunk deployments has the recommended minimum components for a high-availability search head cluster?

A. 2 search heads, 1 deployer, 2 indexers
B. 3 search heads, 1 deployer, 3 indexers
C. 1 search head, 1 deployer, 3 indexers
D. 2 search heads, 1 deployer, 3 indexers

Question # 24

A search head cluster with a KV store collection can be updated from where in the KV store collection?

A. The search head cluster captain.
B. The KV store primary search head.
C. Any search head except the captain.
D. Any search head in the cluster.

Question # 25

Which of the following options in limits, conf may provide performance benefits at theforwarding tier?

A. Enable the indexed_realtime_use_by_default attribute.
B. Increase the maxKBps attribute.
C. Increase the parallellngestionPipelines attribute.
D. Increase the max_searches per_cpu attribute.

Question # 26

Which of the following items are important sizing parameters when architecting a Splunkenvironment? (select all that apply)

A. Number of concurrent users.
B. Volume of incoming data.
C. Existence of premium apps.
D. Number of indexes.

Question # 27

Which of the following is a valid use case that a search head cluster addresses?

A. Provide redundancy in the event a search peer fails.
B. Search affinity.
C. Knowledge Object replication.
D. Increased Search Factor (SF).

Question # 28

Which Splunk component is mandatory when implementing a search head cluster?

A. Captain Server
B. Deployer
C. Cluster Manager
D. RAFT Server

Question # 29

How many cluster managers are required for a multisite indexer cluster?

A. Two for the entire cluster.
B. One for each site.
C. One for the entire cluster.
D. Two for each site.

Question # 30

Which of the following is a problem that could be investigated using the Search Job Inspector?

A. Error messages are appearing underneath the search bar in Splunk Web.
B. Dashboard panels are showing "Waiting for queued job to start" on page load.
C. Different users are seeing different extracted fields from the same search.
D. Events are not being sorted in reverse chronological order.

Question # 31

If .delta replication fails during knowledge bundle replication, what is the fall-back method for Splunk?

A. .Restart splunkd.
B. .delta replication.
C. .bundle replication.
D. Restart mongod.

Question # 32

Which Splunk log file would be the least helpful in troubleshooting a crash?

A. splunk_instrumentation.log
B. splunkd_stderr.log
C. crash-2022-05-13-ll:42:57.1og
D. splunkd.log

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