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Frequently Asked Questions

Splunk SPLK-2003 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which of the following cannot be marked as evidence in a container?

A. Action result
B. Artifact
C. Note
D. Comment

Question # 2

Which of the following items cannot be modified once entered into SOAR?

A. A container.
B. An artifact.
C. A comment.
D. A note.

Question # 3

Which of the following views provides a holistic view of an incident - providing event metadata, Service Level Agreement status, Severity, sensitivity of an event, and other detailed event info?

A. Executive
B. Investigation
C. Technical
D. Analyst

Question # 4

Regarding the Splunk SOAR Automation Broker requirements, which of the followingstatements is not correct?

A. The Splunk SOAR Automation Broker requires outbound/egress connectivity to theSplunk SOAR (Cloud) or Splunk SOAR (On-premises) instance.
B. The Splunk SOAR Automation Broker must be able to connect to TCP port 443(HTTPS) on the Splunk SOAR (Cloud) or Splunk SOAR (On-premises) instance.
C. The Splunk SOAR Automation Broker requires both inbound/ingress andoutbound/egress connectivity to the Splunk SOAR (Cloud) or Splunk SOAR (On-premises)instance.
D. The Splunk SOAR Automation Broker requires inbound/ingress network connection fromthe Splunk SOAR (Cloud) or Splunk SOAR (On-premises) instance.

Question # 5

Which visual playbook editor block is used to assemble commands and data into a validSplunk search within a SOAR playbook?

A. An action block.
B. A filter block.
C. A format block.
D. A prompt block.

Question # 6

Which of the following is true about a child playbook?

A. The child playbook does not have access to the parent playbook's container or actionresult data.
B. The child playbook does not have access to the parent playbook's container, but to theparent's action result data.
C. The child playbook has access to the parent playbook's container and the parent'saction result data.
D. The child playbook has access to the parent playbook's container, but not to the parent'saction result data.

Question # 7

How can a user with the username "pat" configure the Analyst Queue to only show newevents that are assigned to the current user?

A. Create a filter for label-new and owner-pat.
B. Create a filter for status-open and owner-pat.
C. Create a filter for status=new and owner=pat.
D. Create a filter for status=new or owner=pat.

Question # 8

On the Splunk search head, when configuring the app to search SOAR searchable content,what are the two requirements to complete the app setup?

A. User accounts and universal forwarder.
B. User accounts and an HTTP Event Collector token.
C. User accounts and REST API.
D. User accounts and syslog.

Question # 9

What is the default embedded search engine used by SOAR?

A. Embedded Splunk search engine.
B. Embedded SOAR search engine.
C. Embedded Django search engine.
D. Embedded Elastic search engine.

Question # 10

A new project requires event data from SOAR to be sent to an external system via REST.All events with the label notable that are in new status should be sent. Which of thefollowing REST Django expressions will select the correct events?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 11

Two action blocks, geolocate_ip 1 and file_reputation_2, are connected to a decision block.Which of the following is a correct configuration for making a decision on the action resultsfrom one of the given blocks?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 12

Playbooks typically handle which types of data?

A. Container data, Artifact CEF data, Result data. Threat data
B. Container CEF data, Artifact data, Result data, List data
C. Container data, Artifact CEF data, Result data, List data
D. Container data, Artifact data, Result data, Threat data

Question # 13

Which of the following are tabs of an asset configuration?

A. Asset Name, Asset IP, Asset URL, Asset Nickname
B. Tags, Asset Name, Asset Date, Asset Order
C. App Name, App Order, App Expiry, App Version
D. Asset Info, Asset Settings, Approval Settings, Access Control

Question # 14

Which of the following is the best option for an analyst who wants to run a single action on an event?

A. Open the event and run this single action from the Investigation View.
B. Create a playbook with a single action then use the Playbook Debugger on the event ID.
C. Create a playbook with the action and run it from the Investigation View.
D. Open a playbook with a single action, mark it active, and then use the PlaybookDebugger on the event ID.

Question # 15

In a playbook, more than one Action block can be active at one time. What is this called?

A. Serial Processing
B. Parallel Processing
C. Multithreaded Processing
D. Juggle Processing

Question # 16

Which of the following are the default ports that must be configured on Splunk to allowconnections from SOAR?

A. SplunkWeb (8088), SplunkD (8089), HTTP Collector (8000)
B. SplunkWeb (8089), SplunkD (8088), HTTP Collector (8000)
C. SplunkWeb (8000), SplunkD (8089), HTTP Collector (8088)
D. SplunkWeb (8469), SplunkD (8702), HTTP Collector (8864)

Question # 17

Where can the Splunk App for SOAR Export be downloaded from?

A. GitHub and Splunkbase.
B. SOAR Community and GitHub.
C. Splunkbase and SOAR Community.
D. Splunk Answers and Splunkbase.

Question # 18

What does a user need to do to have a container with an event from Splunk use contextawareactions designed for notable events?

A. Include the notable event's event_id field and set the artifacts label to aplunk notableevent id.
B. Rename the event_id field from the notable event to splunkNotableEventld.
C. Include the event_id field in the search results and add a CEF definition to Phantom forevent_id, datatype splunk notable event id.
D. Add a custom field to the container named event_id and set the custom field's data typeto splunk notable event id.

Question # 19

Which of the following can be configured in the ROI Settings?

A. Number of full time employees (FTEs).
B. Time lost.
C. Analyst hours per month.
D. Annual analyst salary.

Question # 20

Which of the following supported approaches enables Phantom to run on a Windowsserver?

A. Install the Phantom RPM in a GNU Cygwin implementation.
B. Run the Phantom OVA as a cloud instance.
C. Install the Phantom RPM file in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
D. Run the Phantom OVA as a virtual machine.

Question # 21

Splunk user account(s) with which roles must be created to configure Phantom with anexternal Splunk Enterprise instance?

A. superuser, administrator
B. phantomcreate. phantomedit
C. phantomsearch, phantomdelete
D. admin,user

Question # 22

What are indicators?

A. Action result items that determine the flow of execution in a playbook.
B. Action results that may appear in multiple containers.
C. Artifact values that can appear in multiple containers.
D. Artifact values with special security significance.

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