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Salesforce Platform-App-Builder Exam Overview:

Detail Information
Exam Cost $200 USD
Total Time 105 minutes
Available Languages English, Japanese
Passing Marks 65%
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Exam Registration Through Salesforce Certification
Retake Policy After 15 calendar days

Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder Exam Topics Breakdown

Exam Topic Percentage (%)
Salesforce Fundamentals 8%
Data Modeling and Management 20%
Security 10%
Business Logic and Process Automation 27%
User Interface 14%
App Deployment 11%
App Development Lifecycle 10%

Few More Platform-App-Builder Exact Exam Questions:

Question # 1

An app builder wants to create a custom Sync button on Account that will call a Lightning Web Component that connects with an external system. This action should only be available If the custom Status field is set to Ready to Sync.
What should an app builder use to add this functionality to an Account record page?

A. Formula field

B. Dynamic action

C. AppExchange product

D. Custom link

Answer: B


Dynamic actions are a new feature that allow app builders to create custom buttons or actions that can call Lightning Web Components and display them conditionally based on field values or other criteria. Formula fields, AppExchange products, and custom links are not able to call Lightning Web Components.

Question # 2

Cloud Kicks has created a custom object called Interests which is joined to Accounts by way of a junction object called Account Interest.
What is the impact to users attempting to view an Account and the associated Account Interest records if they are without read access to the Interest object?

A. Users will be able to view the Account Interest records and will have read-only access to the Interest records.

B. Users will be unable to view Account records that have a related Account Interest record.

C. Users will be unable to view the Account Interest records or the Interest records.

D. Users will be able to view the Account Interest record, but unable to view the field or any information relating back to the Interest record.

Answer: B

Question # 3

AW Computing has a custom object for service plans.
A service plan needs to be associated to one and only one contact. The support manager noticed if the wrong contact is associated, the reps are unable to change the contact. The app builder already confirmed the user has correct access to the field and there are no validations associated with the service plans.
What could be causing the issue?

A. The Read Only radio button, Allows users with at least Read access to the Master record to create, edit, or delete related Detail records, is selected.

B. The Allow reparenting checkbox, Child records can be reparented to other parent records after they are created, is unchecked.

C. The Read/Write radio button, Allows users with at least Read/Write access to the Master record to create, edit, or delete related Detail records, is selected.

D. The Allow reparenting checkbox, Child records can be reparented to other parent records after they are created, is checked.

Answer: B

Question # 4

Ursa Major Solar wants to create a relationship between the standard Contact object and a custom Solar Project object. Contact s can potentially be related to multiple Solar Project objects, and a Solar Project can have multiple Contacts associated with it.
How should an app builder configure the data model?

A. One Master-detail relationship on Contact and one Master-detail relationship on Solar Project

B. Two Master-detail relationships on a new custom object

C. One Lookup relationship on Contact and one Lookup relationship on Solar Project

D. Two Lookup relationships on a new custom object

Answer: A

Question # 5

Universal Containers uses Contracts for agreements with customers. A sales manager is required to provide approval for contracts and director approval for any contract over $10,000.
Which two options should an app builder use to ensure all contracts route for the correct approval and also prevent the sales rep from making changes to the record while it is being approved? (Choose two.)

A. Create an approval process on the Contract object with one step for each sales manager that sets the approver as the director.

B. Create a validation rule on the Contract object that prevents updates to the contract record while it is being reviewed.

C. Create an approval process on the Contract object with criteria set on a second approval step as 'Amount__c > 10,000' and set the approver as director.

D. Create an approval process on the Contract object and set the field for 'Next Automated Approver Determined By' as 'Manager'.

Answer: B,C

Question # 6

A production org includes custom objects containing confidential Information. A sandbox h needed that Includes data records, excludes all of the confidential objects, and can be refreshed weekly the confidential objects, and can be refreshed weekly.
What steps should an App Builder take to meet these requirements?

A. Create a Full Sandbox and use a sandbox template

B. Create a Developer Pro Sandbox and schedule Data loader to download selected object data weekly.

C. Create a Partial Copy Sandbox and use a sandbox template.

D. Create a Developer Sandbox and schedule Data loader to download selected object data weekly.

Answer: C


The steps that the app builder should take to meet these requirements are creating a Partial Copy Sandbox and using a sandbox template. A Partial Copy Sandbox can include data records, exclude confidential objects, and be refreshed weekly. A sandbox template can specify which objects and data are copied from the production org to the sandbox org. Option A is incorrect because creating a Full Sandbox and using a sandbox template is not necessary for this requirement, as Full Sandboxes copy all data and metadata from the production org and can only be refreshed every 29 days. Option B is incorrect because creating a Developer Pro Sandbox and scheduling Data Loader to download selected object data weekly is not feasible for this requirement, as Developer Pro Sandboxes do not include data records by default and Data Loader cannot be scheduled to run weekly. Option D is incorrect because creating a Developer Sandbox and scheduling Data Loader to download selected object data weekly is not feasible for this requirement, as Developer Sandboxes do not include data records by default and Data Loader cannot be scheduled to run weekly.

Question # 7

A service coordinator (SC) for Ursa Major Solar (UMS) does a final review of work orders owned by a technician for a specific region before the records are submitted for an invoice. Before closing out the work order, the SC needs to modify data or remove attachments that were added by mistake. The SC also needs access to any other related records owned by the technician. What solution would provide the required access, given a private data model?

A. Create an SC sharing rule and a corresponding public group.

B. Give the SC a permission set with the Modify All Data system permission.

C. Change work order access on the SC's profile to 'Modify All'.

D. Create a workflow rule that updates records owned by technicians in that region with the SC.

Answer: A

Question # 8

DreamHouse Realty wants to track how many lifts are being installed into customer garages. The To Be Installed custom checkbox field on the custom Lift object should be checked and an external system should be notified via an outbound message the next day when a lift is sold.
What automation tool should be used to complete this task?

A. Workflow

B. Approval process

C. Flow

D. Process Builder

Answer: C

Question # 9

A. Create a single parent record, add each rep as a contact to the parent account and add each dealer as a child record

B. Create both customer and dealer as accounts, create account teams on each account and associate the dealer records with the parent account.

C. Create a single account record, add each rep as a contact and create a custom dealer object

D. Create both customer and dealer as accounts, add each rep as a contact on the corresponding account and create an account hierarchy.

Answer: D

Question # 10

Universal Containers has two types of applicants, hourly and salary. There are separate record types for each. While all members of the human resource department need to be able to view all applicant records, only the hiring manager and VP of HR should be able to create salary applicant records.
What should the app builder recommend to meet this requirement?

A. Configure the hourly record type as the default and instruct non-management users to accept the default record type.

B. Create a permission set containing the salary record type and assign it to the appropriate users.

C. Remove ג€createג€ permission for the salary applicant object for everyone except the manager and VP.

D. Update the org-wide default to private and create a sharing rule for the role of recruiting manager.

Answer: B

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Platform-App-Builder Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Universal Containers (UC) maintains information for over 2 million assets in an externalsystem. UC needs to access these assets in real-time data in Salesforce and is nearing thedata storage limits.What feature could an app builder recommend UC use?

A. Data Loader
B. Salesforce Connect
C. Salesforce to Salesforce
D. Data Export Wizard

Question # 2

DreamHouse Realty (DR) has a policy that requires the phone number on Contact to bedeleted when the DoNotCall checkbox is checked.What automation tool should the app builder recommend?

A. Quick action
B. Approval process
C. Validation rule
D. Workflow rule

Question # 3

An app builder received a request to extend record access beyond the organization-widedefaults configured. Which two features satisfy this requirement?Choose 2 answers

A. Sharing Rules
B. Public Groups
C. Permission Set Groups
D. Manual Sharing Rules

Question # 4

Cloud Kicks wants to set up a new opportunity approval process and execute variousaction items based on the initial submission.Which three action types should an app builder use in the approval process?Choose 3 answers

A. Email Alert
B. Outbound Message
C. Task
D. Invocable Flow
E. Invocable Process Builder

Question # 5

What are the limitations of Schema Builder when creating a custom object?

A. "Save" should be clicked each time a new object, field, or relationship is created.
B. Fields and relationships can be created, but they will be unable to add the fields to thepage layout from the canvas.
C. Relationships can be made to any custom objects, but any relationships to standardobjects should be built in Lightning Object Manager.
D. Custom fields can be added to any custom objects, excluding formula field types.

Question # 6

Universal Containers allows all employees to submit reviews for leadership using a customobject called Review. These Reviews should only be visible to the HR department and theemployee who submitted the record.Which three steps should an app builder take to properly control access to Reviews?Choose 3 answers

A. Disable Grant Access Using Hierarchies.
B. Add a Master-Detail (User; field on the Review object.
C. Create a criteria-based Sharing Rule for the HR Department.
D. Remove Review Read permission from non-HR Department user Profiles.
E. Set organization-wide default to Private.

Question # 7

Cloud Kicks has three types of customer support processes: Platinum, Diamond, andBronze. The app builder created separate record types for each process on the Caseobject. The customer support team should be unable to create new cases with the Bronzerecord type.How should this requirement be met?

A. Update the organization-wide defaults to private for Case.
B. Update the support team profile to remove the Bronze record type.
C. Create permission set group for Case that includes Platinum and Diamond record types.
D. Make the record type hidden to support users; update sharing roles to private.

Question # 8

Cloud Kicks (CK) captures all shipping information in a custom object called Shipments__c.CK's app builder is tasked with creating an approval process to ensure departmentmembers can approve all overnight shipments.Where should the app builder route the approval request?

A. Hierarchy field
B. Role
C. Public group
D. Queue

Question # 9

An app builder wants to create a report to compare the number of support cases in eachstatus (New, In-progress, or Closed) and by priority (Critical, High, Medium, or Low).What solution should be used for the report?

A. Grouping
B. Bucket Columns
C. Custom Report Type
D. Filters

Question # 10

An app builder has deployed a change set from a sandbox to production. There is a long delay in the deployment.What can be causing the delay?

A. Profiles are included in the change set.
B. A field type change is included in the change set.
C. Dependent fields are included in the change set.
D. Roles are included in the change set.

Question # 11

Ursa Major Solar has a lookup relationship between a custom Galaxy _c object and acustom Star_c object. An app builder wants to create a roll-up summary field that countsthe total number of Star_c records related to each Galaxy__c record.How would the current configuration impact the ability to achieve the desired result?

A. The roll-up summary can be achieved by creating a formula field on the Galaxy__c object.
B. The lookup relationship will need to be converted to a master-detail relationship before aroll-up summary field can be created.
C. The roll-up summary can be achieved by creating a formula field on the Star__c object.
D. A roll-up summary field will need to be created on the Galaxy__c object with a field filterthat select all related Star_c records

Question # 12

Where can an app builder edit an existing app to add components to the utility bar?

A. App Menu
B. Lightning App Builder
C. App Manager
D. Lightning Record Page

Question # 13

Universal Because of the small screen, they currently have to scroll down the page to viewthe information for an account based on criteria about the related contact.Which solution should an app builder use to fulfill this requirement?

A. Set the filter type on the component visibility to display based on user permissions.using custom permission to define the dynamic criteria.
B. Add a related record component to the page layout
C. Set the component visibility to display based or an advanced filter type, using thecontact field's) to define the dynamic criteria.
D. Hide the component behind a tab on the page layout.

Question # 14

The VP of sales at AW Computing would like a Roll-Up Summary field on the Accountobject to aggregate the amount of opportunities related to an Account. The app builder isunable to implement this change.Why is the app builder unable to fulfill the request?

A. Currency fields are unable to be referenced in Roll-Up Summary fields.
B. The organization has Advanced Currency Management enabled
C. Roll-Up Summary fields are unavailable on the Account object.
D. The default currency is not an active currency in the organization,

Question # 15

Cloud Kicks (CK) keeps track of its shoe inventory in Salesforce. When an order's status is changed to Activated, the inventory for the ordered shoe is reduced. At that point, a SOAP web service on the CK website must be called so that the website is updated to display the correct inventory amount for the shoe. What should an app builder use to communicate to the CK web service when a shoe's inventory has changed?

A. After-Save Record-Triggered flow
B. Before-Save Record-Triggered flow
C. Process Builder
D. Workflow rule

Question # 16

Which two report formats can be used as a source report to configure a reportingsnapshot?Choose 2 answers

A. Tabular format
B. Summary format
C. Joined format
D. Matrix format

Question # 17

A new custom object is being created with a private sharing setting. The business wants toshare individual records with specific people or group of people on a case-by-case basis.What options does the business user have to manually share individual records? Choose 3answers

A. Public Groups
B. Permission Sets
C. Roles
D. Profiles
E. Users

Question # 18

The VP of Sales at Universal Containers has asked the app builder to let sales reps createopportunity records directly from the account, with a number of fields pre-populated.Which feature should the app builder use to allow users to create the opportunity?

A. A quick action
B. A default action
C. A custom button
D. A custom link

Question # 19

Universal Container wants customers to be able to open cases from a public-facing website.What should the app builder use to enable visitors to the website?

A. Outbound message
B. Web-to-case
C. Screen flow
D. Email-to-case

Question # 20

Cloud Kicks (CK) Is finding sales reps are Inconsistent in data entry when deals are won.CK requires that custom shoes are shipped within two weeks after the close date. Acustom field called Scheduled Ship Date on the opportunity records the ship date.Howshould the app butler ensure this field is properly filed out before setting the opportunity toclosed won?

A. OR(ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"Closed Won") && (Scheduled_Ship_Date_cCloseDate)>14,ISBLANK(Scheduled_Ship_Date_c))
B. OR(ISPICKVAL( StageName ="Closed Won") && ( Scheduled_Ship_Date__c-CloseDate ) > 14,ISBLANK(Scheduled_Ship_Date__c))
C. ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"Closed Won") && ( Scheduled _Ship_Date_c-CloseDate ) >14
D. ISPICKVAL( StageName= CloseDate ) > 14,losed Won") && (CloseDateScheduled_Ship_Date_c) >14

Question # 21

At Universal Containers, the VP of Service has requested a visual indicator flag on eachcase, based on the case priority. High-priority cases should be flagged red, medium-priorityshould be flagged yellow, and low-priority cases should be flagged green. Which formulawould accomplish this requirement? Choose 2 answers

A. CASE(Priority, “Low”, “img/samples/flag_green.gif”, “Medium”,“img/samples/flag_yellow.gif”, “High”, “img/samples/flag_red.gif”, “/s.gif”)
B. IMAGE(IF(ISPICKVAL(Priority, “Low”), “img/samples/flag_green.gif”,IF(ISPICKVAL(Priority, “Medium”), “img/samples/flag_yellow.gif”, IF(ISPICKVAL(Priority,“High”), “img/samples/flag_red.gif”))), “Priority Flag”)
C. IF (ISPICKVAL(Priority, “Low”), “img/samples/flag_green.gif”, IF(ISPICKVAL(Priority,“Medium”), “img/samples/flag_yellow.gif”, IF(ISPICKVAL(Priority,“High”),“img/samples/flag_red.gif”, “/s.gif”)))
D. IMAGE (CASE( Priority, “Low”, “img/samples/flag_green.gif”, “Medium”,“img/samples/flag_yellow.gif”, “High”, “img/samples/flag_red.gif”, “Priority Flag”)

Question # 22

The sales Operations team at AWS Computing deletes accounts for a variety of a reasons.The sales ops director is worried that the Sales team may delete accounts that sales repsare actively selling into.Now should the app builder keep accounts with open opportunities from being deleted?

A. Create an Apex Trigger on the Account object
B. Create a validation rule on the Account object.
C. Remove the delete button on the account layout
D. Remove the Delete permission from the Sales Rep profile.

Question # 23

Universal Containers wants to create a custom checkbox formula field on the Opportunityobject. This formula should evaluate to true if thefollowing conditions are met:* Stage is set to Negotiation/Review* Close Date is less than 1 week awayWhich formula meets these requirements?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 24

Sales Managers want to be automatically notified any time there is a change to anOpportunity Close Date and want these changes to be tracked on the Opportunity.Which two configurations should an app builder recommend?Choose 2 answers

A. Create an Opportunity outbound message.
B. Use Process Builder on Opportunities and a Chatter post action.
C. Activate Historical Trending for Opportunities.
D. Enable Feed Tracking on Opportunities.

Question # 25

An app builder installed a custom Lightning component from AppExchange and hasdeployed My Domain.What should be done next in order to configure the component for use in a record page?

A. Edit a record page using Lightning App Builder > Drag the component onto the page.
B. Edit a record page using the Page Layout editor > Drag the component onto the page.
C. Edit a record page using the Page Layout editor > Drag the Visualforce component ontothe page.
D. Edit a record page using App Manager > Drag the component onto the page.

Question # 26

Universal Containers’ app builder has been tasked with replacing workflow rules and Apextriggers with Process Builders where possible.What are two important considerations an app builder should know before the project isstarted?Choose 2 answers

A. Avoid generating infinite loops.
B. Apex has a different SOQL query limit than Flow.
C. Create a process for each workflow rule.
D. Combine actions when possible.

Question # 27

Sales reps at Cloud Kicks (CK) forget to submit for approval when CK needs ordersreviewed before close won. CK wants to automatically submitopportunities into the Secure Commitment Stage to eliminate manual submission.Which feature meets the business requirements?

A. Record-Triggered flow optimized for Fast Field Updates
B. Custom button and screen flow
C. Platform Event-Triggered flow
D. Record-Triggered flow optimized for Actions and Related Records

Question # 28

An app builder at Universal Containers has been asked to add the Chatter feed to a customobject record page.Which approach should the app builder use?

A. Add the standard Chatter feed component.
B. Add the standard related list component
C. Add a custom Chatter feed component
D. Add the Chatter feed component from the AppExchange.

Question # 29

An app builder wants to limit the number of fields users are required to fill out whencreating a new Opportunity. Once they fill out the required fields and save, the full recordpage with additional fields relevant to the Opportunity type becomes available.How could this be accomplished?

A. Make the Opportunity type a required field on the initial Opportunity page layout and useautomation to fill in the type field to a record type.
B. Use different page layouts for Opportunity types based on the user profile.
C. Once the required fields are populated, use a sharing rule to share the new fields withthe user.
D. Hide additional sections on the page layout and show the users how to manually expandthem when they want to fill in the fields in the hidden sections.

Question # 30

Cloud Kicks wants to display 10 key fields at once in a separate section at the top ofopportunity records on the desktop.Which component should an app builder add to the record page to enable thisfunctionality?

A. Path
B. Highlights Panel
C. Custom Lightning Web Component
D. Accordion

Question # 31

Cloud Kicks's management team frequently travels and wants to approve requests fromtheir team on the go via Chatter.Where would an app builder enable this ability?

A. Chatter Feed Tracking
B. Object Settings
C. Chatter Settings
D. Approval Process Settings

Question # 32

Cloud Kicks (CK) increased its Salesforce development efforts so that it now has multiplecustom development efforts happening in parallel. CK's developers and admins performthe custom (rations and have complained that working in one sandbox has led to manyproblems. They requested a solution in which they can work in at least 20 differentsandboxes at once, that all start with the same base configuration and data.What should an app builder use to solve the problem?

A. Sandbox refreshes
B. Full copy sandboxes
C. Partial copy sandboxes
D. Sandbox during

Question # 33

Cloud Kicks works on an annual subscription model. When a sale rep marks an opportunityas closed won, a new opportunity should automatically be created for the renewal. The contracts team works outside of salesforce but also needs to be notified about closed dealsin order to initial the contract process with the customer.Which automation solution would meet these requirements?

A. Approval Process
B. Outbound Message
C. Validation Rule
D. Record-triggered flow

Question # 34

What is one limitation of using schema builder when creating a field?

A. Cannot create formula fields.
B. Cannot see existing relationships between objects.
C. Cannot add fields to page layouts.
D. Cannot create lookup relationships.

Question # 35

Cloud Kicks wants to make sure that users without the Marketing role are unable to updatethe Contact Retail Opt In picklist field to Yes.What validation rule would an app builder use to prevent other users from making thisupdate?

A. AND( $UserRole.Name != 'Marketing',ISCHANGED(Retail_Opt_In__c),ISPICKVAL(Retail_0pt_In_c,"Yes") )
B. AND( $UserRole.Name != 'Marketing', Retail_Opt_In_c = "Yes" )
C. AND( $UserRole.Name = 'Marketing', ISPICKVAL(Retail_Opt_In_c,"Yes") )
D. AND( $UserRole.Name = 'Marketing', Retail_Opt_In__c= "Yes" )

Question # 36

Cloud Kicks wants to summarize the number of open Cases related to an Account, as wellas the number of closed Cases to indicate whether customer support utilization is high,medium, or low. Two number fields have been created: NUM_Open_Cases__c andNUM_Closed_Cases_cWhich two automation solutions would meet these business requirements?Choose 2 answers

A. AppExchange
B. Validation Rule
C. Approval Process
D. Apex

Question # 37

DreamHouse Realty wants to make sure an Opportunity has a fieldExpected_Close_Date_c populated before it is allowed to enter the qualified stage.How should an app builder solution this request?

A. Record Type
B. Validation Rule
C. Activity History
D. Page Layout

Question # 38

Which two features can be used to allow users to access Flows?Choose 2 answers

A. Quick Action
B. Approval Process
C. Flow Launcher
D. Apex

Question # 39

Ursa Major Solar's sales team has been struggling to enter data on mobile since rollout; theteam dislikes scrolling through all of the fields to input only the necessary data.How could the app builder solve this with minimal impact to desktop users?

A. Filter components by device using Form Factor.
B. Reorder the fields to make sense for the reps when in the field.
C. Update the training documentation with better screenshots.
D. Deselect the phone radio button on the Lightning record page assignment.

Question # 40

Universal Containers created a 'New Task' custom action on the Opportunity object. Theaction was added to all page layouts in the Mobile & Lightning Actions section.Which Lightning component should the app builder add to the layout to display the action?

A. Related record
B. Related lists
C. Highlights panel
D. Activities

Question # 41

Universal Containers has a custom picklist called Support Level on the Account object.They would like to show the real-time value of Support Level on all case records.How should an app builder implement this requirement?

A. Create a formula field on the Case object using the TEXT function.
B. Create a formula field on the Account object using the ISPICKVAL function.
C. Create a Process Builder and use a field update on the Case object.
D. Create a roll-up summary field using Support Level on the Account object.

Question # 42

A new field is being created on a custom object. However, the app builder does not wantthe field to show up on pre-existing custom reporttypes.What should the app builder do on the custom field setup to fulfill this requirement?

A. Remove the new field from all page layouts.
B. Remove visibility to all report profiles.
C. Grant read-only access to all report profiles.
D. Deselect auto add to custom report type.

Question # 43

The CRM Manager at Universal Containers has requested that a custom text field beconverted to a picklist in order to promote better data hygiene. What needs to beconsidered before changing the field type? Choose 2 answers

A. Existing list views that reference the field may be deleted.
B. Field references will be removed in Visualforce pages
C. All data should be backed up before converting a text field.
D. Changing a field type will remove existing field history.

Question # 44

Universal Containers has a custom picklist called Support Level on the Account object.They would like to show the real-time value of Support Level on all case records.How should an app builder implement this requirement?

A. Create a formula field on the Case object using the TEXT function.
B. Create a formula field on the Account object using the ISPICKVAL function.
C. Create a Process Builder and use a field update on the Case object.
D. Create a roll-up summary field using Support Level on the Account object.

Question # 45

An app builder at Ursa Major Solar has been working on a new custom app in a sandboxthat has been upgraded to the next major Salesforce version, and their production instanceis still on the current Salesforce version. The development is complete and they are readyto deploy a change set.What should the app builder consider when planning the deployment?

A. It will fall if there is a feature only available in the next version.
B. The change set components will be upgraded to the next version in production.
C. The change set will be automatically deployed when production is upgraded.
D. The deployment is not possible due to different versions.

Question # 46

The case handling process at Universal Containers includes multiple steps Includingapprovals, notifications, and fields updates. To manage and evaluate all of these changesin a single save operation, an app builder wants to use Process Builder and the Advancedoption to let the process evaluate a record multiple times has been selected.Which two options should the app builder avoid to prevent recursion?Choose 2 answers

A. IF statements
B. Setting a criteria node to No criteria-just execute the procedure
C. Invocable processes
D. The ISCHANGED function

Question # 47

Universal Containers wants to match Opportunity data from Salesforce to the records in afinancial database.What is required to configure an indirect lookup relationship in Salesforce between theSalesforce Opportunity records and those in a financial database?

A. Salesforce Record ID
C. External ID

Question # 48

When an opportunity close date is delayed by more than 60 days, the manager and the VPsales must approve the change. How can this requirement be met? Choose 2 answers

A. Build an approval process that requires unanimous approval from the manager and VP of sales.
B. Create a workflow rule that checks for close date less than 60 days and add an email alert.
C. Create a lightning process builder flow that submits the record for an approval process
D. Build a validation rule that does not allow a user to save the opportunity record.

Question # 49

Universal Containers uses a private sharing model on Accounts. User A and user B bothown Accounts of their own and have both been sent a new account record in an emailowned by user C to take a look at. User A is able to open and view the record but user Breceives an insufficient privileges error. User A and user B have the same role in the rolehierarchy as user.What are the three reasons user A has access but user B is unable to access the record?Choose 3 answers

A. User A is on the same account team as user C.
B. User A and user B have different profiles.
C. User C has manually shared the record with user A.
D. User A was granted an additional permission set.
E. User A is in a public group that has access via a sharing rule.

Question # 50

What should an app builder consider when choosing a template for a new Lightning recordpage?

A. The template is unable to be changed after the initial save.
B. To view the record page, users need "View All Data" permissions for the object.
C. A Page structure will automatically adapt to the device being used to view the recordpage.
D. Select a new template for each type of device users use to view the record page.

Question # 51

UC has a requirement that an opportunity should have a field showing the value of itsassociated account's billing state. This value should not change after the opportunity hasbeen created. Is there a recommended solution to configure this automated behavior?

A. Formula field
B. Apex
C. Workflow
D. Roll-up summary field

Question # 52

An app builder has created a custom Lightning App and wants to make it available to theinternal users at Universal Containers.Which two steps are necessary to accomplish this task?Choose 2 answers

A. Add the app to a Visualforce page.
B. Upload the app to Static Resources.
C. Create a subdomain using My Domain.
D. Build a Custom Tab for the app.

Question # 53

Universal Containers would like to embed a chart of all related Opportunities, by stage, onthe Account detail page. Which type of report should the App Builder create to add to the Account page layout?

A. A summary report on the Opportunity object.
B. A summary report on the Account object.
C. A tabular report on the Account object.
D. A tabular report on the Opportunity object.

Question # 54

Universal Containers would like to embed a chart of all related Opportunities, by stage, onthe Account detail page. Which type of report should the App Builder create to add to the Account page layout?

A. A summary report on the Opportunity object.
B. A summary report on the Account object.
C. A tabular report on the Account object.
D. A tabular report on the Opportunity object.

Question # 55

Universal Containers assigns system access via permission sets and permission setgroups to ensure each user has proper access. One department with varying levels ofsupport staff has five consistent permission sets they require in order to complete theirduties. Some higher-level staff have additional permission sets that are only required forthem.How should an app builder recommend assigning permission sets to users?

A. Utilize the manage assignments button to assign a permission set group and additionalindividual permission sets to each user.
B. Utilize the manage assignments button to assign each user with the same set ofpermission set groups and permission sets.
C. Utilize the Data Import Wizard to mass update the desired users with their full list ofpermission sets and permission set groups.
D. Utilize the Data Loader to mass update the desired users with their full list of permissionsets and permission set groups.

Question # 56

Cloud Kicks is redefining its entire business process to convert the Manager Notes fieldfrom a long text area field. The goal is to encourage managers to be more concise in theircomments and stayat 255 characters or less. There is preexisting information in theManager Notes field that often is well beyond the character limit.What would happen to any existing information if the app builder tries to convert apreexisting long text area field to text area?

A. Preexisting information will truncate to the first 255 characters.
B. Preexisting information will remain even if it was over 255 characters.
C. Preexisting information will cause a- e-r0- -essace to poo up.
D. Preexisting information in the field will be completely lost.

Question # 57

Universal Containers (UC) has created a picklist field called Status on three separatecustom objects. UC has a requirement to share the list of values for this field across eachobject.Which feature would an app builder use?

A. Field Update
B. Global Picklist Value Set
C. Dynamic Action
D. Dependent Picklist

Question # 58

Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to track orders against inventory, ensuring its ability to fulfill orderrequests. CK created a junction object called Request Inventory to enable many-to-manyrelationships with the Inventory and Order objects.What does the app builder need to provide to ensure users can view Request Inventoryrecords?

A. Read access to both master objects.
B. Apex-based sharing on the first master object.
C. Sharing rules on Request Inventory object.
D. Read access to the first master object.

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