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Salesforce Nonprofit-Cloud-Consultant Exam Overview:

Aspect Details
Exam Name Salesforce Nonprofit-Cloud-Consultant
Exam Cost $200 USD
Total Time 105 minutes
Available Languages English, Japanese, Spanish
Passing Marks 69%
Exam Format Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, True/False, and Scenario-Based Questions
Prerequisites None
Exam Retake Policy Candidates must wait 15 days between attempts. There is no limit on the number of times a candidate can retake the exam.
Exam Type Proctored online or in-person
Recommended Training Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Consultant Certification Preparation Trailmix
Related Certifications Salesforce Certified Administrator, Salesforce Certified Nonprofit Cloud Consultant, Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant
Topics Covered
  1. Nonprofit Industry Knowledge
  2. Salesforce.org Elevation Strategies
  3. Nonprofit Cloud Solution Design
  4. Nonprofit Cloud Analytics

Salesforce Certified Nonprofit Cloud Consultant Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
Nonprofit Industry Knowledge 25% Understands the unique needs and challenges of nonprofits and how Salesforce can address them. Familiar with nonprofit management and fundraising principles.
Salesforce.org Elevation Strategies 27% Able to assess and recommend strategies for optimizing Salesforce.org solutions. Understands Salesforce.org products and their capabilities.
Nonprofit Cloud Solution Design 23% Designs solutions using Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud based on organizational requirements and best practices. Develops data models and workflows.
Nonprofit Cloud Analytics 25% Analyzes and interprets data to drive decision-making for nonprofits. Configures and customizes reports and dashboards for actionable insights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Nonprofit-Cloud-Consultant Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A nonprofit wants to migratemillions of Contact records from a legacy system. Most reco fail to import with the following error: "npsp.TDTM_Address: System.LimitException: ApexCPU time limit exceeded".Which three actions could a consultant take to successfully import this data?Choose 3 answers

A. Enable "Simple Address Change Treated as Update' in Address Settings.
B. Check 'User Managed' on the Address TDTM record.
C. Disable all automation and load the Address object separately.
D. Disable 'ADDR_Addresses_TDTM' Handler in Trigger Configuration.
E. Reduce the batch size significantly when addresses are included.

Question # 2

The requirements for a Salesforce implementation have been gathered, but there areteams with competing priorities and the overall project goalsare undefined.What are two reasons a project team must define goals?Choose 2 answers

A. Goals guarantee executive engagement.
B. Goals provide a way to measure and prove results.
C. Goals define a clear purpose for the project.
D. Goals catalog all of the teams' pain points.

Question # 3

A data administrator at a small nonprofit has 3 profile that allows them to Read, Create,Edit,and Delete on all objects. The staff member receives an error when attempting tomerge three duplicate contacts.What should the consultant recommend to resolve this issue?

A. Tell the staff member to select only two instead of three contacts when using ContactMerge.
B. Make the staff member a system admin.
C. Create a Permission Set with Modify All on Contacts and Accounts and assign it to thestaff member.
D. Tell the staff member to merge Contacts from the View Duplicates component.

Question # 4

An admin at a nonprofit using NPSP finds that the donation totals on a handful of donor'srecords are not showing the right totals.How should the consultant troubleshootthis?

A. Check if the correct Operation is chosen
B. Verify Opportunity Primary Contact
C. Check if the correct target custom field is chosen
D. Verify Customizable Rollups is enabled

Question # 5

A nonprofit sends direct mail appeals via a third-party mail house. The nonprofit pulls areport from NPSP to send to the mail house with address information for each constituentwho should receive an appeal. Some constituents prefer to receive mail at an addressother than their primary household address.How should aconsultant access a list of those who do not reside at their household mailingaddress?

A. Create a custom report type for Addresses and a filter for Address Override = True.
B. Create a Contacts and Accounts report and add a filter for Address Override =True.
C. Create a Contacts and Accounts report and add a filter for Primary Address Type -Other.
D. Create a Campaign and run the Household Mailing List report.

Question # 6

A nonprofit organization has been informed of a deceased donor and wants to ensure thatthe donor no longer appears on any mailing lists. Which action shouldthe nonprofitorganization take on the donor's contact record?

A. Delete the values in the phone and email fields
B. Delete the Contact record
C. Select the Deceased field
D. Select the Do Not Email, Do Not Contact, and Email Opt Out fields

Question # 7

A nonprofit has a membershipprogram it wants to manage in Salesforce.What are two items the consultant needs to configure so the membership rollups in NPSPwork properly?

A. Create a custom field for Membership Amount and select it for membership rollups.
B. Select the membership record type for membership rollups.
C. Create an Opportunity record type for memberships.
D. Set a grace period for memberships.

Question # 8

A consultant sot up and successfully tested anintegration between the source system and asandbox environment of Salesforce When the integration was switched to the productionenvironment of Salesforce, the consultant encountered API call limit errors.What is the likely explanation for this?

A. Testing of the integration in the sandbox environment was insufficient.
B. The incorrect sandbox environment was used for testing.
C. The triggers associated with NPSP were disabled in the sandbox environment.
D. The API call limits were different for sandbox and production environments.

Question # 9

A system admin is trying to figure whether the nonprofit's internal release schedule conflictswith either Salesforce.com or Salesforce.org major releases.What are two facts about Salesforce.org majorreleases the consultant could share with theadmin?Choose 2 answers

A. The Salesforce.org release schedule can be found on the SFDO Major ReleaseAnnouncements group.
B. Salesforce.org major releases follow the same schedule as Salesforce.com releases.
C. The Salesforce.org release schedule can be found on the Salesforce Trust website.
D. Salesforce.org major releases arrive approximately one month after Salesforce.comreleases.

Question # 10

A nonprofit wants its staff to spend most of their time in Salesforce. but the staff needsaccess to several other applications as well. The nonprofit wants a solution that allows staffto use other applications without leaving Salesforce.How shouldthe consultant integrate these applications?

A. Implement Salesforce Canvas
B. Configure External Data Sources
C. Configure External Objects
D. Implement Distributed Marketing

Question # 11

A nonprofit wants to use Volunteers for Salesforce for volunteer management. Whichaction should aconsultant take before installing the package?

A. Apply for license donation for Volunteers for Salesforce.
B. Check that the nonprofit has the most recent NPSP release.
C. Ensure the Program Management Module Is already Installed.
D. Compare usage of roll-up summary fields to limits.

Question # 12

A nonprofit using NPSP has just implemented the Program Management Module. Thenonprofit wants to migrate its client and program data.Which twosteps should the consultant use to import and deduplicate the data againstexisting records?Choose 2 answers

A. Upload the program data using the NfSP Data Importer.
B. Upload the client data using the Data Import Wizard.
C. Upload the client informationusing the NPSP Data Importer.
D. Upload the program data using the Data Import Wizard.

Question # 13

A consultant is planning to use Accounting Subledger and migrate 20 years of donationdata into NPSP for a nonprofit that receives more than 200,000 donations eachyear.Which two features should the consultant consider implementing to improve searchperformance? Choose 2 answers

A. Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL)
B. Skinny Tables
C. Custom Index
D. Salesforce Optimizer

Question # 14

A consultant began an implementation project with a nonprofit that is new to Salesforce.The nonprofit's leadership is hesitant to spend time at the beginning of the project onchange management.What are three reasons the consultant can share to emphasize the value and importanceof governance?Choose 3 answers

A. Cost savings
B. Compliance
C. Security
D. Technical Interoperability
E. Delivery Speed

Question # 15

A developer wrote atrigger on the Contact object.What are two benefits of using Table-Driven Trigger Management (TDTM) the consultantshould discuss with the developer?Choose 2 answers

A. Review code coverage.
B. Control the order in which the code executes.
C. Identify code that is unused.
D. Disable specific pieces of code.

Question # 16

A consultant wants to test out new Nonprofit Cloudfeatures coming out in the upcomingSalesforce release in their customs..Which action must the consultant take to do this?

A. Refresh a preview Instance sandbox just prior to sandbox preview period.
B. Refresh a preview instance sandbox during the sandboxpreview period.
C. Create a new sandbox during the sandbox preview period.
D. Create a preview instance sandbox during the sandbox preview period.

Question # 17

Anonprofit enters donation data both into Salesforce and an external accounting system toreconcile. This process is time-consuming.What should the consultant recommend to reduce manual data entry and improveefficiency?

A. Accounting Subledger
B. NPSP Data Importer Templates
C. Data Import Wizard
D. Advanced Mapping

Question # 18

A nonprofit hired a consultant to restart a stalled implementation. The nonprofit identifiedneeds by documenting its Salesforce vision and pain points, and by defining specific goalswithuser stories.What are two components of a user story the nonprofit should consider?Choose 2 answers

A. Align each story to the implementation vision.
B. Associate an epic to each story.
C. Assign a priority to each story.
D. Include configurationinstructions on each story.

Question # 19

Adevelopment officer wants to integrate wealth scoring information into Salesforce.Which solution should the consultant recommend?

A. Pardot
B. Philanthropy Cloud
C. Salesforce Optimizer
D. A third-party app on the AppExchange

Question # 20

When a system admin for a nonprofit times to import data into the NPSP Data ImportObject, the error message: "The matching field you chose (Record ID) is not mapped andis required for an Update and Insert operation" appears.What are two actions the system admin can take to resolve the error?Choose 2 answers

A. Select the appropriate Record ID in the Salesforce Data Import Wizard.
B. Select "Insert" if the admin is using the Salesforce Data Loader.
C. Select "Upsert" if the admin is using the Salesforce Data Loader.
D. Select --None-- for all matching fields if the admin is using the Salesforce Data ImportWizard.

Question # 21

A nonprofit using Salesforce configured with Person Accounts has recently installed NPSPinto its org.Which two configurations should a consultant set to ensure that Person Accounts andNPSP can coexist?Choose 2 answers

A. The Household record type in NPSP Settings is different than the Person Accountsrecord type.
B. Create a validation rule to prevent the creation of Person Accounts.
C. The default record type for profiles of any user who converts leads is different than thePerson Account record type.
D. Remove permissions to Person Accounts for all profiles except System Admin.

Question # 22

A nonprofit has significant staffturnover and wants to ensure that the purpose of Salesforcefield customization is clearly understood by system admins who are new to the nonprofit.How should the consultant meet the requirement?

A. Run and view the Setup Audit Trail.
B. Complete all field descriptions.
C. Run the Schema Builder.
D. Create a field history report.

Question # 23

A gift officer is entering donationsand wants to track that the donor responded to the mostrecent direct mail campaign.Which feature should the consultant configure to record the donor's campaign response?

A. Custonwable Rollups
B. Automatic Campaign Member Management
C. Sales Process
D. Customizable Campaign Influence

Question # 24

A nonprofit organization has white papers, case studies, and impact reports on its website.Theorganization wants to track website visitors who download those assets. Once tracked,the organization wants to pursue the visitor as a constituent. Which solution should beconsidered?

A. Affiliation record
B. Relationship record
C. NPSP Settings
D. Opportunity Settings

Question # 25

A case manager wants to assign a group of servicesto a client.What should the consultant ensure is configured prior to the case manager using the CasePlan Wizard?

A. A Program with Goals
B. A Program with Goals and Action Item Templates
C. A new Case Plan
D. A Program with Action Item Templates

Question # 26

A nonprofit wants to run an enrollment report for its education classes.Which Program Management Module object should the consultant use to build the report?

A. Service Delivery
B. Program Engagement
C. Program Cohort
D. Service

Question # 27

A nonprofit using NPSP receives funding it uses to award grants to national and local artsorganizations. Thenonprofit wants to track the funds it receives and allocates.What should a consultant recommend to the nonprofit-?

A. Configure NPSP Settings to track inbound and outbound funds.
B. Configure NPSP Settings grants management functionality.
C. Install the Program Management Module.
D. Install the Outbound Funds Module.

Question # 28

A nonprofit is rolling out a newimplementation of Salesforce and NPSP containing customcode. The project go-live date is a few days before a Salesforce release. Theproject teamhas proposed developing in a sandbox on a preview instance to review new features andthen deploy to production prior to the release date.Which important consideration should the consultant discuss with the project team?

A. The API version in the preview sandbox differs from Production.
B. A support case is required to request a preview sandbox.
C. A preview sandbox has limited metadata storage.
D. A preview sandbox is only available in the Unlimited Edition.

Question # 29

A consultant for a nonprofit needs to upload data that contains payments on existingopportunities in Salesforce using donation matching in the NPSP Data Importer.After agift is successfully matched to an existing record, which two updates may occur?Choose 2 answers

A. The Stage of the Opportunity will change to Closed/Won.
B. The open Payment will be marked as Paid.
C. A Payment will be added to the Opportunity.
D. The Opportunity amount will include the new payment amount.

Question # 30

A nonprofit receives grants so it can offer scholarships to students who attend thenonprofit*s community training programs.

A. NPSP to track the grants the nonprofit receives; Gift Entry to track the scholarships thenonprofit offers; Education Data Architecture to track the training programs.
B. Program Management Module to track the grants the nonprofit receives; OutboundFunds Module to track the scholarships the nonprofit offers; Education Data Architecture totrack the training programs.
C. Outbound Funds to track the grants the nonprofit receives; NPSP to track thescholarships the nonprofit offers; Education Data Architecture to track the trainingprograms
D. NPSP to track the grants the nonprofit receives; Outbound Funds Moduleto trackscholarships the nonprofit offers; Program Management Module to track the trainingprograms

Question # 31

A user at a nonprofit is trying to run a mailing list report on a campaign using the NPSPHousehold Mailing Listbutton. They receive an error saying, "the data you are trying toaccess is unavailable." The button works as expected for the system administrator.What should the consultant advise to troubleshoot the issue?

A. Check if the user has access to the Apex Class for Manage Households.
B. Check if the Campaign ID filter in the Campaign Household Mailing List report isunlocked.
C. Check if the user has the View Reports in Public Folders system permission.
D. Check if the user has access to Households via Rolehierarchy.

Question # 32

A volunteer with a nonprofit works at Universal Containers. The volunteer is recorded inSalesforce as part of the Household's account record, but Universal Containers needs tobe entered into the Salesforce system.How should a consultant track the volunteer's relationship with Universal Containers?

A. Create a Universal Containers Organization Account and create a Relationship recordbetween the volunteer and Universal Containers.
B. Create a Universal Containers Organization Account and create an Affiliation recordbetween the volunteer and Universal Containers.
C. Create a Lead for the volunteer at Universal Containers and create a Relationshiprecord between the volunteer Lead and the volunteer Contact.
D. Create a Lead for the volunteer at Universal Containers and create an Affiliation recordbetween the volunteer Lead and Universal Containers.

Question # 33

A nonprofit wants to deploy Nonprofit Cloud Case Management into its production org.Which two prerequisites should be consideredprior to installing Case Management?Choose 2 answers

A. Install NPSP
B. Enable My Domain
C. Ensure appropriate licenses are provisioned
D. Ensure Volunteers for Salesforce is properly configured

Question # 34

A nonprofit is getting ready to go live with its Nonprofit Cloud implementation.Which two sandbox configuration options can the consultant create to ensure effective useracceptance testing and training?Choose 2 answers

A. Partial Data Sandbox
B. Developer Sandbox
C. Developer Pro Sandbox
D. Full Data Sandbox

Question # 35

A nonprofit, who does a lot of mail appeals todonors, asks their consultant for the bestsolution to keep their constituents' addresses formatted properly to ensure the mail reachesthem.What should the consultant recommend?

A. Insights Platform Data Integrity
B. Sender Authentication Package
C. Customer Data Platform
D. NPSP Address Management

Question # 36

A donor has committed to give a consistent amount every month. The nonprofit wants toupdatethe schedule to reflect one-time adjustments to this amount.What should the consultant recommend to record the regular donations correctly7

A. Implement Enhanced Recurring Donations.
B. Create scheduled Payments.
C. Create a process using Process Builder.
D. Clone Opportunities with Payments.

Question # 37

A nonprofit wants a report that shows Opportunity and General Accounting Unit (GAU)custom field data for gifts to the "General Fund' GAU. The nonprofit wants to add filters soonly the gifts connected to the 'Annual Campaign' are shown.Which report should the consultant implement?

A. GAU Allocations with Opportunity report type and filter on the Opportunity object for thePrimary Campaign Source = 'Annual Campaign' and filter on the GAU Allocation object forGeneral Accounting Unit = 'General Fund'
B. Opportunity report type with cross filter for Opportunities with GAU Allocations with filteron the cross filter for Campaign = 'Annual Campaign' and General Accounting Unit ='General Fund'
C. Opportunity report type with cross filter for Opportunities with GAU Allocations and filter on Opportunity object for the Primary Campaign Source = 'Annual Campaign' and on theGAU Allocations object for General Accounting Unit » 'General Fund'
D. GAU Allocations with Opportunity report type and filter on the GAU Allocation object forCampaign = 'Annual Campaign" and General Accounting Unit = 'General Fund'

Question # 38

A nonprofit organization wants to add any donor who gives to its Capital Fund to theCapital Campaign. Which two steps should betaken to accomplish this?

A. Populate the Primary Campaign Source field on the Opportunity record
B. Upload a list of all donors as Campaign Members using the Data Import Wizard
C. Enable the Automatic Campaign Member Management in NPSP settings
D. Createa trigger that automatically adds any donor as a Campaign Member

Question # 39

A nonprofit client wants to connect directly to other nonprofits using Salesforce who have a very similar business use case. Which resource is designed for this purpose? 

A. Power of Us Hub Solution Exchange 
B. Salesforce.org website 
C. Trailblazer Community User Group 
D. AppExchange 

Question # 40

A nonprofit organization is retiring its legacy donor,donation, and payment processing systems. The organization wants to load 45,000 records into Salesforce from a single flat file. Which tool should be used to create all of the records at once? 

A. Import Wizard 
B. Data Loader 
C. NPSP Data Import 
D. ETL Tool 

Question # 41

A consultant is assisting a nonprofit organization in its data integration and data mapping between thetwo systems. The consultant is unsure when a particular field was introduced by NPSP. How should the consultant find the NPSP version number for the field? 

A. Click on "Setup" and navigate to "Schema Builder". 
B. Install a third-party app from theAppExchange to extract the metadata. 
C. Reference the NPSP Public Data Dictionary. 
D. Click on "Setup" and navigate to "Objects and Fields". 

Question # 42

A nonprofit organization wants to use a multi-channel marketing tool for its email, social, and text messaging engagement. Which solution should the consultant recommend? 

A. Marketing Cloud 
B. Pardot 
C. Community Cloud 
D. Service Cloud 

Question # 43

A volunteer manager at a nonprofit organization needs to be able to search for volunteers with landscaping skills who are available at a given time. The organization is using Volunteers for Salesforce. What should the consultant advise? 

A. Create a list view on Contacts using a filter for those who have skills that include landscaping. Add the field for Volunteer Availability on the list view and sort by it to find those with landscaping skills who are available at the given time 
B. Click on the Find Volunteers tab and fill in the Volunteer Status, Volunteer Availability, and Volunteer Skills tabs with the values you're looking for and hit search
 C. Use the Volunteers Wizard to look for volunteers with landscaping skills and Volunteer Availability and choose those available at the given time 
D. Create a report with the report type Contacts with Volunteer Hours and Volunteer Jobs. Filter the report by the Volunteer Job forlandscaping and Volunteer Availability at the time the Volunteer Manager needs them 

Question # 44

A nonprofit organization is migrating from a standard Salesforce org to an NPSP org. It has a large volume of contacts. The nonprofit organization isconsidering using an Individual ("Bucket") account model. What are two considerations in this situation? 

A. The Individual account model is a legacy account model and is no longer recommended. 
B. Once the Individual model is enabled, it cannot be changed. 
C. The Account name is identical to the Contact name.
 D. There is a risk of account data skew with the Individual account model and the large volume of contacts. 

Question # 45

A nonprofit organization has been using Salesforce without NPSP. The organization is now interested in the NPSP functionality and wants the consultant to recommend if NPSP should be used in the same Salesforce environment or if they shouldstart over in a new environment. Which tool should the consultant use to help evaluate and recommend the best course of action? 

A. Salesforce Optimizer 
B. Lightning Experience Migration Assistant 
C. Setup Audit Trail 
D. NPSP Health Check 

Question # 46

A nonprofit organization has a new system administrator who has just taken over managing its existing Salesforce organization and wants to know which data maintenance practices should be used. Which two data hygiene practices should a consultant recommend? Choose 2 answers 

A. Organize reports into appropriate folders. 
B. Create a new customobject to store legacy data. 
C. Run Health Check. 
D. Delete all past activities. 

Question # 47

A nonprofit organization is using a free trial of Nonprofit Cloudand engages with a consultant to do some custom configuration work. The consultant starts to gather requirements and look at the overall design. Which two things should the consultant know about the trial experiences available on the Salesforce.org website? 

A. Five licenses are included at no cost for qualified customers 
B. The trial choices include Lightning Enterprise or Lightnng Enterprise + NPSP 
C. The free trial period is for 30 days 
D. It is a Developer Edition org 

Question # 48

How should a consultant install NPSP in an existing Salesforce organization? 

A. Download each NPSP component from the AppExchange, install in the target organization, and complete the post-install instructions 
B. Visit the NPSP Installer page, install in the target organization, and complete the postinstall instructions 
C. Download each NPSP component from The Powrt of Us Hub, install organization, and complete the post-install instructions 
D. Visit the NPSP Conversion Utility tool, install in the target organization, and complete the post-install instructions 

Question # 49

A nonprofitorganization is using Salesforce with the NPSP pre-installed. The nonprofit organization wants to give prospective volunteers a way to fill out their volunteer application online. How should this be accomplished? 

A. Create a web-to-case form in Salesforcewith the fields needed to capture the information asked for on the form. 
B. Set up the Volunteers for Salesforce Volunteer Signup Form on the nonprofit's website. 
C. Create a Chatter Group for prospective volunteers, assign them a Chatter Free license, andhave users complete the form. 
D. Set up the Volunteers for Salesforce Site Contact Information Site on the nonprofit's website. 

Question # 50

A nonprofit organization is using NPSP to manage its contacts and their families. What should the consultant recommend about adding other common connections such as siblings and deceased and divorced spouses? 

A. Add them as Relationshipentries manually 
B. Add them as Relationship record types 
C. Add them as Affiliation entries manually 
D. Add them as Affiliation record types 

Question # 51

How often are updates to the NPSP pushed to production orgs? 

A. Three times per year 
B. Four times per year
 C. Once every two weeks 
D. Once every month 

Question # 52

A nonprofit organization uses a vendor for direct mail, and receives a monthly spreadsheet from it with donor information, donation amounts, and the solicitation campaign that the donation was in response to. How can this information can be entered and de-duplicated against existing individuals in the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)? 

A. Use the Salesforce Data Loader to upload the spreadsheet and then manually check for duplicates and use the NPSP Contact Merge tool to de-duplicate records. 
B. Upload the spreadsheet using the NPSP Data Importer andassociate the individuals with Opportunities and Recurring Donations. 
C. Use the Salesforce Import Wizard to upload the spreadsheet and then de-duplicate records using the NPSP Contact Merge tool. 
D. Upload the spreadsheet using the NPSP Data Importer andassociate the individuals with Opportunities and Campaigns. 

Question # 53

A development director needs to understand which organizations have given to the nonprofit in some year prior to the current, but have not contributed to the nonprofit in the current year. How should the consultant accomplish this task? 

A. Customize the date range on the NPSP SYBUNT report for Accounts 
B. Customize the date range on the NPSP SYBUNT report for Contacts 
C. Create an Opportunity report that compares Contact donations from the previous fiscal year to the current 
D. Customize the date range on the NPSP LYBUNT report for Accounts 

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