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  • Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Practice Questions
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Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Exam Overview:

Exam Component Description
Exam Cost $400 USD
Total Time 120 minutes
Available Languages English
Passing Marks 65%
Prerequisites None
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Exam Type Proctored

Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Weight (%) Description
Domain 1: System Architecture 12% Describe the architectural considerations for building a scalable system, considering governance and process adherence.
Domain 2: Deployment Planning and Design 14% Develop a deployment plan and outline the order of operations for deploying a solution, incorporating best practices and testing strategies.
Domain 3: Environment Management and Release Strategy 17% Define an environment strategy, release management process, and monitoring procedures to support business needs.
Domain 4: Implementation Design 20% Design a scalable and maintainable solution that meets stakeholder requirements and adheres to industry best practices.
Domain 5: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Process 19% Design a CI/CD process that supports rapid development and ensures quality throughout the development lifecycle.
Domain 6: Deployment Automation 18% Implement automation tools and techniques to streamline the deployment process and reduce manual effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

In Architect has been working on a large project for the past 6 months. This project must be live by the end of the current month. Which two planning techniques should the Architect use to ensure all metadata changes deploy smoothly and on time? Choose 2 answers 

A. Ensure all code that is being deployed is checked into source control 
B. Validate the final deployment package against production prior to go-live 
C. Create a new sandbox and perform a test deployment to that environment 
D. Upload a change set from sandbox to production as early as possible

Question # 2

Which two ways should a developer working on a data loading integration that operates between different Salesforce environments insert multiple related records in one call or transaction? Choose 2 answers 

A. REST API SObject Tree Request 
B. Bulk API 2.0 
C. REST API Composite Request 
D. Streaming API 

Question # 3

Universal Containers (UC) has two subsidiaries which operate independently. UC has made the decision to operate two of separate Salesforce orgs, one for each subsidiary. However, certain functions and processes between the two orgs must be standardized. Which two approaches should UC take to develop customizations once, and make them available in both orgs? Choose 2 answers 

A. Develop the functionality in a sandbox and deploy it to both production orgs 
B. Set up Salesforce-to-Salesforce to deploy the functionality from one org to the other 
C. Create a managed package in a sandbox and deploy it to both production orgs 
D. Create a package in a Developer Edition org and deploy it to both production orgs 

Question # 4

Universal Containers (UC) has been using Salesforce Sales Cloud for many years following a highly customized, single-org strategy with great success so far. What two reasons can justify a change to a multi-org strategy? Choose 2 answers 

A. UC is launching a new line of business with independent processes and adding any new feature to it is too complex.
 B. UC wants to use Chatter for collaboration among different business units and stop working in silos. 
C. UC follows a unification enterprise architecture operating model by having orgs with the same processes implemented for each business unit. 
D. Acquired company that has its own Salesforce org and operates in a different business with its own set of regulatory requirements. 

Question # 5

What is a main characteristic of an agile team? 

A. The team uses Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming. 
B. The team has biweekly sprints to ensure on-time delivery. 
C. The team delivers new releases on dates defined in the beginning of the project, following a project plan 
D. The team improves and evolves its processes and frequently delivers value to the endusers. 

Question # 6

Which two options should be considered when making production changes in a highly regulated and audited environment? Choose 2 answers 

A. All changes including hotfixes should be reviewed against security principles. 
B. Any production change should have explicit stakeholder approval. 
C. No manual steps should be carried out.
D. After deployment, the development team should test and verify functionality in production. 

Question # 7

Universal Containers has a complex deployment coming up. The deployment will include several Apex classes which depend on custom settings that hold important configuration. How should an Architect manage this deployment? 

A. Script the deployment of all functionality via the Force.com Migration Tool 
B. Manually deploy and populate custom settings in production using a change set 
C. Create a custom metadata type and include this in your deployment to production 
D. Manually deploy and populate the custom settings in production prior to the Apex Class deployment 

Question # 8

Cloud Kicks is switching to Salesforce from a different CRM. They have existing datasets for all standard Salesforce objects. In which optimized order should the architect recommend these objects be loaded? 

A. Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Products, Opportunities, Opportunity Line Items 
B. Accounts, Contacts. Opportunities, Products, Opportunity Line Items, Leads 
C. Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Products, Opportunity Line Items 
D. Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Products, Opportunities, Opportunity Line Items 

Question # 9

Universal Containers (UC) is implementing a governance framework and has asked the Architect to make recommendations regarding release planning. Which two decisions should the Architect make when planning for releases? Choose 2 answers 

A. How to test existing functionality to ensure no regressions are introduced. 
B. Whether Salesforce will wait to upgrade the pod until after a UC release is complete. 
C. How to roll back to the previous Salesforce release if there are issues. 
D. When to test a new UC feature release if there are issues. 

Question # 10

What are two advantages of using an Agile Project Management tool? Choose 2 answers 

A. Increased visibility into sprint and project status 
B. Better relationships with business stakeholders 
C. Consolidate project artifacts to a common repository 
D. Improve governance with gate steps in development 

Question # 11

Universal Containers (UC) had added a Service team to the Salesforce Platform. The Service team would like to have a few dozen of the service centers entered into the system as technical reference data. The service centers are made searchable in many different web forms and rather independent from all other business entities. In the past, they had to manually add any new service centers in each sandbox in the code migration path, they would like to eliminate the manual work if it is possible. What is an optimal way to accomplish this requirement?

A. Add the service centers to a hierarchical custom settings. 
B. Add the service centers to a list custom settings. 
C. Define a brand-new custom object with a picklist field to host all of the service centers. 
D. Add all of the service centers to a custom metadata type. 

Question # 12

Which two project situations favor an Agile methodology? Choose 2 answers 

A. A digitization project to update an existing customer -facing process and enable quick adjustments 
B. A project to be executed by a third party, with a fixed and formal scope, budget, and timeline 
C. An environment with a heavy investment in DevOps capabilities for rapid testing and deployment 
D. A project with well-defined requirements and complex interactions between front- and back -end systems 

Question # 13

An architect is working on a Universal Containers (UC) project, and due to security concerns, the UC security team cannot provide the Architect with production access. Instead, a central release management team will be responsible for performing production deployments for all development teams. How should an architect leverage the Metadata API to ensure any metadata components necessary to deploy the project’s functionality Are properly communicated to the release management team?

A. Provide a spreadsheet of all components and utilize the metadata API’s readMetadata() call. 
B. Communicate the unlocked package version to the release management team. 
C. Create a change set in each sandbox and download the package.xml file for the release management team. 
D. Provide the release management team a copy of the audit trail from the sandbox you wish to deploy from.

Question # 14

At any given time, Universal Containers has 10 Apex developers building new functionality and fixing bugs. Which branching strategy should an Architect recommend that mitigates the risk of developers overwriting others changes? 

A. Have all developers build new functionality in new branches, but fix bugs in the HEAD
 B. Have all developers work in the same branch, continuously testing for regressions 
C. Have developers work in separate branches and merge their changes in a common branch for testing 
D. Don't use source control. Rely on Salesforce's built-in conflict detection mechanism 

Question # 15

Universal Containers (UC) is using custom metadata types to control the behavior of a few of the custom functionalities. UC wants to Deploy custom metadata types to production using Metadata API. Which two data types does UC need to include? Choose 2 answers 

A. CustomMetadataType 
B. CustomMetadata 
C. CustomObject 
D. Custom Field 

Question # 16

A Salesforce contractor has built an application for Universal Containers (UC) .The contractor will need to deploy multiple times from the contractor's own Salesforce to UC's Salesforce environments. Ultimately, UC has full control of the application's code, including its intellectual property 

A. Eclipse IDE 
B. Unmanaged Package 
C. Change Sets. 
D. Managed Package 

Question # 17

As a part of technical debt cleanup project, a large list of metadata components has been identified by the business analysts at Universal Containers for removal from the Salesforce org. How should an Architect manage these deletions across sandbox environments and production with minimal impact on other work streams? 

A. Generate a destructivechanges.xml file and deploy the package via the Force.com Migration Tool 
B. Perform deletes manually in a sandbox and then deploy a Change Set to production 
C. Assign business analysts to perform the deletes and split up the work between them 
D. Delete the components in production and then refresh all sandboxes to receive the changes 

Question # 18

Metadata API supports deploy () and retrieve () calls for file-based deployment. Which two scenarios are the primary use cases for writing code to call retrieve () and deploy () methods directly? Choose 2 answers 

A. Team development of an application in a Developer Edition organization. After completing development and testing, the application is Distributed via Lightning Platform AppExchange. 
B. Development of a custom application in a scratch org. After completing development and testing, the application is then deployed into an upper sandbox using Salesforce CLI (SFDX) 
C. Development of a customization in a sandbox organization. The deployment team then utilize the Ant Migration Tool to deploy the customization to an upper sandbox for testing. 
D. Development of a custom application in a sandbox organization. After completing development and testing, the application is then deployed Into a production organization using Metadata API. 

Question # 19

Universal Containers CUC) Customer Community is scheduled to go live in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region in 3 months. UC follows a typical centralized governance model. Two weeks ago, the project stakeholders informed the project team about the recent changes in mandatory compliance requirements needed to go live. The project team analyzed the requirements and have estimated additional budget needs of 30^0 of the project cost for incorporating the compliance requirements. Which management team is empowered to approve this additional budget requirements? 

A. Security Review Committee 
B. Project Management Committee 
C. Executive Steering Committee 
D. Change Control Board 

Question # 20

Universal Containers CUC) has been on the org development model with scratch orgs are already enabled, but they haven't been taking advantage of the scratch orgs. Now UC is ready to move to the package development model. What step must be done by an administrator? 

A. In setup, switch both the Enable Dev Hub and Enable 2nd-Generation Managed Packages to Enabled. 
B. In setup, switch the Enable Unlocked Packages to Enabled, keep the Enable SecondGeneration Managed Packages as disabled.
C. In setup, switch the Enable Dev Hub to Enabled, then switch the Enable Source Tracking for Scratch Orgs to Enabled. 
D. In setup, switch the Enable Unlocked Packages and Second-Generation Managed Packages to Enabled. 

Question # 21

The team at Universal Containers is building an application on Java that will interact with its Salesforce application. They want to use SOQL queries to retrieve and make changes to smaller pieces of Salesforce metadata through this application. Which API should the team leverage? 

A. Tooling API 
B. Any Salesforce API 
C. User Interface API 
D. Metadata API 

Question # 22

Universal Containers CUC) is working with Salesforce CPQ, which uses configuration SObjects to drive business logic. What are two best practice recommendations an architect should propose to allow UC to deploy CPQ features as part of their CI/CD process? Choose 2 answers 

A. Use a third-party product. 
B. Build an Apex framework to deploy CPQ records. 
C. Use an open source SFDX plugin and version control. 
D. Use data loader to deploy CSV files. 

Question # 23

Universal Containers (\)C) is on the Unlimited Edition of Salesforce orgs. Currently, there are four Developer Pro sandboxes used by dev teams for various purposes, one partial copy sandboxes used for training, one full sandbox used for user acceptance testing. There is another full sandbox used for performance testing during the initial launch, and it is no longer being actively used. A system administrator had reported yesterday that none of the sandboxes can be refreshed. What is the most probable action an architect can help the system administrator with? 

A. It appears the org is using more sandboxes than the license permits. The Partial Copy sandbox shouldn't be used.
 B. Create a Salesforce support case, someone should know what is wrong. 
C. Contact the Salesforce Account Team to do a sandbox License Count. 
D. Delete the full sandbox used for performance testing. 

Question # 24

Universal Containers (\)C) is on the Unlimited Edition of Salesforce orgs. Currently, there are four Developer Pro sandboxes used by dev teams for various purposes, one partial copy sandboxes used for training, one full sandbox used for user acceptance testing. There is another full sandbox used for performance testing during the initial launch, and it is no longer being actively used. A system administrator had reported yesterday that none of the sandboxes can be refreshed. What is the most probable action an architect can help the system administrator with?

 A. It appears the org is using more sandboxes than the license permits. The Partial Copy sandbox shouldn't be used. 
B. Create a Salesforce support case, someone should know what is wrong. 
C. Contact the Salesforce Account Team to do a sandbox License Count. 
D. Delete the full sandbox used for performance testing. 

Question # 25

Universal Containers is in the final stages of building a new application to track custom containers. During a review of the application, a business subject Matter Expert mentioned that it would be nice to be able to track additional container types beyond what was originally scoped during the plan and design phase. Which two actions should be performed to mitigate the risk? Choose 2 answers. 

A. Escalate and communicate to stakeholders the risk and mitigate it by allocating additional resources to support the new requirement based on stakeholders input. 
B. Have a discussion with the business subject Matter Expert and communicate that the Salesforce has limitations in supporting such a feature to mitigate the risk. 
C. Escalate and communicate to stakeholders the risk and mitigate it by extending the timeline of the project to support the new requirement based on stakeholders input. 
D. Have a discussion with the business subject Matter Expert and communicate that anew developer environment will be needed to mitigate the risk. 

Question # 26

Universal Containers has three types of releases in their release management strategy: daily, minor (monthly), and major (quarterly). A user has requested a new report to support an urgent client request. What release strategy would an Architect recommend? 

A. Utilize the major release process to create the report directly in production bypassing the full sandbox. 
B. Utilize the minor release process to create the report directly in production bypassing the full sandbox. 
C. Utilize the major release process to create the report in a full sandbox and then deploy it to production. 
D. Utilize the daily release process to create the report directly in a full sandbox and then deploy it to production. 

Question # 27

The opportunity Service and opportunity Service Test classes are in package A but are used only in package B. Both second-generation packages have the same namespace. Therefore, they should be moved to package B for better organization and control. What should the architect recommend for this process? 

A. Set the classes as deprecated in package A and recreate them in package B. 
B. Move the classes of package A to package 8 and change the code for package B that called this class from package A. 
C. Move the classes of package A to package B and create new package versions. 
D. Set the classes as deprecated in package A and recreate them in package B with new names. 

Question # 28

Universal Containers (UC) innovative apps division is releasing an application that can be installed in its trading partners Salesforce environments. The application lets the trading partners book containers from UC directly without leaving their own Salesforce environment. The partners can then build on top of the application with process builders and triggers so the container booking process can be integrated with the trading partners’ own processes. What is the recommended mechanism for releasing the application considering the innovative apps division wants to keep the application up to date in various environments? 

A. Change sets 
B. Unmanaged package 
C. Managed package 
D. Zip file deployable by SFDX or ANT 

Question # 29

Universal Containers has 80% code coverage. Despite the creation of a test plan for each sprint, the number of defects is large. What two items should the architect recommend to reduce defects? Choose 2 answers 

A. The test script should be used to define the test classes. 
B. The code coverage should be increased to 95%. 
C. The test analyst who creates the test plan must also create the test classes. 
D. The acceptance criteria should have more details.

Question # 30

Universal Containers (UC) environment management architect is using the package development model for deployment to different orgs. Which metadata changes does the architect need to track manually? 

A. No manual tracking required. All changes are automatically tracked. 
B. All metadata changes for the release. 
C. Changes to components not yet supported by source tracking. 
D. Only the changes made via the Setup UI. 

Question # 31

Universal Containers (UC) development team is developing a managed package for AppExchange. The product team has finished developing and testing, and wants to submit a Security Review. However, the product manager has concerns on the few errors from the Checkmarx code scanner. How should the product team proceed?

 A. Review the Checkmarx errors. If there is no need to fix, mark them as false positive and attach explanation, then submit. 
B. Leave them to the Salesforce security review team, they would catch it if those are true problems. 
C. Leavee a partner support case, the partner manager will engage Salesforce support resources to help. 
D. Review the Checkmarx errors and fix all of them before submitting security review. Salesforce security review team will reject the request if any error remains. 

Question # 32

Universal Containers has just initiated a project to implement partner community. The application will be deployed into a production environment currently in use by a large Salesforce user base. The project manager has insisted that the development and testing team use a single developer sandbox. What is the risk with this approach?

 A. Tester will encounter platform limits due to developer sandbox capacity limits. 
B. Testers will experience functional changes throughput testing due to not having isolation form development. 
C. Testers will hit governor limits due to large volume of users in the developer sandbox. 
D. Refreshing the developer sandbox will take significant time. 

Question # 33

Which two actions will contribute to an improvement of code security? Choose 2 answers 

A. Hire a company specialized in secure code review the current code. 
B. Implement a pull request and secure code review. 
C. Integrate a static code security analysis tool in the CI/CD process. 
D. Use two developers to review and fix current code vulnerabilities. 

Question # 34

Universal Containers (UC) is embarking on a large program of work, with different projects and different vendors. UC created a center of excellence (COE) that is struggling with scope creep between the different projects. What role should the architect suggest be added to the COE? 

A. Scrum master 
B. Release managers 
C. Product owner 
D. Change managers

Question # 35

In architect is working on a project that relies on functionality that cannot be deployed via the Metadata API. What is the best practice for making sure these components are deployed successfully? 

A. Generate and deploy a change set that enables the required settings 
B. Generate and install a managed package that enables the required settings 
C. Utilize the metadata API's deployAllComponents call 
D. Document deployment steps for any components that cannot be automatically deployed 

Question # 36

A technical lead is performing all code reviews for a team and is finding many errors and improvement points. This is delaying the team’s Deliveries. Which two actions can effectively contribute to the quality and agility of the team? Choose 2 answers 

A. Choose the most senior developer to help the technical lead in the code review. 
B. Create development standards and train teams in those standards. 
C. Skip the code review and focus on functional tests and UAT. 
D. Use static code analysis tool in the pipeline before manual code review.

Question # 37

Universal Containers has a stable continuous integration process and all stakeholders are happy. However, user testing takes long time, as data has to be setup. What should an Architect do to address this problem? 

A. Include automated sample data during deployment. 
B. Advise the project manager to assign more users to create test data.
 C. Test data creation is outside the scope of continuous integration. 
D. Train business users to create test data more efficiently. 

Question # 38

The CTO at Universal Containers is complaining to the software development managers that he has no visibility of their teams’ work status. What two software development methodologies should an architect suggest to solve this issue, and why? Choose 2 answers

A. Waterfall, because it defines a fixed schedule and duration for each activity. 
B. DevOps, because monitoring and logging practices help you stay informed of performance in real time. 
C. Scrum, because openness is one of the five core Scrum values. 
D. Kanban, because one of its basic elements is to make everything visible, creating consistent transparency of work items 

Question # 39

Why does Salesforce prohibit Stress Testing against Production? 

A. There is not enough CPU 
B. It is a shared environment 
C. It is blocked by data center infrastructure 
D. It causes Internet congestion 

Question # 40

Universal Containers (UC) had implemented two full sandboxes. One, known as Stage, is used for performance, regression testing, and production readiness check. The other is used primarily for user acceptance testing (UAT). Both full sandboxes were refreshed two months ago. Currently, UC is targeting to start user acceptance testing in two weeks, and do production release in four weeks. An admin also realized Salesforce will have a major release in six weeks. UC needs to release on the current Salesforce version, but also wants to make sure the new Salesforce release does not break anything What should an architect recommend?

A. Refresh Stage now, and do not refresh UAT. This way, Stage will be on preview and UAT will not. 
B. Use the Sandbox Preview Guide to check if there is any necessary action needed. UC might have to prepare, refresh, and redeploy to UAT. 
C. Visit trust.salesforce.com to figure out the preview cutoff dates, if the dates had passed, work with support to get on the preview instance. 
D. Refresh Stage from UAT now. After preview cutoff, use the upgraded one for regression test, use the non-upgraded one for user acceptance Test. 

Question # 41

Which two statements are accurate about why Mock objects are needed when writing test classes? Choose 2 answers 

A. Mock can also be used on the classes that extend the batchable interface to bypass the batch jobs. 
B. Using a Mock allows the test class to bypass the dependencies of other objects, methods, state, or behaviors. Therefore, the developer has total control of his own code. 
C. Some methods are invoking long running processes, using Mock is a shortcut of bypassing the long executions. 
D. A Mock is needed whenever the code makes an HTTP callout. 

Question # 42

Universal Containers is working on the next phase of development for their Salesforce implementation involving a large amount of custom development. Which two strategies should be considered to address a critical production issue occurring in the middle of development? Choose 2 answers 

A. Create separate branches for current development and production bug fixes and deploy the fix with current development when ready 
B. Utilize one branch for both development and production bug fixes to avoid out-of-sync branches and simplify deployment 
C. Utilize a source control system to allow separate branches for current development and production bug fixes 
D. Refresh a sandbox for replication of the issue and testing the use -case scenarios once the code is fixed 

Question # 43

When replacing an old legacy system with Salesforce, which two strategies should the plan consider to mitigate the risks associated with migrating data from the legacy system to Salesforec? Choose 2 answers? 

A. Identify the data relevant to the new system, including dependencies, and develop a plan/scripts for verification of data integrity. 
B. Migrate users in phases based on their functions, requiring parallel use of legacy system and Salesforce for certain period of time. 
C. Use a full sandbox environment for all the systems involved, a full deployment plan with test data generation scripts, and full testing including integrations. 
D. Use a full sandbox environment and perform test runs of data migration scripts/processes with real data from the legacy system. 

Question # 44

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has well-defined release management processes for both large and small projects. NTO's development team created a workflow and a trigger for the changes in its opportunity renewal process. What should the architect recommend for release planning of these changes? 

A. Plan this as a patch release and align with the Salesforce patch release. 
B. Plan this as a major release and align with a Salesforce major release. 
C. Plan this as a minor release with training and change management. 
D. Plan this an interim release after checking with Salesforce support. 

Question # 45

Universal Containers is having trouble deploying metadata from SIT to UAT. UAT is complaining that it does not recognize some new Salesforce metadata types to be deployed. The deployment from Dev to SIT worked perfectly What could be the problem?

A. There is no problem, this is expected behavior. 
B. UAT is on a preview release and SIT is not. 
C. SIT is on a preview release and UAT is not. 
D. Use the DX command line instead. 

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