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Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant Exam Overview:

Detail Information
Exam Cost $200 USD
Total Time 105 minutes
Available Languages English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German
Passing Marks 68%

Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Exam Topics Breakdown

Exam Topics Percentage
Industry Knowledge and Expertise 15%
Implementation Strategies 12%
Service Cloud Solution Design 15%
Knowledge Management and Collaboration 12%
Contact Center Industry Knowledge 10%
Case Management 10%
Integration and Data Management 11%
Service Cloud Analytics and Reporting 10%
Community Setup and Management 5%

Few More SERVICE-CLOUD-CONSULTANT Exact Exam Questions:

Question # 1

Cloud kicks needs a way for external customers to easily create cases. Customers will need to attach files that can often be 40 MB in size.

A. Experience Cloud Create Case Form

B. Web-to-Case

C. Contact Request Flow

D. On-Demand Email-to-Case

Answer: D

Question # 2

Cloud Kicks has millions of customers. Only a small percentage of the customers have existing Contact records in Salesforce The customer's email address is used to populate details from another system and enrich the Contact record. A service center uses multiple channels to support customers, including phone, Email-to-Case, and Web-to-Case. Support agents frequently fail to capture the necessary information, leading to an inconsistent customer experience.
What is the recommended method to consistently capture new caller details?

A. Use a global quick action to capture details.

B. Use an auto-launched flow to capture details.

C. Use a new customer Path on Contact to capture details.

D. Use Open CTI with Pop to flow to capture details.

Answer: B

Question # 3

Field engineers often need to access current inventory levels of products the customer has purchased while at customer sites. Which solution should a consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

A. Implement Salesforce Field Service

B. Configure visual Flows on Salesforce mobile

C. Integrate with an enterprise resource planning system

D. Develop and publish a knowledge management system

Answer: C

Question # 4

Universal Containers (UC) wants to automate the process of case creation. While conducting a business process review, the consultant learned that in some instances, customers provide UC with digital pictures of the problem. The average attachment size was 34 MB.
Which solution should a consultant recommend?

A. On-Demand Email-to-Case

B. Email-to-Case

C. Web-to-Case

D. Outlook Integration

Answer: B

Question # 5

A recent analysis of cases at Cloud Kicks (CK) revealed a high percentage of simple cases such as password resets and order inquiries. In order to reduce the number of cases created, CK wants to provide customer self-service in the following channels: web, SMS, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp.
What is the recommended case deflection solution?

A. Social Customer Service

B. Einstein Bots

C. Digital Engagement Messaging

D. Chat for Web and In-App

Answer: C

Question # 6

Cloud Kicks provides support to customers across the world and uses Lightning Experience. Service agents have a set of common responses. Managers would like to consolidate the responses as quick text, translate them to multiple languages, and share them with the correct groups of service agents. What should a consultant recommend to meet the requirements?

A. Use custom labels to manage quick text translations.

B. Share a folder with quick text for each translation.

C. Share each quick text individually to Public Groups.

Answer: B


Sharing a folder containing quick text translations for each language with the appropriate groups of service agents ensures that agents have access to common responses in the necessary languages. This approach facilitates efficient communication with customers worldwide and streamlines the management of translated quick texts.

Question # 7

A Service Manager has just configured Chat at a company site. Now, the Agents cannot see the Chat footer component in the console. Which configuration option should be verified?

A. Verify that users have access to the Chat buttons.

B. Verify that users are assigned the Chat feature license.

C. Verify that users have access to the Chat public group.

D. Verify that users are assigned the Chat user profile.

Answer: B

Question # 8

As part of a new salesforce knowledge implementation, Universal Containers would like to migrate articles from their current database.Which factor should a consultant consider as part of the migration strategy?

A. Convert any articles containing HTML into plain text before importing because HTML is NOT supported to any article field types.

B. Ensure that each existing article type has a corresponding knowledge article type that matches its structure and content.

C. Verify that each article type has field level security on all fields set to read only prior to import, in order to prevent any loss of data.

D. Prepare a single .csv file that can be used to migrate all article types at once and include with a properties file in a.zip for import

Answer: B

Question # 9

If a case cannot be resolved after Tier 1 has performed their troubleshooting steps, the case must be escalated to Tier 2 support. Tier 2 has additional troubleshooting steps. How can a consultant configure the Lightning Service Console to support this requirement?

A. Define separate Record Types for Tier 1 and Tier 2

B. Configure a Visual Flow Troubleshooting Action

C. Implement Lightning Guided Engagement

D. Enable Omni-Channel Case assignment

Answer: C

Question # 10

Cloud Kicks recently deployed an Omni-Channel implementation in Lightning. A set of service agents that handle security-related issues have complained that Case records are not being routed to them correctly.
What are three necessary steps to test that the Omni-Channel implementation is routing correctly? (Choose three.)

A. Enable Debug Omni-Channel routing configuration in Setup.

B. Open the Omni-Channel Supervisor tab.

C. Log in as a user who is enabled for Omni-Channel access.

D. Open the record you want to route.

D. Change the owner to a queue associated with the routing configuration.

Answer: B,C,D

Question # 11

How should a consultant configure a report that shows the average number of days that Cases stay open?

A. Create a formula field on Case to calculate the average age.

B. Create a report snapshot of the number of open Cases each day.

C. Use the standard Case age field on the report.

Answer: A


To report the average number of days that Cases stay open, creating a formula field on the Case object to calculate the age of each case is effective. This formula can calculate the difference between the case creation date and the current date (for open cases) or the closed date (for closed cases). A report can then aggregate this data to calculate the average age of cases, providing insights into case resolution times.

Question # 12

Universal Containers (UC) has deployed a call center using open CTI. Call center agents are organized into four groups reflecting UC's four different product lines. Each group's manager would like a report on their agents" daily call volume, including related case and contact information. How should the consultant recommend the report be created?

A. Build a Summary report on Products and Activities.

B. Set up a reporting snapshot of the case, contact and activity objects.

C. Create a Custom Report type with activities as the primary object.

D. Customize the My Teams Calls this week standard report.

Answer: D

Question # 13

Universal Containers wants to migrate articles from its current database as part of a new Salesforce Lightning Knowledge Implementation.
Which factor should a consultant consider as part of the migration strategy?

A. Prepare a single .csv file that can be used to migrate all article types at once and include with a .properties filed in a .zip for Import.

B. Ensure that each existing article type has a corresponding Salesforce knowledge article record type that matches its structure and content.

C. Convert any articles containing HTML into plain text before importing because HTML is NOT supported in any article field types.

D. Verify that each article type has field-level security on all fields set to read-only prior to import, in order to prevent any loss of data.

Answer: B

Question # 14

Ursa Major Solar’s support department would like to implement an entitlement process to ensure customers receive the appropriate support based on their service level agreements (SLAs) Which two features need to be configured as part of the implementation? Choose 2 answers

A. Workflow Actions

B. Milestones

C. Assignment Rule

D. Escalation Rule

Answer: B,D


Milestones and Escalation Rules are two features that need to be configured as part of theentitlement process implementation. Milestones are time-dependent steps that representrequired service levels, such as first response time or resolution time. Escalation Rules are actions that occur when a milestone is violated, such as sending an email alert orreassigning the case. Verified References: : Milestones : : Escalation Rules

Question # 15

Ursa Major Solar sells industrial equipment and privide support through voice channels as well mobie technicians.
When incident occur, high-priority customer have a dedicented phone number to call. Technicians must then be rerouted from the next scheduled word location to the high-prioity customer site.
What is the recommended solution?

A. Incident Management

B. Field Service

C. Workforce Engagement

D. Visual Remote Assistant

Answer: B

Question # 16

Universal Containers has an active presence on Twitter and Facebook. Customers' requests from these social media channels should be responded to by support agents.
What should a consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

A. Social Customer Service for Twitter and Facebook.

B. Social Media Marketing message tagging.

C. Social Persona for Twitter and Facebook.

D. Einstein Bot social queues.

Answer: C

Question # 17

The support manager at Universal Containers wants to see monthly historical metrics for first-call resolution by call center.
Which analytics solution should the consultant recommend?

A. Case report grouped by Call Center

B. Case History report grouped by Call Center

C. Dynamic Dashboard grouped by Call Center

Answer: C


A Dynamic Dashboard enables personalized data visualization for each viewer based on their Salesforce role or user specifics. For tracking first-call resolution by call center, a Dynamic Dashboard can be configured to display monthly historical metrics relevant to each call center. This approach allows the support manager to view data specific to each call center, ensuring the metrics are accurate and tailored to the manager's needs for analysis and decision-making.

Question # 18

Cloud Kicks uses Social Customer Service to create and respond to customer cases After closing a case, service agents are seeing duplicate cases the customer makes a new social post.
What should a consultant recommend?

A. Change the Run Apex As User to a service agent profile.

B. In Inbound Setting, set Enable Case Reopen to 3 days.

C. Establish Duplicate Rules to find similar cases.

D. Configure a Macro to close the duplicate case

Answer: C

Question # 19

Universal Containers has determined that case list views are slow to load because of the large number of cases in the system.
Which two actions will improve the performance of the list views? Choose 2 answers

A. Restrict visibility of the views

B. Reduce the number of fields displayed

C. Filter the views by case owner

D. Remove filter criteria from the views

Answer: B,C

Question # 20

A Contact Center Manager is implementing a new customer care program and wants to specifically measure customer loyalty.
Which three measures satisfy this requirement? Choose 3 answers

A. Customer satisfaction Survey

B. Customer Purchase History

C. Customer Support Requests

D. Net promoter Score

D. Service Level Agreement

Answer: A,B,D

Question # 21

Cloud Kicks (CK) provides support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. CK contracts with an external third-party help desk to provide support outside of normal business hours.The external service agents and external support managers use Experience Cloud to create cases.External support managers need to view and execute reports with the ability to "Run as specified user.
What is the recommended Experience Cloud license to meet the requirements?

A. Service Cloud Portal

B. Customer Community Login

C. High Volume Customer Portal

D. Partner Community Login

Answer: A

Question # 22

Which two areas can an Administrator make Open CTI features available to users when building a Lighting App using the App Manager? Choose 2 answers

A. On a utility bar of the Lightning App

B. On a record Highlights Panel

C. On a record Activity Feed list

D. On the Calendar right hand panel

Answer: A,B

Question # 23

A consultant has been hired to integrate a client's phone system with the Service Console.
What is the consultant required to do during this integration?

A. Enable the Lightning Console.

B. Configure the CTI Adapter.

C. Add the utility bar to the app.

Answer: B


During the integration of a client's phone system with the Service Console, configuring the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Adapter is a critical step. This involves setting up the interface between the phone system and Salesforce, enabling features like click-to-dial, call logging, and screen pops within the Service Console for improved agent efficiency.

Question # 24

Service agents at Cloud Kicks frequently encounter duplicate cases from the same customers in different channels.
Management would like to provide a method for service agents to handle duplicates and delete one of the cases.
Which action should a consultant recommend?

A. Enable Case Merge.

B. Set up duplicate rules on Case.

C. Create an autolaunched Flow

D. Create an autolaunched Flow

Answer: A


To address the issue of duplicate cases from the same customers in different channels, enabling the Case Merge feature is recommended. This allows service agents to easily identify and merge duplicate cases, ensuring a consolidated view of customer issues and preventing redundant work.

Question # 25

What approach should a Consultant use to ensure that Knowledge searches only display articles for a service agent’s product specialization?

A. Create a permission set for each record type; assign permissions to service agents.

B. Create a page layout for each record type; assign layouts to service agents.

C. Create an article action for each record type; assign record types to service agents.

D. Create a data category for each product; assign data categories to service agents.

Answer: D

Question # 26

Universal Containers is preparing to implement Service Cloud for its global Support team. Requirements gathering sessions have resulted in a large set of required deliverables.
What should a consultant recommend as the next step?

A. Prioritize the requirements based on who submitted them.

B. Identify the requirements needed for initial GoLive.

C. Provide a timeline that addresses all the requirements.

D. Organize the requirements from largest to smallest.

Answer: B


Identifying the requirements needed for initial GoLive is the recommended next step after gathering a large set of required deliverables for implementing Service Cloud. Identifying the requirements needed for initial GoLive involves prioritizing the requirements based on their importance, urgency, complexity, and dependency. This can help determine the scope and timeline of the project, as well as the resources and budget needed. Identifying the requirements needed for initial GoLive can also help avoid scope creep, manage expectations, and ensure a successful implementation. Verified References: Service Cloud Consultant Certification Guide & Tips, Project Management Best Practices

Question # 27

A manager has noticed an increase in average case age. This is negatively impacting customer satisfaction. The manager wants to compare the amount of time that cases have spent within each status during their lifecycle.
Which reporting solution should be recommended?

A. Create a report using the Case Age report type

B. Create a report using the Case Age report type

C. Create a report using the Case Snapshot report type.

D. Create a report using the Case Lifecycle report type.

Answer: D

Question # 28

Cloud Kicks is migrating from an external knowledge base to Salesforce Knowledge. Currently, users can select from 8 top-level topics. Each topic has 250 subtopics, arranged into a hierarc that is 10 levels deep.
What should a consultant recommend?

A. Organize up to 200 categories in each category group.

B. Consolidate into 3 or fewer category groups.

C. Reorganize Into a hierarchy with 6 or fewer levels.

D. Assign up to 10 data categories per category group to each article.

Answer: D

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Universal Containers (UC) wants to deploy Service Cloud to 100 contact centers locatedacross North America, Europe, andAsia. UC wants standardized reporting across worldwide contact centers’ key performanceindicators (KPIs).Which approach should a consultant recommend in this scenario?

A. Assign a global team of experienced analysts to create a standard report template.
B. Ask leadership, management, and agents in all regions to vote on the standard reporttemplate.
C. Request that the VP of worldwide support design a standard report template to provide aclear vision,

Question # 2

A customer submitted a case that is routed to a service desk agent at UniversalContainers. After the agent responds to the case, they realize the customer is ineligible forsupport.Which solution should the consultant recommend to prevent this scenario from happeningin the future?

A. Add the Case's Entitlement related list to the Case Lightning Record Page.
B. Add the related Contact's Entitlement related list to the Case Lightning Record Page.
C. Add the related Account's Entitlement related list to the Case Lightning Record Page.

Question # 3

Universal Containers recently deployed a Salesforce Knowledge implementation and wantsto evaluate the quality of the articles being produced.What should the consultant recommend to gather information efficiently on Knowledgearticle usefulness?

A. Develop custom Knowledge reports and dashboards.
B. Create a review board to evaluate and manage Knowledge articles.
C. Install the Knowledge Base Dashboards & Reports AppExchange package.

Question # 4

What should the consultant consider when implementing Salesforce Chat functionality in anew Service Cloud instance?

A. It should be deployed with Experience Builder.
B. It is incompatible with Einstein Bots.
C. It should be routed via Omni-Channel,

Question # 5

Universal Containers needs to provide contact center agents with access to a customer'spayment history if the call concerns abilling problem. The following considerations need to be taken into account:* Billing data is stored in an external system containing over 20 million records.* Only the finance department has direct access to the billing system.Which solution should a consultant recommend?

A. Create a custom tab that displays a search page from the billing system.
B. Integrate payment data into Salesforce from the billing system using custom objects.
C. Configure Salesforce Connect and External Objects to the billing system.

Question # 6

A consultant is tasked with creating a dashboard in Salesforce for Cloud Kicks’ executives.The dashboard needs to provide insights that willassist in strategic decision-making.Which type of report should the consultant include to meet the requirement?

A. Snapshot reporting that shows trends in the number of cases handled per month,providing a high-level overview of customer service operations
B. Omni-Channel Analytics detailing specific paths and routing types to evaluate theefficiency of support channel
C. Detailed CTI analytics reports, such as wait times and handle times, to review individualagent performance

Question # 7

Cloud Kicks (CK) uses Lightning Experience and Lightning Knowledge in its service center.CKwants an easy way for service agents to create new articles when closing a case. The newarticleshould include appropriate details from the case to make it useful for others.What is the recommended method to meet the requirements?

A. Develop a globally-shared macro to create a new article.
B. Use a trigger to automatically create a new article.
C. Create a Quick Action to map case fields to a new article

Question # 8

Universal Containers wants to ensure the contracted service level requirements for itscustomers are being met.What should a consultant configure to meet this requirement?

A. Entitlement processes, contract line items, milestone, and entitlements
B. Entitlement processes, milestones, milestone actions, and entitlements
C. Entitlement processes, contracts, contract line items, and entitlements

Question # 9

Universal Containers has tested Skills-Based Routing in a sandbox and is ready to deployto production.Which solution should a consultant use to deploy the Service Resources, Skills, andRouting?

A. Data Import Wizard
B. Data Loader
C. Mass Transfer Records

Question # 10

Universal Containers wants to reduce the clicks a customer support agent uses whenworking on a case. This includes the time it takes to create,resolve, and close the case.Which Salesforce productivity feature should a consultant use to accomplish thisrequirement?

A. Macros
B. Quick action
C. Flow

Question # 11

The support manager at Universal Containers wants to improve visibility to cases acrossthe organization and has decided that product managers should be more involved in thecase management process. The support manager has created predefined case teams foreach product and trained support agents to add the appropriate case team to each case.Which solution allows product managers to quickly see and review the cases that arecreated for their products?

A. Configure a Case list view filtered by My Cases.
B. Configure a Case related list on the Product page layout.
C. Configure a Case list view filtered by My Case Teams.

Question # 12

Ursa Major Solar (UMS) provides customers with remote monitoring of solar panels. Whenthere are issues with the service, such as a power outage, UMS needs to provide serviceagents, operations teams, and customers with full visibility into the issue.What is the recommended feature to meet the requirements?

A. Incident Management
B. Workforce Engagement
C. Field Service Management

Question # 13

Universal Containers provides customer support for both new products and routinemaintenance of existing products. The cases for both types have many stages and fields incommon; however, the maintenance cases have additional stages and fields that need tobe captured. Which feature should a consultant recommend to accomplish this objective?

A. Approval Processes
B. Support Types
C. Support Processes

Question # 14

A manager would like information on which Knowledge articles are used most often by callcenter agents.Which report should a consultant use to identify the Knowledge articles that are used mostoften?

A. Knowledge articles with the most revisions
B. Knowledge articles with the highest ratings
C. Number of Knowledge articles attached to Cases

Question # 15

Cloud Kicks is preparing to launch Service Console to a large set of service agents.Feedback from a pilot group of users revealed they would likea quick way to navigate the console, including changing tabs, saving records, andsearching.What is the recommended feature to improve productivity?

A. Keyboard shortcuts
B. Quick text
C. Custom macros

Question # 16

Cloud Kicks (CK) uses Lightning Knowledge and has set up Data Categories. CK usesData Category Visibility to control access based on products and geographic location. Theadmin plans to enable ‘Use standard Salesforce sharing’ in Sharing Settings underKnowledge Settings.Which consideration should the admin be aware of when making this change?

A. Data Category Visibility of All Categories provides Public Read-Only access.
B. Data Category Visibility of Custom overrides organization-wide default sharing access.
C. Data Categories no longer control access to articles.

Question # 17

Agents at Universal Containers are required to update the Case Status to Waiting forCustomer after they send an email to the Case Contact. Support managers are noticingthat many agents are forgetting to perform this step.What should a consultant recommend to address this problem?

A. Create a Case Macro.
B. Create a Validation Rule.
C. Create an action on Case,

Question # 18

Cloud Kicks wants to create a secure, branded mobile app that its Experience Cloudcustomers can use to create and track cases, see upcoming product announcements, andinteract with other customers who have common interests.Which mobile development option should the consultant recommend?

A. Create two custom mobile apps, one for Apple and the other for Android.
B. Explain that community users can access the site through a web browser.
C. Use Salesforce Mobile Publisher to create a common app for both Apple and Android.

Question # 19

Cloud Kicks (CK) uses Lightning Dialer and one-click calling to initiate phone calls tocustomers. CK has recently received complaints from customers who have set theircommunication preferences to email only or text only. What is the most efficient solution the consultant should use to meet the requirements?

A. Remove the phone number from the page layout.
B. Use Dynamic Forms to hide the phone number.
C. Set the Contact Do Not Call field value to True.

Question # 20

Universal Containers wants to automate the process of case creation. While conducting abusiness process review, the consultant learned that customers sometimes upload digitalpictures ofthe problem.Following best practices, which solution should a consultant recommend?

A. Email-to-Case
B. AppExchange package
C. Web-to-Case

Question # 21

Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to increase the number of articles in its knowledge base whilemaintaining article quality. CK plans to allow all service agents to create articles.What should the consultant recommend to create a vetting workflow to reduce the numberof low-quality articles?

A. Flow with notifications
B. Reports and dashboards
C. Approval process

Question # 22

Cloud Kicks provides phone support to customers using the Service Cloud Voice Dialer.Once a call completes, support agents often need to send a follow-up email or finalize casenotes. CK wants to get insight about agent efficiency.Which metric should a consultant recommend to track the efficiency of individual agents?

A. Total Emails Sent
B. Call Abandonment
C. After Conversation Work Time

Question # 23

Cloud Kicks has recently implemented two-way mobile messaging to increase the efficiencyof the support team. The company uses key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure thesuccess ofthe implementation.Which metric should a consultant use to measure the effectiveness of two-way mobilemessaging?

A. Average Handle Time
B. Reduced Call Volume
C. Total Open Cases

Question # 24

The support manager at Universal Containers wants to measure first-call resolution bychannel, agent, and calendar month.Which reporting solution should the consultant recommend?

A. Create a report using Grouping.
B. Create a reporting snapshot.
C. Create a joined report.

Question # 25

What is a consideration when adding a report chart to a Page Layout or a Lightning RecordPage?

A. The report must be used on a Dashboard.
B. The report must have a standard Report Type.
C. The report must contain a chart.

Question # 26

The support team at Cloud Kicks would like to implement a messaging tool to addresscommon customer feedback and concerns. The support team also wants to extend theirsupport capabilities.What should the consultant recommend to meet the requirement?

A. Slack Connect
B. Service GPT
C. Einstein Bots

Question # 27

Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to provide its authenticated customers with a top-tier supportexperience. CK Ants to allow asynchronous conversations, conversations across devices,andEstimated Wait Time transparency. CK currently uses an external website to deliver its chatsupportoffering.What should a consultant recommend to provide these newer capabilities?

A. Einstein Bots
B. Messaging for Web
C. AppExchange package

Question # 28

Universal Containers (UC) wants to improve case management by assigning cases toagentsbased on their relevant product specialization. UC also wants to automatically assignagents to thenext case to evenly distribute the case workload.Which Omni-Channel feature meets the requirements?

A. Use the most available routing model.
B. Use Most Cases Closed report.
C. Use the agents’ Presence Status.

Question # 29

Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to adopt artificial intelligence (Al) for improving case closure keyperformance indicators (KPIs) and product support planning within its Service organization. CK has atleast 1,000 closed cases from which it can predict accurate values for fields that are empty.CK hasyet to implement any Einstein Al products.Which approach should the consultant recommend to start. Al efforts at CK?

A. Review and address Case data issues and set up Einstein Classification Apps.
B. Review and address Case data issues and set up Einstein Article Recommendations.
C. Confirm there are enough closed cases and turn on Einstein Service Al Grounding withCases.

Question # 30

The call center manager at Universal Containers wants to generate daily reports to monitoragent productivity trends.Which primary object should a consultant select to create a new Omni-Channel reporttype?

A. Agent Detail
B. Agent Work
C. Assigned Work

Question # 31

A service agent is in a messaging session with a customer. The customer abruptly stopsresponding after 30 minutes.What should the agent do next?

A. End the messaging session with the customer.
B. Mark the messaging session as customer Inactive.
C. Leave the messaging session with the customer open.

Question # 32

Universal Containers wants to implement best practices for its customer support teams andhas decided to follow a Knowledge Centered Support (KCS) methodology.Which benefit can be expected?

A. Reduced post-interaction time
B. Reduced first contact resolution time
C. Reduced issue resolution time

Question # 33

Universal Containers is training a new set of service agents. Part of the training includeshandling messaging from customers.However, it is important that contact center managers monitor the messaging sessions toensure the service agents' responses areprofessional and accurate and that the managers are able to assist when needed.Which Lightning Console feature should a consultant configure to support this need?

A. Chat Supervisor tab and Whisper Messages
B. Incident Management tab and Whisper Messages
C. Omni-Channel Supervisor and Whisper Messages

Question # 34

Universal Containers (UC) is preparing to implement Service Cloud and wants to onboardits global support team. UC is gathering feedback fromthe support team about how they will use Service Cloud. Requirements gathering sessionshave resulted in a large set of deliverables.What should a consultant recommend as the next step?

A. Identify and prioritize the requirements for the minimum viable product.
B. Prioritize the requirements based on the stakeholder who submitted them.
C. Prioritize the requirements based on requests from the regions.

Question # 35

Universal Containers wants to let its customers interact in real time with support agentsfrom their computers and mobiledevices.Which feature should a consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

A. Web-to-Case
B. Einstein Chat Bot
C. Knowledge articles

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