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VMware 5V0-41.20 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A network administrator is tasked with enabling SD-WAN at three branch locations. A topology has been provided for reference. For each site, the administrator is having issues bringing edges online, as another administrator has gone ahead and created a configuration ahead of time. The organization has several branch sites. One is an Internetonly site and two are Hybrid locations with both internet and MPLS. The last location is MPLS only. There are hub data center locations in this environment as well. Please refer to the topology.Exhibit. The network administrator determines the issue preventing the Dallas Branch from coming online. Refer to the Exhibit(s).What must the administrator do for the Edge to communicate with the Orchestrator and other branches?

A. Reverse the WAN Overlay configurations 
B. Update the Orchestrator to the latest version as it enables "Auto WAN Swapping" 
C. Delete the User Defined WAN Overlays as the Orchestrator will discover these automatically on MPLS and Internet 
D. Create a User-defined WAN Overlay to bond both interfaces 

Question # 2

After resolving numerous connectivity Issues throughout the various branch sites, connectivity between applications and users is finally present- The network administrator is informed (hat during certain tests, applications are not performing as they are expected to. Users report that call quality has not fully improved and that some of their calls either drop or have poor voice quality where the conversation is breaking up. Other users are noticing that file transfers are slower than expect. A group of users from a few sites have reported lowness in accessing internal and external applications.Exhibit. Which metrics can a network administrator verify in the QoE screen to determine the overall health of Underlay and Overlay?

A. Jitter Packet Loss, Speed. 
B. Jitter, Packet Loss, Latency. 
C. Jitter, Speed, Latency. 
D. Packet Loss, Latency, Speed. 

Question # 3

A network administrator is tasked with enabling SO-WAN at three branch locations. A topology has been provided for reference. For each site, the administrator is having issues bringing edges online, as another administrator has gone ahead and created a configuration ahead of time. The organization has several branch sites. One is an Internetonly site and two are Hybrid locations with both internet and MPLS. The last location is MPLS only. There are hub data center locations in this environment as well. Please refer to the topology. After the network administrator has determined the problem with the Edge not being able to access the Internet, the administrator receives another error stating that the SD-WAN Orchestrator is still not reachable. The VCO's address is Amer-vcoOl.velocloud.net.Refer to the Exhibit(s). What might be disallowing the Edge to communicate with the Orchestrator?

A. The SD-WAN Orchestrator specified is incorrect, and a new activation email needs to be sent. 
B. The local firewall that the Edge uses to reach externally is blocking UDP Port 53 in both directions. 
C. The SD-WAN Orchestrator has a limited 60-second window for the Edge to come online. 
D. The SD-WAN Orchestrator is not being resolved for DNS. 

Question # 4

After resolving numerous connectivity issues throughout the various branch sites, connectivity between applications and users is finally present. The network administrator is informed that during certain tests, applications are not performing as they are expected to. Users report that call quality has not fully improved and that some of their calls either drop or have poor voice quality where the conversation is breaking up. Other users are noticing that file transfers are slower than expect. A group of users from a few sites have reported slowness in accessing; internal and external applications.Exhibit. A network administrator is configuring several branches to prefer a single prefix,, from the Seattle hub over the New York hub for various application performance reasons.What are two effective ways the administrator can accomplish this? (Choose two.)

A. Modify the AS Path in New York to be shorter for 
B. In the hub preferred order in the profile, set the Seattle hub to be preferred over New York. 
C. Modify the AS Path in New York to be longer for 
D. In the OFC, modify the preferred exit point to be Seattle and pin the route. 

Question # 5

After resolving numerous connectivity issues throughout the various branch sites, connectivity between applications and users is finally present. The network administrator is informed that during certain tests, applications are not performing as they are expected to. Users report that call quality has not fully improved and that some of their calls either drop or have poor voice quality where the conversation is breaking up. Other users are noticing that file transfers are slower than expect. A group of users from a few sites have reported slowness in accessing internal and external applications.Exhibit.Users at a remote office are complaining about poor performance with certain applications. The network administrator has already configured Business Policies based on these requirements.What is the sequence of parameters that the administrator can check to troubleshoot this problem? (Choose two.)

A. Change the bandwidth measurement under WAN Overlay Advanced Settings. 
B. Check underlay network (bandwidth, latency, jitter, packet loss). 
C. Under Monitor, check Routing tab. 
D. Review Business Policies configuration and match them against the business requirements. 

Question # 6

After resolving numerous connectivity issues throughout the various branch sites, connectivity between applications and users is finally present. The network administrator is informed that during certain tests, applications are not performing as they are expected to. Users report that call quality has not fully improved and that some of their calls either drop or have poor voice quality where the conversation is breaking up. Other users are noticing that file transfers are slower than expect. A group of users from a few sites have reported slowness in accessing internal and external applications.Exhibit. A network administrator wants to achieve better high-availability and network reconvergence between LAN-side BGP Networks and the hub Edges in New York.What must the administrator do?

A. Modify the Keep Alive and Hold timers to the lowest possible values ensuring the Hold timer is 3 times more than the Keep Alive timer. 
B. Nothing, the system will auto-rebalance connections and will provide sub-second convergence. 
C. Modify the Connect and Hold timers to the lowest possible values ensuring the Hold timer is 3 times more than the Connect timer. 
D. Modify the Keep Alive and Hold timers to the lowest possible values ensuring the Keep Alive timer is 3 times more than the Hold timer. 

Question # 7

After resolving numerous connectivity Issues throughout the various branch sites, connectivity between applications and users is finally present. The network administrator is informed that during certain tests, applications are not performing as they are expected to. Users report that call quality has not fully improved and that some of their calls either drop or have poor voice quality where the conversation is breaking up. Other users are noticing that file transfers are slower than expect. A group of users from a few sites have reported slowness in accessing internal and external applications.Exhibit. The network administrator has been made aware that Chicago is receiving traffic from nonSD-WAN sites, bottlenecking Chicago's interfaces. The network administrator's VMwareSE has mentioned using the uplink feature to help resolve this.What are two ways the uplink feature should be used in this scenario? (Choose two.)

A. Set the uplink community to forward traffic to a group of neighbors. 
B. Direct all traffic to that neighbor designated as an uplink, 
C. Stop mutual redistribution of routes from underlay and overlay. 
D. Prevent the site in question from becoming a transit site. 

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