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VMware 5V0-22.21 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A vSAN administrator was presented with 30 additional vSAN ReadyNodes to add to an existing vSAN cluster. There is only one administrator to complete this task. What is the fastest approach?

A. Use a Host Profile that was extracted from an existing host. 
B. Clone the ESXi boot partition to all new hosts, since the hardware is identical. 
C. Run vim-cmd to capture, and apply the configuration from an existing host. 
D. Launch Quickstart to Add Hosts to a vSAN Cluster 

Question # 2

Which two characteristics are associated with vSAN Data-In-Transit Encryption? (Choose two.)

A. Uses AES-256 bit encryption 
B. Requires an external KMS in order to work 
C. Needs specific configuration on the Network switches in order to be enabled 
D. Can be enabled independently of the vSAN Data-At-Rest encryption 
E. Needs to be enabled using vSAN Storage Policies 

Question # 3

An administrator wants to check the vSAN cluster health during the maintenance window while vCenter Server is offline. What are two ways to complete this task? (Choose two.)

A. HCIBench 
B. ESXi system logs on vSAN datastore Reference: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2107705
C. esxcli 
D. vSphere Host Client 
E. esxtop 

Question # 4

A vSAN administrator observes that the VMware Skyline Health: Time Synchronization displays one host that is noncompliant. What is the meaning of this message?

A. The vSAN administrator must review the NTP server configuration on vCenter Server and the ESXi hosts. 
B. The vSAN administrator must put the noncompliant host into maintenance mode. 
C. The value of the CLOMRepairDelay parameter is incorrect. 
D. The noncompliant host cannot communicate with vCenter. 

Question # 5

A vSAN administrator has been asked to encrypt all traffic for data and metadata across all hosts in a vSAN cluster. Which action is necessary to achieve this level of encryption?

A. Enable vSAN Cluster level encryption via Storage Policy. No KMS is required. 
B. Enable vSAN Data In-Transit encryption at the cluster level. No KMS is required. 
C. Deploy KMS server, and enable vSAN Data at Rest encryption at the cluster level. 
D. Deploy KMS server, and enable vSAN Data at Rest and In-Transit encryption at the host level. 

Question # 6

A single capacity disk fails within a vSAN 7.0 U1 cluster running with a “compression-only” configuration enabled. The vSAN administrator must recognize the platform impact that hasoccurred and take steps to correct it. Which action should the vSAN administrator take?

A. The hardware failure will impact the entire disk group, so the vSAN administrator will need to remove and recreate the disk group following the replacement of the failed storage device. 
B. The hardware failure will stop the running workloads, so the vSAN administrator will need to disable the compression-only configuration, replace the failed capacity device, and then re-create the disk group. 
C. The hardware failure will impact all disk groups within the ESXi host, so the vSAN administrator will need to manually remove the ESXi node from the vSAN Cluster, replace the failed capacity device, and then re-create the disk group. 
D. The hardware failure will only impact the specific capacity disk, so the vSAN administrator will need to remove and replace the failed capacity device. 

Question # 7

A vSAN administrator received the following alert from vRealize Operations Manager: “VMKernel NIC is experiencing high number of dropped packets.” What is the quickest path in vRealize Operations Manager that should be used to further investigate this alert?

A. Home -> vSphere Optimization Assessment 
B. Home -> Troubleshoot -> vSAN 
C. Alerts -> Triggered Alerts 
D. Environment -> vSAN and Storage Devices 

Question # 8

A remote location was configured with Cloud Native Storage. When the administrator put the host in maintenance mode to perform monthly patching, the File Server Health checkwas triggered. Which action, if any, should the administrator take to resolve the issue?

A. Click the Repair Objects Immediately button in the VMware Skyline Health Checks. 
B. Remove the host from maintenance mode, and put it back with Full Data Migration. 
C. It will resolve after 60 seconds, so no action is necessary. 
D. Modify the repair delay timer to 75. 

Question # 9

A vSAN administrator has recently upgraded a vSAN cluster to 7.0 U1 and has enabled Capacity Reserve features to reduce the amount of capacity reserved for transient andrebuild operations. Which scenario would prevent this feature from operating properly?

A. The physical disk has reached an 80% full reactive rebalance threshold. 
B. The used space on vSAN datastore exceeds the suggested slack rebuild threshold. 
C. The used space on vSAN datastore exceeds the suggested host rebuild threshold. 
D. Underutilized space is above 25-30% of the total capacity threshold. 

Question # 10

A vSphere administrator wants to use vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) to manage a vSAN cluster with one desired image. When creating the new cluster, the administratorchooses “Manage all hosts in the cluster with a single image”. Which option is NOT available when setting up the cluster image?

A. Import image from new host 
B. Import image from an existing host in the vCenter inventory 
C. Import baseline from vSphere Lifecycle Manager 
D. Compose a new image 

Question # 11

The cluster level backend IOPS performance graph shows a higher-than-average number of IOPS for back-end storage. What is a possible reason for this situation?

A. Data ^synchronization is in progress. 
B. DRS is invoking multiple vMotion migrations. 
C. There is VM storage I/O traffic. 
D. Not enough capacity for slack space is on vSAN datastore. 

Question # 12

Which two conditions should be verified before removing an ESXi host from a vSAN cluster? (Choose two.)

A. Resyncs are running 
B. Data evacuation is complete 
C. Performance Service is disabled 
D. Encryption is disabled 
E. ESXi host is in maintenance mode 

Question # 13

What os the maximum number of 2-node clusters that can share a vSAN Shared Witness host in vSAN 7.0 U1?

A. 64 
B. 1 
C. 128 
D. 32 

Question # 14

What are two purposes of a vSAN storage policy (Choose two.)

A. To determine vSAN encryption level 
B. To enable TRIM/UNMAP 
C. To define how the VM storage objects are provisioned 
D. To guarantee the required level of service 
E. To enable deduplication and compression 

Question # 15

Which two requirements should the vSAN administrator consider in order to accomplish this goal? (Choose two.)

A. A leaf spine topology is required for core redundancy and reduced latency. 
B. NIC teaming must be implemented for the vSAN network vmkernel port. 
C. The configuration must meet the same latency and bandwidth requirement as local vSAN. 
D. Encryption must be disabled prior to configuring HCI mesh. 
E. Either Layer 2 and Layer 3 communications can be used. 

Question # 16

All of the virtual machines running on a hybrid vSAN datastore have this storage policy assigned: Failures to Tolerate (FTT) rule is set to “2 Failures - RAID-1 (Mirroring)”.The vSAN administrator needs to reduce the amount of vSAN datastore capacity the virtual machines will consume. Which action should the vSAN administrator take to meet this goal?

A. Change the FTT rule to “1 Failure - RAID-1 (Mirroring)”, and select “Now” for Reapply to VMs. 
B. Add the “Flash read cache reservation” rule to the storage policy, and set to 0%. 
C. Disable Operations reserve and Host rebuild reserve and click “Apply”. 
D. Modify the FTT rule to “2 Failures - RAID-5 (Erasure Coding)”. 

Question # 17

Which vSAN advanced setting can be adjusted to avoid rebuild operations during a host hardware maintenance window that is expected to exceed 90 minutes?

A. Forced Provisioning 
B. Thin Swap
C. Object Repair Timer 
D. Automatic Rebalance 

Question # 18

A vSAN administrator is noticing that the objects resynchronizing in the cluster are taking longer than expected and wants to view the resynchronizing metrics. Which performance category should the vSAN administrator open?

A. Backend 
B. Resync Latency 
C. Host Network 
D. Disks 

Question # 19

A vSAN administrator has three available racks and six vSAN hosts and needs to protect against a rack failure while maximizing resources. Which two strategies should the vSAN administrator use to achieve this goal? (Choose two.)

A. RAID-5/FTT=1 
B. vSAN stretched cluster 
C. Specify fault domains 
D. RAID-6/FTT=2 
E. 2-node configuration 

Question # 20

A vSAN administrator is receiving complaints that applications are not performing as expected. The vSAN administrator opens the vSAN cluster performance charts to try toidentify the issue, but the vSAN cluster performance charts are not available. Which option should vSAN administrator enable to make these charts available?

A. vSAN Performance Diagnostics 
B. vSAN Troubleshooting Diagnostics 
C. vSAN Performance Service 
D. vSAN Troubleshooting Service 

Question # 21

What is the purpose of host rebuild reserve in vSAN?

A. Reserves space in case of single host failure 
B. Allocated capacity for vCLS 
C. Reconfigures data components 
D. Stores vSphere HA heartbeats

Question # 22

A vSAN administrator is implementing deduplication and compression on a vSAN all-flash cluster but wants the VMs to remain operational. The details are as follows: There are 4 nodes in the vSAN cluster. Existing VMs use a RAID-5 storage policy. Which action should the vSAN administrator take to meet this goal?

A. Use explicit fault domains. 
B. Enable TRIM/UNMAP. 
C. Change the existing VM storage policy to RAID-6. 
D. Use the Allow Reduced Redundancy option. 

Question # 23

Which VM file type resides in the VM home namespace object on a vSAN datastore?

A. vmem 
B. vswp 
C. vmx 
D. vmsn 

Question # 24

An administrator is enabling vSphere HA and vSAN on the same cluster and needs to use a configuration that is valid for vSphere HA Heartbeat datastore. Which configuration should be used?

A. A datastore mounted to more than one host, as well as any vSAN datastore 
B. Any datastore mounted to more than one host 
C. Any datastore mounted to more than one host, but not a vSAN datastore 
D. vSAN datastore as vSphere HA Heartbeat datastore 

Question # 25

Which solution can automate the deployment of a vSAN cluster as part of a full SoftwareDefined Datacenter?

A. VMware Cloud Foundation
B. vSphere Replication 
C. vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 
D. VMware Cloud Director 

Question # 26

An organization is facing vSAN storage capacity challenges on one of their vSAN enabled clusters, while other vSAN enabled clusters are underutilized. The current vSAN version is 7.0 U1.Which vSAN feature should be used to resolve this challenge in the quickest way?

B. vSAN Replication 
C. vSAN Stretched Clusters 
D. vSAN Datastore(s) 

Question # 27

An administrator has deployed a development VMware vSAN 7.0 U1 cluster. It will be used by the development teams to deploy a mixture of cloud-native stateful applications alongside a combination virtual machine and Kubernetes workloads. Which vSAN feature should be configured for the vSAN Data Persistence platform (vDPp)?

A. vSAN Cloud Native Storage 
B. vSAN File Services 
C. vSAN with Shared Nothing Architecture (SNA) 
D. vSAN Direct 

Question # 28

Which two actions are recommended when adding a host to a vSAN cluster? (Choose two.)

A. Disable vSphere High Availability (HA). 
B. Create uniformly-configured hosts. 
C. Reference the VMware Compatibility Guide. 
D. Disable vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS). 
E. Disable vSAN performance service. 

Question # 29

Which two prerequisites are required before a vSAN administrator is able to use the vSAN Performance Diagnostics feature? (Choose two.)

A. The vSAN Performance Service must be enabled. 
B. The vSAN Health Service must be turned on. 
C. vSAN File Services must be disabled before running vSAN Performance Diagnostics. 
D. Participation in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) must be enabled. 
E. Verbose Mode must be enabled when configuring vSAN monitoring. 

Question # 30

A vSAN administrator is looking at adding a new vSAN cluster with hosts that have 512GB memory. What is the minimum requirement for the node’s flash boot device?

A. 16GB 
B. 128GB 
C. 32GB 
D. 4GB 

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