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Frequently Asked Questions

VMware 3V0-42.20 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which is a family of solutions for data center designs that span compute, storage, networking, and management, serving as a blueprint for a customer’s Software DefinedData Center (SDDC) implementations? (Choose the best answer.)

A. VMware SDDC Design 
B. VMware Validated Design 
C. VMware POC Design 
D. VMware Cloud Foundation 

Question # 2

An architect is helping an organization with the Conceptual Design of an NSX-T Data Center solution. This information was gathered by the architect during the Discover Task of the Engagement Lifecycle: There are applications which use IPv6 addressing. Network administrators are not familiar with NSX-T Data Center solutions. Hosts can only be configured with two physical NICs. There is an existing management cluster to deploy the NSX-T components. Dynamic routing should be configured between the physical and virtual network. There is a storage array available to deploy NSX-T components. Which two requirements were documented by the architect? (Choose two.) 

A. There are applications which use IPv6 addressing.
B. Dynamic routing should be configured between the physical and virtual network. 
C. Hosts can only be configured with two physical NICs. 
D. The storage array has enough capacity to deploy NSX components. 
E. Network administrators are not familiar with NSX-T Data Center solutions. 

Question # 3

Which three choices are non-functional requirements? (Choose three.)

A. authorization 
B. certification 
C. availability 
D. authentication 
E. scalability 
F. cost 

Question # 4

A Solution Architect will be deploying an Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) in their NSX-T Data Center environment. What two selections must be prepared for the EVPN deployment? (Choose two.)

A. deployed Tier-0 gateway 
B. deployed Load Balancer 
C. deployed Tier-1 gateway
D. remote gateway with support for IGP and VLAN priority 
E. remote gateway with support for MP-BGP and VXLAN 

Question # 5

Which three IPv6 features are supported in an NSX-T Data Center design? (Choose three.)

B. IPv6 static routing 
C. IPv6 switch security 
D. IPv6 DNS 
E. IPv6 Distributed Firewall 

Question # 6

An architect is designing a solution for containerization. The solution will include high availability and security using NSX-T Data Center. The architect plans to provide a basicrequired components list in the Logical Design. Which solution should the architect recommend? (Choose the best answer.)

A. 3 NSX Managers, 3 virtual NSX Edges, two Tier-0 gateways in Active/Standby, BGP configuration 
B. 2 NSX Managers, 2 virtual NSX Edges, one Tier-0 gateway, BGP configuration and a static route 
C. 3 NSX Managers, 3 virtual NSX Edges, one Tier-0 gateway and a static route and OSPF 
D. 1 NSX Manager, 2 virtual NSX Edges, two Tier-0 gateways in Active/Active, BGP configuration 

Question # 7

An architect is helping an organization with the Logical Design of an NSX-T Data Center solution. This information was gathered during the Assessment Phase: Customer currently has a single 10 host vSphere cluster. Customer wants to improve network security and automation. Current cluster utilization and business policies prevent changing the existing vSphere deployment. High-availability is important to the customer. Which three selections should the architect include in their design? (Choose three.) 

A. Apply vSphere DRS VM-Host anti-affinity rules to the virtual machines of the NSX-T Edge cluster. 
B. Deploy at least two NSX-T Edge virtual machines in the vSphere cluster. 
C. Deploy the NSX Controllers in the management cluster. 
D. Apply vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (vSphere DRS) VM-Host anti-affinity rules to NSX Managers. 
E. Remove 2 hosts from the cluster and create a new edge cluster. 
F. Remove vSphere DRS VM-Host affinity rules to the NSX-T Controller VMs.  

Question # 8

An architect is helping an organization with the Conceptual Design of an NSX-T Data Center solution. Which risk is documented by an architect? (Choose the best answer.) A. The security team has a firewall communication matrix documented. B. The team is not trained for NSX-T but have a very strong experience with vSphere. C. Open communication between different application tiers is not allowed. D. Aggregate N-S throughput at any given time should be at least 10G. Answer: B

A. Configure N-VDS enhanced Data Path 
B. Install advanced Edge pNIC Features 
C. Setup RSS to leverage multiple cores 
D. Leverage DPDK drivers ,E
E. Enable GENEVE Offload 

Question # 9

An architect is helping an organization with the Conceptual Design of an NSX-T Data Center solution. Which risk is documented by an architect? (Choose the best answer.)

A. The security team has a firewall communication matrix documented. 
B. The team is not trained for NSX-T but have a very strong experience with vSphere. 
C. Open communication between different application tiers is not allowed. 
D. Aggregate N-S throughput at any given time should be at least 10G. 

Question # 10

An NSX-T architect is working with a customer who wants to improve performance and future-proof their workloads with a multi-site architecture. A current-state analysis captured this information: Latency between sites is 160ms. Bandwidth is 2Gbps. The MTU is 1600. What two VMware design recommendations should the architect recommend to the organization to achieve future-proofing? (Choose two.)

A. MTU is recommended to be 9000. 
B. MTU must be at least 1700. 
C. Bandwidth must be at least 10Gbps. 
D. Latency RTT is acceptable. 
E. Latency must be less than 150ms. 

Question # 11

A customer wants to use ECMP to provide additional throughput and availability for their critical business applications. Some applications require load balancing for scale and availability.Which two Edge design choices can an architect present to the customer? (Choose two.)

A. Create a Tier-0 gateway in Active/Standby mode and a Tier-1 gateway in Active/Standby mode. 
B. Configure ECMP and Load Balancing on the Tier-0 gateway. 
C. Create a Tier-0 gateway in Active/Active mode and a Tier-1 gateway in Active/Standby mode. 
D. Create a Tier-0 gateway in Active/Standby mode. 
E. Configure ECMP on the Tier-0 gateway and Load Balancing on the Tier-1 gateway. 

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