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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
An administrator wants to configure vCenter Server High Availability so that each node islocated in a different data center.Which requirement must be met? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Each node must be configured with at least three network adapters.
B. Network latency between the nodes must be less than 10 milliseconds.
C. All nodes must be located on a vSAN datastore in each data center.
D. A vCenter Server license must be assigned to each node.
Question # 2
Which feature is a pre-requisite for configuring admission control on a cluster? (Choose thebest answer.)
A. vSphere Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC)
B. vSphere High Availability (HA)
C. vSphere Fault Tolerance
D. vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
Question # 3
Which two performance tools can be used to monitor virtual machines outside the guestoperating system? (Choose two.)
A. vCenter Server performance charts
B. Task Manager
C. top
D. esxtop
E. Perfmon
Question # 4
An administrator wants to create a master copy of an existing virtual machine (VM) named“TestApp” and deploy VMs from this master copy whenever a user requests one.Which method can the administrator use to create a master copy of TestApp? (Choose thebest answer.)
A. Deploy from an Open Virtual Machine Format (OVF) template
B. Convert a template to a VM
C. Clone the VM to a template
D. Create a new VM
Question # 5
Which step can an administrator take so that vSphere can access patch information ifvCenter Server does NOT have Internet access? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Use a Web server on the vCenter Server machine to automate the transfer of files.
B. Install VMware vSphere Update Manager Download Service on a Windows server.
C. Use an offline ISO file to import patches to the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depotmanually.
D. Install VMware vSphere Update Manager Download Service on a Linux server.
Question # 6
An administrator wants to leverage the processor-specific technology that uses a securityextension for securing virtual machines (VMs). This will allow user-level code to defineprivate regions of memory called enclaves that are protected from external access.What does the administrator need to configure to enable VMs to use this technology?(Choose the best answer.)
A. Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
B. Virtual Intel Software Guard Extensions (vSGX)
C. Advanced Encryption Standard-New Instructions (AES-NI)
D. Transparent Page Sharing (TPS)
Question # 7
A. The VM state will match Snap-C.
B. No snapshots will remain on the VM.
C. Snap-A will be intact on the VM.
D. The VM state will match Snap-B
E. The VM state will match Snap-A.
Question # 8
An administrator is tasked with upgrading an existing vSphere environment to version 7.0.There are existing VMFS3 and VMFS5 datastores in the environment.Which statement is true regarding this upgrade? (Choose the best answer.)
A. An ESXi 7.0 host will NOT recognize a VMFS3 datastore.
B. VMFS3 is supported with ESXi 7.0 to store boot configurations only.
C. A VMFS5 datastore CANNOT be upgraded; a new VMFS6 datastore is required.
D. An ESXi 7.0 host can automatically upgrade a VMFS5 datastore.
Question # 9
Which VMware feature should an administrator configure to help manage and delegateCPU and memory resources? (Choose the best answer.)
A. VMware Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC)
B. Resource pools
C. vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
D. vSphere High Availability (HA)
Question # 10
What can an administrator use to partition limited CPU and memory resources betweentwo departments? (Choose the best answer.)
A. vSphere distributed switch
B. vSphere High Availability
C. vCenter folders
D. Resource pools
Question # 11
A virtual machine with a single 100 GB virtual machine disk file has a single 20 GBsnapshot. The virtual machine is powered off.How much additional free space on the datastore is required to delete the snapshot,committing the snapshot delta disk to the base disk? (Choose the best answer.)
A. 0 GB
B. 100 GB
C. 20 GB
D. 120 GB
Question # 12
An administrator is tasked with upgrading an existing VMware vSphere 6.5 environment toversion 7.0. There are existing VMFS3 and VMFS5 datastores in the environment.Which two statements are true regarding this upgrade? (Choose two.)
A. VMFS5 is no longer supported with ESXi 7.0.
B. VMFS3 is no longer supported with ESXi 7.0.
C. An ESXi 7.0 host can automatically upgrade a VMFS5 datastore.
D. An ESXi 7.0 host will automatically upgrade a VMFS3 datastore when discovered.
E. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be upgraded; a new VMFS6 datastore is required.
Question # 13
A development team has a recurring need to rapidly replicate hundreds of virtual machines(VMs) for load testing.Which method should the team use to deploy the VMs? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Linked clones from a content library
B. Instant clones using the vSphere API
C. Full clones using vSphere Auto Deploy
D. Full clones from a template
Question # 14
A host profile is updated with a new password that urgently needs to be changed on allhosts attached to the host profile.Which option would an administrator select to complete the password change? (Choosethe best answer.)
A. Copy Settings from Host
B. Remediate
C. Check Host Profile Compliance
D. Edit Host Customizations
Question # 15
A host profile is updated with a new password that urgently needs to be changed on allhosts attached to the host profile.Which option would an administrator select to complete the password change? (Choosethe best answer.)
A. Copy Settings from Host
B. Remediate
C. Check Host Profile Compliance
D. Edit Host Customizations
Question # 16
Which virtual disk option allows a virtual machine to consume the minimum storagecapacity? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Independent persistent
B. Lazy-zeroed thick-provisioned
C. Eager-zeroed thick-provisioned
D. Thin-provisioned
Question # 17
What is the default shutdown order of virtual machines (VMs) on a host? (Choose the bestanswer.)
A. Alphabetical based on VM names
B. Highest utilization to lowest utilization
C. Largest VM to smallest VM
D. Reverse of the startup order
Question # 18
Which action is supported over a VMkernel vMotion TCP/IP stack? (Choose the bestanswer.)
A. Hot migrations
B. Fault tolerance protection
C. Virtual machine cloning
D. Snapshot creation
Question # 19
A company has one corporate datacenter (C1) and one regional datacenter (R1). There isa vCenter Server in each location. An administrator wants a central library available to C1and R1 for all templates and ISO images.Which two steps must the administrator take to configure the content library feature to meetthis requirement? (Choose two.)
A. Create a published content library on C1.
B. Create a local content library on R1.
C. Create a local content library on C1.
D. Create a subscribed content library on C1.
E. Create a subscribed content library on R1.
Question # 20
In a vSphere High Availability (vSphere HA) cluster, which condition can be detected bydatastore heartbeating? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Fault tolerance virtual machine (VM) failover
B. Network isolation
C. Virtual machine (VM) disk failure
D. Datastore All Paths Down (APD) event
Question # 21
Which feature can an administrator configure to have a copy of critical virtual machines inanother cluster? (Choose the best answer.)
A. vSphere Storage vMotion
B. vSphere Fault Tolerance
C. vSphere Replication
D. Instant Clone
Question # 22
In a vSphere High Availability (vSphere HA) cluster, which action does vSphere HA takewhen the VM Monitoring service does NOT receive heartbeats from a virtual machine (VM)in the cluster? (Choose the best answer.)
A. The VM is restarted on a different host in the cluster.
B. The VM is suspended on the same host in the cluster.
C. The VM is migrated to a different host in the cluster.
D. The VM is restarted on the same host in the cluster.
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