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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Question Answers
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- Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Practice Questions
- 261 Questions
- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Exam Overview:
Aspect | Details |
Exam Cost | $200 USD |
Total Time | 90 minutes |
Available Languages | English |
Passing Marks | 65% |
Exam Format | Multiple Choice |
Number of Questions | 60 |
Exam Registration | Through Salesforce |
Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam Topics Breakdown
Domain | Percentage | Description |
Data Design and Management | 20% | Understands data design and architecture in Marketing Cloud, including data model creation and management. |
Account Configuration and User Setup | 20% | Configures Marketing Cloud account settings and user access, including roles, permissions, and security. |
Contact Management and Personalization | 23% | Manages contacts and audiences, personalizes content and journeys, and implements personalization strategies. |
Email Message Design, Content Creation, and Delivery Strategies | 17% | Designs and creates email content, manages content blocks, and implements email delivery best practices. |
Automation | 10% | Builds and automates marketing processes using automation tools and features in Marketing Cloud. |
Analytics, Reporting, and Troubleshooting | 10% | Analyzes data, generates reports, and troubleshoots issues in Marketing Cloud to optimize performance. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
When mapping fields between Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Salesforce howcan you control the synchronization? [Choose one answer]
A. Use Salesforce's value
B. Use Marketing Cloud Account Engagement's value
C. Use the most recently updated record
D. All of the above
Question # 2
What would an Administrator set up to have a document automatically download after asuccessful form completion?
A. Include a link to the content in the Thank You Content of the form.
B. Redirect the prospect to a landing page that has a link to download the content bychecking the box labelled "Redirect the prospect instead of showing the form's Thank YouContent."
C. Redirect the prospect directly to the URL of the content by checking the box labeled"Redirect the prospect instead of showing the form's Thank You Content."
D. Create an email template that includes a link to your document. On your form, add acompletion action to "Send autoresponder email" and select the email template thatincludes the document.
Question # 3
LenoxSoft noticed they are getting a much higher unsubscribe rate and suspect it is due tobot activity.What should a consultant recommend to help prevent automatic unsubscribes from emailscanners?
A. Enable two-click unsubscribe in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.
B. Move the unsubscribe link to the header of the email instead of the footer.
C. Immediately send prospects the resubscribe email template.
D. Apply a <blockquote> tag to the unsubscribe link so scanners ignore it.
Question # 4
"LenoxSoft wants to ensure that if a lead or contact no longer meets market data sharingrules for a business unit (BU) the prospect is no longer active in the BU they previouslymatched. What behavior should be expected in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement when a leador contact no longer matches a market data sharing rule?
A. The prospect is marked as do not email
B. The prospect is marked as opted out
C. The prospect is unassigned from its user
D. The prospect is sent to the recycle bin
Question # 5
Which are Actions Available with Salesforce Connector (Choose three)
A. Add to Salesforce campaign
B. Assign prospect to queue
C. Assign prospect via Salesforce active assignment rule
D. Create a Salesforce event
E. Delete a Salesforce task
Question # 6
Marketing Cloud Account Engagement's Permission Based Marketing Policy helps ensureyour emails don't get flagged as spam. CAN-SPAM provisions include
A. Don't use false or misleading header information
B. Don't use deceptive subject lines
C. Identify the message as an ad
D. Tell recipients where you're located
E. Tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future email from you
F. Honor opt-out requests promptly
G. Monitor what others are doing on your behalf
Question # 7
"LenoxSoft is migrating prospect records from an external system into Marketing CloudAccount Engagement. In this external system, each prospect has 50 custom fields.They are trying to decide which fields to recreate in Marketing Cloud Account Engagementbefore importing in the records.What are two ways they should decide which fields to recreate in Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement?Choose 2 answers
A. Filter existing prospect records to see which custom fields have the most data.
B. Review existing forms and landing pages to understand what data needs to becollected.
C. Ask their accounting team to review and select the five most helpful fields.
D. Pull a report of the data they intend to use for segmentation purposes.
Question # 8
LenoxSoft's marketing team shares a list of company names of all external visitors on theirwebsite with the regional sales managers. The regional managers use this list for coldcalling and for insight on whether any recent opportunities are active on their site. Whichsequence of steps should the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Administrator take toautomate this process?
A. Enable Send daily visitor activity emails; Enable Send daily prospect activity emails (formy prospects).
B. Enable Visitor Filters for a specific IP range; Enable Send daily visitor activity emails.
C. Enable Send daily prospect activity emails (for all prospects); Enable Page Actions tonotify managers.
D. Enable Visitor Filters for a specific IP range; Enable Page Actions to notify managers.
Question # 9
LenoxSoft mentions that they would like to invest in a content strategy but is afraid theydon't have the resources. What do youadvise?
A. Start a company blog and promote a few high-quality pieces of content.
B. Post content from other websites on your own site.
C. Hire an agency to create content.
D. Focus on creating as much content as possible.
Question # 10
How often does Marketing Cloud Account Engagement check for changes in Salesforce
A. 5 minutes
B. 1 hour
C. 2 minutes
D. 10 minutes
Question # 11
What is true about grading? [Choose two answers]
A. A prospect can be associated to multiple profiles.
B. You cannot change the default profile criteria
C. Matching or unmatching a criteria will result in an increase or decrease of the grade by ,or 3/3 of a grade.
D. All prospects start with a grade of D.
Question # 12
LenoxSoft wants to see all the Accounts that were closed last month on the Account BasedMarketing dashboard in B2B Marketing Analytics.What dashboard feature should be used?
A. Select the dropdown filter "Closed Date" and "Last Month" to view all Accounts closed inthe last month.
B. Filter the dashboard by the highest sales activity in the Sales Activities by Accountschart.
C. Select the "Accounts" filter that allows filtering by accounts created within the last month.
D. Select the win percentage in the Revenue Win Percentage donut chart so the Accountswill be faceted by won deals.
Question # 13
LenoxSoft's database can be split into two categories: active and inactive. They want tobegin to retarget the inactive database with an email marketing campaign that:Automatically add prospects to the list that were emailed twice in the last six weeks andinactive in the last 45 days.Once their activity increases, they should be removed from the list. What should be theirstrategy?
A. Create a Dynamic List with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2 times inthe last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been active in the last 45 days".
B. Create a Segmentation rule with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2times in the last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been active in the last 45 days".
C. Create a Dynamic List with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2 times in the last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been inactive in the last 45 days'.
D. Create an Automation rule with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2times in the last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been inactive in the last 45 days".
Question # 14
LenoxSoft has found that the conversion rates on their paid search ads that direct to thehome page on the LenoxSoft website are surprisingly low.What should be recommended to increase the conversion rates on the paid search ads?
A. Develop custom redirects in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to use on the paidsearch ads.
B. Create new content for the paid search ads that direct to the home page.
C. Place additional navigation on the LenoxSoft home page.
D. Direct traffic from the ad to a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement landing pageinstead of the home page.
Question # 15
When connecting Marketing Cloud Account Engagement for the first time to Salesforce,what is required before records will begin syncing?
A. Salesforce B2B Integration user must be created.
B. User sync must be enabled in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.
C. The Salesforce connector must be unpaused.
D. Salesforce fields must be synced to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement fields.
Question # 16
Lenoxsoft currently uses a manual sales engagement process where assigned usersmanually add leads to lists based on a lead status value of "New". The Sales Managerwishes to develop a Sales Engagement Program that streamlines this process and has thefollowing requirements: - Only leads with a status of "New" can be added to the Program. Alead with a status of "In Progress" CANNOT be added. - Assigned users should be notifiedwhen a lead has opened an email. Based on the above requirements, which is the bestway to segment prospects for Lenoxsoft's Sales Engagement Program?
A. Create a completion action based on the Lead Status field value.
B. Create a dynamic list based on the Lead Status field value
C. Create an automation rule based on the Lead Status field value
D. Create a segmentation rule based on the Lead Status field value
Question # 17
What can you do in Advanced Section of Look and Feel step in Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement Form
A. Kiosk/Data Entry Mode: Do not cookie browser as submitted prospect
B. PI Enable explicit bot protecting using reCAPTCHA
C. Include "Not you?" link to allow visitors to reset the form
D. Disable autoresponder emails on this form
Question # 18
One of LenoxSoft's goals is to effectively use engagement studio programs to continuouslyreengage cold leads until they become active. To do so, the marketing team needs to builda list of cold prospects.What is the optimal use case to segment these prospects?
A. Run an Automation rule where the criteria is " Prospect Time Last activity Days ago is greater than 90 day."
B. Run a Segmentation rule where the criteria is "Prospect Time Last activity Days ago isgreater than 90 days".
C. Run a Dynamic List where the criteria is "Prospect Time Created Days ago is greaterthan 90".
D. Run a Dynamic List where the criteria is "Prospect Time Last activity Days ago isgreater than 90".
Question # 19
Which is true about Marketing Cloud Account Engagement API limits
A. No limits at all
B. All editions have 10 000 API limit
C. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Growth Edition: Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement Plus Edition: 25 000 Marketing Cloud Account Engagement AdvancedEdition: 100 000
D. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Growth Edition: 25 000 Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement Plus Edition: 50 000 Marketing Cloud Account Engagement AdvancedEdition: 100 000
Question # 20
Do hard bounces need to be removed from lists
A. True
B. False
Question # 21
What is the purpose of creating a Tracker subdomain? [Choose one answer]
A. To allow emails to be sent from your domain
B. To host all Marketing Cloud Account Engagement landing pages and forms on yourwebsite
C. To give a seamless transition between pages and form that you host and your MarketingCloud Account Engagement hosted assets.
D. All of the above
Question # 22
There is Custom Field Type in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement called Email
A. True
B. False
Question # 23
"A user is looking at the Engagement History Custom Lightning Component on a lead orcontact record and wants to understand recent activities.Which two types of activities would display in the lightning component?Choose 2 answers
A. Prospect was deleted by a user
B. Prospect unsubscribed from an email
C. Prospect replied to an email
D. Prospect viewed a landing page
Question # 24
Lenoxsoft wants to continue to use their existing forms. Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement form handlers cannot be used due to the encryption placed on them.However, Lenoxsoft wants all future leads or contacts converted via their existing forms tobe created as prospects in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement with their MarketingCloud Account Engagement campaign set to Salesforce connector. With this restrictionoutlines, Lenoxsoft wants to build an automated process with the following requirements: -New prospects are added to the New Lead engagement program and remain until they reach a score of 100 - Once prospects reach a score of 100, they should no longer receiveemails from the New Lead engagement program. Based on the above, which processshould the Consultant recommend?
A. Build a Dynamic List:: Prospect Campaign is :: Salesforce Connector and prospectscore:: is less than:: 100, Action:: add to list.
B. Build a Segmentation rule :: Prospect Campaign is :: Salesforce Connector andProspect Score :: is more than :: 100, Action :: add to list
C. Build an Automation rule :: Prospect Created Date ago is :: 100 :: and prospect score:: isless than :: 10, Action :: add to list
D. Build an Automation rule :: Prospect Campaign is :: Salesforce is:: Salesforce Connectorand prospect score :: is less than :: 100, Action :: add to list
Question # 25
What should be enabled on a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form if anAdministrator wants to sign many people up on the same computer at a trade show booth?
A. Kiosk/Data Entry Mode
C. "Not you?" Link
D. Progressive Profiling
Question # 26
LenoxSoft's Salesforce org uses various record types for their business units. LenoxSoftwants all new data collected in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to quickly be createdin Salesforce with a single, specific record type. Which set of actions would ensure thisbehavior?
A. Automatically assign all prospects in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and reviewthe Salesforce Connector user's permissions.
B. Create an Engagement Program in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and verifythe Salesforce connector.
C. Manually assign all prospects in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and verify theSalesforce connector
D. Regularly export data from Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and data load file intoSalesforce
Question # 27
A customer has a CSV file of existing leads and contacts they want to import into MarketingCloud Account Engagement as new prospects. Their Salesforce org contains duplicateleads and contacts with the same email address. They want to make sure the newlycreated prospects in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement are linked to specific lead andcontact records in Salesforce. Their Marketing Cloud Account Engagement account allowsmultiple prospects with the same email address.What import method should be recommended?
A. Match records by CRM ID
B. Match records by Account ID
C. Match records by fuzzy match rules
D. Q Match records by email address
Question # 28
A customer does not feel that campaign influence reporting fully captures their marketingattribution since they do not market only to the contacts related to their opportunity records.What feature should a consultant recommend to uncover additional marketing attribution?
A. Primary - Campaign Source Attribution
B. Einstein Attribution
C. First Touch Model
D. Account-to-Opportunity Matching
Question # 29
What is true about the Salesforce connector [Choose two answers]
A. When connecting Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Salesforce you only needto follow a connection wizard in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.
B. You can connect Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to a Salesforce sandbox orproduction environment
C. Only lead, contacts and accounts are synchronized from Salesforce to Marketing CloudAccount Engagement
D. Email is the unique identifier unless "allow multiple Prospects with same email address"is enabled.
Question # 30
LenoxSoft's ideal buyer is a C-level executive with an employee base over 500. Theirdepartment should either be technology or finance. C-level is the best fit but managersshould also be included as they may make purchasing decisions. Which is the correctprofile criteria for grading used to give the ideal buyer an "A" grade.
A. Job title - C-level 3/3 Job title - Manager 3/3 Size 3/3 Dept 3/3
B. Job title - C-level 3/3 Job title - Manager 3/3 Size 2/3 Dept 3/3
C. Job title - C-level 3/3 Job title - Manager 3/3 Size 3/3 Dept 2/3
D. Job title - C-level 3/3 Job title - Manager 2/3 Size 3/3 Dept 3/3
Question # 31
It is possible for prospect to have less than 0 score
A. True
B. False
Question # 32
LenoxSoft has a Product Interest form where prospects can select a field value for whichproduct lines they are interested in. The company wants that form field to automatically addprospects to a list for the product line they are interested in. If they select "Product Line A,"it will add them to the "Product Line A" list. If the prospect field value doesn't contain"Product Line A," they would also like them to be removed from the list.Which automation tool in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement should be used?
A. Dynamic list
B. Completion action
C. Automation rule
D. Segmentation rule
Question # 33
Lenoxsoft uses their existing email sending platform to send a monthly promotional email tosubscribers on the 15th of each month. They are beginning their Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement implementation on the 5th and must send the email on time. They have askedto focus on the minimum setup in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement in order to meettheir email send deadline. Based on the above constraints, what should the Consultantdetermine to be the first steps in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement?
A. Set up a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement campaign, import necessary subscriberlists, and transfer email templates to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.
B. Implement Marketing Cloud Account Engagement tracking code, set up emailauthentication, and create page actions for website views.
C. Create a folder structure, import, and map sales users, and transfer email templates intoMarketing Cloud Account Engagement.
D. Set up email authentication, import necessary subscriber lists, and transfer emailtemplates into Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.
Question # 34
What task should be completed to surface engagement history metrics on campaigns afterenabling connected campaigns and assigning the correct permissions?
A. Add engagement history lightning component to lead & contact page layouts.
B. Add emails to campaign start displaying engagement history metrics on campaigns.
C. Add engagement history activity related lists to lead & contact page layouts.
D. Add engagement history metrics related lists to campaign page layouts.
Question # 35
LenoxSoft shows you a record where the prospect has many activities that are email clicksfrom the same email. Looking at the prospect's audits, you see visitor association changeswhere the prospect forwarded the email to colleagues who clicked the link in the emailcausing the cookie intended for the original recipient to track the colleagues. Which of thefollowing is not a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement best practice for preventing thisissue in the future?
A. Use the "Forward to a friend" variable tag in Marketing Cloud Account Engagementemails
B. Enable Kiosk mode on the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form
C. Enable the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement account setting "Prevent Cookie Crossing"
D. Enable the "Not You?" link to display on the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form
Question # 36
There is Custom Field Type in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement called Email
A. True
B. False
Question # 37
LenoxSoft utilizes Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Business Units. A marketingassociate is no longer able to find a set of leads in their business unit (BU) and noticed theynow appear in another BU.Which two reasons could explain why this happened?Choose 2 answers
A. The leads have been reassigned to a user who does not exist in that BU.
B. The field value the Marketing Data Sharing rule criteria is defined by has been updatedon the lead records.
C. The Marketing Data Sharing rule has changed and the leads no longer match thecriteria.
D. The prospects submitted a form that updated the field controlling the Marketing DataSharing rule for leads.
Question # 38
LenoxSoft would like to send out non-marketing emails to certain prospects who haveopted-out. From their previous experience working with Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement at another company, they know that it is a simple process to 'EnableOperational Email Sending1 for their account. They have a tight deadline, and they needyou to grant them access over the phone. Which of the following would be the appropriatecourse of action to take?
A. Notify LenoxSoft that sending non-marketing emails to opted-out prospects is in violationof US CAN-SPAM laws.
B. After being given their consent, go into their Marketing Cloud Account Engagementaccount settings and enable operational emails sending.
C. Inform LenoxSoft that they need to contact the Client Advocate Team and to mention intheir request to enable operational email sending that it is for non-marketing purposes.
D. Inform LenoxSoft that you would require written confirmation that they intend to use thisfeature for non marketing purposes prior to enabling the setting for them.
Question # 39
How are prospect that have started a wait step impacted when an entire engagementprogram is paused?
A. They will NOT continue to progress through the wait step andonce the engagement program is resumed the wait step will start where it left off.
B. They will continue through the wait step until they hit the end of it and once theengagement program is resumed, the prospect will immediately move on to the next stepeven if the engagement program pause was shorter than the wait step.
C. They will NOT continue to progress through the wait step and once the egagementprogram is resumed, they will start the wait step from the beginning.
D. They will continue to progress through the wait step until they hit the end of it and oncethe engagement program resumed, if it has been beyond the length of the wait step logic, the prospect will immediately move on to the next step.
Question # 40
LenoxSoft has a training portal for customers. A Marketing Cloud Account Engagementpage action changes a Prospect's Engagement custom field to Engaged for any prospectswho views the page. Customer who regularly engage with the portal have more successwith the platform, and those with low engagement have a high rate of attrition. Toencourage engagement with the portal, Lenoxsoft wishes to use this custom field as thebasis to develop a Training Engagement Program that encourages prospects to sign up fora live webinar which promotes the portal. They have the following requirements. -Prospects with no Engagement custom field value should be added to the TrainingEngagement Program - If Prospects register for the Webinar and view the training portal,they are removed from the Training Engagement Program What steps should Lenoxsofttake to achieve these requirements?
A. Create an automation rule with the criteria :: Prospect custom field : engagement:: blank:: Action if:: Add to List
B. Create a dynamic list with the criteria :: Webinar:: Successful & Custom Prospectcustom field:: engagement:: engaged :: Action of:: Remove from listCreate an automation rule with the criteria :: Prospect custom field : engagement:: blank::Action if:: Add to List
C. Create a completion action with the criteria :: Webinar:: Successful & Custom Prospectcustom field :: engagement:: engaged :: Action of:: Remove from listCreate an automation rule with the criteria :: Prospect custom field : engagement:: blank ::Action if:: Add to ListCreate a segmentation rule with the criteria :: Webinar:: Successful & Custom Prospectcustom field :: engagement:: engaged :: Action of:: Remove from list
D. Create an automation rule : Prospect custom field [Engagement] is blank | Add to ListCreate an automation rule: Prospect webinar is attended webinar AND Prospect customfield [Engagement] is engaged | Remove from list
Question # 41
LenoxSoft using Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Pro is rolling out a new leadgeneration campaign where prospects register for a trade show on a Marketing CloudAccount Engagement-hosted landing page. The consultant suggests creating twoversions of the landing page and using a multivariate test, but LenoxSoft is unfamiliar withthe feature. What is the primary benefits of using a multivariate test in this campaign?
A. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement will automatically send underperforming landingpage to recycle bin
B. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement will automatically populate personalizedinformation of each unique prospect.
C. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement will give you content ideas for each landingpage.
D. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement will determine which version of the landing pagegenerated most conversions
Question # 42
Which are true about Custom Objects in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
A. You can create and sync a custom object from anything that is linked to a contact, lead,or account in your CRM
B. You can create and sync a custom object from any object in Salesforce
C. You can create and sync a custom object from anything that is linked lead and contact,but can't be linked to account due to high risk of errors
D. You can create and sync a custom object from anything that is linked to a contact, leadand account in your CRM at the same time
Question # 43
A customer is placing Marketing Cloud Account Engagement tracking code on their websiteand doesn't understand how first-party tracking differs from third-party tracking. How would a consultant explain the difference?
A. First-party tracking is not an option in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, whilethird-party tracking is.
B. First-party tracking is domain-based while third-party tracking is campaign-based.
C. First-party tracking tracks prospects across different website domains, while third-partytracking does not.
D. First-party tracking does not use cookies, while third-party tracking does.
Question # 44
Check the lowest and the highest available Prospect's score in Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement
A. D
B. A+
C. A
D. F-
E. F
Question # 45
LenoxSoft is launching a new customer newsletter and wants to ensure prospects whoreceive their product launch announcements are able to express interest in opting in toreceive the newsletter as well. Which feature should meet their needs?
A. Salesforce Engage and CRM Visible List
B. Static Public List and Automation Rule
C. Email Preference Center and Static Public List
D. Email Preference Center and Dynamic Public List
Question # 46
What is true about Marketing Cloud Account Engagement tracking? [Choose two answers]
A. The code is generated from a Salesforce campaign
B. Visitor filters can be added to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to restrict tracking(clicks, visits, email notifications etc) from certain IP addresses
C. Cookies will always expire after 10 years
D. Visitors and prospects that have "do not track" settings enabled on their browser will nothave their activities tracked while on your site.
Question # 47
Which activity appears on a prospect's record when they submit a Marketing CloudAccount Engagement form named 'Contact Us' that resides on a Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement landing page?
A. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Successfully submitted the "Contact Us" landingpage and form
B. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Successfully submitted the "Contact Us" form
C. Nothing will display
D. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Successfully submitted the "Contact Us" landing page.
Question # 48
How many scheduled Engagement Programs is it possible to have
A. 5
B. 3
C. 10
D. 15
Question # 49
There is Custom Field Type in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement called Date/Tim
A. True
B. False
Question # 50
The LenoxSoft sales team has received an influx of leads from the Product Interest form.Many of the leads are not located in the United States. LenoxSoft only sells to customers inthe United States so the sales team has requested that these inbound leads get qualifiedbased on country before being assigned.How should they ensure only qualified prospects who submit the form are sent to the salesteam as new leads?
A. Add a completion action to the Product Interest form to assign prospects, then havesales users delete those not in the United States.
B. Create an automation rule set to match all with the criteria of Product Interest formcompleted andCountry field equal to United States with an action to assign prospects.
C. Add a completion action to the Product Interest form to assign prospects only if theirCountry field isUnited States.
D. Create an automation rule set to match any with the criteria of Product Interest formcompleted and Country field equal to United States with an action to assign prospects.
Question # 51
What is true about custom redirects? [Choose two answers]
A. When a visitor clicks a custom redirect any completion actions associated with thecustom redirect will trigger.
B. Custom redirects will continue to work if they are deleted in Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement.
C. When a visitor converts to a prospect completion actions on a custom redirect will trigger
D. Custom redirects are great for linking to files or pages you do not host.
Question # 52
You decide to build an automation rule to automatically allow prospects to match the "Title"criteria in your grade profile. You need to capture all prospects with any form of VicePresident in their job title but want to exclude ones who are currently on any of yoursuppression lists. Which of the following sets of rule criteria will accomplish this?
A. Match ALL overall logic: Prospect List > Isn't > suppression List A; B; C; D Prospectdefault field > Title > contains > Vice President; VP
B. Match ALL overall logic: Prospect List > Isn't > Suppression List A; B; C; D Prospectdefault field > Title > IS >Vice President
C. Match ANY overall logic: Rule Group1: Match All Prospect List > Isn't > Suppression ListA; B; C; D Rule Group2: Match All Prospect default field > Title > contains > VicePresident; VP
D. Match ANY overall logic: Prospect List > Isn't > Suppression List A; B; C; D Prospectdefault field > Title > contains >Vice President; VP
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