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HP HPE6-A78 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

An admin has created a WLAN that uses the settings shown in the exhibits (and has nototherwise adjusted the settings in the AAA profile) A client connects to the WLAN Underwhich circumstances will a client receive the default role assignment?

A. The client has attempted 802 1X authentication, but the MC could not contact theauthentication server
B. The client has attempted 802 1X authentication, but failed to maintain a reliableconnection, leading to a timeout error
C. The client has passed 802 1X authentication, and the value in the Aruba-User-Role VSAmatches a role on the MC
D. The client has passed 802 1X authentication and the authentication server did not sendan Aruba-User-Role VSA

Question # 2

A company has Aruba Mobility Controllers (MCs). Aruba campus APs. and ArubaOS-CXswitches. The company plans to use ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) to classifyendpoints by type The ClearPass admins tell you that they want to run Network scans aspart of the solutionWhat should you do to configure the infrastructure to support the scans?

A. Create a TA profile on the ArubaOS-Switches with the root CA certificate forClearPass's HTTPS certificate
B. Create device fingerprinting profiles on the ArubaOS-Switches that include SNMP. andapply the profiles to edge ports
C. Create remote mirrors on the ArubaOS-Swrtches that collect traffic on edge ports, andmirror it to CPPM's IP address.
D. Create SNMPv3 users on ArubaOS-CX switches, and make sure that the credentialsmatch those configured on CPPM

Question # 3

What are the roles of 802.1X authenticators and authentication servers?

A. The authenticator stores the user account database, while the server stores access policies.
B. The authenticator supports only EAP, while the authentication server supports only RADIUS.
C. The authenticator is a RADIUS client and the authentication server is a RADIUS server.
D. The authenticator makes access decisions and the server communicates them to the supplicant.

Question # 4

Refer to the exhibit. Device A is establishing an HTTPS session with the Arubapedia web sue using Chrome.The Arubapedia web server sends the certificate shown in the exhibitWhat does the browser do as part of vacating the web server certificate?

A. It uses the public key in the DigCen SHA2 Secure Server CA certificate to check thecertificate's signature.
B. It uses the public key in the DigCert root CA certificate to check the certificate signature
C. It uses the private key in the DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA to check the certificate's signature.
D. It uses the private key in the Arubapedia web site's certificate to check that certificate's signature

Question # 5

You are managing an Aruba Mobility Controller (MC). What is a reason for adding a "LogSettings" definition in the ArubaOS Diagnostics > System > Log Settings page?

A. Configuring the Syslog server settings for the server to which the MC forwards logs for aparticular category and level
B. Configuring the MC to generate logs for a particular event category and level, but onlyfor a specific user or AP.
C. Configuring a filter that you can apply to a defined Syslog server in order to filter eventsby subcategory
D. Configuring the log facility and log format that the MC will use for forwarding logs to allSyslog servers

Question # 6

What does the NIST model for digital forensics define?

A. how to define access control policies that will properly protect a company's mostsensitive data and digital resources
B. how to properly collect, examine, and analyze logs and other data, in order to use it asevidence in a security investigation
C. which types of architecture and security policies are best equipped to help companiesestablish a Zero Trust Network (ZTN)
D. which data encryption and authentication algorithms are suitable for enterprise networksin a world that is moving toward quantum computing

Question # 7

You are deploying an Aruba Mobility Controller (MC). What is a best practice for setting upsecure management access to the ArubaOS Web UP

A. Avoid using external manager authentication tor the Web UI.
B. Change the default 4343 port tor the web UI to TCP 443.
C. Install a CA-signed certificate to use for the Web UI server certificate.
D. Make sure to enable HTTPS for the Web UI and select the self-signed certificate Installed in the factory.

Question # 8

Refer to the exhibit, which shows the settings on the company’s MCs. — Mobility ControllerDashboard General Admin AirWave CPSec CertificatesConfigurationWLANsv Control Plane SecurityRoles & PoliciesEnable CP SecAccess PointsEnable auto cert provisioning:You have deployed about 100 new Aruba 335-APs. What is required for the APs tobecome managed?

A. installing CA-signed certificates on the APs
B. installing self-signed certificates on the APs
C. approving the APs as authorized APs on the AP whitelist
D. configuring a PAPI key that matches on the APs and MCs

Question # 9

What is one practice that can help you to maintain a digital chain or custody In your network?

A. Enable packet capturing on Instant AP or Moodily Controller (MC) datepath on an ongoing basis
B. Enable packet capturing on Instant AP or Mobility Controller (MC) control path on an ongoing basis.
C. Ensure that all network infrastructure devices receive a valid clock using authenticated NTP
D. Ensure that all network Infrastructure devices use RADIUS rather than TACACS+ to authenticate managers

Question # 10

Device A is contacting https://arubapedia.arubanetworks.com. The web server sends acertificate chain. What does the browser do as part of validating the web server certificate?

A. It makes sure that the key in the certificate matches the key that DeviceA uses for HTTPS.
B. It makes sure the certificate has a DNS SAN that matches arubapedia.arubanetworks.com
C. It makes sure that the public key in the certificate matches DeviceA's private HTTPS key.
D. It makes sure that the public key in the certificate matches a private key stored on DeviceA.

Question # 11

How does the ArubaOS firewall determine which rules to apply to a specific client's traffic?

A. The firewall applies every rule that includes the dent's IP address as the source.
B. The firewall applies the rules in policies associated with the client's wlan
C. The firewall applies thee rules in policies associated with the client's user role.
D. The firewall applies every rule that includes the client's IP address as the source or destination.

Question # 12

What is a correct use case for using the specified certificate file format?

A. using a PKCS7 file to install a certificate plus and its private key on a device
B. using a PKCS12 file to install a certificate plus its private key on a device
C. using a PEM file to install a binary encoded certificate on a device
D. using a PKCS7 file to install a binary encoded private key on a device

Question # 13

You need to implement a WPA3-Enterprise network that can also support WPA2-Enterprise clients. What is a valid configuration for the WPA3-Enterprise WLAN?

A. CNSA mode disabled with 256-bit keys
B. CNSA mode disabled with 128-bit keys
C. CNSA mode enabled with 256-bit keys
D. CNSA mode enabled with 128-bit keys

Question # 14

What is one of the policies that a company should define for digital forensics?

A. which data should be routinely logged, where logs should be forwarded, and which logsshould be archived
B. what are the first steps that a company can take to implement micro-segmentation intheir environment
C. to which resources should various users be allowed access, based on their identity andthe identity of their clients
D. which type of EAP method is most secure for authenticating wired and wireless userswith 802.1

Question # 15

What is a correct guideline for the management protocols that you should use on ArubaOSSwitches?

A. Disable Telnet and use TFTP instead.
B. Disable SSH and use https instead.
C. Disable Telnet and use SSH instead
D. Disable HTTPS and use SSH instead

Question # 16

The first exhibit shows roles on the MC, listed in alphabetic order. The second and thirdexhibits show the configuration for a WLAN to which a client connects. Which description ofthe role assigned to a user under various circumstances is correct?  

A. A user fails 802.1X authentication. The client remains connected, but is assigned the"guest" role.
B. A user authenticates successfully with 802.1 X. and the RADIUS Access-Acceptincludes an Aruba-User-Role VSA set to "employeel.” The client’s role is "guest."
C. A user authenticates successfully with 802.1X. and the RADIUS Access-Accept includesan Aruba-User-Role VSA set to "employee." The client’s role is "guest."
D. A user authenticates successfully with 802.1X, and the RADIUS Access-Accept includesan Aruba-User-RoleVSA set to "employeel." The client's role is "employeel."

Question # 17

Your ArubaoS solution has detected a rogue AP with Wireless intrusion Prevention (WIP).Which information about the detected radio can best help you to locate the rogue device?

A. the match method
B. the detecting devices
C. the match type
D. the confidence level

Question # 18

What is social engineering?

A. Hackers use Artificial Intelligence (Al) to mimic a user’s online behavior so they caninfiltrate a network and launch an attack.
B. Hackers use employees to circumvent network security and gather the information theyneed to launch an attack.
C. Hackers intercept traffic between two users, eavesdrop on their messages, and pretendto be one or both users.
D. Hackers spoof the source IP address in their communications so they appear to be alegitimate user.

Question # 19

What is a benefit or using network aliases in ArubaOS firewall policies?

A. You can associate a reputation score with the network alias to create rules that fillertraffic based on reputation rather than IP.
B. You can use the aliases to translate client IP addresses to other IP addresses on theother side of the firewall
C. You can adjust the IP addresses in the aliases, and the rules using those aliasesautomatically update
D. You can use the aliases to conceal the true IP addresses of servers from potentiallyuntrusted clients.

Question # 20

You need to set up Aruba network infrastructure devices for management with SNMP. TheSNMP server has this SNMPv3 user configured on it: username: airwave auth algorithm:sha auth key: fyluqp18@S!9a priv algorithm: aes priv key: 761oxaiaoeu19&What correctly describes the setup on the infrastructure device?

A. You must configure a user with the same name and keys, but can choose algorithmsthat meet the device's needs.
B. You must configure the "airwave" server as an authorized user. Then, configure aseparate user for this device with its own keys.
C. You must configure a user with the same name and algorithms, but the keys should beunique to this device.
D. You must configure a user with exactly the same name, algorithms, and keys.

Question # 21

What purpose does an initialization vector (IV) serve for encryption?

A. It helps parties to negotiate the keys and algorithms used to secure data before data transmission.
B. It makes encryption algorithms more secure by ensuring that same plaintext and key can produce different ciphertext.
C. It enables programs to convert easily-remembered passphrases to keys of a correct length.
D. It enables the conversion of asymmetric keys into keys that are suitable for symmetric encryption.

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