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  • Updated On January 07, 2025

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  • AD0-E406 Practice Questions
  • 68 Questions
  • Updated On January 07, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions

Adobe AD0-E406 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

An optimization team has decided to incorporate email into their testing strategy and wantsto send emails to their list of subscribers. Their desire is to randomly send one of fourdifferent emails to users and see which email is the most effective.How can this request be fulfilled?

A. Using the Enhanced Email Experience Composer
B. Using the Form-Based Experience Composer
C. Using the Visual Experience Composer

Question # 2

Which option should an Adobe Target Business Practitioner recommend between AdobeAnalytics and Adobe Target as the Reporting Source for an Activity?

A. Analytics is the recommended option, because it achieves one single source of data. 
B. Target is the recommended option, since the reporting data is available within 4minutes.
C. The recommended option depends on the specific reporting requirements.

Question # 3

In which two channels must Target Form-Based Experience Composer be used? (Choosetwo.)

A. Emails
B. Kiosks
C. Single-page application
D. Post login pages

Question # 4

A client is exploring locations in an Multivariate test (MVT) activity report. Location namesare shown as location I. location 2, location 3. etc, but the client cannot remember what thelocations refer to in the MVT activity.What can the client do to resolve this issue?

A. Edit the activity, and rename each location in the Experiences step.
B. Edit the activity, and rename each location in the Goals and Settings step.
C. Rename each location in the MVT activity report.

Question # 5

An A/B test has been running for several weeks. Which finding can be used to determine awinner?

A. A confidence level of 95% has been achieved, and the conditions in the Sample SizeCalculator have been met.
B. There is a positive lift and the test duration has exceeded the expected time in theSample Size Calculator.
C. The conversion rate for the test experience is greater than that of the control.

Question # 6

A sporting equipment organization is running an A/B test with the aim of increasingrevenue. The activity is testing featuring either Hiking or Mountain Climbing products in thehome page hero banner. Click through rate (CTR) to the product category pages is the onlysuccess metric.In this scenario. what is the problem with using CTR as the only success metric?

A. The CTR metric is an unreliable indicator of success and should not be used as aprimary or secondary success metric
B. The CTR metric is not reliable for this activity as it does not account for the impact ofseasonality.
C. The test could produce a statistically significant lift in CTR but does not consider theimpact on revenue.

Question # 7

When running a test the marketing manager sees that the test has reached a confidencelevel of 87% and has a 4.2% lift Excited for the success. The manager wants to stop thetest accept the results, and move on to a new test.What advice should be given to the manage! about ending the test at this point?

A. Let the test run because there is sufficient evidence that there is a difference inconversion
B. Let the test run because there is weak evidence that there is a difference rates.
C. Stop the test because there is a strong evidence that there is a difference m conversion

Question # 8

A media site wants to maximize static advertisement profits on the ads that ate shown atthe top of their article pages. Which metric should they focus on improving?

A. Bounce Rate 
B. Pages Pet Visit 
C. Time Spent Per Visit

Question # 9

A company has been using Adobe Anal/tics for thtee years to monitor website KeyPerformance Indicators (KPI) and is now considering using Adobe Target to report onactivities.In which two cases should an Adobe Target Business Practitioner suggest utilizing AdobeAnalytics as the reporting source for Target activities? (Choose two.)

A. If the existing Adobe Analytics implementation already collects all the required data
B. When it is mandatory to have a single source of data
C. If the main requirement is to be able to collect data in real-time
D. If an Adobe Target "clicked an element" success metric is required

Question # 10

Which two statements are true when describing Automated Personalization (Choose two.)

A. Target automatically users all Adobe Experience Cloud shared audience to build thepersonalization models.
B. A visit is eligible for a new experience upon each page view.
C. The model is always ‘’spending’’ a small fraction of traffic to continue learning.
D. The underlying models are re-built every hour using the latest visitor behavior data.

Question # 11

An Adobe Target Business Practitioner wants to create an experience for a voice assistantchannel. Which composer should be used for this activity?

A. Target API Composer
B. Form-based Experience Composer
C. Visual Experience Composer for assisted channels

Question # 12

An A/B test was conducted to test different variations of copy on the homepage. During theanalysis of the results, it was identified that different copy resonated better with differentaudiences.Which activity type should an Adobe Target Business Practitioner recommend using toensure that the most effective copy is displayed to the right audience?

A. Multivariate Test
B. Recommendations 
C. Experience Targeting

Question # 13

A marketing team of an online retail company wants to run an A/B test that serves atailored experience to each visitor, based on their individual customer profile md thebehavior of previous visitors with similar profiles.Which traffic allocation option should be suggested for this scenario?

A. Auto-allocate
B. Auto-target
C. Manual allocation and later switch it to Auto-allocate

Question # 14

To create a 12-month road map, a Adobe Target Business Practitioner (BP) needs toestimate test durations for upcoming activities. One selected activity includes the followinginformation:• A/B Test• Two experiencesEstimated daily traffic (visitors): 5.000• Level of significance to constitute a win: 99%• Minimum detectable lift: 3%The 8P is using the Adobe Sample Size Calculator and wants to reduce the projected runtime. Which two methods should be used to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)

A. Adjust the audience to include 3.500 visitors per day.
B. Change the number of experiences to 3.
C. Change the level of significance required to constitute a win to 95%.
D. Change the minimum detectable lift to 5%.

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