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- AD0-E134 Practice Questions
- 72 Questions
- Updated On January 21, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Which environment-specific configuration is used in AEM as a Cloud Service to storeprivate API keys?
A. $[env:ENV_VAR_NAME]
C. $[secret:SECRET_VAR_NAME]
D. $[secret:ENV_VAR_NAME]
Question # 2
An AEM as a Cloud Service implementation customer wants content to be replicated assoon as the On Time and Off Times are reached.What must the developer configure?
A. Enable Auto Replicate via On Off Trigger Configuration
B. Enable On Time or Off Time via Page Properties
C. Configure the Publish content tree via Workflow Models
Question # 3
An AEM application requires LDAP Service integration to synchronize users/groups. Whichtwo OSGi configuration are required for LDAP integration in AEM? (Select Two.)
A. Apache Jackrabbit Oak AuthorizableActionProvider
B. Apache Jackrabbit Oak Solr server provider
C. Apache Jackrabbit Oak CUG Configuration
D. Apache Jackrabbit Oak External Login Module
E. Apache Jackrabbit Oak Default Sync Handler
Question # 4
A developer needs to create a project based on AEM Project Archetype with a specific AEM as a Cloud Service SDK version on the local environment. Which two properties must be defined when creating this project? (Choose two.)
A. aemVersion=cloud
B. sdkVersion=2022.5.7575.20220530T152407Z-220401
C. sdkVersion=latest
D. aemVersion=latest
E. aemVersion=2022.5.7575.20220530T152407Z-220401
Question # 5
Which Maven plugin checks if all the requirements declarations made in OSGi bundles aresatisfied by the capabilities declarations of other bundles included in the Maven project?
A. maven-enforcer-plugin
B. femaven-assembly-plugin
C. content-package-maven-plugin
D. aemanalyser-maven-plugin
Question # 6
An AEM application wants to set up multi-tenancy using Adobe-recommended bestpractices and bind multiple configurations to it. Which of the following options isrecommended?
A. import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; @Component(label = "Myconfiguration", metatype = true, factory= true)
B. import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; @Component(service =ConfigurationFactory.class)
C. import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeDefinition;import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition;@ObjectClassDefinition(name = "My configuration")
D. @Component(service = ConfigurationFactory.class)@Designate(ocd = ConfigurationFactorylmpl.Config.class, factory=true)
Question # 7
A development team is starting a new AEM project that is going to integrate with the AdobeCommerce platform. The developer needs to create a new AEM project using the Mavencommand line interface.How can the 'mvn -B archetype:generate' command help the developer with the integrationbetween AEM and Adobe Commerce?
A. Using the property 'commerceModule=AdobeCommerce' can provide a path to anexternal jar that integrates between the platforms.
B. Using the property ,aemVersion=cloudl automatically provides a report with integrationguidelines.
C. Using the property 'includeCommerce=y'1 the command will generate specificCommerce Core Components.
Question # 8
Which type of Cloud Manager tests are enabled for all Cloud Manager production pipelinesand cannot be skipped?
A. Code Quality Testing
B. Experience Audit Testing
C. Ul Testing
D. Functional Testing
Question # 9
Which configuration/section should be used to resolve the domain name by dispatcher?
A. Configuration in vhosts file
B. Configuration in filters.any
C. Configuration in httpd.conf
D. Configuration in DNS
Question # 10
A developer needs to create a new Title component. The requirements are:1. The layout must be the same as the Title core component2. The text property must have the page title as prefix (e.g., Page Title - <component text>)3. The component must be reusableWhich approach is recommended?
A.1. Create a Proxy Component of Title core component2. Create a Custom Sling Model that overrides the default behavior3. Customize the component templateB, 1. Create a custom component from scratch2. Create a Custom Sling Model for the component that follows the requirement3. Create a Model Exporter
B.1. Create a Proxy Component from Title core component2. Create a Custom Sling Model that overrides the default behavior
Question # 11
What is Out of Scope for the Pattern Detector tool, while doing an AEM upgrade?
A. OSGi bundles exports and imports mismatch
B. Backward Compatibility with the previous AEM Version
C. Definitions of Oak indices for compatibility
D. rep:User nodes compatibility (in context of OAuth configuration)
Question # 12
In a non-optimized website, the final HTML generated for a typical page by publish instanceincludes a relatively large number of <script> elements that refer to other script files loadedfrom AEM environment. The developer wants to minimize these network calls by combiningall required client library code into a single file to reduce the number of back-and-forthrequests on page load.Which step should a developer take to solve this issue?
A. Embed the required libraries into an app-specific client library using the allowProxyproperty of the cq:Clientl_ibraryFolder node
B. Add the categories property of the cq:Clientl_ibraryFolder node into an app-specificclient library folder
C. Embed the required libraries into an app-specific client library using the dependenciesproperty of the cq:Clientl_ibraryFolder node
D. Embed the required libraries into an app-specific client library using the embed propertyof the cq:ClientLibraryFolder node
Question # 13
Which property under /cache on dispatcher.any file identifies the directory where cachedfiles are stored?
A. /invalidate
B. /statfile
C. /docroot
D. /cacheroot
Question # 14
An AEM Developer needs to migrate to AEM as a Cloud Service from AEM version 6.4.The AEM Developer is not able to run the Best Practice Analyzer.What is preventing the Best Practice Analyzer from running?
A. The AEM Developer is not an admin or does not have administrator rights.
B. Best Practice Analyzer is not supported on AEM version 6.4.
C. Best Practice Analyzer should run on Publisher instead of Author instance.
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