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Adobe AD0-E556 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A company implements Workspaces and Partitions for global regional marketingoperations. They need to separate their Workspaces into North America, APAC, and EMEAregions as each region should not see the other region's marketing activities. They alsohave a Default Workspace. The Default Workspace has access to all Person Partitions.Each regional Workspace has access to their own regional Person Partition. The defaultdedupe key for the Unicorn Adobe Marketo Engage instance is email address.A form that exists in the the North America workspace is filled out by a new person.Which default behavior should be expected?

A. The new person will be created in the default Partition and immediately routed to theNorth O America Partition
B. The new person will be created in the North America Partition where the form exists
C. The new person will be created in the default Partition and should remain there as longas the North America workspace has access to the default Partition

Question # 2

UNICORN FINTECH COMPANY PROFILEUnicorn Fintech is a mobile-only financial-servicesstartup created by a consortium ofconsumer banks to resell savings, checking, loan, transfer/remittance, and other servicesfrom a secure smartphone app. The company is venture-funded, and plans to reachprofitability before a planned IPO in two years.Business issues and requirementsMarketing is responsible for acquiring new customers 0 through online, televisionadvertising, and email campaigns, and for cross-selling new services to customers throughIM, email, and in-app campaigns. Evaluating the success of these campaigns has been apersistent problem: although the company can track revenue by product line, it can'tattribute those revenues to campaigns: for example, did a new loan come from onboardinga new customer, or by cross-selling a savings-account customer? Marketing currently usescrude, manual tools and guesswork to evaluate the quality and lifespan of new leads, andeven the deliverability of emails in its external campaigns. As a result, the department can'tallocate spending to the most productive campaigns, or decide how much differenttouchpoints in multi-stage campaigns contribute to revenue. Operational processes toconnect lead data to CRM and other databases are entirely manual.Staffing and leadershipUnicorn has fewer than 200 employees, and roles aren't always defined in traditional ways.Since customer acquisition and cross-selling are primarily through electronic channels,Marketing and IT roles especially often overlap. The traditional Sales role falls entirely toMarketing, and IT is responsible for the Salesforce CRM system, Google Analytics, and ahandful of third-party integrations. The CMO and CIO work closely together on mostinitiatives, and budgets are typically project-driven rather than fixedannually. Individualcontributors to Marketing campaigns include the Marketing Operations Manager,responsible for lead scoring and analytics. Key IT contacts include the CRM Administratorand Web Developer. Incidental contributors are the Corporate Attorney, who signs off onopt-in/out and DMARC policies.Revenue sourcesUnicorn earns commissions on financial services delivered by the banking consortiumthrough its apps, including fixed finders' fees for what the company calls "skips"-customerswho initially engage with Unicorn, but then "skip" to receive services directly from aconsortium bank. Unicorn needs to attribute revenue from these customers to its owncampaigns; currently, it's impossible to attribute ROI to individual campaigns, or provide documentation to claim commissions on "skips."Current and aspirational marketing technologyCurrent Marketing technology consists of Marketable,an open-source lead managementsolution supported by a set of spreadsheets and scripts developed in-house. Marketableoffers lead tracking and source attribution, but not multi-touch source attribution. UnicornFintech Marketing has difficulty linking the different stages of customer campaign journeys,and relies on scripts to translate Marketable's "sales alerts" into next steps it could use inmulti-touch campaigns. IT has worked out scripts to input Marketable qualified leads intoSalesforce, but the system is brittle and often requires manual intervention.Current campaign management processesA typical email campaign:• Addresses a purchased (for customer acquisition) or0 in-house (for cross-sell) list.Purchased lists range from 300,000 to 1.5 million addresses• Is sent from multiple data centers in the US and Canada• Includes an "unsubscribe" opt-out below the message• Is static; there are no formula fields• Uses no deliverability authentication, nor integration 0 with any email managementplatform.All campaigns to date direct respondents to a single 0 landing page with the company's "allmarkets" message. More sophisticated targeting is a high priority.Current lead management and attributionUnicorn's lead-management process followsMarketable's "out of the box" defaults: lead evaluation levels 1 through 3, lifecycle stages"unqualified" and "qualified." The qualification processes are manual, and highly subjective:Marketing staff classify leads according to prospect email responses, including free-formcomments. "Sales" followup is by email forms prompting higher levels of engagement. Thecompany intends to phase out Marketable and replace spreadsheets and scripts withnative features of whatever solution set it adopts.Attribution processes are binary: response to a campaign email or web visit is rated asuccess if it results in a sale: there is no success rating assigned to TV ads that result inweb visits, for example. Cost are not allocated to individual campaigns.The Marketing department plans to expand outreach to social media (Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, in-house and third-party financial blogs), and wants to make sure it can assessthe ROI of these channels, and the overall social media program. Current governance processesCurrently, the Marketing department assigns content development and campaignmanagement duties to team members on a campaign-by-campaign basis. All teammembers (and IT) have access to all assets and tools, which sometimes leads toduplication and conflicts. The CMO realizes that a more specialization will be necessary tosupport the social media campaigns, but hasn't decided on the optimal organizationalmodel.Input of qualified leads from Marketable intoSalesforce is by manual cut-and-paste, assisted by scripts; inconsistency of input practicesacross Marketing team members is a known problem; individual members have their own"go-to" fields: where one member might check "TV ad" as Lead Source, another would putthat in the comments field.CMOThe CMO's most important concerns are:• The current solution has too many manual steps to scale with anticipated growth• Without more sophisticated attribution, the company will overinvest in less productivecampaigns, and underinvest in better ones• In general, analytics integrations are manual, slow, and unreliable• The current system completely misses "skips"-customers switching from the Unicorn appto consortium banks-an important source of revenue• Documenting the value of Unicorn's Marketing processes is essential to the success ofthe planned IPO, and millions of dollars in stock valuation hangs in the balance.CIOThe CIO is concerned primarily with:• The amount of time his team spends patching up Marketing campaigns and CRM datatransfers, at the expense of other, critical initiatives• Quality and reliability of the Analytics information his team provides to MarketingMARKETING STAFFMarketing Operations staff concerns:• Campaigns require so much work that they can't run as many of them as they need to• Multi-touch cross-selling campaigns (for example, savings accounts to loans) withexcellent margins, but no way to know which campaign touches perform best • Getting swamped with manual record-keeping; for example, spreadsheet mistakes takehours to find andfix• Poor integration with third-party tools for preparing, sending, and evaluating campaignmaterials, forExample.o Webhook not firing,o Reaching API limito Synchronization errors with third-party tools and Salesforce• Inadequate number of lead stages and qualification levels, making it difficult to evaluatelead value, especially in multi-touch campaignsDespite the absence of an external Sales team,Marketing Operations would like to improve the granularity of their lead tracking, includingboth lifecycle stages and quality levels, with "no score" and negative levels.An Adobe Marketo Engage customer recently started using a new Survey platform tomeasure Net Promoter Score (NPS). The company began using this platform 3 monthsago. The company invites new customers to complete the surveys by batching out invitesmonthly to imported lists of customers that meet the criteria from data held in SalesforceCustom Objects. The company has the native Salesforce sync in place. The survey inviteemail is sent from Marketo Engage and currently invites the customer to the surveyplatform via a generic link to start the survey. The company can not know whether thecustomer completed the survey or what responses they provided. The company does notwant to maintain history of the NPS score. They want to know the latest NPS score only.Which three important architectural recommendations should an Architect suggest to scalethis platform and its integration with Marketo Engage? (Choose three.)

A. Sync relevant Custom Object data from Salesforce and automate inviting customers tothe survey
B. Create a specific channel for "NPS Survey'1 in Adobe Marketo Engage to track theProgram
C. Filter on NPS values using a Smartlist and communicate with different audiences basedon their level of satisfaction
D. Create a Custom Object in Adobe Marketo Engage to store all survey responses
E. Pass a unique customer identifier to the survey platform for each survey invite sent
F. Integrate survey responses back into custom fields in Adobe Marketo Engage to capturekey survey responses

Question # 3

An Adobe Marketo Engage Architect is integrating a Marketo Engage instance for anonprofit client with two different third-party platforms. The requirements are outlinedbelow:Scenario 1: Automatically clone existing default programs on Marketo, build the email usingthe RSS feed of blog section, and schedule the email on every Thursday.Scenario 2: Before deleting any record on Marketo, push the data to "Donor System".How should the Marketo Engage Architect approach the platform integration?

A. Scenario 1 - Use Webhook and Scenario 2 - Use REST API
B. Scenario 1 - Use Email Scripting and Scenario 2 - Use REST API
C. Scenario 1 - Use JavaScript API and Scenario 2 - Use REST API
D. Scenario 1 - Use REST API and Scenario 2 - Use Webhook

Question # 4

Refer to the case study.UNICORN FINTECH COMPANY PROFILE Unicorn Fintech is a mobile-only financial-servicesstartup created by a consortium ofconsumer banks to resell savings, checking, loan, transfer/remittance, and other servicesfrom a secure smartphone app. The company is venture-funded, and plans to reachprofitability before a planned IPO in two years.Business issues and requirementsMarketing is responsible for acquiring new customers 0 through online, televisionadvertising, and email campaigns, and for cross-selling new services to customers throughIM, email, and in-app campaigns. Evaluating the success of these campaigns has been apersistent problem: although the company can track revenue by product line, it can'tattribute those revenues to campaigns: for example, did a new loan come from onboardinga new customer, or by cross-selling a savings-account customer? Marketing currently usescrude, manual tools and guesswork to evaluate the quality and lifespan of new leads, andeven the deliverability of emails in its external campaigns. As a result, the department can'tallocate spending to the most productive campaigns, or decide how much differenttouchpoints in multi-stage campaigns contribute to revenue. Operational processes toconnect lead data to CRM and other databases are entirely manual.Staffing and leadershipUnicorn has fewer than 200 employees, and roles aren't always defined in traditional ways.Since customer acquisition and cross-selling are primarily through electronic channels,Marketing and IT roles especially often overlap. The traditional Sales role falls entirely toMarketing, and IT is responsible for the Salesforce CRM system, Google Analytics, and ahandful of third-party integrations. The CMO and CIO work closely together on mostinitiatives, and budgets are typically project-driven rather than fixed annually. Individualcontributors to Marketing campaigns include the Marketing Operations Manager,responsible for lead scoring and analytics. Key IT contacts include the CRM Administratorand Web Developer. Incidental contributors are the Corporate Attorney, who signs off onopt-in/out and DMARC policies.Revenue sourcesUnicorn earns commissions on financial services delivered by the banking consortiumthrough its apps, including fixed finders' fees for what the company calls "skips"-customerswho initially engage with Unicorn, but then "skip" to receive services directly from aconsortium bank. Unicorn needs to attribute revenue from these customers to its owncampaigns; currently, it's impossible to attribute ROI to individual campaigns, or providedocumentation to claim commissions on "skips."Current and aspirational marketing technologyCurrent Marketing technology consists of Marketable,an open-source lead managementsolution supported by a set of spreadsheets and scripts developed in-house. Marketableoffers lead tracking and source attribution, but not multi-touch source attribution. Unicorn Fintech Marketing has difficulty linking the different stages of customer campaign journeys,and relies on scripts to translate Marketable's "sales alerts" into next steps it could use inmulti-touch campaigns. IT has worked out scripts to input Marketable qualified leads intoSalesforce, but the system is brittle and often requires manual intervention.Current campaign management processesA typical email campaign:• Addresses a purchased (for customer acquisition) or0 in-house (for cross-sell) list.Purchased lists range from 300,000 to 1.5 million addresses• Is sent from multiple data centers in the US and Canada• Includes an "unsubscribe" opt-out below the message• Is static; there are no formula fields• Uses no deliverability authentication, nor integration 0 with any email managementplatform.All campaigns to date direct respondents to a single 0 landing page with the company's "allmarkets" message. More sophisticated targeting is a high priority.Current lead management and attributionUnicorn's lead-management process followsMarketable's "out of the box" defaults: lead evaluation levels 1 through 3, lifecycle stages"unqualified" and "qualified." The qualification processes are manual, and highly subjective:Marketing staff classify leads according to prospect email responses, including free-formcomments. "Sales" followup is by email forms prompting higher levels of engagement. Thecompany intends to phase out Marketable and replace spreadsheets and scripts withnative features of whatever solution set it adopts.Attribution processes are binary: response to a campaign email or web visit is rated asuccess if it results in a sale: there is no success rating assigned to TV ads that result inweb visits, for example. Cost are not allocated to individual campaigns.The Marketing department plans to expand outreach to social media (Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, in-house and third-party financial blogs), and wants to make sure it can assessthe ROI of these channels, and the overall social media program.Current governance processesCurrently, the Marketing department assigns content development and campaignmanagement duties to team members on a campaign-by-campaign basis. All teammembers (and IT) have access to all assets and tools, which sometimes leads toduplication and conflicts. The CMO realizes that a more specialization will be necessary to support the social media campaigns, but hasn't decided on the optimal organizationalmodel.Input of qualified leads from Marketable intoSalesforce is by manual cut-and-paste, assisted by scripts; inconsistency of input practicesacross Marketing team members is a known problem; individual members have their own"go-to" fields: where one member might check "TV ad" as Lead Source, another would putthat in the comments field.CMOThe CMO's most important concerns are:• The current solution has too many manual steps to scale with anticipated growth• Without more sophisticated attribution, the company will overinvest in less productivecampaigns, and underinvest in better ones• In general, analytics integrations are manual, slow, and unreliable• The current system completely misses "skips"-customers switching from the Unicorn appto consortium banks-an important source of revenue• Documenting the value of Unicorn's Marketing processes is essential to the success ofthe planned IPO, and millions of dollars in stock valuation hangs in the balance.CIOThe CIO is concerned primarily with:• The amount of time his team spends patching up Marketing campaigns and CRM datatransfers, at the expense of other, critical initiatives• Quality and reliability of the Analytics information his team provides to MarketingMARKETING STAFFMarketing Operations staff concerns:• Campaigns require so much work that they can't run as many of them as they need to• Multi-touch cross-selling campaigns (for example, savings accounts to loans) withexcellent margins, but no way to know which campaign touches perform best• Getting swamped with manual record-keeping; for example, spreadsheet mistakes takehours to find andfix• Poor integration with third-party tools for preparing, sending, and evaluating campaign materials, forExample.o Webhook not firing,o Reaching API limito Synchronization errors with third-party tools and Salesforce• Inadequate number of lead stages and qualification levels, making it difficult to evaluatelead value, especially in multi-touch campaignsDespite the absence of an external Sales team,Marketing Operations would like to improve the granularity of their lead tracking, includingboth lifecycle stages and quality levels, with "no score" and negative levels.Unicorn Fintech launches a new paid subscription app where users can sign up to readfinancial advice. Access to Unicorn Fintech's new app is renewed each year, and the AppUser Expiry Date is a date field that is updated hourly from CRM to Adobe MarketoEngage. Another string type field called App User Status changes to a status of "Current" inMarketo Engage when the App User's access becomes valid, and changes to "Lapsed" ifthe App User fails to renew.The Marketing team wants to add App Users who have not yet renewed to an EngagementProgram to nurture them 2 months prior to their App User Expiry Date, and then removethe App User from the nurture if they renew.Which smart campaign setup is the most efficient to manage adding the App User to thenurture?

A. Build a scheduled batch Smart Campaign, use a Wait Step with a Date Token, and thenAdd to Engagement Program
B. Build a scheduled batch Smart Campaign, use a Wait Step with a specific date, andthen Change Engagement Program Cadence
C. Build a triggered Smart Campaign, use a Wait Step with a Date Token, and then Add toEngagement Program
D. Build a triggered Smart Campaign, use a Wait Step with a specific date, and thenChange Engagement Program Cadence

Question # 5

An organization wants to improve its Lead routing to its team across regions. Instead ofusing their default workspace and partition for region/country specific marketing on top ofglobal operations, they currently have four 'regions' that cover six countries, each with theirown Lead partition and Workspaces:• EMEA: UK and Belgium• ANZ: Australia and New Zealand• NAM: USA• ASIA: JapanSingapore will be added as an additional country within 6 months.As the organization moves away from the highly manual process of assigning leads as'ready', the goal is to use their new Lead scoring to state that leads that are above 60 inScore are marked as MQL, and are synced to the right country team queue in their CRM. The CRM will then use automated workflows to take leads from the queues and decidewhich leads are assigned to which representative for that country.Which efficient measures should betaken to make sure Leads from the right countries aresynced to the correct queues in the CRM?

A. Build program in each region workspace. When the score reaches 60, trigger theSalesforce sync and assign to lead queues based on region. For example, "If Partition isASIA, Assign to ASIA queue".
B. Build program in default workspace. When the score reaches 60, trigger the Salesforcesync and assign to lead queues based on country. For example, "If Country is USA, Assignto USA lead queue".
C. Build program in each region workspace. When the score reaches 60, trigger theSalesforce sync and assign to lead queues based on country. For example, "If Country isUSA, Assign to USA lead queue".
D. Build program in default workspace. When the score reaches 60, trigger the Salesforcesync and assign to lead queues based on region. For example, If Partition is ASIA, Assignto ASIA queue".

Question # 6

Refer to the case study.UNICORN FINTECH COMPANY PROFILEUnicorn Fintech is a mobile-only financial-servicesstartup created by a consortium ofconsumer banks to resell savings, checking, loan, transfer/remittance, and other servicesfrom a secure smartphone app. The company is venture-funded, and plans to reachprofitability before a planned IPO in two years.Business issues and requirementsMarketing is responsible for acquiring new customers 0 through online, televisionadvertising, and email campaigns, and for cross-selling new services to customers throughIM, email, and in-app campaigns. Evaluating the success of these campaigns has been apersistent problem: although the company can track revenue by product line, it can'tattribute those revenues to campaigns: for example, did a new loan come from onboardinga new customer, or by cross-selling a savings-account customer? Marketing currently usescrude, manual tools and guesswork to evaluate the quality and lifespan of new leads, andeven the deliverability of emails in its external campaigns. As a result, the department can'tallocate spending to the most productive campaigns, or decide how much differenttouchpoints in multi-stage campaignscontribute to revenue. Operational processes toconnect lead data to CRM and other databases are entirely manual.Staffing and leadershipUnicorn has fewer than 200 employees, and roles aren't always defined in traditional ways.Since customer acquisition and cross-selling are primarily through electronic channels, Marketing and IT roles especially often overlap. The traditional Sales role falls entirely toMarketing, and IT is responsible for the Salesforce CRM system, Google Analytics, and ahandful of third-party integrations. The CMO and CIO work closely together on mostinitiatives, and budgets are typically project-driven rather than fixed annually. Individualcontributors to Marketing campaigns include the Marketing Operations Manager,responsible for lead scoring and analytics. Key IT contacts include the CRM Administratorand Web Developer. Incidental contributors are the Corporate Attorney, who signs off onopt-in/out and DMARC policies.Revenue sourcesUnicorn earns commissions on financial services delivered by the banking consortiumthrough its apps, including fixed finders' fees for what the company calls "skips"-customerswho initially engage with Unicorn, but then "skip" to receive services directly from aconsortium bank. Unicorn needs to attribute revenue from these customers to its owncampaigns; currently, it's impossible to attribute ROI to individual campaigns, or providedocumentation to claim commissions on "skips."Current and aspirational marketing technologyCurrent Marketing technology consists of Marketable,an open-source lead managementsolution supported by a set of spreadsheets and scripts developed in-house. Marketableoffers lead tracking and source attribution, but not multi-touch source attribution. UnicornFintech Marketing has difficulty linking the different stages of customer campaign journeys,and relies on scripts to translate Marketable's "sales alerts" into next steps it could use inmulti-touch campaigns. IT has worked out scripts to input Marketable qualified leads intoSalesforce, but the system is brittle and often requires manual intervention.Current campaign management processesA typical email campaign:• Addresses a purchased (for customer acquisition) or0 in-house (for cross-sell) list.Purchased lists range from 300,000 to 1.5 million addresses• Is sent from multiple data centers in the US and Canada• Includes an "unsubscribe" opt-out below the message• Is static; there are no formula fields• Uses no deliverability authentication, nor integration 0 with any email managementplatform.All campaigns to date direct respondents to a single 0 landing page with the company's "allmarkets" message. More sophisticated targeting is a high priority.Current lead management and attribution Unicorn's lead-management process followsMarketable's "out of the box" defaults: lead evaluation levels 1 through 3, lifecycle stages"unqualified" and "qualified." The qualification processes are manual, and highly subjective:Marketing staff classify leads according to prospect email responses, including free-formcomments. "Sales" followup is by email forms prompting higher levels of engagement. Thecompany intends to phase out Marketable and replace spreadsheets and scripts withnative features of whatever solution set it adopts.Attribution processes are binary: response to a campaign email or web visit is rated asuccess if it results in a sale: there is no success rating assigned to TV ads that result inweb visits, for example. Cost are not allocated to individual campaigns.The Marketing department plans to expand outreach to social media (Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, in-house and third-party financial blogs), and wants to make sure it can assessthe ROI of these channels, and the overall social media program.Current governance processesCurrently, the Marketing department assigns content development and campaignmanagement duties to team members on a campaign-by-campaign basis. All teammembers (and IT) have access to all assets and tools, which sometimes leads toduplication and conflicts. The CMO realizes that a more specialization will be necessary tosupport the social media campaigns, but hasn't decided on the optimal organizationalmodel.Input of qualified leads from Marketable intoSalesforce is by manual cut-and-paste, assisted by scripts; inconsistency of input practicesacross Marketing team members is a known problem; individual members have their own"go-to" fields: where one member might check "TV ad" as Lead Source, another would putthat in the comments field.CMOThe CMO's most important concerns are:• The current solution has too many manual steps to scale with anticipated growth• Without more sophisticated attribution, the company will overinvest in less productivecampaigns, and underinvest in better ones• In general, analytics integrations are manual, slow, and unreliable• The current system completely misses "skips"-customers switching from the Unicorn appto consortium banks-an important source of revenue• Documenting the value of Unicorn's Marketing processes is essential to the success of the planned IPO, and millions of dollars in stock valuation hangs in the balance.CIOThe CIO is concerned primarily with:• The amount of time his team spends patching up Marketing campaigns and CRM datatransfers, at the expense of other, critical initiatives• Quality and reliability of the Analytics information his team provides to MarketingMARKETING STAFFMarketing Operations staff concerns:• Campaigns require so much work that they can't run as many of them as they need to• Multi-touch cross-selling campaigns (for example, savings accounts to loans) withexcellent margins, but no way to know which campaign touches perform best• Getting swamped with manual record-keeping; for example, spreadsheet mistakes takehours to find andfix• Poor integration with third-party tools for preparing, sending, and evaluating campaignmaterials, forExample.o Webhook not firing,o Reaching API limito Synchronization errors with third-party tools and Salesforce• Inadequate number of lead stages and qualification levels, making it difficult to evaluatelead value, especially in multi-touch campaignsDespite the absence of an external Sales team,Marketing Operations would like to improve the granularity of their lead tracking, includingboth lifecycle stages and quality levels, with "no score" and negative levels.Unicorn and their Adobe Marketo Engage Architect want to update their current scoring forweb-based behaviors. One area that is highlighted for changes are the forms. The goal isto avoid using one form score, and instead use 3 score values, depending on whether theform is low (+3); medium (+7), or high value (+15).What is the most scalable way to build these changes?

A. Update the hidden Behavioral Score fields in each form to have the appropriate 'MyToken' score for the value of the formMake sure this triggers a Score field update as well
B. Build Smart Campaigns that trigger based on the appropriate form into the ScoringProgram Add the appropriate score values into the 'Change Data Value' flow step, thenswitch on
C. Build Smart Campaigns that trigger based on the appropriate form into the ScoringProgram Add the appropriate score value 'My Tokens' into the 'Change Score1 flow step,then switch on
D. Update the hidden Behavioral Score fields in each form to have the appropriate scorevalues forthe value of the formMake sure this triggers a Score field update as well

Question # 7

An Adobe Marketo Engage Architect needs to build a subscription center that contains anoption to "pause notifications for 30 days'' to dissuade people from unsubscribing. If aperson fills out the form and selects this feature, Marketing wants to Marketing Suspendthem for 30 days and subtract five points from the lead. Existing records whosenotifications are currently paused should be excluded from the flow to avoid doubleprocessing.Which order of steps is required to build this program?

A. Remove from Flow (Existing) > Change data value > Change Score > Wait > Changedata value
B. Remove from Flow (Existing) > Change Score > Wait > Change data value > Changedata value
C. Change data value > Remove from Flow (Existing) > Change Score > Wait > Changedata value
D. Change Score > Change data value > Wait > Change data value > Remove from Flow(Existing)

Question # 8

An Adobe Marketo Engage Architect starts their first day at their new job managing theMarketo Engage instance. When inspecting the instance, they notice that the sync toSalesforce was unusually slow and takes several hours to populate Salesforce campaignmembership from Marketo Engage programs. Upon closer inspection, several errorsoccurred under the notifications of syncs timing out or hitting the concurrent limit.Which three actions can the Architect take to help diagnose and address the problemaround sync to Salesforce issues?

A. Use campaign inspector to determine the number of sync to CRM flow steps Check thepermissions in the CRM for the Marketo sync user profile Check for a sync backlog in theCRM admin under the sync status tab
B. Create a smart list to identify Marketo Engage records that have an empty CRM typeReview the field management mapping Check the permission in the CRM for the Marketo sync user profile
C. Go to admin and view the CRM notification errorsCount the number of custom CRM fieldsIncrease the time between CRM and Marketo syncs

Question # 9

Refer to the case study.UNICORN FINTECH COMPANY PROFILEUnicorn Fintech is a mobile-only financial-servicesstartup created by a consortium ofconsumer banks to resell savings, checking, loan, transfer/remittance, and other servicesfrom a secure smartphone app. The company is venture-funded, and plans to reachprofitability before a planned IPO in two years.Business issues and requirementsMarketing is responsible for acquiring new customers 0 through online, televisionadvertising, and email campaigns, and for cross-selling new services to customers throughIM, email, and in-app campaigns. Evaluating the success of these campaigns has been apersistent problem: although the company can track revenue by product line, it can'tattribute those revenues to campaigns: for example, did a new loan come from onboardinga new customer, or by cross-selling a savings-account customer? Marketing currently usescrude, manual tools and guesswork to evaluate the quality and lifespan of new leads, andeven the deliverability of emails in its external campaigns. As a result, the department can'tallocate spending to the most productive campaigns, or decide how much different touchpoints in multi-stage campaigns contribute to revenue. Operational processes toconnect lead data to CRM and other databases are entirely manual.Staffing and leadershipUnicorn has fewer than 200 employees, and roles aren't always defined in traditional ways.Since customer acquisition and cross-selling are primarily through electronic channels,Marketing and IT roles especially often overlap. The traditional Sales role falls entirely toMarketing, and IT is responsible for the Salesforce CRM system, Google Analytics, and ahandful of third-party integrations. The CMO and CIO work closely together on mostinitiatives, and budgets are typically project-driven rather than fixed annually. Individualcontributors to Marketing campaigns include the Marketing Operations Manager,responsible for lead scoring and analytics. Key IT contacts include the CRM Administratorand Web Developer. Incidental contributors are the Corporate Attorney, who signs off onopt-in/out and DMARC policies.Revenue sourcesUnicorn earns commissions on financial services delivered by the banking consortiumthrough its apps, including fixed finders' fees for what the company calls "skips"-customerswho initially engage with Unicorn, but then "skip" to receive services directly from aconsortium bank. Unicorn needs to attribute revenue from these customers to its owncampaigns; currently, it's impossible to attribute ROI to individual campaigns, or providedocumentation to claim commissions on "skips."Current and aspirational marketing technologyCurrent Marketing technology consists of Marketable,an open-source lead managementsolution supported by a set of spreadsheets and scripts developed in-house. Marketableoffers lead tracking and source attribution, but not multi-touch source attribution. UnicornFintech Marketing has difficulty linking the different stages of customer campaign journeys,and relies on scripts to translate Marketable's "sales alerts" into next steps it could use inmulti-touch campaigns. IT has worked out scripts to input Marketable qualified leads intoSalesforce, but the system is brittle and often requires manual intervention.Current campaign management processesA typical email campaign:• Addresses a purchased (for customer acquisition) or0 in-house (for cross-sell) list.Purchased lists range from 300,000 to 1.5 million addresses• Is sent from multiple data centers in the US and Canada• Includes an "unsubscribe" opt-out below the message• Is static; there are no formula fields • Uses no deliverability authentication, nor integration 0 with any email managementplatform.All campaigns to date direct respondents to a single 0 landing page with the company's "allmarkets" message. More sophisticated targeting is a high priority.Current lead management and attributionUnicorn's lead-management process followsMarketable's "out of the box" defaults: lead evaluation levels 1 through 3, lifecycle stages"unqualified" and "qualified." The qualification processes are manual, and highly subjective:Marketing staff classify leads according to prospect email responses, including free-formcomments. "Sales" followup is by email forms prompting higher levels of engagement. Thecompany intends to phase out Marketable and replace spreadsheets and scripts withnative features of whatever solution set it adopts.Attribution processes are binary: response to a campaign email or web visit is rated asuccess if it results in a sale: there is no success rating assigned to TV ads that result inweb visits, for example. Cost are not allocated to individual campaigns.The Marketing department plans to expand outreach to social media (Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, in-house and third-party financial blogs), and wants to make sure it can assessthe ROI of these channels, and the overall social media program.Current governance processesCurrently, the Marketing department assigns content development and campaignmanagement duties to team members on a campaign-by-campaign basis. All teammembers (and IT) have access to all assets and tools, which sometimes leads toduplication and conflicts. The CMO realizes that a more specialization will be necessary tosupport the social media campaigns, but hasn't decided on the optimal organizationalmodel.Input of qualified leads from Marketable intoSalesforce is by manual cut-and-paste, assisted by scripts; inconsistency of input practicesacross Marketing team members is a known problem; individual members have their own"go-to" fields: where one member might check "TV ad" as Lead Source, another would putthat in the comments field.CMOThe CMO's most important concerns are:• The current solution has too many manual steps to scale with anticipated growth• Without more sophisticated attribution, the company will overinvest in less productive campaigns, and underinvest in better ones• In general, analytics integrations are manual, slow, and unreliable• The current system completely misses "skips"-customers switching from the Unicorn appto consortium banks-an important source of revenue• Documenting the value of Unicorn's Marketing processes is essential to the success ofthe planned IPO, and millions of dollars in stock valuation hangs in the balance.CIOThe CIO is concerned primarily with:• The amount of time his team spends patching up Marketing campaigns and CRM datatransfers, at the expense of other, critical initiatives• Quality and reliability of the Analytics information his team provides to MarketingMARKETING STAFFMarketing Operations staff concerns:• Campaigns require so much work that they can't run as many of them as they need to• Multi-touch cross-selling campaigns (for example, savings accounts to loans) withexcellent margins, but no way to know which campaign touches perform best• Getting swamped with manual record-keeping; for example, spreadsheet mistakes takehours to find andfix• Poor integration with third-party tools for preparing, sending, and evaluating campaignmaterials, forExample.o Webhook not firing,o Reaching API limito Synchronization errors with third-party tools and Salesforce• Inadequate number of lead stages and qualification levels, making it difficult to evaluatelead value, especially in multi-touch campaignsDespite the absence of an external Sales team,Marketing Operations would like to improve the granularity of their lead tracking, includingboth lifecycle stages and quality levels, with "no score" and negative levels. Unicorn currently uses a manual and subjective process of moving Leads through thepipeline. Unicorn wants to utilize Adobe Marketo Engage for a more autonomous andeffective process. The Marketing Operations team plans to set up a Revenue Cycle Modelpowered by key behavior such as form fills. Scoring also needs to be set up, and Marketingand 'Sales' nurture campaigns that reference the Model stages will be built afterward.Unicorn needs to obtain the resources and budget to implement these projects.Who should be involved in initial discussions before implementation begins?

A. CMO, CIO, and the CRM administrator
B. CMO and the Marketing department
C. Marketing Ops team leader, CRM administrator, and the Web Developer
D. Marketing team leaders, the CRM administrator, and the IT team

Question # 10

FADE IN:CUSTOMER CONTACT - SCORING DILEMMAIn a virtual meeting, a marketing executive inbusiness attire, speaks directly to the camera. The screen displays the executive's nameand title (CMO).CMO It's nice to meet you. Welcome to our growing B2B tech SaaS company. I heard you'vespoken with the CIO. Good. Listen, I have a specific concern I'd like you to evaluate.Marketing, my team, we're really ramping up our demand generation activities. We have alot of leads coming in and we are pushing over an increasing amount of marketing qualifiedleads to the inside sales team.(shakes their head)The volume we're pushing-inside sales is justgetting inundated, and they don't know how to prioritize or who to follow up with first. Myteam has a lot of data and context to send over to the sales team, but it's just too much forthem to take in all at once. I don't want us to waste these opportunities. Tell me, how can Iuse scoring to help with this challenge we're in9FADE OUT:THE ENDAt Treat Snack Inc, a company that specializes in unique local ethnic snacks, the newCMO is being bombarded by complaints from the sales team that a high volume of MQLsare being delivered to the sales team. There is no context around why they reached MQL,what it is about them, as well as what they did that caused them to MQL. The CMO decidesto overhaul the entire scoring system and build a new method from scratch.The Sales team is interviewed to understand what indicated a good person to speak withwho has a high likelihood of wanting to take a meeting. The Sales team reports that theirbest leads have the following traits in order of priority starting with the most helpful trait:1. People who attended a webinar on different types of treats enjoyed in different globalregions2. People who have a title of director and higher, followed by whether the account waslarger than 1000 employees3. People who work for companies that look similar to companies that they have sold topreviously4. People who have a high interest in their chocolate tasting line of products5. People who search the web for wholesale suppliers of gourmet treatsIn which order should the different types of scoring be rolled out?

A. Predictive, Behavior Demographic, Intent, Product
B. Behavior, Demographic, Predictive, Product, Intent
C. Behavior, Intent, Demographic, Product, Predictive

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