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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
A developer installs the latest Service pack to a local AEM author instance.How should the developer install this package on the publish instance?
A. Replicate from package manager of publish instance
B. Use upload/install from OSGi console of publish instance
C. Replicate from package manager of author instance
D. Use upload/install from OSGi console of author instance
Question # 2
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 3
For each CRX node in the hierarchy, which actions can be configured using the user admininterface?
A. Read, Modify, Create, Delete, Read ACL, Edit ACL, Replicate
B. Read, Write, Read ACL, Edit ACL, Replicate
C. Read, Write, Delete, Edit ACL, Replicate
D. Read, Modify, Create, Delete, Read ACL, Edit ACL
Question # 4
A developer creates an AEM editable template that includes a Layout Container. When thedeveloper creates a pageusing this template, the Layout Container placeholder does NOTappear.What is causing this issue?
A. The Layout Container does NOT have a policy.
B. The page template has NOT been enabled.
C. The page template has NOT been published.
D. The Layout Container has NOT been unlocked.
Question # 5
A developer creates a custom Client Library named foobar.This Client Library embeds 5 other Client Libraries and contains 10 JavaScript source files.One of these files, called foo.js, has a bug on line 8which causes an exception. The ClientLibrary is throwing this exception on line 1350 when it is included on a webpage.How should a developer find the exact line in foo.js where the exception has been thrown?
A. 1. Enable JS/CSS minification in OSGi configuration console for HTML LibraryManager.2. Check the JavaScript exception log in the OSGi web console.
B. 1. Temporarily remove the embedded Client Libraries of the foobar Client Library.2. Usethe browser JavaScript debugging tools.
C. 1. Add the selector debugClientLibs to the page request.2. Check the JavaScriptexception log in the OSGi web console.
D. 1. Add the query parameter debugClientLibs=true to the request.2. Use the browserJavaScript debugging tools.
Question # 6
A custom AEM application contains a service component that needs to access the JCRrepository within the activate method. The activate methodusesResourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(...) without specifying a subservice name.What should a developer do to make sure the user service mapping for the servicecomponent is available?
A. Create a field of type ServiceUserMapper and annotateit with @Reference usingReferencePolicy.STATIC
B. Wait for the service ServiceUserMapper via BundleContext.getServiceReference(...)
C. Create a field of type ServiceUserMapped and annotate it with @Reference usingReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC
D. Create a field of type ServiceUserMapped and annotate it with @Reference
Question # 7
Which two methods could a developer use to obtain a Session without using a deprecatedAPI? (Choose two.)
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
Question # 8
A developer needs to configure sets of values according to the following parameters:- Varies for different staging environments- Varies for different content paths-Diffets between author and publishWhich implementation strategy should the developer use to meet these requirements?
A. A context aware configuration with buckets using an OSGi configuration
B. One OSGi configuration for the set of values with runmodes
C. A customcloud condifuration
D. A JCR property at the content root node of the site with inheritedPageProperties
Question # 9
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 10
A developer needs to create a component with the following requirements:* The component must be configurable* The component should be editable, NOT removable* An author should be unable to add the component to a page through design mode
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 11
The custom AEM application needs to keep a flat list of all page paths underneath/content/thesite in memory for a real-time integration with high performancerequirements.The developer has the following intermediate state of the class:
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 12
A developer is working on an HTL script for a custom component. The script has thefollowing requirements:* This script must list the title of every child page of the current page.* If a child page does not have any children, then its title should link directlyto that page.* If a child page has children, then the title of every one of its children should be listed beneath its title.* The title of every grandchild page should link directly to that page.Which HTL script should the developer use to meet these requirements?
A. Option A
B. Option B
Question # 13
A developer determines that the dispatcher is NOT refreshing the cached page/content/sampleproject/sample.html after it is updated.The dispatcher.any contains the following entries: /cache { /docroot "/opt/dispatcher/cache" /statfile "/tmp/dispatcher-website.stat" /statfileslevel "2" /rules { /0000 { /glob "*" /type "allow" } } /invalidate { /0000 { /glob "*" /type "deny" } } }Refer to the $DOCROOT directory below:[user@group /opt/dispatcher/cache]$ ls -latotal 2drwxr-xr-x. 5 apache apache 4096 Feb 11 11:41 .drwxr-xr-x. 3 apache apache 4096 Nov 29 16:07 ..drw-r--r--. 4 root root 4096 Feb 7 03:21 content-rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 0 Feb 7 03:19 .statThe dispatcher needs to cache the page and refresh it after it gets updated.What action should the developer take to meet these requirements?
A. Add the entry /0001 { /glob "*.html" /type "allow" } in the /invalidate section
B. Change the value of the entry /statfileslevel to "3"
C. Delete the contents of the DOCROOT directory
D. Remove /statfile or/statfileslevel
Question # 14
What is the artifact ID of the maven dependency that contains all core AEM APIs?
A. core-jar
B. api-jar
C. aem-jar
D. uber-jar
Question # 15
The following stack trace is written in the error.log file after installing a custom applicationpackage.Could not startbundle com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle [526]. Reason: {}. Will retry.org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle[526](R 526.0): missing requirement [com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle] osgi.wiring.packageWhat are two different ways that the developer could resolve the OSGi bundle dependencyerror? (Choose two)
A. Go to the Dependency Finder in the System Console to find if another bundle isexporting a similar version of the classes and change the project pom.xml to match thesame version
B. Install the jar in AEM via the curl command 'curl -u username:password -Ffile=@"./com.example.customlib-3.8.jar" -F name="Dependency" -F force=true -Finstall=true http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp --progress-bar -o upload.txt'
C. Create a folder named "deploy" under $AEM_HOME/crx-quickstart/ and copycom.example.customlib-3.8.jar in there so AEM uploads it automatically
D. Go to the project parent pom.xml file and add the dependency with the scope "compile"and instruct the bundle plugin to include the dependency in runtime
E. Upload the file com.example.customlib-3.8.jar into /apps/<project>/libs folder in CRX DEto make it available for the OSGi bundle
Question # 16
A custom AEM application contains Bundle A and Bundle B. Bundle A has a dependencyto Bundle B via Import-Package.How can both bundles be deployed most efficiently across all environments?
A. Use the Felix Web Console to upload the bundles in the correct order.
B. Create one content package per bundle and use a package dependency to ensureinstallation order.
C. Embed both bundles in one content package and use property ‘installationOrder’ inpackage properties for correct bundle installation order.
D. Embed both bundles in one content package: the dependency via Import-Package isenough to ensure correct installation.
Question # 17
A developer is creating a custom method. This method must return a String property y fromchild x. the method must use only Sling APIs.How should the developer retrieve property y of node x, and node x may or may NOTexist?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 18
The developer is presented with acomponent "Component A" which inherits from acomponent "Component B".The dialog of Component A on path ../cq:dialog/../../items looks like:+ align- jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"- sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/select"- fieldLabel="Align Text"- name="./align"The dialog of Component B on path ../cq:dialog/../../items looks like:+ title- jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"- sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textarea"- fieldLabel="Title"- name="./title"+ description- jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"- sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textarea"- fieldLabel="Description"- name="./description"Therequirement for the dialog is that the *Align Text* field is shown after the *Title* field.What should the developer do without changing Component B?
A. Move the align node from Component A to Component B and order them according therequirements.
B. Move allthe nodes under the item node from Component B to Component A and orderthem according the requirements.
C. Extend Component B with the functionality of Component A
D. Add the property sling:orderBefore="description" to the align node.
Question # 19
A developer is creating a custom component on the page /latestBlogs.html that needs tolist all the titles of the blogs pages under /content/blogs.How does this component get the list of child pages?
A. Instantiate a node object with session.getNode(/content/blogs) and then iterate throughthe child nodes and print the title for each.
B. Use the QueryDebugger to look for all children of /content/blogs and then iterate throughthe result set and print the title for each.
C. Adapt the resourceResolver to the PageManger service, then use thegetPage(/content/blogs) to instantiate a Page object andthen iterate through the childpages and print the title for each.
D. Use PageManager.getPage("/content/blogs") of the static PageManager class toinstantiate a Page object and then iterate through the child pages and print the title foreach.
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