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  • Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Practice Questions
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Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect:

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Exam Cost $400 USD
Total Time 105 minutes
Available Languages English, Japanese
Passing Marks 65%
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Retake Policy 24 hours after first attempt
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Salesforce Certified Identity and Access Management Architect Exam Topics Breakdown

Content Area Percentage
Identity Management 20%
Access Management 20%
Multi-Org Access Strategy 15%
Single Sign-On Implementation 20%
Authorization and Data Security Model 15%
Identity Architecture Development 10%

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Universal Containers (UC) uses Active Directory (AD) as their identity store for employeesand must continue to do so for network access. UC is undergoing a major transformationprogram and moving all of their enterprise applications to cloud platforms includingSalesforce, Workday, and SAP HANA. UC needs to implement an SSO solution foraccessing all of the third-party cloud applications and the CIO is inclined to use Salesforcefor all of their identity and access management needs.Which two Salesforce license types does UC need for its employees'Choose 2 answers

A. Company Community and Identity licenses
B. Identity and Identity Connect licenses
C. Chatter Only and Identity licenses
D. Salesforce and Identity Connect licenses

Question # 2

Universal containers (UC) would like to enable SAML-BASED SSO for a salesforce partnercommunity. UC has an existing ldap identity store and a third-party portal. They would liketo use the existing portal as the primary site these users’ access, but also want to allowseamless access to the partner community. What SSO flow should an architectrecommend?

A. User-Agent
B. IDP-initiated
C. Sp-Initiated
D. Web server

Question # 3

Northern Trail Outfitters would like to use a portal built on Salesforce Experience Cloud forcustomer self-service. Guests of the portal be able to self-register, but be unable toautomatically be assigned to a contact record until verified. External Identity licenses havebeen purchased for the project.After registered guests complete an onboarding process, a flow will create the appropriateaccount and contact records for the user.Which three steps should an identity architect follow to implement the outlinedrequirements?Choose 3 answers

A. Enable "Allow customers and partners to self-register".
B. Select the "Configurable Self-Reg Page" option under Login & Registration.
C. Set jp an external login page and call Salesforce APIs for user creation.
D. Customize the self-registration Apex handler to temporarily associate the user to ashared single contact record.
E. Customize me self-registration Apex handler to create only the user record.

Question # 4

Universal containers (UC) have a custom, internal-only, mobile billing application for userswho are commonly out of the office. The app is configured as a connected App insalesforce. Due to the nature of this app, UC would like to take the appropriate measuresto properly secure access to the app. Which two are recommendations to make the UC?Choose 2 answers

A. Disallow the use of single Sign-on for any users of the mobile app.
B. Require high assurance sessions in order to use the connected App
C. Use Google Authenticator as an additional part of the logical processes.
D. Set login IP ranges to the internal network for all of the app users profiles.

Question # 5

A company wants to provide its employees with a custom mobile app that accessesSalesforce. Users are required to download the internal native IOS mobile app fromcorporate intranet on their mobile device. The app allows flexibility to access other non-Salesforce internal applications once users authenticate with Salesforce. The apps selfauthorize,and users are permitted to use the apps once they have logged into Salesforce.How should an identity architect meet the above requirements with the privately distributedmobile app?

A. Use connected app with OAuth and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) toaccess other non-Salesforce internal apps.
B. Configure Mobile App settings in connected app and Salesforce as identity provider fornon-Salesforce internal apps.
C. Use Salesforce as an identity provider (IdP) to access the mobile app and use theexternal IdP for other non-Salesforce internal apps.
D. Create a new hybrid mobile app and use the connected app with OAuth to authenticateusers for Salesforce and non-Salesforce internal apps.

Question # 6

Universal containers (UC) employees have salesforce access from restricted ip rangesonly, to protect against unauthorized access. UC wants to rollout the salesforce1 mobileapp and make it accessible from any location. Which two options should an architectrecommend? Choose 2 answers

A. Relax the ip restriction in the connect app settings for the salesforce1 mobile app
B. Use login flow to bypass ip range restriction for the mobile app.
C. Relax the ip restriction with a second factor in the connect app settings for salesforce1mobile app
D. Remove existing restrictions on ip ranges for all types of user access.

Question # 7

Universal Containers (UC) is building a custom employee hut) application on Amazon WebServices (AWS) and would like to store their users' credentials there. Users will also needaccess to Salesforce for internal operations. UC has tasked an identity architect withevaluating Afferent solutions for authentication and authorization between AWS andSalesforce.How should an identity architect configure AWS to authenticate and authorize Salesforceusers?

A. Configure the custom employee app as a connected app.
B. Configure AWS as an OpenID Connect Provider.
C. Create a custom external authentication provider.
D. Develop a custom Auth server in AWS.

Question # 8

Universal Containers uses Salesforce as an identity provider and Concur as the EmployeeExpense management system. The HR director wants to ensure Concur accounts foremployees are created only after the apocopate approval in the Salesforce org.Which three steps should the identity architect use to implement this requirement?Choose 3 answers

A. Create an approval process for a custom object associated with the provisioning flow.
B. Create a connected app for Concur in Salesforce.
C. Enable User Provisioning for the connected app.
D. Create an approval process for user object associated with the provisioning flow.
E. Create an approval process for UserProvisionlngRequest object associated with theprovisioning flow.

Question # 9

Northern Trail Outfitters mar ages functional group permissions in a custom securityapplication supported by a relational database and a REST service layer. Grouppermissions are mapped as permission sets in Salesforce.Which action should an identity architect use to ensure functional group permissions arereflected as permission set assignments?

A. Use a Login Flow to query SAML attributes and set permission sets.
B. Use a Login Flow with invocable Apex to callout to the security application and setpermission sets.
C. Use the Apex Just-in-Time (JIT) handler to query the Security Assertion markupLanguage (SAML) attributes and set permission sets.
D. Use the Apex JIT handler to callout to the security application and set permission sets

Question # 10

Northern Trail Outfitters is implementing a business-to-business (B2B) collaboration siteusing Salesforce Experience Cloud. The partners will authenticate with an existing identityprovider and the solution will utilize Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) toprovide single sign-on to Salesforce. Delegated administration will be used in theExpenence Cloud site to allow the partners to administer their users' access.How should a partner identity be provisioned in Salesforce for this solution?

A. Create only a contact.
B. Create a contactless user.
C. Create a user and a related contact.
D. Create a person account.

Question # 11

Universal containers (UC) is successfully using Delegated Authentication for theirsalesforce users. The service supporting Delegated Authentication is written in Java. UChas a new CIO that is requiring all company Web services be RESR-ful and written in.NET. Which two considerations should the UC Architect provide to the new CIO? Choose 2answers

A. Delegated Authentication will not work with a.net service.
B. Delegated Authentication will continue to work with rest services.
C. Delegated Authentication will continue to work with a.net service.
D. Delegated Authentication will not work with rest services.

Question # 12

A web service is developed that allows secure access to customer order status on theSalesforce Platform. The service connects to Salesforce through a connected app with theweb server flow. The following are the required actions for the authorization flow:1. User Authenticates and Authorizes Access2. Request an Access Token3. Salesforce Grants an Access Token4. Request an Authorization Code5. Salesforce Grants Authorization CodeWhat is the correct sequence for the authorization flow?

A. 1, 4, 5, 2, 3
B. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
C. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
D. 4,5,2, 3, 1

Question # 13

An identity architect's client has a homegrown identity provider (IdP). Salesforce is used as the service provider (SP). The head of IT is worried that during a SP initiated single sign-on (SSO), the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) request content will be altered. What should the identity architect recommend to make sure that there is additional trust between the SP and the IdP? 

A. Ensure that there is an HTTPS connection between IDP and SP. 
B. Ensure that on the SSO settings page, the "Request Signing Certificate" field has a selfsigned certificate. 
C. Ensure that the Issuer and Assertion Consumer service (ACS) URL is property configured between SP and IDP. 
D. Encrypt the SAML Request using certification authority (CA) signed certificate and decrypt on IdP. 

Question # 14

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is planning to roll out a partner portal for its distributors using Experience Cloud. NTO would like to use an external identity provider (idP) and for partners to register for access to the portal. Each partner should be allowed to register only once to avoid duplicate accounts with Salesforce. What should a identity architect recommend to create partners? 

A. On successful creation of Partners using Self Registration page in Experience Cloud, create identity in Ping. 
B. Create a custom page m Experience Cloud to self register partner with Experience Cloud and Ping identity store. 
C. Create a custom web page in the Portal and create users in the IdP and Experience Cloud using published APIs. 
D. Allow partners to register through the IdP and create partner users in Salesforce through an API. 

Question # 15

A consumer products company uses Salesforce to maintain consumer information, including orders. The company implemented a portal solution using Salesforce Experience Cloud for its consumers where the consumers can log in using their credentials. The company is considering allowing users to login with their Facebook or Linkedln credentials. Once enabled, what role will Salesforce play? 

A. Facebook and Linkedln will be the SPs. 
B. Salesforce will be the service provider (SP). 
C. Salesforce will be the identity provider (IdP). 
D. Facebook and Linkedln will act as the IdPs and SPs. 

Question # 16

Which tool should be used to track login data, such as the average number of logins, who logged in more than the average number of times and who logged in during non-business hours? 

A. Login Inspector 
B. Login History 
C. Login Report 
D. Login Forensics 

Question # 17

Universal containers (UC) has an e-commerce website while customers can buy products, make payments, and manage their accounts. UC decides to build a customer Community on Salesforce and wants to allow the customers to access the community for their accounts without logging in again. UC decides to implement ansp-Initiated SSO using a SAMLBASED complaint IDP. In this scenario where salesforce is the service provider, which two activities must be performed in salesforce to make sp-Initiated SSO work? Choose 2 answers 

A. Configure SAML SSO settings. 
B. Configure Delegated Authentication 
C. Create a connected App 
D. Set up my domain 

Question # 18

An identity architect is setting up an integration between Salesforce and a third-party system. The third-party system needs to authenticate to Salesforce and then make API calls against the REST API. One of the requirements is that the solution needs to ensure the third party service providers connected app in Salesforce mini need for end user interaction and maximizes security. Which OAuth flow should be used to fulfill the requirement? 

A. JWT Bearer Flow 
B. Web Server Flow 
C. User Agent Flow 
D. Username-Password Flow 

Question # 19

Universal Containers (UC) has a Customer Community that uses Facebook for of authentication. UC would like to ensure that changes in the Facebook profile are 65. reflected on the appropriate Customer Community user. How can this requirement be met? 

A. Use SAML Just-In-Time Provisioning between Facebook and Salesforce. 
B. Use information in the Signed Request that is received from Facebook. 
C. Develop a scheduled job that calls out to Facebook on a nightly basis. 
D. Use the updateUser() method on the Registration Handler class. 

Question # 20

Universal containers (UC) is successfully using Delegated Authentication for their salesforce users. The service supporting Delegated Authentication is written in Java. UC has a new CIO that is requiring all company Web services be RESR-ful and written in . NET. Which two considerations should the UC Architect provide to the new CIO? Choose 2 answers 

A. Delegated Authentication will not work with a.net service. 
B. Delegated Authentication will continue to work with rest services. 
C. Delegated Authentication will continue to work with a.net service. 
D. Delegated Authentication will not work with rest services. 

Question # 21

Universal containers (UC) has a mobile application that calls the salesforce REST API. In order to prevent users from having to enter their credentials everytime they use the app, UC has enabled the use of refresh Tokens as part of the salesforce connected App and updated their mobile app to take advantage of the refresh token. Even after enabling the refresh token, Users are still complaining that they have to enter their credentials once a day. What is the most likely cause of the issue? 

A. The Oauth authorizations are being revoked by a nightly batch job. 
B. The refresh token expiration policy is set incorrectly in salesforce 
C. The app is requesting too many access Tokens in a 24-hour period 
D. The users forget to check the box to remember their credentials. 

Question # 22

Universal Containers (UC) has an existing e-commerce platform and is implementing a new customer community. They do not want to force customers to register on both applications due to concern over the customers experience. It is expected that 25% of the e-commerce customers will utilize the customer community . The e-commerce platform is capable of generating SAML responses and has an existing REST-ful API capable of managing users. How should UC create the identities of its e-commerce users with the customer community? 

A. Use SAML JIT in the Customer Community to create users when a user tries to login to the community from the e-commerce site.
 B. Use the e-commerce REST API to create users when a user self-register on the customer community and use SAML to allow SSO.
 C. Use a nightly batch ETL job to sync users between the Customer Community and the ecommerce platform and use SAML to allow SSO. 
D. Use the standard Salesforce API to create users in the Community When a User is Created in the e-Commerce platform and use SAML to allow SSO. 

Question # 23

Universal containers (UC) has a custom, internal-only, mobile billing application for users who are commonly out of the office. The app is configured as a connected App in salesforce. Due to the nature of this app, UC would like to take the appropriate measures to properly secure access to the app. Which two are recommendations to make the UC? Choose 2 answers 

A. Disallow the use of single Sign-on for any users of the mobile app. 
B. Require high assurance sessions in order to use the connected App 
C. Use Google Authenticator as an additional part of the logical processes. 
D. Set login IP ranges to the internal network for all of the app users profiles.

Question # 24

Universal Containers (UC) uses Salesforce to allow customers to keep track of the order status. The customers can log in to Salesforce using external authentication providers, such as Facebook and Google. UC is also leveraging the App Launcher to let customers access an of platform application for generating shipping labels. The label generator application uses OAuth to provide users access. What license type should an Architect recommend for the customers? 

A. Customer Community license 
B. Identity license 
C. Customer Community Plus license 
D. External Identity license 

Question # 25

Which two security risks can be mitigated by enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in Salesforce? Choose 2 answers 

A. Users leaving laptops unattended and not logging out of Salesforce. 
B. Users accessing Salesforce from a public Wi-Fi access point. 
C. Users choosing passwords that are the same as their Facebook password. 
D. Users creating simple-to-guess password reset questions. 

Question # 26

Universal Containers allows employees to use a mobile device to access Salesforce for daily operations using a hybrid mobile app. This app uses Mobile software development kits (SDK), leverages refresh token to regenerate access token when required and is distributed as a private app. The chief security officer is rolling out an org wide compliance policy to enforce re venfication of devices if an employee has not logged in from that device in the last week. Which connected app setting should be leveraged to comply with this policy change?

A. Scope - Deny refresh_token scope for this connected app. 
B. Refresh Token Policy - Expire the refresh token if it has not been used for 7 days. 
C. Session Policy - Set timeout value of the connected app to 7 days. 
D. Permitted User - Ask admins to maintain a list of users who are permitted based on last login date. 

Question # 27

Universal Containers (UC) has implemented SAML-based SSO solution for use with their multi-org Salesforce implementation, utilizing one of the the orgs as the Identity Provider. One user is reporting that they can log in to the Identity Provider org but get a generic SAML error message when accessing the other orgs. Which two considerations should the architect review to troubleshoot the issue? Choose 2 answers 

A. The Federation ID must be a valid Salesforce Username
 B. The Federation ID must is case sensitive 
C. The Federation ID must be in the form of an email address. 
D. The Federation ID must be populated on the user record. 

Question # 28

Universal Containers (UC) has a mobile application for its employees that uses data from Salesforce as well as uses Salesforce for Authentication purposes. UC wants its mobile users to only enter their credentials the first time they run the app. The application has been live for a little over 6 months, and all of the users who were part of the initial launch are complaining that they have to re-authenticate. UC has also recently changed the URI Scheme associated with the mobile app. What should the Architect at UC first investigate?Universal Containers (UC) has a mobile application for its employees that uses data from Salesforce as well as uses Salesforce for Authentication purposes. UC wants its mobile users to only enter their credentials the first time they run the app. The application has been live for a little over 6 months, and all of the users who were part of the initial launch are complaining that they have to re-authenticate. UC has also recently changed the URI Scheme associated with the mobile app. What should the Architect at UC first investigate?

A. Check the Refresh Token policy defined in the Salesforce Connected App. 
B. Validate that the users are checking the box to remember their passwords. 
C. Verify that the Callback URL is correctly pointing to the new URI Scheme. 
D. Confirm that the access Token's Time-To-Live policy has been set appropriately. 

Question # 29

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) uses Salesforce Experience Cloud sites (previously known as Customer Community) to provide a digital portal where customers can login using their Google account. NTO would like to automatically create a case record for first time users logging into Salesforce Experience Cloud. What should an Identity architect do to fulfill the requirement? 

A. Configure an authentication provider for Social Login using Google and a custom registration handler. 
B. Implement a Just-in-Time handler class that has logic to create cases upon first login. 
C. Create an authentication provider for Social Login using Google and leverage standard registration handler. 
D. Implement a login flow with a record create component for Case. 

Question # 30

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has an off-boarding process where a terminated employee is first disabled in the Lightweight Directory Act Protocol (LDAP) directory, then requests are sent to the various application support teams to finish user deactivations. A terminated employee recently was able to login to NTO's Salesforce instance 24 hours after termination, even though the user was disabled in the corporate LDAP directory. What should an identity architect recommend to prevent this from happening in the future? 

A. Create a Just-in-Time provisioning registration handler to ensure users are deactivated in Salesforce as they are disabled in LDAP. 
B. Configure an authentication provider to delegate authentication to the LDAP directory. 
C. use a login flow to make a callout to the LDAP directory before authenticating the user to Salesforce. 
D. Setup an identity provider (IdP) to authenticate users using LDAP, set up single sign-on to Salesforce and disable Login Form authentication.

Question # 31

Universal Containers (UC) wants to implement SAML SSO for their internal of Salesforce users using a third-party IdP. After some evaluation, UC decides NOT to 65« set up My Domain for their Salesforce org. How does that decision impact their SSO implementation? 

A. IdP-initiated SSO will NOT work. 
B. Neither SP- nor IdP-initiated SSO will work. 
C. Either SP- or IdP-initiated SSO will work. 
D. SP-initiated SSO will NOT work 

Question # 32

A financial services company uses Salesforce and has a compliance requirement to track information about devices from which users log in. Also, a Salesforce Security Administrator needs to have the ability to revoke the device from which users log in. What should be used to fulfill this requirement? 

A. Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to meet the compliance requirement to track device information. 
B. Use the Activations feature to meet the compliance requirement to track device information. 
C. Use the Login History object to track information about devices from which users log in. 
D. Use Login Flows to capture device from which users log in and store device and user information in a custom object. 

Question # 33

Universal Containers (UC) has an existing web application that it would like to access from Salesforce without requiring users to re-authenticate. The web application is owned UC and the UC team that is responsible for it is willing to add new javascript code and/or libraries to the application. What implementation should an Architect recommend to UC? 

A. Create a Canvas app and use Signed Requests to authenticate the users. 
B. Rewrite the web application as a set of Visualforce pages and Apex code. 
C. Configure the web application as an item in the Salesforce App Launcher. 
D. Add the web application as a ConnectedApp using OAuth User-Agent flow. 

Question # 34

Universal Containers (UC) has a Customer Community that uses Facebook for Authentication. UC would like to ensure that Changes in the Facebook profile are reflected on the appropriate Customer Community user: How can this requirement be met? 

A. Use the updateUser method on the registration Handler Class. 
B. Develop a scheduled job that calls out to Facebook on a nightly basis. 
C. Use information in the signed Request that is received from facebook. 
D. Use SAML Just-In-Time Provisioning between Facebook and Salesforce. 

Question # 35

Universal containers (UC) has decided to use identity connect as it's identity provider. UC uses active directory(AD) and has a team that is very familiar and comfortable with managing ad groups. UC would like to use AD groups to help configure salesforce users. Which three actions can AD groups control through identity connect? Choose 3 answers

 A. Public Group Assignment 
B. Granting report folder access 
C. Role Assignment 
D. Custom permission assignment 
E. Permission sets assignment 

Question # 36

Universal Containers wants to allow its customers to log in to its Experience Cloud via a third party authentication provider that supports only the OAuth protocol. What should an identity architect do to fulfill this requirement? 

A. Contact Salesforce Support and enable delegate single sign-on. 
B. Create a custom external authentication provider. 
C. Use certificate-based authentication. 
D. Configure OpenID Connect authentication provider.

Question # 37

Universal containers (UC) has implemented SAML SSO to enable seamless access across multiple applications. UC has regional salesforce orgs and wants it's users to be able to access them from their main Salesforce org seamless. Which action should an architect recommend? 

A. Configure the main salesforce org as an Authentication provider. 
B. Configure the main salesforce org as the Identity provider. 
C. Configure the regional salesforce orgs as Identity Providers. 
D. Configure the main Salesforce org as a service provider. 

Question # 38

Universal Containers (UC) has implemented a multi-org architecture in their company. Many users have licences across multiple orgs, and they are complaining about remembering which org and credentials are tied to which business process. Which two recommendations should the Architect make to address the Complaints? Choose 2 answers 

A. Activate My Domain to Brand each org to the specific business use case. 
B. Implement SP-Initiated Single Sign-on flows to allow deep linking.
 C. Implement IdP-Initiated Single Sign-on flows to allow deep linking. 
D. Implement Delegated Authentication from each org to the LDAP provider

Question # 39

Universal Containers is creating a mobile application that will be secured by Salesforce Identity using the OAuth 2.0 user-agent flow. Application users will authenticate using username and password. They should not be forced to approve API access in the mobile app or reauthenticate for 3 months. Which two connected app options need to be configured to fulfill this use case? Choose 2 answers 

A. Set Permitted Users to "Admin approved users are pre-authorized". 
B. Set Permitted Users to "All users may self-authorize".
 C. Set the Session Timeout value to 3 months. 
D. Set the Refresh Token Policy to expire refresh token after 3 months. 

Question # 40

Universal containers (UC) uses a legacy Employee portal for their employees to collaborate and post their ideas. UC decides to use salesforce ideas for voting and better tracking purposes. To avoid provisioning users on Salesforce, UC decides to push ideas posted on the Employee portal to salesforce through API. UC decides to use an API user using Oauth Username - password flow for the connection. How can the connection to salesforce be restricted only to the employee portal server?

A. Add the Employee portals IP address to the Trusted IP range for the connected App 
B. Use a digital certificate signed by the employee portal Server. 
C. Add the employee portals IP address to the login IP range on the user profile. 
D. Use a dedicated profile for the user the Employee portal uses.

Question # 41

A farming enterprise offers smart farming technology to its farmer customers, which includes a variety of sensors for livestock tracking, pest monitoring, climate monitoring etc. They plan to store all the data in Salesforce. They would also like to ensure timely maintenance of the Installed sensors. They have engaged a salesforce Architect to propose an appropriate way to generate sensor Information In Salesforce. Which OAuth flow should the architect recommend? 

A. OAuth 2.0 Asset Token Flow 
B. OAuth 2.0 Device Authentication Row 
C. OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow 
D. OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer Assertion Flow 

Question # 42

Universal Containers (UC) is building a customer community and will allow customers to authenticate using Facebook credentials. The First time the user authenticating using facebook, UC would like a customer account created automatically in their Accounting system. The accounting system has a web service accessible to Salesforce for the creation of accounts. How can the Architect meet these requirements? 

A. Create a custom application on Heroku that manages the sign-on process from Facebook. 
B. Use JIT Provisioning to automatically create the account in the accounting system. 
C. Add an Apex callout in the registration handler of the authorization provider. 
D. Use OAuth JWT flow to pass the data from Salesforce to the Accounting System. 

Question # 43

An identity architect wants to secure Salesforce APIs using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). For secunty purposes, administrators will need to authorize the applications that will be consuming the APIs. Which Salesforce OAuth authorization flow should be used? 

A. OAuth 2-0 SAML Bearer Assertion Flow 
B. OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow 
C. SAML Assertion Flow 
D. OAuth 2.0 User-Agent Flow

Question # 44

Universal Containers (UC) implemented SSO to a third-party system for their Salesforce users to access the App Launcher. UC enabled “User Provisioning” on the Connected App so that changes to user accounts can be synched between Salesforce and the third party system. However, UC quickly notices that changes to user roles in Salesforce are not getting synched to the third-party system. What is the most likely reason for this behaviour? 

A. User Provisioning for Connected Apps does not support role sync. 
B. Required operation(s) was not mapped in User Provisioning Settings. 
C. The Approval queue for User Provisioning Requests is unmonitored.
 D. Salesforce roles have more than three levels in the role hierarchy. 

Question # 45

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants its customers to use phone numbers to log in to their new digital portal, which was designed and built using Salesforce Experience Cloud. In order to access the portal, the user will need to do the following: 1. Enter a phone number and/or email address 2. Enter a verification code that is to be sent via email or text. What is the recommended approach to fulfill this requirement?

A. Create a Login Discovery page and provide a Login Discovery Handler Apex class. 
B. Create a custom login page with an Apex controller. The controller has logic to send and verify the identity.
 C. Create an Authentication provider and implement a self-registration handler class. 
D. Create a custom login flow that uses an Apex controller to verify the phone numbers with the company's verification service. 

Question # 46

A multinational company is looking to rollout Salesforce globally. The company has a Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) implementation for the Americas, Europe and APAC. The company plans to have a single org and they would like to have all of its users access Salesforce using the ADFS . The company would like to limit its investments and prefer not to procure additional applications to satisfy the requirements. What is recommended to ensure these requirements are met ?

A. Use connected apps for each ADFS implementation and implement Salesforce site to authenticate users across the ADFS system applicable to their geo. 
B. Implement Identity Connect to provide single sign-on to Salesforce and federated across multiple ADFS systems. 
C. Add a central identity system that federates between the ADFS systems and integrate with Salesforce for single sign-on. 
D. Configure Each ADFS system under single sign-on settings and allow users to choose the system to authenticate during sign on to Salesforce

Question # 47

Sales users at Universal containers use salesforce for Opportunity management. Marketing uses a third-party application called Nest for Lead nurturing that is accessed using username/password. The VP of sales wants to open up access to nest for all sales uses to provide them access to lead history and would like SSO for better adoption. Salesforce is already setup for SSO and uses Delegated Authentication. Nest can accept username/Password or SAML-based Authentication. IT teams have received multiple password-related issues for nest and have decided to set up SSO access for Nest for Marketing users as well. The CIO does not want to invest in a new IDP solution and is considering using Salesforce for this purpose. Which are appropriate license type choices for sales and marketing users, giving salesforce is using Delegated Authentication? Choose 2 answers 

A. Salesforce license for sales users and Identity license for Marketing users 
B. Salesforce license for sales users and External Identity license for Marketing users 
C. Identity license for sales users and Identity connect license for Marketing users 
D. Salesforce license for sales users and platform license for Marketing users. 

Question # 48

A service provider (SP) supports both Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and OpenID Connect (OIDC). A service provider (SP) supports both Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and OpenID Connect (OIDC).  When integrating this SP with Salesforce, which use case is the determining factor when choosing OIDC or SAML? 

A. OIDC is more secure than SAML and therefore is the obvious choice. 
B. The SP needs to perform API calls back to Salesforce on behalf of the user after the user logs in to the service provider. 
C. If the user has a session on Salesforce, you do not want them to be prompted for a username and password when they login to the SP. 
D. They are equivalent protocols and there is no real reason to choose one over the other. 

Question # 49

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) recently purchased Salesforce Identity Connect to streamline user provisioning across Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and Salesforce Sales Cloud. NTO has asked an identity architect to identify which salesforce security configurations can map to AD permissions. Which three Salesforce permissions are available to map to AD permissions? Choose 3 answers 

A. Public Groups 
B. Field-Level Security 
C. Roles 
D. Sharing Rules 
E. Profiles and Permission Sets 

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