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PMI PMI-PBA Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A business analyst conducts an initial review to define scope. The analysis includes thereview of the business case, project goals, and objectives to obtain the necessary andrequired context Based on that information, the business analyst determines that this is alarge project with multiple interfaces which could cost the company money that was notinitially included in the budget.What characteristics of the project are needed to determine the approach so that thebusiness analyst can validate whether they will need to have a discussion about thebudget?

A. Type of elicitation activities to be conducted 
B. Selected project life cycle 
C. Business analysis deliverables to be produced 
D. Decision on the type of models to be used 

Question # 2

A major stakeholder of a project is surprised to learn that a particular requirement was notimplemented during the latest launch. The business analyst tells the stakeholder that therequirement status was changed to "deferred."What could have prevented the stakeholder from being surpnsed about the status change?

A. The status should have been reviewed prior to project launch. 
B. The status should have been communicated to the requirement's source. 
C. The status should have been updated in the traceability matrix. 
D. The status should have been communicated to all project stakeholders. 

Question # 3

Company A would like to enter into a new market. The business analyst has been assignedlo a project for which nobody in Company A has any prior experience. The project managerhas asked the business analyst to assist in resource planning.What should the business analyst recommend to the project manager?

A. Review the business case to reconsider the project. 
B. Ask the sponsor for more resources. 
C. Hire external subject matter experts for the core project team. 
D. Ask the developer's team manager for more resources 

Question # 4

A stakeholder wants to modify an existing feature. Which of the following would be used todetermine the scope of the change on the product?

A. Project schedule and cost baseline 
B. Requirements attributes table 
C. Requirements traceabihty matrix 
D. Sequence diagram 

Question # 5

A financial company deployed a new online product lo Iheir customers to invest in the stockmarket. The company notices a problem regarding financial calculations and starts theproblem analysis. The company discovers that the new rules for taxes and fees were notimplemented.This problem could have been avoided by:

A. involving a business analyst during all phases of system development. 
B. implementing an automated Issue tracking system to facilitate the tracing of defects tothe requirements. 
C. using a table that shows each applicable business rule with the implemented functionalrequirement. 
D. rolling back the operations using a contingency process in order to avoid loss and clientdissatisfaction. 

Question # 6

A project team has completed the system use cases along with accompanying screenmockups. The business analyst schedules a review meeting with the client team to walkthrough the artifacts.What is the purpose of this meeting?

A. To verify that the system is aligned with the quality requirements 
B. To validate that the documents are aligned with the solution requirements 
C. To validate that the system is aligned with the stakeholder requirements 
D. To verify that the documents are aligned with the transition requirements 

Question # 7

A key component of the business analysts role during acceptance testing is to:

A. delegate execution of acceptance testing and defect identification to users. 
B. execute all acceptance tests on behalf of the user community. 
C. assist the quality assurance department by defining acceptance cntena. 
D. act as a resource only when users encounter difficulties while performing tests. 

Question # 8

A company is working on the next big release of their best-selling product. Therequirements will be validated through in-person validation sessions. What would be themost viable technique to use in thisscenario?

A. A review of the previous version 
B. A brainstorming session 
C. A review of the solution prototype 
D. A use-case development session 

Question # 9

Which tool should be used to improve the communication of product needs with thestakeholders and to improve their understanding?

A. Document management system and a relationship matrix that groups all relateddocuments 
B. Workflow management tool that documents the flow of information 
C. Modeling tool integrated into a version control feature that ensures that team knowledgeis captured 
D. Requirements management tool that documents requirements and their properties andrelationships 

Question # 10

Which of the following tools will help facilitate the decision-making process whenstakeholders do not agree on the value of an initiative?

A. PEST analysis 
B. Feasibility analysis 
C. Gap analysis 
D. Force-field analysis 

Question # 11

What should the business analyst do during the first steps of a project?

A. Identify the classes of users and their requirements. 
B. Align the sponsor expectations along the project goals. 
C. Evaluate the sources for requirements and prioritize them. 
D. Identify stakeholders and their interests. 

Question # 12

Company A is working on implementing a new platform with multiple stakeholders. Thebusiness analyst has gathered the requirements and established a baseline. However,scope creep is a persistentproblem.What could the business analyst have established to help manage this situation?

A. Configuration management system 
B. Sponsor signoff 
C. Change control process 
D. Communication plan 

Question # 13

The quality function deployment is best suited to assist in the process of:

A. controlling the effects between the quality functions, 
B. quality assurance by structuring the quality audits. 
C. relating the product features to customer value, 
D. quality control by determining the control charts and the run charts. 

Question # 14

The project team is working on test scripts to test a solution. Which source can be used forbuilding tests of end-to-end business processes across business functions and systems?

A. Context diagram 
B. Prototype model 
C. Use case 
D. Feature model 

Question # 15

The besl way lo ensure Ihe integrity of requirements is to:

A. establish a change control board, track the status of each requirement, and use arequirements management tool 
B. establish a requirements baseline, establish a change control board, and label eachrequirement uniquely 
C. implement version control, maintain a history of requirements changes, and track thestatus of each requirement 
D. use a requirements management tool, measure requirements volatility, and maintain ahistory of requirements changes 

Question # 16

Through user acceptance testing, a software flaw was identified. What should the businessanalyst do next as part of the root cause analysis in order to analyze and resolve thediscrepancy?

A. Create a functional decomposition. 
B. Create a fishbone diagram. 
C. Create a Delphi estimation 
D. Create an interface analysis. 

Question # 17

A business analyst is discussing the acceptance criteria for a new measurement systemwith the operations manager The operations manager is particularly concerned about theaccuracy of the new system because mistakes in data measurements could be extremelycostly to fix.Which of the following is the best strategy to define the appropriate acceptance criteria?

A. Quantify the risks associated with the measurement errors and update the risk register. 
B. Ask the operations manager to formally accept the requirements documents. 
C. Plan a training session for the new system before it is handed over to the operations manager. 
D. Clearly define the maximum acceptable error rate for the new system. 

Question # 18

A business analyst has been assigned to Project Y. After a requirements gatheringsession, the project manager asks the business analyst to identify which requirementswould be considered in scope and out of scope, based on the business need.What document should the business analyst use to determine the relationship of therequirement to the business need?

A. Requirements package 
B. Traceability matrix 
C. Requirements management plan 
D. Reliability matrix 

Question # 19

A business analysis team has collected the mam business requirements from the majorstakeholders of a project. The team wants to be sure that each stakeholder has a clearunderstanding of the areas of analysis that will be in scope.Which model should the team employ to ensure the most effective representation ofanalysis boundary?

A. Entity relationship diagram 
B. Context diagram 
C. Data flow diagram 
D. State diagram 

Question # 20

Company A has been awarded a contract to finalize the development of a product thatCompany B was not able to finish. The business analyst is given a copy of thedocumentation left by Company B.To which of the following documents should the business analyst pay the most attention toensure the project succeeds this time?

A. Application design documentation 
B. Business use cases 
C. Test case documentation 
D. Clauses in the contract 

Question # 21

For a large, highly complex project with significant risk, which elicitation technique shouldbe used to analyze input to and output from the product?

A. System analysis 
B. Interface analysis 
C. Dependency analysis 
D. Risk analysis 

Question # 22

After a project was delivered, the business analyst learns of a project objective with noassociated requirement. What would have helped determine this issue before delivery?

A. Use cases 
B. Process flow 
C. Context diagram 
D. Tracing requirements 

Question # 23

A new business analyst has taken over on a project that is in the development phase. Theproject manager is looking for an update on requirements status. What should the businessanalyst use to help communicate the status?

A. Business analysis plan 
B. Traceability matrix 
C. Project charter 
D. Communication plan 

Question # 24

Which technique or tool is used to obtain acceptance of the delivered product?

A. Inspection 
B. Contextual inquiry 
C. Facilitated workshops 
D. Expert Judgment 

Question # 25

The business analyst generated a design specification for a new product. What is the besttype of formal review to conduct with the customer to establish an approved requirementsbaseline?

A. Production readiness review 
B. System requirements review 
C. Critical design review 
D. Test readiness review 

Question # 26

The human resources, engineering, and marketing departments have provided feedbackon the business needs for a new product. After analyzing the feedback from the threedepartments, it would be best to:

A. delegate the decision to be made by the product sponsor. 
B. negotiate to best meet each department's objectives. 
C. vote on the product's highest-value business needs 
D. collaborate on a product scope that aligns with the company's objectives. 

Question # 27

When determining the value of a business case, which tool or technique should be used?

A. SWOT analysis 
B. Variance analysis 
C. Feasibility analysis 
D. Cost-benefit analysis 

Question # 28

The requirements traceability matrix should primarily be used to:

A. address the responsibility owner for each requirement. 
B. identify the risks associated with dependent requirements 
C. define a convention to map the requirements to their sources. 
D. ensure that all requirements have been met. 

Question # 29

In order to reduce product and project risk for a large, complex project, a business analystis asked to help develop a change process that includes formal authorization and trackingthroughout the life cycleof the project. The business analyst needs a capability that will help ensure that the productconforms to approved requirements, changes can be documented, and the status of eachchange can be reported.What should the business analyst use?

A. Traceability matrix 
B. Context models 
C. Configuration management system 
D. Work breakdown structure 

Question # 30

A few months into a project, the business analyst determines that the costs are exceedingthe perceived benefits. The business analyst wants to address the possible risks of havingto cancel the product.Which of the following documents should be used?

A. Business case 
B. Stakeholder impact matrix 
C. Business analysis plan 
D. Project charter 

Question # 31

The business analyst receives multiple changes from different stakeholders during therequirements gathering phase of a project. How should the business analyst track therequirements throughout the lifecycle of the project to secure the delivery of the expectedsolution?

A. Establish a risk traceabllity matrix and designate someone to manage each risk with theappropriate response. 
B. Plan regular meetings with stakeholders to review the requirements baseline update andto discuss changes. 
C. Perform inspections through the lifecycle of the project to detect any gaps and adjust therequirements baseline. 
D. Record all the requirements in a matrix, review it regularly, and get approval fromstakeholders. 

Question # 32

Once the requirements are compared to internal and external quality standards, whatshould the business analyst do next?

A. Set the priority of the requirements. 
B. Communicate the requirements to stakeholders. 
C. Ensure that the requirements are validated. 
D. Baseline the requirements. 

Question # 33

The requirements baseline is ready for sign-off when the requirements are:

A. consistent, analyzed, complete, and validated 
B. justified, clear, consistent, and verified 
C. complete, clear, verified, and adopted 
D. clear, consistent, complete, and validated 

Question # 34

When managing a product backlog, which statement best describes how to determine thevalue of backlog items?

A. The stakeholders provide input about backlog value when the item is first identified. 
B. The stakeholders do not typically play a major role. 
C. The stakeholders provide recommendations with the product owner having the final say. 
D. The stakeholders follow the value-ranking criteria. 

Question # 35

A business analyst has been asked to investigate a problem. This investigation will provideinput towards developing a business case. The business analyst wants to first understandthe company's current business processes.Which technique should the business analyst use?

A. User stories 
B. RACI matrix 
C. MoSCoW 
D. Observation 

Question # 36

In the first few weeks after a large implementation of a new web-based application, acritical report failed. Further investigation determined that a worker had been using a fieldthat was not supposed to beused. This issue was not identified in testing.Which technique could have prevented this problem from occurring?

A. Use cases 
B. Prototyping 
C. Diagrams 
D. Document analysis 

Question # 37

After analyzing a set of requirements documents, it is determined that the requirements arenot yet ready for peer review. This was most likely caused by:

A. the requirements not providing all of the information needed to define the work.
B. the requirements documents having not yet received sign-off from the sponsor. 
C. the requirements' reference codes not tracing to the attribute numbers in the workbreakdown structure. 
D. some requirements having not yet been discussed in a work group session. 

Question # 38

The project team has all the document control process and versioning in place to capturethe requirements changes. The team ensures that the change is documented in the scopedocument, resulting in the changed work breakdown schedule (WBS) and schedule.However, a key requirement was not implemented in the releaseWhich is a possible reason why the requirement was not implemented?

A. The requirements traceability matrix was not updated with the change. 
B. The schedule management plan was not updated with the change. 
C. The requirements management plan was not updated with the change. 
D. The scope management plan was not updated with the change. 

Question # 39

A sponsor requests a new requirement The business analyst explains that most of theinformation needed for this requirement does not exist and that the requirement cannot beimplemented. The business analyst recommends deferring the requirement until theneeded information is available and then adding it to a subsequent project The sponsoragrees.What should the business analyst do next?

A. Mark the requirement as complete so that it is not forgotten. 
B. Bring the subsequent project to the change control board (CCB). 
C. Communicate that the status of this requirement has changed. 
D. Ask the stakeholders to review the requirement before any other action is taken. 

Question # 40

After several meetings with different groups of users, a business analyst has gathered therequirements for a large IT project Now, the business analyst needs to document thoserequirements in a way that is clearly understood by the development team and providesenough information to check if the requirement has been met.Which of the following would work best in this case?

A. Flow chart 
B. Prototyping 
C. User steles 
D. Functional specifications 

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