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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
You are designing a system requiring the transmission of data. Your system must perform higher than ________ kHz in order to do so.
A. 4
B. 8
C. 10
D. 16
E. 32
Question # 2
Which service is NOT typical of Grade 1?
A. Telephone
B. Multimedia
C. Data
D. Television
Question # 3
You are designing distribution for a seven unit townhouse with in slab conduits. What is the MINIMUM number of 27 mm (1 in) rigid PVC Type 2 or metallic conduit that is required to satisfy distribution to each unit?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Seven
E. Fourteen
Question # 4
You are designing a multi-story dwelling and need to place the CTR's. Every floor is not available. What is the alternate spacing for the CTRs?
A. Every 2 floors
B. Every 3 floors
C. Every 4 floors
D. Every 5 floors
E. 1st floor and midway up through the height of the building
Question # 5
To accommodate telephone, data, CATV, security and multimedia, a MINIMUM of ________ strands of optical fiber auxiliary disconnect outlet (ADO) cable should be provided.
A. Two
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
E. Eight
Question # 6
You have just finished a design calling for 15 telecommunications outlets. You received word that the owner has increased his requirements by 40%. What size commercial DD (distribution device) is required to accommodate the increase?
A. 660 mm (26 in)
B. 1015 mm (40 in)
C. 1346 mm (53 in)
D. 1676 mm (66 in)
Question # 7
A. Installed one or two pair cables from the boat slips to a distribution terminal on the
closest point of land.
B. Place distribution cable onto the dock and terminate in a suitable cabinet or enclosure. Install service drop to each boat slip.
C. Pre-cable each boat slip during construction.
D. For security, each install should be terminated in the patch panel/cross-connect at the dockmaster or marina office.
Question # 8
What is the MINIMUM distance from the edge of a pool or other water hazards for a weatherproof enclosure?
A. 1 m (3 ft)
B. 2 m (7 ft)
C. 4 m (13 ft)
D. 6 m (20 ft)
E. 10 m (30 ft)
Question # 9
Coupling with electrical circuits can create inductive interference to telecommunications facilities. Which of the following can decrease the coupling effect?
A. Decrease the exposure length
B. Make sure that the single-phase components add in phase
C. Decrease the physical separation
D. Increase the earth resistance
Question # 10
Which type of protection for electrical power stations provide isolation against a rise in potential of station ground and also provide drainage protection against longitudinallyinduced voltages?
A. Isolating transformers
B. Neutralizing transformers
C. Mutual drainage reactors
D. Unit-type neutralizing transformers
E. 2-winding neutralizing transformers
Question # 11
A. 760 mm (30 in)
B. 864 mm (34 in)
C. 1170 mm (46 in)
D. 1220 mm (48 in)
E. 1370 mm (54 in)
Question # 12
A. Teletypewriter/text telephone
B. Public internet station
C. Public telephone
D. Public telephone with a shelfette
E. Public telephone with access to high-speed internet connection
Question # 13
In new construction, what is the percentage of pay phones that must be equipped with volume controls?
A. 4
B. 10
C. 25
D. 35
E. 50
Question # 14
A telephone facility and an electrical facility are required in a tunnel. To reduce the effects of EMI and eliminate the need for additional shielding of the cables, where would each facility be placed?
A. On opposite sides of the tunnel
B. On the same sides of the tunnel
C. Together on the same pathway for easy access and maintenance
D. One on the top part and one on the bottom part of the same side of the tunnel
E. On the exterior of the tunnel
Question # 15
What is the MINIMUM clearance needed between the front of the telephone booth and any wall or fixture for most installations?
A. 300 mm (12 in)
B. 450 mm (18 in)
C. 610 mm (24 in)
D. 914 mm (36 in)
E. 2.4 m (8 ft)
Question # 16
A. Place distribution cable onto the dock and terminate in a suitable cabinet or enclosure.
Run service drop to each boat slip.
B. Provide one or two pair cables from the boat slips to a distribution terminal on the
closest point of land.
C. Pre-cable each boat slip during construction.
D. For security, each run should be terminated in the patch panel/ cross-connect at the dockmaster or marina office.
Question # 17
for front reach using a wheelchair. What will be the maximum reachable height or the value of "X"?
A. 760 mm (30 in)
B. 864 mm (34 in)
C. 1170 mm (46 in)
D. 1220 mm (48 in)
E. 1370 mm (54 in)
Question # 18
In an office area, a consultant needs to add the location of a fax machine to the plan. What is the approximated floor area that a fax machine occupies?
A. 0.2 sq m (2 sq ft)
B. 0.5 sq m (5 sq ft)
C. 1 sq m (10 sq ft)
D. 1.5 sq m (16 sq ft)
E. 2 sq m (20 sq ft)
Question # 19
What is the air change requirement for a tunnel of 610 m (2000 ft) long with a diameter of 3.4 m (11 ft)?
A. One complete air change per hour
B. Two complete air changes per hour
C. Three complete air changes per hour
D. Four complete air changes per hour
E. Five complete air changes per hour
Question # 20
One interior TTY must be provided at locations defined as public accommodations with ________ or more pay telephones.
A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Six
E. Eight
Question # 21
Which of the following is an alarm management output system?
A. Patient monitoring system
B. Bed monitoring system
C. Security system
D. Wireless telephone system
Question # 22
The ________ system is an application used for storing and viewing captured digital radiology image files.
Question # 23
You are designing a nurse call system for an assisted care facility. What type of nurse call system would best suit the needs for the facility?
A. Audiovisual system
B. Staff emergency system
C. Tone/Visual system
D. Bedside system
Question # 24
You are designing an interactive patient television system (IPTS) that will provide internet, nurse call and LCD television services. From the following, which medium will NOT support these services in a backbone cabling system?
A. Balanced twisted pair
B. Coaxial 1/2 inch hard-line cable
C. Multimode optical fiber cable
D. RG-11 coaxial cable
Question # 25
You are designing a nurse call system for a health care facility. The system will have emergency call switches. What is the first step you should take in designing the nurse call system?
A. Properly size the supporting TR to accommodate the headend system
B. Program the headend device for the various call switches that will be used
C. Perform a risk assessment to determine call switch locations
D. Perform a site survey to verify the pathways that will connect the headend device with the call switches
Question # 26
Which of the following is used to create an electronic signal that can be sent to the central nurse call equipment?
A. Headend module
B. Initiation device
C. Notification device
D. Two tone device
Question # 27
You are renovating telecommunication rooms that support an acute care facility that has 10,000 sq ft floors. The facility will be adding 15,000 sq ft to each of the floors. What is the MINIMUM additional floor space that you will need to expand the TRs to support the new floor space?
A. 3 m x 3 m (10 ft x 10 ft)
B. 3.5 m x 4.3 m (11.5 ft x 14 ft)
C. 3.0 m x 4.5 m (10 ft x 15 ft)
D. 6 m x 6 m (20 ft x 20 ft)
Question # 28
It is important to keep all underfloor cabling systems very neat and orderly. Cabling systems must be managed to ensure that air flow is not impeded by the height or volume of underfloor cabling. Keeping copper communications cabling properly separated from is one design approach. To resolve this:
A. Power cabling should be routed in the space below the floor in either hot or cold aisle
B. Route the copper cables in the cold aisle and route the power cabling in the hot aisle
C. Power cabling should be routed in the overhead space
D. Route the copper cables in the hot aisle and route the power cabling in the cold aisle
E. Copper cabling can be routed in either hot or cold aisles without any consequence in performance of the network
Question # 29
What is the MAXIMUM horizontal cable length permitted for centralized optical fiber cabling from the MDA within a data center?
A. 100 m (328 ft)
B. 200 m (656 ft)
C. 300 m (984 ft)
D. 400 m (1312 ft)
E. 500 m (1640 ft)
Question # 30
If you have a 30 cm (12 in) wide data tray, what does ANSI/TIA 569-B recommend be the maximum pathway fill cross sectional area assuming a MAXIMUM pathway depth of 15 cm (6 in)?
A. 112.5 sq cm (18 sq in)
B. 150 sq cm (24 sq in)
C. 225 sq cm (36 sq in)
D. 300 sq cm (48 sq in)
E. 450 sq cm (72 sq in)
Question # 31
Within a data center, if you have dual path connectivity between the primary entrance room and secondary entrance room, in addition to dual connectivity between these two rooms and the main distribution and secondary distribution areas, what tier level would this infrastructure design represent?
A. Tier I
B. Tier II
C. Tier III
D. Tier IV
E. Tier V
Question # 32
Within a data center, how many concentric layers are considered necessary to provide effective security?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
Question # 33
You are designing a cabling containment system installed overhead in a new data center. The main or prime purpose of the system will be to manage fiber optic cabling between cabinets. You have a choice of designs of the containment system. In view of the prime purpose of containment system, your first choice of design will be one that:
A. Has a bottom design with a web spacing of less than 203 mm (8 in)
B. Has a bottom design with a web spacing of less than 152 mm (6 in)
C. Is manufactured with a soft cloth type material
D. Has a solid bottom design E. The design is not important as long as the client pre approves the manufacturer
Question # 34
What type of redundancy provides two complete units, modules, paths or systems for every one required for a base system.
A. N
B. N+1
C. N+2
D. 2N
E. 2(N+1)
Question # 35
If you have a data center where the entire infrastructure must be completely shutdown on an annual basis to perform preventative maintenance and repair work, what tier level would this represent?
A. Tier I
B. Tier II
C. Tier III
D. Tier IV
Question # 36
Within a data center, if you have a system which includes one extra unit, in addition to the minimum required to satisfy the base need, and where the failure of this unit will NOT disrupt operations, what level of redundancy would this represent?
A. N
B. N+1
C. N+2
D. 2N
E. 2(N+1)
Question # 37
If you are working on a physical security plan for a data center and focusing on building and access control, what layer of the plan would this relate to?
A. Layer 1
B. Layer 2
C. Layer 3
D. Layer 4
E. Layer 5
Question # 38
You have been asked to spec the physical security requirements related to the protection of assets for a new data center. The most common potential for damage categories you have considered include temperature, gases, organisms and projectiles. The one category that you have missed is:
A. Aircraft flight paths
B. Proximity to high speed rail links
C. Liquids
D. Parking lot exits
E. Exposure to extreme winds
Question # 39
What does ANSI/TIA 942 recommend as the MINIMUM height for overhead cable tray above finished floor within a data center?
A. 2.14 m (7 ft)
B. 2.44 m (8 ft)
C. 2.75 m (9 ft)
D. 3.05 m (10 ft)
E. 3.36 m (11 ft)
Question # 40
What type of redundancy provides two additional units, modules, paths, or systems in addition to the MINIMUM required to satisfy the base requirement.
A. N
B. N+1
C. N+2
D. 2N
E. 2(N+1)
Question # 41
When a building is not on the property line, the building owner should provide a MINIMUM of ________ conduits from a point inside the building, to the property line or easement for entrance facilities.
A. Five
B. Four
C. Three
D. Two
Question # 42
What is the horizontal separation, in well tamped earth, required between power and direct buried telecommunications facilities sharing the same trench?
A. 152 mm (6 in)
B. 229 mm (9 in)
C. 300 mm (12 in)
D. 381 mm (15 in)
E. 457 mm (18 in)
Question # 43
Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of underground conduit?
A. Has a low initial installation cost
B. Preserves the aesthetic appearance of the premises
C. Adaptable for future placement or removal of facilities
D. Provides the security of additional physical cable protection
E. Is economical over a long life
Question # 44
Vertical conduit masts (with approved service heads) are limited to drop-wire attachments of up to ________ lines.
A. 4
B. 6
C. 12
D. 25
Question # 45
The MOST common medium used to provide service to the access point (AP) is ________ cable.
A. Singlemode optical fiber
B. Multimode optical fiber
C. Unbalanced twisted pair
D. Balanced twisted pair
Question # 46
What is the MINIMUM cover for underground conduit?
A. 152 mm (6 in)
B. 305 mm (12 in)
C. 457 mm (18 in)
D. 610 mm (24 in)
E. 762 mm (30 in)
Question # 47
Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of direct-buried cable?
A. Is flexible for future reinforcements or changes
B. Has a low initial installation cost
C. Can easily bypass obstructions
D. Preserves the aesthetic appearance of buildings
Question # 48
Buildings larger than ________ must contain a dedicated room for the termination of entrance facilities.
A. 5529 square m (60,000 square ft)
B. 7389 square m (80,000 square ft)
C. 9300 square m (100,000 square ft)
D. 11,160 square m (120,000 square ft)
E. 13,300 square m (140,000 square ft)
Question # 49
When installing underground entrances, no more than ________ 90-degree bends should be included between pulling points.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Question # 50
You have the responsibility of designing a railroad track crossing for an outside plant OSP cable. There are three separate railroad tracks to be crossed. The measurement between the center of the two outer tracks is 16 m (52 ft). Using the standard track width of 1435 mm (4 ft 8.5 in), what is the length of the rigid steel conduit required to facilitate the crossing?
A. 20 m (66 ft)
B. 25 m (82 ft)
C. 31 m (102 ft)
D. 35 m (115 ft)
E. 40 m (130 ft)
Question # 51
What is the MINIMUM vertical separation between the top rail of a railroad track and telecommunications facilities placed beneath the track?
A. 508 mm (20 in)
B. 762 mm (30 in)
C. 1020 mm (40 in)
D. 1280 mm (50 in)
E. 1525 mm (60 in)
Question # 52
You are placing an entrance cable between two buildings connected by a conduit 205.3 m (588 ft) in length. What would be the MAXIMUM length of unlisted OSP cable that could be used before you terminate the cable or transition it to a listed cable?
A. 185 m (607 ft)
B. 200 m (656 ft)
C. 209 m (686 ft)
D. 213 m (700 ft)
E. 216 m (708 ft)
Question # 53
What would be the minimum length of casing to cross a single railroad track at 90 degrees?
A. 15 feet.
B. 50 feet.
C. 35 feet
D. 25 feet.
Question # 54
When selecting poles for aerial telecommunications facilities, which of the following is the class number for the strongest rated pole?
A. 10
B. 6
C. 4
D. 2
E. 00
Question # 55
All entrance conduits should be equipped with a plastic or nylon line with a MINIMUM test rating of _________ pulling tension.
A. 22.7 kg (50 lbs)
B. 45.4 kg (100 lbs)
C. 68 kg (150 lbs)
D. 90 kg (200 lbs)
E. 113 kg (250 lbs)
Question # 56
What is the MINIMUM number of outside building terminal pedestals required to serve a single story office, or office warehouse structure that has ten 18.3 m x 24 m (60 ft x 80 ft) units and the total building length is 183 m (600 ft)?
A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Six
E. Ten
Question # 57
A vertical conduit mast should not extend above a roof line more than which of the following?
A. 6 inches
B. 4 inches
C. 24 inches
D. 12 inches
Question # 58
BICSI recommends that any trench ________ or more deep must be shored to prevent cave in.
A. 1.2 m (4 ft)
B. 1.5 m (5 ft)
C. 1.7 m (5.5 ft)
D. 1.83 m (6 ft)
E. 2.1 m (7 ft)
Question # 59
You have determined that your underground cable design requires three maintenance holes (MHs). One is 4.3 m (14 ft), one is 6 m (20 ft), and one is 6.7 m (22 ft) in length. How many MH covers are required to serve these MHs?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Six
D. Seven
E. Nine
Question # 60
The MAXIMUM span length for an aerial entrance, from the last pole to the building, must NOT exceed:
A. 15.2 m (50 ft)
B. 30 m (100 ft)
C. 45.8 m (150 ft)
D. 61 m (200 ft)
E. 76 m (250 ft)
Question # 61
Aerial entrances to small buildings should be limited to ________ cable pair or less.
A. 6
B. 12
C. 25
D. 50
E. 100
Question # 62
The information technology system (ITS) designer should design conduits entering a building from ceiling height to terminate ________ below the finished ceiling.
A. 51 mm (2 in)
B. 100 mm (4 in)
C. 152 mm (6 in)
D. 203 mm (8 in)
E. 254 mm (10 in)
Question # 63
What warning tape color has the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) adopted for telecommunications and CATV cables?
A. Orange
B. Yellow
C. White
D. Green
E. Red
Question # 64
To reduce the chance of an accidental dig-up, plastic warning tape should be placed a MINIMUM of _________ below grade, but high enough above cables to allow detection before cables are damaged.
A. 101 mm (4 in)
B. 203 mm (8 in)
C. 300 mm (12 in)
D. 381 mm (15 in)
E. 457 mm (18 in)
Question # 65
An outside plant (OSP) cable must be placed under a pipeline with two side by side pipe runs. The distance between the outside pipes is 6 m (20 ft). What is the length of the conduit required to facilitate the pipeline crossing?
A. 6 m (20 ft)
B. 7.6 m (25 ft)
C. 9 m (30 ft)
D. 10.7 m (35 ft)
E. 12 m (40 ft)
Question # 66
The information technology system (ITS) designer should design conduits entering a building from below grade point to extend ________ above finished floor (AFF).
A. 51 mm (2 in)
B. 100 mm (4 in)
C. 152 mm (6 in)
D. 203 mm (8 in)
E. 254 mm (10 in)
Question # 67
The concept of the "security quandary" is based on providing a balancing act between what two elements?
A. Access and isolation
B. Risk and threat
C. Asset and isolation
D. Asset and risk
E. Access and cost
Question # 68
The distance a CCTV signal may be run is determined by the strength of the signal at the source, required signal strength at the receiver, and:
A. Signal loss of the cable
B. Power requirement of the receiving device
C. Recorded image
D. Video format
Question # 69
A security program consists of three independent components. They are electronic, architectural, and:
A. Operational
B. Physical
C. Environmental
D. Elemental
Question # 70
You are designing a strobe visual notification system for a fire alarm system. You have a hallway that is 4.6 m (15 ft) wide and 100 m (328 ft) long. How many strobes should be placed in the hallway?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
Question # 71
In (ESS) design, employees, reputation, and materials are all examples of:
A. Assets
B. Risks
C. Threats
D. Countermeasures
E. Systems
Question # 72
What is the MOST important aspect of fire alarm signaling
A. Audibility
B. Clarity
C. Reliability
D. Intelligibility
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