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UiPath UiPath-SAIv1 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

What is the Machine Learning Extractor?

A. A specialized model that can recognize multiple languages in the same document usingAPI calls to a Hugging Face model with over 250 languages.
B. An extraction model that can be enabled and trained in Al Center. For better accuracy.25 documents per model are recommended to train the model.
C. A tool using machine learning models to identify and report on data targeted for dataextraction.
D. A tool that helps extract data from different document structures, and is particularlyuseful when the same document has multiple formats.

Question # 2

Which of the following are unstructured documents?

A. Invoices, receipts, purchase orders, and medical bills.
B. Banking forms, tax forms, surveys, and identity cards.
C. Contracts, emails, banking forms, and tax forms.
D. Contracts, agreements, and emails.

Question # 3

Which environment variable is relevant for Evaluation pipelines?

A. eval.enable_ocr
B. eval.redo_ocr
C. eval.enable_qpu
D. eval.use_cuda

Question # 4

What is the name of the web application that allows users to prepare, review, and makecorrections to datasets required for Machine Learning models?

A. Document Manager.
B. Digitization.
C. Data Manager.
D. ML Extractor.

Question # 5

How can the code be tested in a development or testing environment in the context of theDocument Understanding Process?

A. Use them as a template to create other tests.
B. Simply run the existing tests
C. Based on the use case developed, create test data to test existing and new tests.
D. Based on the use case developed, create test data to test existing tests.

Question # 6

What is one of the purposes of the Config file in the UiPath Document UnderstandingTemplate?

A. It contains the configuration settings for the UiPath Robot and Orchestrator integration.
B. It stores the API keys and authentication credentials for accessing external services.
C. It specifies the output file path and format for the processed documents.
D. It defines the input document types and formats supported by the template.

Question # 7

Which of the following OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engines is not free of charge?

A. Tesseract.
B. Microsoft Azure OCR.
C. OmniPaqe.
D. Microsoft OCR.

Question # 8

What do entity predictions refer to within UiPath Communications Mining?

A. The understanding of the parent-label relationship when assigning label predictions.
B. The difference between label suggestions and label predictions in a training process.
C. The identification of a specific span of text as a value for a particular entity type.
D. The model's confidence that a specific concept exists within a communication.

Question # 9

What can be done in the Reports section of the dataset navigation bar in UiPathCommunication Mining?

A. Train models using unsupervised learning.
B. View, save, and modify dataset model versions.
C. Monitor model performance and receive recommendations.
D. Access detailed, quervable charts, statistics, and customizable dashboards.

Question # 10

Why might labels have bias warnings in UiPath Communications Mining, even with 100%precision?

A. They were trained using the "Search" option extensively.
B. They were trained using the "Shuffle" option extensively.
C. They have low recall.
D. They lack training examples.

Question # 11

Which technology enables UiPath Communications Mining to analyze and enable action onmessages?

A. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
B. Virtual Reality.
C. Cloud Computing.
D. Robotic Process Automation

Question # 12

Which of the following consumes Page Units?

A. Applying OCR on a 10-page document.
B. Creation of a Document Validation Action in Action Center.
C. Using ML Classifier on a 21-page document.
D. Using Intelligent Form Extractor on a 5-page document with 0 successful extractions.

Question # 13

What does the Label Trends table in UiPath Communications Mining show?

A. How the top 10 labels for a given time period perform compared to the previous periodand their change in rank.
B. How the top 10 senders for a given time period perform compared to the previous periodand their change in rank.
C. How the top 10 entities for a given time period perform compared to the previous periodand their change in rank.
D. How the top 10 labels and entities for a given time period perform compared to theprevious period and their change in rank.

Question # 14

When creating a training dataset, what is the recommended number of samples for theClassification fields?

A. 5-10 document samples from each class.
B. 10-20 document samples from each class.
C. 20-50 document samples from each class.
D. 50-200 document samples from each class.

Question # 15

What are the languages supported by the generic Document Understanding ML Package?

A. Languages using the Greek left-to-right alphabet. Japanese, and Chinese.
B. Languages using the Cyrillic alphabet, the Greek left-to-right alphabet, and Chinese.
C. Languages using the Latin alphabet (like Italian, French. Portuguese. Spanish, andRomanian), and the Greek left-to-right alphabet.
D. Languages using the Latin alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet, the Greek left-to-rightalphabet. Japanese, and Chinese.

Question # 16

In which of the following scenarios, the ML Classifier is the only recommended classifier tobe used, according to best practice?

A. When the custom document types are very similar and file splitting is not necessary.
B. When the custom document types are not similar and file splitting is not necessary.
C. When the custom document types are not similar and file splitting is necessary.
D. When the custom document types are very similar and file splitting is necessary.

Question # 17

What are the mandatory activities to be included in an automation workflow to allow aremote knowledge worker to pick up an action that validates the extracted data in the formof a Document Validation Action?

A. Present Validation Station, Wait for Document Validation Action and Resume.
B. Orchestration Process Activities.
C. Document Understanding Process Activities.
D. Create Document Validation Action, Wait for Document Validation Action and Resume.

Question # 18

Which of the following extractors can be used for Data Extraction Scope activity?

A. Intelligent Form Extractor, Machine Learning Extractor. Logic Extractor, and RegexBased Extractor.
B. Full Extractor. Machine Learning Extractor, Intelligent Form Extractor, and Regex BasedExtractor.
C. Form Extractor Incremental Extractor Machine Learning Extractor and Intelligent FormExtractor
D. Regex Based Extractor. Form Extractor. Intelligent Form Extractor, and MachineLearning Extractor.

Question # 19

What information does the comparison between two cohorts display on the Comparisonpage in UiPath Communications Mining?

A. Total verbatim count and proportion for each label.
B. Entity count for each metadata.
C. Verbatim content for each label.
D. Differences in verbatim length between Group A and Group B.

Question # 20

How long does the typical Machine Learning model deployment process take in UiPath AICenter?

A. Less than 5 minutes.
B. Between 5 and 10 minutes.
C. Between 10 and 15 minutes.
D. More than 15 minutes.

Question # 21

What components are part of the Document Understanding Process template?

A. Import. Classification. Text Extractor, and Data Validation.
B. Load Document. Categorization. Data Extraction, and Validation.
C. Load Taxonomy, Digitization. Classification, Data Extraction, and Data ValidationExport.
D. Load Taxonomy, Digitization. Categorization. Data Validation, and Export.

Question # 22

What are the available options for Scoring in Document Manager, that apply only to stringcontent type?

A. Exact match and Naive string search.
B. Exact match and Phonetic matching.
C. Exact match and Levenshtein.
D. Exact match and Finite state automation-based search.

Question # 23

How can you build custom models supported by AI Center?

A. Using the Al Center IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
B. Using the Al Center model builder.
C. Using a Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or an AutoML platform.
D. Using a C/C++ IDE (Integrated Development Environment), then upload the code to AlCenter IDE.

Question # 24

For an analytics use case, what are the recommended minimum model performancerequirements in UiPath Communications Mining?

A. Model Ratings of "Good" or better and individual performance factors rated as "Good" orbetter.
B. Model Ratings of "Good" and individual performance factors rated as "Excellent".
C. Model Ratings of "Excellent" and individual performance factors rated as "Good" orbetter.
D. Model Ratings of "Excellent" and individual performance factors rated as "Excellent".

Question # 25

When dealing with variable-length data, or data spanning over multiple pages of thedocument (e.g. item tables), what is the recommended data extraction methodology to beused?

A. Hybrid data extraction.
B. Rule-based data extraction.
C. Model-based data extraction.
D. Manual data extraction.

Question # 26

What is the purpose of the End Process in the Document Understanding Process?

A. The purpose of the End Process in the Document Understanding Process is to generatea summary report of the processing statistics and performance metrics.
B. End Process sets the queue transaction status as Successful in case of no exception,and as Failed in case of an exception with their corresponding Business or SystemException, and the post processing/cleaning if required.
C. End Process in the Document Understanding Process silently shuts down the VirtualMachine so that another robot can use it.
D. End Process is a feature in the Document Understanding Process that exports theextracted data into a readable document format.

Question # 27

How is the Taxonomy component used in the Document Understanding Template?

A. To define the document types and the pieces of information targeted for data extraction(fields) for each document type.
B. To apply rigor in the taxonomy of data, ensuring any newly discovered object fits intoone and only one category or object.
C. To organize knowledge by using a controlled vocabulary to make it easier to find relatedinformation.
D. To apply relationship schemas other than parent-child hierarchies, such as networkstructures on the processed data.

Question # 28

What are the out-of-the-box model types available in AI Center?

A. Pre-trained, custom training, and reviewed.
B. Custom training, fine-tunable, and reviewed.
C. Pre-trained, fine-tunable, and reviewed.
D. D. Pre-trained, custom training, and fine-tunable.

Question # 29

What is the difference between the Document Understanding Process and the DocumentUnderstanding Framework?

A. The Document Understanding Framework contains the activities that can be used in aLibrary, while the Document Understanding Process is the template that can be found in
B. The Document Understanding Framework contains the activities that can be used in aProcess, while the Document Understanding Process is the template that can be found inStudio.
C. The Document Understanding Process contains the activities that can be used in aLibrary, while the Document Understanding Framework is the template that can be found inStudio.
D. The Document Understanding Process contains the activities that can be used in aProcess, while the Document Understanding Framework is the template that can be foundin Studio.

Question # 30

What is the page unit cost per extracted page for the RegEx Extractor?

A. 0
B. 0.2
C. 0.5
D. 1

Question # 31

Which is the correct description of the Configure Extractors Wizard?

A. A mandatory step in the extractor configuration that allows choosing which extractorsare applied to each field.
B. A mandatory step in the extractor configuration that allows choosing which extractorsare applied to each document type and field.
C. A mandatory step in the extractor configuration that allows choosing which extractorsare applied to each document type.
D. An optional step in the extractor configuration which allows choosing which extractors are applied to each document type.

Question # 32

A Document Understanding Process is in production. According to best practices, what arethe locations recommended for exporting the result files?

A. Network Attached Storage and Orchestrator Bucket.
B. Locally, Temp Folder, Network Attached Storage, and Orchestrator Bucket.
C. Orchestrator Bucket and Queue Item.
D. On a VM, Orchestrator Bucket, and Network Attached Storage.

Question # 33

Which role consumes ML Skills within customized workflows in Studio using the ML Skillactivity from the UiPath.MLServices.Activities package?

A. Data Scientist.
B. Administrator.
C. RPA Developer.
D Process Controller

Question # 34

Which of the following time periods can be selected when viewing Trends in UiPathCommunications Mining?Which of the following time periods can be selected when viewing Trends in UiPathCommunications Mining?

A. Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.
B. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
C. Daily, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
D. Daily, Bi-weekly, Quarterly, Yearly.

Question # 35

What should a UiPath Communications Mining taxonomy contain when it is beingimported?

A. Label predictions.
B. Entity descriptions.
C. Entity predictions.
D. Label descriptions.

Question # 36

Which activity should be used for classification validation in attended mode?

A. Create Document Classification Action.
B. Train Classifiers Scope.
C. Wait for Document Classification and Resume.
D. Present Classification Station.

Question # 37

What are the two main data extraction methodologies used in document understandingprocesses?

A. Hybrid and manual data extraction.
B. Rule-based and model-based data extraction.
C. Rule-based and hybrid data extraction.
D. Manual and model-based data extraction.

Question # 38

Which is a high-level view of the tabs within an AI Center project?

A. Dashboard. Datasets. ML Packages. ML Training. ML Evaluation, and ML Logs.
B. Datasets, Data Labeling. ML Packages, ML Training, ML Evaluation, ML Skills, and MLLogs.
C. Datasets. Data Labeling. ML Packages. Pipelines, and ML Skills.
D. Dashboard. Datasets, Data Labeling. ML Packages. Pipelines, ML Skills, and ML Logs.

Question # 39

What does the Automation Suite installer enable?

A. Enables the deployment, management, and improvement of ML models on UiPathAutomation Cloud, and requires no infrastructure and no maintenance.
B. Enables the deployment, management, and improvement of ML models locally, andrequires manual download of all the resources and then loading them into the node.
C. Enables the deployment of the full UiPath Automation Platform in the environment of choice and contains everything in one package that can be deployed in multi-node modewith automatic scaling and built-in HA. monitor, configure, and upgrade.
D. Enables the deployment, management, and improvement of ML models locally witheasy installation due to the automatic retrieval of the installer and associated artifacts fromthe internet.

Question # 40

Which of the following statements is true regarding reviewing and applying entities inUiPath Communications Mining?

A. A single entity value can be split across multiple paragraphs.
B. If the entity value is correctly predicted, but the entity type is wrong, it cannot bechanged.
C. All of the entities within a paragraph should be reviewed.
D. All of the entities in a communication must be reviewed.

Question # 41

Under what condition can a dataset be edited in UiPath AI Center?

A. If it is not being used in any active pipeline.
B. If it has not been modified within the last 24 hours.
C. There are no restrictions in editing a dataset.
D. If it is not linked to any data labeling session.

Question # 42

What is the role of the Taxonomy Manager?

A. To select which extractors are trained for each document type and field.
B. To create and edit a Taxonomy file specific to the current automation project.
C. To select the type of ML that can be used in the project.
D. To present a document processing specific user interface for validating and correctingautomatic classification outputs.

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