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- CIS-ITSM Practice Questions
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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
The Knowledge [kb_knowledge] table is extended from _________ .
A. Knowledge Base [kb_knowledge_base]
B. No table; It is a Base Table
C. Configuration Item [cmdb_ci]
D. Task [task]
Question # 2
Which table is used to store Q&A data for knowledge articles?
A. kb_qa
B. kb_social
C. kb_social_qa_question
D. kb_social_qa
Question # 3
When viewing a list of Tasks, which field identifies whether the Task is an Incident, Problem, Change, etc.?
A. Correlation ID [correlation_id]
B. Task Type [sys_class_name]
C. Domain [sys_domain]
D. Number [number]
Question # 4
When implementing ServiceNow, deleting demo data and populating foundation data is often the first step.
A. True
B. False
Question # 5
True or False: Users with the itil role can delete an Incident.
A. True
B. False
Question # 6
What is the module that is used to navigate to CI Relationships?
A. CMDB > CI Relationships
B. Configuration > CI Relationships
C. Configuration > Relationships
D. None of the listed answers
Question # 7
Even though there are business rules to keep State and Incident State in sync, it is recommended to use Incident State.
A. True
B. False
Question # 8
What knowledge management capability allows users to as and answer questions among peers within a knowledge base?
A. Collaboration
B. Feedback
C. Social O&A
D. Connect Chat
Question # 9
ATF is NOT supported for order guides in service portal.
A. True
B. False
Question # 10
What is the purpose of the Duration field in the incident form?
A. Time elapsed before the incident was closed.
B. Time elapsed since the last update on the incident.
C. Time elapsed since the last update by agent on the incident.
D. Time elapsed before the incident was resolved.
Question # 11
Which of the following are valid channels to create incidents? (Choose three.)
A. Service portal
B. Inbound Email
C. Social Media
E. Support Chat
Question # 12
Which type of records use the default Variables Editor (formatter) to display Catalog Item Variables on a form?
A. Requested Item records, Catalog Task record, and all Tasks created by Record Producers
B. Any type of record created from Record Producers
C. Tasks created from Record Producers, Requests, Requested Items
D. Requested Item records, Catalog Task records, and Request records
Question # 13
Using User Criteria, access to catalog categories and catalog items can be applied based on _____________. (Choose three.)
A. Cost center
B. Country
C. Location
D. Department
E. Group
Question # 14
How do you make an article visible in the featured content section?
A. Add the article to the featured content related list in a knowledge base.
B. Select the Featured check box in the article.
C. Add a new record to the "Featured Content" table.
D. Add a new record to "Knowledge Base Featured" table.
Question # 15
What is the purpose of the table "Knowledge Use"? (Choose two.)
A. It tracks how many times a knowledge article was viewed.
B. It tracks how many users marked a knowledge article as helpful.
C. It tracks how many pages have links to a knowledge article.
D. It tracks knowledge articles that have been attached to incidents.
E. It tracks how many questions and answers were submitted to a knowledge article.
Question # 16
Which table is used to store catalog items?
A. sc_catalog_item
B. sc_cat_item
C. sc_category_item
D. c_item
Question # 17
Which of the following tables extend the task table? (Choose four.)
A. Requested Item [sc_req_item]
B. Incident Task [incident_task]
C. Incident [incident]
D. Change Request [change_request]
E. Configuration Item [cmdb_ci]
Question # 18
Which field on a Configuration Item record may be used to expedite Incident routing and resolution?
A. Approval group [change_control]
B. Support Group [support_group]
C. Maintenance Schedule [maintenance_schedule]
D. Due Date [due]
Question # 19
What will be the change request's state once a member of the CAB Approval group rejects the approval request?
A. Assess
B. New
C. Rejected
D. Canceled
Question # 20
How to make the problem state move to "Resolved" instead of "Closed" when the "Accept Risk" button is clicked.
A. Modify the state mapping records in the Problem State Mapping table.
B. Modify the logic in the UI Action "Accept Risk".
C. Change the value of problem property "problem.acceptrisk.move_to_closed".
D. Modify the logic in the script include "Accept Problem Risk".
Question # 21
A customer has a requirement to include a Catalog Item to order Microsoft Access in several Categories so that users can find it easily. What is the best way to do this?
A. List the Categories in the Catalog Item's Description field
B. Copy the Catalog Item and associate a copy with each Category
C. Build the item as an Order Guide D. Add additional Categories in the Catalog Item's Categories Related List
Question # 22
When the Change Management - Risk Management plugin is enabled, which of
A. the following statements reflects how the Risk of a Change Request will be set?
B. Risk will be set to the highest Risk value evaluated by the Risk Calculator and Risk Assessment
C. Risk will be set to the lowest Risk value evaluated by the Risk Calculator and Risk Assessment
D. Risk will be set to the average Risk value evaluated by the Risk Calculator and Risk Assessment
Question # 23
Which platform feature is used to track field value durations, such as the length of time an Incident spent in each State or the length of time an Incident was assigned to each group?
A. Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
B. Metric
C. Database view
D. Audit
Question # 24
Which of the following can the end user see in the related search result?
A. Open Problems
B. Open Incidents
C. Resolved Problems
D. Knowledge
Question # 25
Which of the following is a potential benefit of implementing incident management?
A. Reduction in the number of duplicate configuration items
B. Reduction in the time to fulfill requests
C. Reduction in the number of incidents caused by changes
D. Reduction in the time services are unavailable
Question # 26
Select the ServiceNow functionality that may be used in the Assess phase of Change Management to evaluate the potential impact of a Change.
A. Risk Assessment
B. Post-Implementation Review
C. Social Q&A
D. Knowledge Management
Question # 27
According to ServiceNow, ChangeRequestStateModel_standard script include is meant to be modified by customers.
A. True
B. False
Question # 28
Which module to use in order to change the default behavior of "Communicate Workaround" in problems?
A. Configurations > UI Actions
B. System Policy > Script Actions
C. System Policy > UI Actions
D. Configurations > Script Actions
Question # 29
Which of the following roles can delete a problem task? (Choose all that apply.)
A. itil
B. admin
C. problem_task_analyst
D. problem_admin
E. problem_manager
Question # 30
If you hover over the reference icon for a Caller, and a sys_popup view hasn't been configured, which view is used?
A. mobile
B. tool_tip
C. reference_view
D. default
Question # 31
Given the class structure shown below, which types of Cls will be included in a report run against the cmdb_ci_computer table?
A. Just Cls defined directly in cmdb_ci_computer
B. Cls defined directly in cmdb_ci_computer and all parent classes
C. Cls defined directly in cmdb_ci_computer and all child classes
Question # 32
Technical consultant should participate in requirements workshop(s) and should encourage customizing ServiceNow OOTB processes in order to align with the organizations current processes.
A. True
B. False
Question # 33
In the baseline configuration, Service Level Agreements use percentages of SLA Duration to determine when to send Breach Warnings and Breach Notice notifications.
A. True
B. False
Question # 34
In the baseline platform configuration, if a change approver rejects an approval for a normal change, what will the state of the change be set to?
A. Rejected
B. Assess
C. Closed Incomplete
D. New
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