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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
You want to capture WebLogic internal events correlated with JVM events for viewing offline. What three actions must you take to enable this within WebLogic?
A. Run WebLogic in a JRockit JVM and ensure the Flight Recorder is enabled.
B. Configure the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework Event Volume to Low, Medium, or High depending on the type of events you want to capture.
C. Configure the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework bridge to send events to the JRockit Flight Recording.
D. Take a dump from the default recording or create a new recording for the time period you want to capture.
Question # 2
You want to use WLST to view metrics for a running domain. Which command should you issue to navigate through the Mbean hierarchy containing the metrics?
A. runtime ()
B. runtimeMbeanServer ()
C. connectRuntime ()
D. beginRuntime ()
E. serverRuntime ()
Question # 3
Assume that you would like to clone an existing WebLogic Domain and enable some customizations. What scenario would you choose?
A. In the Enterprise Manager, find the domain to be cloned. Choose "Clone WebLogic Domain" from the context menu. In the graphical wizard, customize and extend the domain if needed. These steps will only clone only the domain configuration. Binaries with deployments are needed to be cloned by operation on the file system.
B. In the Enterprise Manager, find the domain to be cloned. Choose "Clone WebLogic Domain" from the context menu. In the graphical wizard, customize the domain. These steps clone the binaries and domain configuration. If the extension is needed, perform it after cloning in the WebLogic web-based console.
C. In the Enterprise Manager, find the domain to be cloned. Choose "Clone WebLogic Domain" from the context menu. In the graphical wizard, customize and extend the domain if it is needed. These steps clone the binaries and domain configuration.
D. In the Enterprise Manager, find the domain to be cloned. Choose "Clone WebLogic Domain" from the context menu. These steps clone the binaries and domain configuration. If the customization or extension is needed, complete that after cloning in the WebLogic web-based console.
E. In the file system, copy the domain structure of the configuration directory and paste it in the new location. Modify configuration files for address and port. If further customization is needed, open the WebLogic web-based console and perform these modifications.
Question # 4
You are configuring a JMS server with a need for load balancing the messages. To achieve the load balance you should _______and _______.
A. use regular queues and topics
B. use distributed queues and topics
C. not use subdeployments
D. disable server affinity
E. use message paging
Question # 5
You have a durable subscriber, and the subscriber is down or not reachable when the message is produced. Which two options regarding the expiry of these messages are true?
A. after the subscriber is unavailable for 10 minutes
B. when the subscriber is available
C. after the subscriber is unavailable for after an hour
D. are available until the specified time elapses
E. are expired instantly
Question # 6
What is the name of the WebLogic specific deployment descriptor of Java Enterprise Application?
A. application.xml
B. weblogic.xml
C. web.xml
D. weblogic-application.xml
E. config.xml
Question # 7
You are configuring the data source for an Oracle database. You will need to specify a test table for WebLogic to test the status of the database. Which option should you choose?
A. a table name which has 100s of records
B. a table name which has 10s of records
C. a table name which has empty records
D. a table name which has 1000s of records
E. never use a table name
Question # 8
WebLogic Node Manager can be used to manage the life cycle of WebLogic servers. WebLogic Node Manager is installed and started _____.
A. Per Machine
B. Per Domain
C. Per Managed Server
D. Per Admin Server
Question # 9
A customer has a critical, performance-sensitive web application that connects to a multimode Oracle RAC database. Which feature of WebLogic can provide signification benefit?
A. The Web Session Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RAC.
B. WebLogic Clustering
C. The Transaction Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RAC
D. Coherence*Web Session Replication
Question # 10
Which product has guaranteed messaging and transactional integrity for 100% reliability, over 25 years of use in the world's largest transaction applications?
A. Coherence
B. Tuxedo
C. JRockit
D. WebLogic Server
Question # 11
You want to migrate an application that was developed for OAS/OC4J to WebLogic. The application uses Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ). You configured a Foreign JMS Server and Data Source but you are not able to send messages to the AQ destination and see them reach the database. Which two things are missing in this configuration?
A. nothing, there may be a network connection issue
B. a Foreign JMS Connection Factory
C. a JMS Bridge to map the JNDI of the Local JMS Destination to the remote AQ destination
D. a mapping of the Foreign JMS Connection Factory to the Data Source where AQ is configured and installed.
E. Oracle AQ Java EE Shared Libraries not deployed and referenced by your application
Question # 12
A customer wants to send JMS messages to a remote WebLogic server from a Java SE application over an unreliable network connection. Which feature of WebLogic JMS will enable the customer to send messages from a Java SE client to a JMS destination that is not always easily reached?
A. SAF Target
B. SAF Imported Destination
C. SAF Client
D. SAF Server
E. Distributed SAF JMS
Question # 13
Which two elements of the Java Enterprise Application Archive are required?
A. EJB Archive
B. Deployment Descriptor
C. META-INF sub directory
D. Resource Adapter archive
E. Java library
Question # 14
A customer wants to improve the availability of a web application and provide more predictable scalability when scaling out the application. Which Feature of WebLogic should you recommend to help solve this problem?
A. Oracle Web Grid
B. ActiveCache
C. Coherence Grid Edition
D. WebLogic Session Replication
E. Coherence Web Edition
Question # 15
When a critical error occurs, which module in Enterprise Manager will automatically collect diagnostics data from WebLogic Server?
A. Reports
B. Compliance
C. Support Workbench
D. Asset Discovery
E. visual creation of JDBC DataSource object to Oracle RAC
Question # 16
Which option must you choose to configure Node Manager on a machine (server or zone)?
A. Configure one Node Manager per domain (for example, if there are two domains on one machine, then you will need to configure two Node Managers).
B. Configure one Node Manager per machine with any number of WebLogic instances running on it.
C. Configure one Node Manager per machine for all WebLogic, OHS, and OEM running on the same machine.
D. Configure one Node Manager for every WebLogic instance.
E. Configure two or more Node Managers for every WebLogic instance.
Question # 17
Which four steps are involved to use Active Cache Dependency Injection in a WebLogic Java EE application?
A. Deploy Active Cache shared library
B. Declare dependency on the shared library
C. Declare all dependency injection entries
D. Package tangosol-coherence-override.xml in modules classpath
E. Package coherence-cache-config.xml in modules classpath
Question # 18
What are four benefits of recommended basic architecture?
A. Good load balancing between Presentation Tier and Object Tier
B. Easy administration
C. Flexible Load balancing
D. Optimal performance
E. Simple security
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