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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Refer to the exhibit, which shows a partial web filter profile configuration. Which action will FortiGate take if a user attempts to access www.dropbox.com, which iscategorized as File Sharing and Storage?
A. FortiGate will block the connection, based on the FortiGuard category based filterconfiguration.
B. FortiGate will block the connection as an invalid URL.
C. FortiGate will exempt the connection, based on the Web Content Filter configuration.
D. FortiGate will allow the connection, based on the URL Filter configuration.
Question # 2
What configuration changes can reduce the memory utilization in a FortiGate? (Choosetwo.)
A. Reduce the session time to live.
B. Increase the TCP session timers.
C. Increase the FortiGuard cache time to live.
D. Reduce the maximum file size to inspect.
Question # 3
Refer to the exhibit, which contains the debug output of diagnose dvm device list. Which two statements about the output shown in the exhibit are correct? (Choose two.)
A. ADOMs are disabled on the FortiManager
B. The FortiGate configuration is in sync with latest running revision history.
C. There are pending device-level changes yet to be installed on Local-FortiGate.
D. The policy package has been modified for Local-FortiGate.
Question # 4
Refer to the exhibit, which shows partial outputs from two routing debug commands. Which change must an administrator make on FortiGate to route web traffic from internalusers to the internet, using ECMP?
A. Set the priority of the static default route using port1 to 10. Most Voted
B. Set the priority of the static default route using port2 to 1.
C. Set preserve-session-route to enable.
D. Set snat-route-change to enable.
Question # 5
Refer to the exhibit, which shows the output of a diagnose command. What can you conclude from the output shown in the exhibit? (Choose two.)
A. This is a pinhole session created to allow traffic for a protocol that requires additionalsessions to operate through FortiGate.
B. This is an expected session created by the IPS engine.
C. Traffic in the original direction (coming from the IP address will be routedto the next-hop IP address
D. Traffic in the original direction (coming from the IP address will be routedto the next-hop IP address
Question # 6
Examine the output of the ‘get router info ospf neighbor’ command shown in the exhibit;then answer the question below. Which statements are true regarding the output in the exhibit? (Choose two.)Refer to the exhibit, which shows the output of a debug command.Which statement about the output is true?
A. TheOSPF routers with the IDs and are both designated routers forthe war. l network.
B. The OSPF router with the ID is the designated router for the ToRemote network.
C. The local FortiGate is the designated router for the wan1 network.
D. The interface ToRemote is a point-to-point OSPF network.
Question # 7
Which statement is true regarding File description (FD) conserve mode?
A. IPS inspection is affected when FortiGate enters FD conserve mode.
B. A FortiGate enters FD conserve mode when the amount of available description is lessthan 5%.
C. FD conserve mode affects all daemons running on the device.
D. Restarting the WAD process is required to leave FD conserve mode.
Question # 8
Refer to the exhibit, which contains a TCL script configuration on FortiManager. An administrator has configured the TCL script on FortiManager, but failed to apply anychanges to the managed device after being executed.Why did the TCL script fail to make any changes to the managed device?
A. Changes in an interface configuration can only be done by CLI script.
B. The TCL script must start with #include <>.
C. Incomplete commands are ignored in TCL scripts.
D. The TCL command run_cmd has not been created.
Question # 9
A FortiGate's portl is connected to a private network. Its port2 is connected to the Internet.Explicit web proxy is enabled in port1 and only explicit web proxy users can access the Internet. Web cache is NOT enabled. An internal web proxy user is downloading a file fromthe Internet via HTTP. Which statements are true regarding the two entries in the FortiGatesession table related with this traffic? (Choose two.)
A. Both session have the local flag on.
B. The destination IP addresses of both sessions are IP addresses assigned to FortiGate'sinterfaces.
C. One session has the proxy flag on, the other one does not.
D. One of the sessions has the IP address of port2 as the source IP address.
Question # 10
Which configuration can be used to reduce the number of BGP sessions in an IBGPnetwork?
A. Neighbor range
B. Route reflector
C. Next-hop-self
D. Neighbor group
Question # 11
Refer to the exhibits. Which contain the partial configurations of two VPNs on FortiGate.An administrator has configured two VPNs for two different user groups. Users who are inthe Users-2 group are not able to connect to the VPN. After running a diagnosticscommand, the administrator discovered that FortiGate is not matching the user-2 VPN formembers of the Users-2 group.Which two changes must administrator make to fix the issue? (Choose two.)
A. Use different pre-shared keys on both VPNs
B. Enable Mode Config on both VPNs.
C. Set up specific peer IDs on both VPNs.
D. Change to aggressive mode on both VPNs.
Question # 12
What are two functions of automation stitches? (Choose two.)
A. Automation stitches can be configured on any FortiGate device in a Security Fabricenvironment.
B. An automation stitch configured to execute actions sequentially can take parametersfrom previous actions as input for the current action.
C. Automation stitches can be created to run diagnostic commands and attach the resultsto an email message when CPU or memory usage exceeds specified thresholds.
D. An automation stitch configured to execute actions in parallel can be set to insert aspecific delay between actions.
Question # 13
An administrator has enabled HA session synchronization in a HA cluster with twomembers. Which flag is added to a primary unit’s session to indicate that it has beensynchronized to the secondary unit?
A. redir.
B. dirty.
C. synced
D. nds.
Question # 14
Which statement about memory conserve mode is true?
A. A FortiGate exits conserve mode when the configured memory use threshold reachesyellow.
B. A FortiGate starts dropping all the new and old sessions when the configured memoryuse threshold reaches extreme.
C. A FortiGate starts dropping new sessions when the configured memory use thresholdreaches red
D. A FortiGate enters conserve mode when the configured memory use threshold reachesred
Question # 15
Refer to exhibit, which contains the output of a BGP debug command. Which statement explains why the state of the peer is Connect?
A. The local router is receiving BGP keepalives from the remote peer, but the local peerhas not received the OpenConfirm yet.
B. The TCP session to has not completed the three-way handshake.
C. The local router is receiving the BGP keepalives from the peer, but it has not received aBGP prefix yet.
D. The local router has received the BGP prefixes from the remote peer.
Question # 16
A FortiGate device has the following LDAP configuration: Based on the above output, what FortiGate LDAP settings must the administer check?(Choose two.)
A. cnid.
B. username.
C. password.
D. dn.
Question # 17
Which two configuration settings change the behavior for content-inspected traffic whileFortiGate is in conserve mode? (Choose two.)
A. IPS failopen
B. mem failopen
C. AV failopen
D. UTM failopen
Question # 18
Refer to the exhibit, which contains partial output from an IKE real-time debug. Based on the debug output, which phase 1 setting is enabled in the configuration of thisVPN?
A. auto-discovery-shortcut
B. auto-discovery-forwarder
C. auto-discovery-sender
D. auto-discovery-receiver
Question # 19
View the exhibit, which contains the partial output of an IKE real-time debug, and thenanswer the question below. Why didn’t the tunnel come up?
A. The pre-shared keys do not match.
B. The remote gateway’s phase 2 configuration does not match the local gateway’s phase2 configuration.
C. The remote gateway’s phase 1 configuration does not match the local gateway’s phase1 configuration.
D. The remote gateway is using aggressive mode and the local gateway is configured touse man mode.
Question # 20
Which action will FortiGate take when using the default settings for SSL certificateinspection, where the server name indication (SNI) does not match either the commonname (CN) or any of the subject altemative names (SAN) in the server certificate?
A. FortiGate uses the CN information from the Subject field in the server certificate.
B. FortiGate uses the first entry listed in the SAN field in the server certificate.
C. FortiGate uses the SNI from the user's web browser.
D. FortiGate closes the connection because this represents an invalid SSL/TLSconfiguration.
Question # 21
View the exhibit, which contains the output of a diagnose command, and the answer thequestion below. Which statements are true regarding the Weight value?
A. Its initial value is calculated based on the round trip delay (RTT).
B. Its initial value is statically set to 10.
C. Its value is incremented with each packet lost.
D. It determines which FortiGuard server is used for license validation.
Question # 22
View the exhibit, which contains the partial output of a diagnose command, and thenanswer the question below. Based on the output, which of the following statements is correct?
A. Anti-reply is enabled.
B. DPD is disabled.
C. Quick mode selectors are disabled.
D. Remote gateway IP is
Question # 23
View the exhibit, which contains a partial output of an IKE real-time debug, and thenanswer the question below. Based on the debug output, which phase-1 setting is enabled in the configuration of thisVPN?
A. auto-discovery-sender
B. auto-discovery-forwarder
C. auto-discovery-shortcut
D. auto-discovery-receiver
Question # 24
View the exhibit, which contains the partial output of an IKE real-time debug, and thenanswer the question below. Which statements about this debug output are correct? (Choose two.)
A. The remote gateway IP address is
B. It shows a phase 1 negotiation.
C. The negotiation is using AES128 encryption with CBC hash.
D. The initiator has provided remote as its IPsec peer ID.
Question # 25
An LDAP user cannot authenticate against a FortiGate device. Examine the real timedebug output shown in the exhibit when the user attempted the authentication; then answer the question below. Based on the output in the exhibit, what can cause this authentication problem?
A. User student is not found in the LDAP server.
B. User student is using a wrong password.
C. The FortiGate has been configured with the wrong password for the LDAP administrator.
D. The FortiGate has been configured with the wrong authentication schema.
Question # 26
Examine the following traffic log; then answer the question below.date-20xx-02-01 time=19:52:01 devname=master device_id="xxxxxxx"log_id=0100020007 type=event subtype=system pri critical vd=root service=kemelstatus=failure msg="NAT port is exhausted."What does the log mean?
A. There is not enough available memory in the system to create a new entry in the NATport table.
B. The limit for the maximum number of simultaneous sessions sharing the same NAT porthas been reached.
C. FortiGate does not have any available NAT port for a new connection.
D. The limit for the maximum number of entries in the NAT port table has been reached.
Question # 27
Refer to the exhibit, which shows a central management configuration. Which server will FortiGate choose for web filter rating requests, if isexperiencing an outage?
A. Public FortiGuard servers
Question # 28
Which two statements about an auxiliary session are true? (Choose two.)
A. With the auxiliary session setting disabled, only auxiliary sessions are offloaded.
B. With the auxiliary session setting enabled, two sessions are created in case of routingchange.
C. With the auxiliary session setting enabled, ECMP traffic is accelerated to the NP6processor.
D. With the auxiliary session setting disabled, for each traffic path, FortiGate uses the sameauxiliary session.
Question # 29
Examine the output from the BGP real time debug shown in the exhibit, then the answerthe question below: Which statements are true regarding the output in the exhibit? (Choose two.)
A. BGP peers have successfully interchanged Open and Keepalive messages.
B. Local BGP peer received a prefix for a default route.
C. The state of the remote BGP peer is OpenConfirm.
D. The state of the remote BGP peer will go to Connect after it confirms the receivedprefixes.
Question # 30
Examine the following partial output from a sniffer command; then answer the questionbelow. What is the meaning of the packets dropped counter at the end of the sniffer?
A. Number of packets that didn’t match the sniffer filter.
B. Number of total packets dropped by the FortiGate.
C. Number of packets that matched the sniffer filter and were dropped by the FortiGate.
D. Number of packets that matched the sniffer filter but could not be captured by the sniffer.
Question # 31
A FortiGate has two default routes: All Internet traffic is currently using port1. The exhibit shows partial information for one sample session of Internet traffic from an internal user: What would happen with the traffic matching the above session if the priority on the firstdefault route (IDd1) were changed from 5 to 20?
A. The session would be deleted, and the client would need to start a new session.
B. The session would remain in the session table, and its traffic would start to egress fromport2.
C. The session would remain in the session table, but its traffic would now egress fromboth port1 and port2.
D. The session would remain in the session table, and its traffic would still egress fromport1.
Question # 32
Which statement about the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR) inan OSPF multi-access network is true?
A. FortiGate first checks the OSPF ID to elect a DR.
B. Non-DR and non-BDR routers will form full adjacencies to DR and BDR only.
C. BDR is responsible for forwarding link state information from one router to another.
D. Only the DR receives link state information from non-DR routers.
Question # 33
View the exhibit, which contains the output of a diagnose command, and then answer thequestion below. What statements are correct regarding the output? (Choose two.)
A. This is an expected session created by a session helper.
B. Traffic in the original direction (coming from the IP address will be routedto the next-hop IP address
C. Traffic in the original direction (coming from the IP address will be routedto the next-hop IP address
D. This is an expected session created by an application control profile.
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