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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Refer to the exhibit. Which are two expected behaviors of the traffic that matches the traffic shaper? (Choosetwo.)
A. The number of simultaneous connections among all source IP addresses cannot exceedfive connections.
B. The traffic shaper limits the combined bandwidth of all connections to a maximum of 5MB/sec.
C. The number of simultaneous connections allowed for each source IP address cannotexceed five connections.
D. The traffic shaper limits the bandwidth of each source IP address to a maximum of 625KB/sec.
Question # 2
Refer to the exhibit. The exhibit shows the details of a session and the index numbers of some relevantinterfaces on a FortiGate appliance that supports hardware offloading. Based on theinformation shown in the exhibits, which two statements about the session are true?(Choose two.)
A. The reply direction of the asymmetric traffic flows from port2 to port3.
B. The auxiliary session can be offloaded to hardware.
C. The original direction of the symmetric traffic flows from port3 to port2.
D. The main session cannot be offloaded to hardware.
Question # 3
Exhibit A shows the system interface with the static routes and exhibit B shows the firewallpolicies on the managed FortiGate.Based on the FortiGate configuration shown in the exhibits, what issue might youencounter when creating an SD-WAN zone for port1 and port2?
A. port1 is assigned a manual IP address.
B. port1 is referenced in a firewall policy.
C. port2 is referenced in a static route.
D. port1 and port2 are not administratively down.
Question # 4
Refer to the exhibit. An administrator is troubleshooting SD-WAN on FortiGate. A device behind branch1_fgtgenerates traffic to the network. The administrator expects the traffic to matchSD-WAN rule ID 1 and be routed over T_INET_0_0. However, the traffic is routed overT_INET_1_0.Based on the output shown in the exhibit, which two reasons can cause the observedbehavior? (Choose two.)
A. The traffic matches a regular policy route configured with T_INET_1_0 as the outgoingdevice.
B. T_INET_1_0 has a lower route priority value (higher priority) than T_INET_0_0.
C. T_INET_0_0 does not have a valid route to the destination.
D. T_INET_1_0 has a higher member configuration priority than T_INET_0_0.
Question # 5
Refer to the exhibit. Which statement explains the output shown in the exhibit?
A. FortiGate performed standard FIB routing on the session.
B. FortiGate will not re-evaluate the session following a firewall policy change.
C. FortiGate used as the gateway for the original direction of the traffic.
D. FortiGate must re-evaluate the session due to routing change.
Question # 6
Refer to the exhibit. FortiGate has multiple dial-up VPN interfaces incoming on port1 that match onlyFIRST_VPN.Which two configuration changes must be made to both IPsec VPN interfaces to allowincoming connections to match all possible IPsec dial-up interfaces? (Choose two.)
A. Specify a unique peer ID for each dial-up VPN interface.
B. Use different proposals are used between the interfaces.
C. Configure the IKE mode to be aggressive mode.
D. Use unique Diffie Hellman groups on each VPN interface.
Question # 7
Which diagnostic command can you use to show the member utilization statisticsmeasured by performance SLAs for the last 10 minutes?
A. diagnose sys sdwan intf-sla-log
B. diagnose sys sdwan health-check
C. diagnose sys sdwan log
D. diagnose sys sdwan sla-log
Question # 8
What are two reasons why FortiGate would be unable to complete the zero-touchprovisioning process? (Choose two.)
A. The FortiGate cloud key has not been added to the FortiGate cloud portal.
B. FortiDeploy has connected with FortiGate and provided the initial configuration to contact FortiManager
C. The zero-touch provisioning process has completed internally, behind FortiGate.
D. FortiGate has obtained a configuration from the platform template in FortiGate cloud.
E. A factory reset performed on FortiGate.
Question # 9
Refer to the exhibits.Exhibit A Exhibit A shows the configuration for an SD-WAN rule and exhibit B shows the respectiverule status, the routing table, and the member status.The administrator wants to understand the expected behavior for traffic matching the SDWANrule.Based on the exhibits, what can the administrator expect for traffic matching the SD-WA rule?
A. The traffic will be load balanced across all three overlays.
B. The traffic will be routed over T_INET_0_0.
C. The traffic will be routed over T_MPLS_0.
D. The traffic will be routed over T_INET_1_0.
Question # 10
Refer to the exhibits.Exhibit A - Exhibit A shows the traffic shaping policy and exhibit B shows the firewall policy.The administrator wants FortiGate to limit the bandwidth used by YouTube. When testing,the administrator determines that FortiGate does not apply traffic shaping on YouTubetraffic.Based on the policies shown in the exhibits, what configuration change must be made soFortiGate performs traffic shaping on YouTube traffic?
A. Destination internet service must be enabled on the traffic shaping policy.
B. Application control must be enabled on the firewall policy.
C. Web filtering must be enabled on the firewall policy.
D. Individual SD-WAN members must be selected as the outgoing interface on the trafficshaping policy.
Question # 11
In a hub-and-spoke topology, what are two advantages of enabling ADVPN on the IPsecoverlays? (Choose two.)
A. It provides the benefits of a full-mesh topology in a hub-and-spoke network.
B. It provides direct connectivity between spokes by creating shortcuts.
C. It enables spokes to bypass the hub during shortcut negotiation.
D. It enables spokes to establish shortcuts to third-party gateways.
Question # 12
Which diagnostic command can you use to show the configured SD-WAN zones and theirassigned members?
A. diagnose sys sdwan zone
B. diagnose sys sdwan service
C. diagnose sys sdwan member
D. diagnose sys sdwan interface
Question # 13
Refer to the exhibit. Based on the exhibit, which two statements are correct about the health of the selectedmembers? (Choose two.)
A. After FortiGate switches to active mode, FortiGate never fails back to passive monitoring.
B. During passive monitoring, FortiGate can’t detect dead members.
C. FortiGate can offload the traffic that is subject to passive monitoring to hardware.
D. FortiGate passively monitors the member if TCP traffic is passing through the member.
Question # 14
Refer to the exhibit. Which algorithm does SD-WAN use to distribute traffic that does not match any of the SDWANrules?
A. All traffic from a source IP to a destination IP is sent to the same interface.
B. All traffic from a source IP is sent to the same interface.
C. All traffic from a source IP is sent to the most used interface.
D. All traffic from a source IP to a destination IP is sent to the least used interface.
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