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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- CWDP-303 Practice Questions
- 60 Questions
- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
In a convention center, you have received complaints about the WLAN infrastructure. At this moment, the are only two APs in one auditorium. After analyzing the situation, you determined that there are more client devices that the infrastructure was designed for. There are only two APs to support more than 300 devices using the Wi-Fi at the same time. What should you do to make the Wi-Fi work as expected?
A. Redesign the entire WLAN
B. Quickly add more APs
C. Upgrade the Ethernet connections to MultiGig
D. Turn up the output power on the APs so that they can handle more clients
Question # 2
Who should be in the final meeting from the customer-side after successfully implementing a WLAN infrastructure?
B. End-users
C. The customer’s customers
D. Remote workers
Question # 3
What is the most cost-effective way to accurately measure the height of a ceiling when ladder use is not allowed?
A. Estimate the height based on known object sizes
B. Gather measurements from other objects and do the math
C. Rent a lift-cart to lift you up to the ceiling
D. Use a laser measure to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling
Question # 4
What metric implements the simplest algorithm and lowest accuracy in networks requiring locations?
A. Angle of Arrival (AoA)
B. Time of Arrival (ToA)
C. Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA)
D. Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
Question # 5
During lunch time in the break room of a company, Wi-Fi connectivity on the 2.4 GHz band is intermittent. Every other time of the day, it works fine. What’s the likely cause of this issue?
A. Employees are using their cell data instead of using the Wi-Fi
B. The AP in the cafeteria keeps rebooting due to lack of PoE budget on the switch
C. Toasters and ovens are heating up the air, raising the noise floor with the Wi-Fi on the 2.4 Ghz band
D. Microwaves in the cafeteria are interfering with the Wi-Fi on the 2.4 GHz band
Question # 6
What limitation exists when WMM is not enabled on an 802.11n WLAN?
A. 802.11 QoS will not be available
B. The maximum channel-width will be 20MHz
C. EDCA values will change
D. Only two ACs will be available
Question # 7
A museum wants to offer Wi-Fi to its visitors. One of their requirements is to have the APs blend into the design of the museum. What should you do to meet this requirement?
A. Lock the AP inside of a metal box
B. Place the APs in between walls and I-beams
C. Use an 802.11b AP, so it looks old enough to be in a museum
D. Use a plastic cover that could blend in with the environment
Question # 8
When performing an active site survey in an existing WLAN infrastructure, in addition to gathering throughput data, what other important function will you typically be testing at the same time?
A. Application filtering
B. Internet bandwidth
C. Roaming
D. ACL configuration
Question # 9
In high-density environments, such as stadiums and convention centers, what extra factor has to be taken into account that can attenuate Wi-Fi signals when these environments are having an event?
A. Thick walls
B. I-Beams
C. People
D. Fire doors
Question # 10
A controller-based WLAN infrastructure has its controller on a different subnet than its APs. What device must be used to enable any communication between the Controller and the APs?
A. NTP server
B. Router
C. PoE Layer 2 switch
D. Wireless bridge
Question # 11
What document is typically created to launch a project?
A. Bill of Materials
B. Project Charter
C. Work Breakdown Structure
D. Budget
Question # 12
Your customer requires fast secure roaming. Which two types of roaming are specified in 802.11-2016 FT roaming that will help meet this goal?
A. Over-the-Air and Over-the-DS
B. Over-the-Air and Over-the-Wire
C. FT and OKC
D. FT and TKIP
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