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Cisco 350-501 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 2

A. The QoS group numbering corresponds to priority level 
B. QoS group marking occurs on the ingress 
C. It marks packets for end to end QoS pokey enforcement across the network 
D. QoS group can be used in fabric QoS policy as a match criteria 
E. It cannot be used with priority traffic class 

Question # 3

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 4

Which two routing protocols support Cisco MPLS TE tunnels? (Choose two.)


Question # 5

A. first-in, first-out 
B. traffic shaping 
C. class-based weighted fair queueing 
D. traffic policing 

Question # 6

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 7

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 8

The engineering team at a large ISP has been alerted a customer network is experiencinghigh traffic congestion. After a discussion between the ISP and technical personnel at thecustomer site, the team agrees that traffic to the customer network that exceeds a specificthreshold will be dropped. Which task must the engineer perform on the network toimplement traffic policing changes?

A. Configure RSVP to reserve bandwidth on all interfaces when a path is congested. 
B. Enable Cisco Discovery Protocol on the interface sending the packets. 
C. Enable Cisco Express Forwarding on the interfaces sending and receiving the packets. 
D. Set IP precedence values to take effect when traffic exceeds a given threshold. 

Question # 9

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 10

Refer to the exhibit.

A. All four routers are operating as Level 1 routers only. 
B. All four routers are operating as Level 2 routers only. 
C. R1 and R4 are Level 2 neighbours. 
D. R1 and R2 are Level 2 neighbours. 
E. All four routers are operating as Level 1-2 routers. 

Question # 11

What are the two uses of the YANG data modeling language? (Choose two.)

A. It is used to access a device by HTTP. 
B. It Is used to model the configuration used by NETCONF operations. 
C. It is used to shape state data of network elements. 
D. It Is used to replace RESTCONF as a mechanism to install and manipulateconfiguration. 
E. It is used to replace the OSI model for troubleshooting. 

Question # 12

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 13

A network architect décides to expand the scope of the multicast deployment within thecompany network the network is already using PlM-SM with a static RP that supports ahigh-bandwidth. video-based training application that s heavily used by the employees, butexcessive bandwidth usage is a concern How must the engineer update the network toprovide a more efficient multicast implementation'?

A. Configure IGMP to manage the multicast hosts on each LAN 
B. implement BSR to support dynamic RP notification. 
C. Deploy ICMP to Improve multicast reachability across the network using static RP. 
D. Implement STP to improve switching performance for multicast data. 

Question # 14

A. netconf-yang cisco-ia snamp-community -string Public 
B. snmp-server community cosco RW 
C. snmp-server community public RO 
D. netconf-yang cisco-Ia snmp-community-string Private 

Question # 15

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D

Question # 16

A. Reconfigure either R3 or R4 as a Level 1/Level 2 router. 
B. Reconfigure routers R1, R2 R5. and R6 as Level 1/Level 2 routers. 
C. Reconfigure routers R2 and R5 as Level 1/Level 2 routers. 
D. Reconfigure routers R4, R5 and R6 as Level 1 routers 

Question # 17

A. Remove route filtering to speed repopulation of the link-state database 
B. Copy the router s existing state information and share the file with its peers to enable BGP soft resets 
C. Implement MPLS to forward packets while the RIB updates after a faliover. 
D. Implement Graceful Restart to mitigate the delay in MPLS LDP synchronization when the IGP starts up. 

Question # 18

Which action does the ingress VTEP perform on traffic between EVPN VXLAN overlays?

A. routing and tunneling when doing symmetric IRB 
B. routing when doing asymmetric IRB 
C. routing and bridging when doing asymmetric IRB 
D. bridging when doing symmetric IRB 

Question # 19

Refer to the exhibit.

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 20

The network engineer who manages ASN 65010 is provisioning a customer VRF named CUSTOMER-ABC on PE-2. The PE-CE routing protocol is OSPF Internet reachability is available via the OSPF 0 0 0.0/0 route advertised by CE-1 to PE-1 In the customer VRF Which configuration must the network engineer Implement on PE-2 so that CE-2 has connectivity to the Internet?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 21

A network operator working for a telecommunication company with an employee Id: 406596080 it trying to implement BFD configuration on an existing network of Cisco devicesWhich task must the engineer perform to enable BFD on the interfaces?

A. Disable Cisco Express Forwarding on the interfaces 
B. Disable SSO on the interfaces 
C. Remove any static routes that point to the interfaces 
D. Remove the log option from any ACLs on the interfaces. 

Question # 22

A network engineer notices PE-21 convergence degradation due to the growing LSDB sizeof Level 2 areas in the network The engineer decides to migrate router PE-21 from an interarea design to an intra-area implementation, inter-area routing must De accomplished viaan ATT-bit set by the Level 1/Level 2 router. Which configuration must the engineerimplement on PE-21 to complete the migrate?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 23

After a series of unexpected device failures on the network. a Cisco engineer is deployingNSF on the network devices so that packets continue to be forwarded during switchoversThe network devices reside in the same holding, but they are physically separated into twodifferent data centers Which task must the engineer perform as part of the deployment?

A. implement OSPF to maintain the link-state database during failover. 
B. implement VRFs ana specify the forwarding instances that must remain active duringfailover. 
C. implement an L2VPN with the failover peer to share state Information between theactive and standby devices. 
D. implement Cisco Express Forwarding to provide forwarding during failover 

Question # 24

An ISP provides shared VoIP Extranet services to a customer in VRF-100 with thesesettings:The VoIP services are hosted in the 198.19.1000/24 space.The customer has been assigned the 198.18.10/29 IP address bloc*.VRF-100 is assigned Import and export route target 85010:100.Which configuration must the engineer Apply to PE-1 to provision VRF-100 and provideaccess to the shared services?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 25

A network administrator is planning a new network with a segment-routing architectureusing a distributed control plane. How is routing information distributed on such a network?

A. Each segment is signalled by an SR controller, but each segment makes Its ownsteering decisions based on SR policy. 
B. Each segment is signalled by MPLS, and each segment makes steering decisionsbased on the routing policy pushed by BGP. 
C. Each segment is signalled by an SR controller that makes the steering decisions foreach node. 
D. Each segment is signalled by a compatible routing protocol and each segment makes itsown steering decisions based on SR policy. 

Question # 26

Which feature describes the adjacency SID?

A. It applies only to point-to-point links. 
B. It applies only to multipoint links 
C. It is locally unique 
D. It is globally unique. 

Question # 27

An engineer must apply an 802.1ad-compliant configuration to a new switchport with theserequirements;The switchport must tag all trame when it enters the portThe switchport Is expected to provide the same level of service to traffic from anycustomer VLANWhich configuration must the engineer use?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 28

Refer to the exhibit. The network team must implement MPLS LDP session protection with two requirements:Session protection is provided for core loopback IP addresses only.The LDP session must remain operational for one hour when the WAN link on PEXR1 fails.Which configuration must the team implement on PE-XR1?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 29

Refer to the exhibit. The USER mat is connecting an application on an Internet connectionin AS 100 is facing these issues:The USER lost the connection to the application during a failure Between IG andR2.Router R2 configuration a lost due to a power outage.The application the USER is connecting to a hosted behind CE2.What action resolves the issues on R3 and R4 routers?

A. Set R4 as a route reflector for R3 and CE2 
B. Apply high Local Preference on R3 toward R1 
C. Set R3 as a route reflector for R4 and CE1 
D. Apply low Local Preference on R4 toward R2. 

Question # 30

A network engineer must configure a router for Flexible NetFlow IPFIX export. The IPaddress of the destination server is The source address must be set to theLoopback0 IPv4 address and exported packets must be set to DSCP CS3. The TTL mustbe 64 and the transport protocol must be set to UDP with destination port 4739. Whichconfiguration must the engineer apply to the router?  

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 31

Refer to the exhibit.

A. Set a tag value of 200 to match the summary address 10.0.0/16 on R2. 
B. Set a tag value of 200 to match the summary address on R3. 
C. Apply the route map for tag 200 and leak Level 2 routes into Level 1 Area 2 on R3 
D. Apply the route map for tag 200 and teak Level 2 routes into Level 1 Area 2 on R4. 
E. Set a tag value of 200 to match the summary address 10.0.0./16 on R1. 

Question # 32

An engineer is implementing IGMP with SSM on a multicampus network that supports video streaming. Which task must the engineer perform as part of the process?

A. Configure the network to use IGMPv3. 
B. Configure the network to use bidirectional PIM. 
C. Configure an RP that uses static assignments only. 
D. Configure the network to use the PIM bsr-candidate 

Question # 33

The network-engineering team of a service provider is integrating several recently acquired networks into a more scalable common Unified MPLS architecture. The new networkarchitecture will support end-to-end VPNv4 and VPNv6 services with these requirements: • The IGP of the core layer is IS-IS In Area 0.• The IGP of the aggregation layers is OSPF in Area 0.• The LDP protocol Is used to distribute label bindings within each IGP domain.Which task must the network engineer perform when implementing this new architecture?

A. Configure BGP-LU between ABR routers of each IGP domain to carry MPLS label information in NLRI. 
B. Configure a BGP session between the ABR routers of each IGP domain to exchange VPNv4 or VPNv6 prefixes 
C. Configure the ABR in each IGP domain to preserve next-hop information on all VPNv4 and VPNv6 prefixes advertised by the PE. 
D. Configure mutual redistribution of each IGP domain's loopback prefix to provide end-toend LDP LSP 

Question # 34

Which module refers to the network automation using Ansible?

A. the iosxr_system module to collect facts from remote devices 
B. the iosxr_user module to manage banners for users in the local database 
C. the losxr_logging module to run debugging for seventy levels 2 to 5 
D. the iosxr_command module to issue run commands on remote devices 

Question # 35

An engineer working for a private service provider with employee id: 3994 37 650 is configuring a Cisco device to redistribute OSPF into BGP. Which task enables the deviceto filter routes?

A. Configure a distribute list and associate it to the BGP peer interface 
B. Configure a prefix list and associate it to the BGP peer interface 
C. Configure a route map and reference it with the redistribute command 
D. Configure an access list and reference it with the redistribute command 

Question # 36

How is a telemetry session established for data analytics?

A. A router initiates a session using the dial-out to a destination. 
B. A destination initiate a session to a router. 
C. The destination initiate a session using the dial-out more to the router. 
D. A router requests the data using Teinet. 

Question # 37

A network operator needs to implement PIM-SSM multicast configuration on customer's network so that users in different domains are able to access and stream live traffic. Whichtwo actions must the engineer perform on the network to make the streaming work? (Choose two.)

A. Configure a! leas! one MSDP peer on the network 
B. Enable IGMP version 2 at the interface lever. 
C. Enable PIM sparse mode on the device. 
D. Enable IGMP version 3 at the interface level. 
E. Enable PM dense mode on the device. 

Question # 38

What is the function of the FEC field within the OTN signal structure?

A. It allows the sending devices to apply QoS within the OTN forwarding structure. 
B. It allows source nodes to discard payload errors before transmitting data on the network. 
C. It allows receivers to correct errors upon data arrival. 
D. It allows deep inspection of data payload fields. 

Question # 39

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer working for private Service Provider with employee id: 3948:11:613 is configuring the BGPsec framework. Which two conditions must the engineer take into account? (Choose two.)

A. BGPsec uses IPsec tunnel for security. 
B. The BGPsec framework secures the AS path.
C. In BGPsec. all route advertisements are given an expiry time by the originator of the route. 
D. Private keys are part of the router key pair used to sign route updates. 
E. In BGPsec. route advertisements are not given an expiration time by the originator of the route. 

Question # 40

Which two PHY modes are available to implement an IOS XR Gigabit Ethernet interface interface? (Choose two.)


Question # 41

Refer to the exhibit. A network operator working for a telecommunication company with an employee 3994:37:650 is implementing a cisco Unified MPLS solution. What is the effect of thisimplementation?

A. EIGRP is deployed between the PEs and ABRs with RFC 3107. 
B. OSPF is deployed between the PEs and ABRs with RFC 3107. 
C. IS-IS is deployed between the PEs and ABRs with RFC 3107. 
D. BGP is deployed between the PEs and ABRs with RFC 3107. 

Question # 42

Which BGP attribute is used first when determining the best path?

A. origin 
B. AS path 
C. local preference 
D. weight 

Question # 43

Refer to the exhibit. AN engineer is configuring segment routing on an ISP to simplify traffic engineering and management across network domains. What should the engineer do to complete theimplementation of segment routing?

A. OSPF must be configured with wide area metrics to support routing. 
B. The segment will run without any further configuration. 
C. Area authentication must be enable before segment routing will run. 
D. Area Authentication must be enable before segment routing will run. 

Question # 44

Refer to the exhibit: A network engineer is implementing QoS services. Which two statements about the QoSgroup keyword on Cisco IOS XR 3re true? (Choose two )

A. The QoS group numbering corresponds to priority level 
B. QoS group marking occurs on the ingress 
C. It marks packets for end to end QoS pokey enforcement across the network 
D. QoS group can be used in fabric QoS policy as a match criteria 
E. It cannot be used with priority traffic class 

Question # 45

An engineer working for a private telecommunication company with an employe id:3948:613 needs to limit the malicious traffic on their network. Which configuration mustthe engineer use to implement URPF loose mode on the GigabitEthernet0/1 interface?

Question # 46

A network engineer is configuring RIP as the routing protocol between multiple PEs and CEs. The engineer must avoid advertising the same routes back to their sources. Whichaction should be performed on the routers to accomplish this task?

A. Configure a different route distinguisher for each prefix. 
B. Define the site of origin on each interface. 
C. Define VRFs on each device to separate the traffic. 
D. Enable bidirectional forwarding detection on each device. 

Question # 47

What do Chef and Puppet have in common?

A. use Ruby 
B. use a master server 
C. require modules to be created from scratch 
D. manage agents referred to as minions 

Question # 48

A network engineer has configured TE tunnels in the MPLS provider core. Which two steps ensure traffic traverse? (Choose two.)

A. Static routes is the only option for directing traffic into a tunnel. 
B. ECMP between tunnels allows RSVP to function correctly. 
C. Forwarding adjacency features allows a tunnel to be Installed in the IGP table as a link. 
D. The IGP metric of a tunnel is configured to prefer a certain path 
E. A tunnel weight is configured in SPF database the same way as a native link. 

Question # 49

A network engineer is configuring a newly installed PE router at the regional gateway location. The new PE router must use MPLS core routing protocols with the existing Prouter, and LDP sessions between the two routers must be protected to provide faster MPLS convergence. Which configuration must the engineer perform on the network so thatLDP sessions are established?

A. Enable communication over TCP port 646 for T-LDP hello messages. 
B. Enable RSVP-TE FRR on the LDP interface to protect the LDP session between routers. 
C. Enable LDP session protection on either one of the routers, which allows them to autonegotiate. 
D. Set the LDP session protection timer on each router to the same value. 

Question # 50

Refer to the exhibit. Router BRDR-1 is configured to receive the and network via BGP and advertise then into OSPF area 0. An engineer has noticed that the OSPF domain is receiving only the route and default router is still missing. Which configuration must an engineer apply to resolve this problem?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D

Question # 51

Refer to the exhibit.

Which show command shows statistics for the control plane policy and is used to troubleshoot?
A. show control-plane CoPP 
B. show control-plane 
C. show policy-map control-plane 
D. show policy control-plane 

Question # 52

What occurs when a high bandwidth multicast stream is sent over an MVPN using Cisco hardware?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 53

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer has started to configure a router for OSPF, as shown Which configuration must an engineer apply on the network so that area 15 traffic from R5 to R1 will prefer theroute through R4?

A. Place the link between R3 and R5 in a stub area to force traffic to use the route through R4. 
B. Increase the cost on the link between R2 and R4, to influence the path over R3 and R4. 
C. Implement a multiarea adjacency on the link between R2 and R4, with the cost manipulated to make the path through R4 preferred. 
D. Implement a sham link on the between R3 and R2 to extend area 0 area 15. 

Question # 54

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer has started to configure a router for secure remote access as shown. All users who require network access need to be authenticated by the SSH Protocol.Which two actions must the engineer implement to complete the SSH configuration? (Choose two.)

A. Configure an IP domain name. 
B. Configure service password encryption. 
C. Configure crypto keys 
D. Configure ACL 100 to permit access to port 22. 
E. Configure a password under the vty lines. 

Question # 55

Refer to the exhibit.Router 1 and router 2 are running IBGP. and router 2 and router 3 are running OSPF Area 0. Router 1 is advertising loopback interlaces Lo0 and Lo2 and router 2 is redistributingBGP into OSPF Area 0. Which configuration must an administrator apply so that router 2 uses a route map to redistribute only the internal route from Lo 2?


Question # 56

An engineer is developing a configuration script to enable dial-out telemetry streams using gRPC on several new devices. TLS must be disabled on the devices. Which configurationmust the engineer apply on the network?

Question # 57

Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer Is implementing OSPF multiarea. Which command on interface G0/1 resolves adjacency Issues in the new area?

A. Ip ospf network broadcast 
B. Ip ospf network non-broadcast 
C. Ip ospf network polnt-to-multlpoint
D. Ip ospf network point-to-point 

Question # 58

A remote operation center is deploying a set of l-BGP and E-BGP connections for multiple IOS-XR platforms using the same template. The l-BGP sessions exchange prefixes with noapparent issues, but the E-BGP sessions do not exchange routes. What causes this issue?

A. A PASS ALL policy has no! been implemented for the l-BGP neighbors. 
B. The next-hop-self command is not implemented on both E-BGP neighbors. 
C. The E-BGP neighbors are not allowed to exchange information doe to the customer platforms default policy. 
D. The l-BGP neighbors are mistyped and HELLO packets cannot be exchanged successfully between routers. 

Question # 59

An engineer implemented LDP protocol on the ISP network. The engineer must ensure that there are no packet loss issues when IGP and LDP protocols are not synchronized. Whichconfiguring must the engineer implement so that the IGP routing protocol will wait until LDP convergence is completed?

A. Disable IP CEF routers running LDP and enable LDP protocol. 
B. Configure MPLS LDP IGP synchronization on the network. 
C. Configure LDP sessions protection on the network. 
D. Disable MPLS LDP IGP synchronization on the network. 

Question # 60

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is reviewing the BGP configuration. Which routes must be advertised to

A. Local routes are permitted, and routes from other ASNs are denied. 
B. All routes whether local or from other ASNs are denied. 
C. Local routes are denied, and routes from other ASNs are permitted. 
D. All routes whether local or from other ASNs are permitted. 

Question # 61

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is configuring path selection on router R1 for two ASNs as shown. Which additional task must the engineer perform on Router 1 so that all outbound traffic utilizesthe link between R1 and R3 to reach ASN 4567?

A. Configure a low weigh! on the peer to ASN 4567. 
B. Configure a high weight on the peer to ASN 4567.
C. Configure an AS path prepend on the peer to ASN 4567. 
D. Configure a high med on the peer to ASN 4567. 

Question # 62

Refer to the exhibit. CE1 and CE2 require connectivity to the internet through the ISP connected to PE3 What should an engineer configure to complete this task?

A. PE2 must be configured to serve as a route reflector for PE3 routes learned from the internet. PE2 then shares the routes with CE1 and CE2. 
B. CE1 and CE2 must be configured with a route distinguisher in the PE1 VRF that dynamically imports the route from the internet. 
C. CE1 and CE2 must be configured to use a static default route with a next-hop of PE3 to reach internet routes. 
D. PE1 must be configured with an import route target in the CE1 VRF that matches the export route target for the internet VRF on PE3. 

Question # 63

What is the role of NSO in network automation?

A. It is GUI used to manage wireless devices in a campus infrastructure. 
B. It Is a type of REST API used to configure an APIC. 
C. It is a tool that uses CLl only to configure virtual network devices. 
D. It is a tool used to bridge automation to the physical network infrastructure. 

Question # 64

A company needs to improve the use of the network resources that is used to deploy internet access service to customers on separate backbone and internet access network.Which two major design models should be used to configure MPLS L3VPNs and internet service in the same MPLS backbone? (Choose two.)

A. Carriage of full internet routes in a VPN, in the case of internet access VPNS 
B. Internet routing through global routing on a PE router. 
C. Internet access routing as another VPN in the ISP network. 
D. Internet access through leaking of internet routed from the global table into the L3VPN VRF 
E. Internet access for global routing via a separate interface in a VRF 

Question # 65

How do intent APIs make it easier for network engineers to deploy and manage networks?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D  

Question # 66

Which additional configuration is required for NetFlow to provide traceback information?

A. Cisco Express Forwarding must be configured for traffic that is egressing from the router to be properly reported. 
B. A classification ACL must be configured to identify which type of traffic will be analyzed. 
C. The BGP routing process must be started for any ingress or egress data to be reported when using NetFlow. Version 5. 
D. LLDP must be configured or the device will be unable to locate a NetFlow analyzer. 

Question # 67

An engineer is implementing MPLS to monitor within the MPLS domain. Which must the engineer perform to prevent packets from being forwarded beyond the service providerdomain when the LSP is down? 

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 68

Which characteristic describes prefix segment identifier?

A. It contains the interface address of the device per each link. 
B. It Is globally unique. 
C. It is locally unique. 
D. It contains a router to a neighbor. 

Question # 69

Which two tasks must an engineer perform when implementing LDP NSF on the network? (Choose two.)

A. Disable Cisco Express Forwarding. 
B. Enable NSF for EIGRP. 
C. Enable NSF for the link-state routing protocol that is in use on the network. 
D. Implement direct connections for LDP peers. 
E. Enable NSF for BGP. 

Question # 70

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer configured BGP summarization on a customer's network. Which route is advertised to BGP peers?

B. 192168.0.0/16 
D. 192168.0.5/30 

Question # 71

An engineer must extend Layer 2 Between two campus sites connected through an MPLS backbone that encapsulates Layer 2 and Layer 3 data Which action must the engineerperform on the routers to accomplish this task?

A. Configure a EtherChannel for E-LAN. 
B. Configure a pseudowire for E-LINE. 
C. Configure Cisco MPLS TE for use with E-TREE. 
D. Configure QoS for MPLS and E-ACCESS 

Question # 72

Refer to the exhibit. If RC is a stub router, which entry must be injected so that it will send traffic outside the OSPF domain?

A. virtual link between RB and RC 
B. sham link 
C. more specific route 
D. default route 

Question # 73

Refer to the exhibit.A network administrator is implementing IGMP to enable multicast feed transmission to the receiver. Which configuration must the administrator deploy on GW1 to permit IGMP Joinsonly to the assigned (S, G) feed?



Question # 74

Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer notices that router R2 is failing to install network in the routing table. Which configuration must the engineer apply to R2 to fix the problem?

A. R2(config)# access-Iist 1 permit 
B. R2(config)# access-list 1 permit 172,16,33.0 255,255,255,0
C. R2(config)# access-list 1 permit 
D. R2(config)# access-list 1 permit 172,16,33.0 255.255,0,0 

Question # 75

Refer To the exhibit. Which BGP attribute should be manipulated to have CE1 use PE1 as the primary path to the Internet?

A. The weight attribute should be manipulated on PE1 on outbound routes advertised to CE1. 
B. The MED should be manipulated on CE1 on inbound routes from PE1. 
C. The local preference attribute should be manipulated on PE2 on inbound routes advertised to CE1. 
D. The origin of all routes should be modified on each router on inbound and outbound routes advertised to CE1. 

Question # 76

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is securing a customer's network. Which command completes this configuration and the engineer must use to prevent a DoS attack?

A. neighbor ebgp-multihop 
B. ebgp-multihop 
C. tti-security 
D. neighbor-tti-security 

Question # 77

Refer to the exhibit. To protect in-band management access to CPE-R7, an engineer wants to allow only SSH management and provisioning traffic from management network Whichinfrastructure ACL change must be applied to router PE-R9 to complete this task?

Question # 78

Refer to the exhibit. R101 is peering with R102 and R103, and R201 is peering with R202 and R203 using iBGP Labeled Unicast address families. The OSPF area 0 border routers are in a full iBGPLabeled Unicast mesh, and VPNv4 routes are exchanged directly between PE routers R101 and R201 through iBGP Which address family-level configuration must be applied onABR R102 on ABR R102 to support a Unified MPLS routing architecture with partitioned IGP domains?


Question # 79

Refer to the exhibit. What does this REST API script configure?

A. application profile 
C. public community string for SNMP 
D. interface with IP address 

Question # 80

A network engineer Is implementing a QoS policy for outbound management traffic classification and marking on a CPE device with these requirements: A network engineer Is implementing a QoS policy for outbound management traffic classification and marking on a CPE device with these requirements • Management protocols must be marked with DSCP AF class 2 w4h low drop probability. • Monitoring protocols must be marked with DSCP AF class 1 with low drop probability. • All remaining traffic must be marked with a DSCP value of 0.Which configuration must the engineer implement to satisfy the requirements?



Question # 81

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is implementing BGP selective prefix suppression. The router must advertise only, and summarized route and suppress10.16.6.0/24. Which configuration must the engineer apply to the router?

Question # 82

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is trying to implement BGP configuration on a router Which configuration error prevents the ASBR from establishing a BGP neighborship to a directly connected BGP speaker?

A. The routing policy is absent for this Cisco IOS XR eBGP instance. 
B. The IPv4 address family configuration under neighbor configuration-mode must be removed. 
C. The VPNv4 address family interferes with the 8GP IPv4 address family negotiations. 
D. The TCP session parameters are not specified. 

Question # 83

Which type of attack is a Protocol attack?

A. HTTP flood 
B. TFTP flood 
C. SYN flood 
D. Slowlorls 

Question # 84

An engineer a cisco MPLS tunnel to improve the streaming experience for the clients of a video -on-demand server. Which action must the engineer perform to configure extendeddiscovery to support the MPLS LDP session between the headend and tailend routers?

A. Option A 
B. Option B 
C. Option C 
D. Option D 

Question # 85

While implementing TTL security, you issue the PE(config-router-af)#neighbor ttlsecurity hops 2 command. After you issue this command, which BGP packets does the PE accept?

A. from, with a TTL ol 253 Of more 
B. from, with a TTL of less than 2 
C. to, with a TTL of less than 253 
D. to, with a TTL of 2 or more 

Question # 86

Which OoS model allows hosts to report their QoS needs to the network?

A. DiffServ
C. IntServ 

Question # 87

Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is reporting that its BGP neighbor adjacency to router R2 is down, but its state is Active as shown. Which configuration must be applied to routers R1 and R2 to fix the problem?


Question # 88

Whtch two routing protocols support Cisco MPLS TE tunnels? (Choose two.)


Question # 89

Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is configuring multitiopology IS-IS for IPv6 on router R1. Which additional configuration must be applied to complete the task?

Question # 90

A network engineer must implement SNMPv2 with these parameters • Enable SNMP community string C1sc0 with read-only permissions. • Enable interface index persistence.• Restrict the SNMP community to only the monitoring server with IP address 198.18 19 100/32. • Provide view-only access to ospflfEntry and ospfNbrEntry.Which configuration must the engineer apply?

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