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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- WELL-AP Question Answers
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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- WELL-AP Practice Questions
- 204 Questions
- Updated On February 04, 2025
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WELL WELL-AP Exam Overview:
Aspect | Details |
Exam Name | WELL WELL-AP |
Exam Cost | $500 |
Total Time | 3 hours |
Languages | English, Spanish, Mandarin |
Passing Marks | 70% |
Exam Format | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Exam Type | Online Proctored |
Certification Validity | 2 years |
WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP) Exam Topics Breakdown
Domain | Percentage | Description |
Air Quality | 25 | Focuses on indoor air quality parameters |
Water Quality | 20 | Covers water quality testing and standards |
Lighting | 15 | Covers lighting design and optimization |
Thermal Comfort | 20 | Focuses on temperature and humidity control |
Acoustics | 10 | Covers soundproofing and noise reduction |
Ergonomics | 10 | Focuses on workspace and furniture design |
Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Which type of artificial light can improve people's perception of a space?
A. Electric lights that display signs of flicker
B. Electric lights with low color rendering index (CRI)
C. Electric lights with high color rendering index (CRI)
D. Electric lights that have a temperature lower than 2,700K
Question # 2
Please click on the Project Scenario A button to review the project scenario and answer thefollowing question.MILO DESIGN STUDIO - SHENZHEN, CHINA - PROJECT SCENARIO AMILO is a small, multi-disciplinary design studio with 30 employees located in Shenzhen,China. Theirprimary business is interior commercial fit-outs and they also offer sustainability consulting.Three of their employees have achieved their WELL AP credential.They have recently leased one floor 21,528 ft.a (2 000 m2) in a building owned by anotherorganization to use as their new studio office. This space includes floor to ceiling windowson all four exterior walls. While the windows are numerous, they are also highly tinted, with a visible light transmittance of approximately 0.35 (35%). They intend on installing severalliving plant walls and have included natural fibers and patterns in their finishingsthroughout.Their building is located 984.25 ft. (300 m) from an underground train station and acrossthe road (approx. 328.08 ft. (100 m)) from a large public park. While many employees haveindicated that they bike to work on bike trails, the new building's landlord will not allowtenants to use the elevators to bring bicycles to their offices. Instead, their building has bikeracks at the building entrance, an underground garage for bike storage, small rentablelockers and basic bike maintenance tools.MILO considers itself a human-centric design firm and leads with a people-first approachthrough itsemployee benefits and organizational policies. As an example, they offer a 50% discounton severalmindfulness apps and make guided meditation courses available twice per year to allemployees on-site.PROJECT SCOPE & GOALSMILO has enrolled their office for WELL Certification to demonstrate their commitment todesigning for well-being and employee health. They will be renovating and designing theentire fit-out themselves, including new space configurations that will prioritize natural light.The space layout will include seating for 45 people in an open-plan office with hot-desking,three conference rooms and four individual phone booths. Additionally, they are planning toupdate lighting fixtures and purchase new office furniture. MILO do not provide any food orbeverages on a daily basis except coffee and tea.MILO is targeting WELL Certification at the Gold level or higher. This effort is being led byone of their inhouse WELL APs.Furniture is acquired for 45 employees what is the minimum number of manual or electricheight -adjustable work surfaces needed to meet Feature V02: Ergonomic WorkstationDesign. Part 2 Provide Height-Adjustable Work Surfaces?
A. 10 height-adjustable work surfaces
B. 11 height-adjustable work surfaces
C. 12 height-adjustable work surfaces
D. 13 height adjustable work surfaces
Question # 3
Which of the following ergonomic design strategies would a project team implement toachieve Part 1: Support Visual Ergonomics of Feature V02: Ergonomic Workstation Design?
A. 50% of workstations are height-adjustable
B. 100% of workstations include an adjustable monitor
C. 3% of employees are able to reserve a treadmill desk
D. 75% of workstation seating can be adjusted by the user
Question # 4
The WELL AP notices mold and fungal growth on some indoor walls and ceilings ofenclosed regularly occupied spaces. Which of the following is the most likely cause of themold and fungal growth?
A. Ducts were not properly sealed and protected during the construction stage
B. Commissioning Agent did not confirm that the ventilation rate exceeds 21 cfm/person(10 L/s)
C. Sensors were not installed in occupiable spaces to monitor dry-bulb temperature andrelative humidity
D. Mechanical system does not have the capability of maintaining relative humiditybetween 30% and 60% at all times
Question # 5
A project has just undergone performance testing Which of the following results meets theair quality threshold requirement in WELL Certification?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 6
Which of the following layouts would meet the requirements to provide enough exposure to meet the precondition in Light?
A. Layout with 20% of the regularly occupied area within a 15 ft. (4.5 m) horizontal distanceof envelope glazing in each floor and/or in each individual unit
B. Layout with 25% of the regularly occupied area within a 30 ft. (9 m) horizontal distanceof envelope glazing in each floor and/or in each individual unit
C. Layout with 40% of the regularly occupied area within a 15 ft. (4.5 m) horizontal distanceof envelope glazing in each floor and/or in each individual unit
D. Layout with 50% of the regularly occupied area within a 30 ft. (9 m) horizontal distanceof envelope glazing in each floor and/or in each individual unit
Question # 7
For all spaces except dwelling units which of the following requirements must a dedicatedeating space meet to the support mindful eating habits?
A. Accommodate a variety or four-person seating arrangements
B. Provide outdoor patio seating that is available during normal business hours
C. Ensure 10% of all seating is compliant with integrative universal design strategies
D. Contain tables and chairs to accommodate at least 25% of regular occupants at peakoccupancy
Question # 8
Which of the following Air features is a precondition that addresses potential issues causedby benzene, formaldehyde and toulene contamination in occupiable spaces?
A. Feature A01 Air Quality, Part 2: Meet Thresholds for Organic Gases
B. Feature A01 Air Quality, Part 3: Meet Thresholds for Inorganic Gases
C. Feature A05 Enhanced Air Quality, Part 2: Meet Enhanced Thresholds for OrganicGases
D. Feature A05 Enhanced Air Quality, Part 3: Meet Enhanced Thresholds for InorganicGases
Question # 9
Based on the WELL Building Standard™, what is a possible contributing factor to Type 2diabetes?
A. High consumption of seafood
B. Low fruit and vegetable intake
C. High consumption of caffeinated beverages
D. Low consumption of sugar sweetened beverages
Question # 10
A project failed performance verification of the PM 2.5 threshold for Feature A01: AirQuality, Part 1: Meet Thresholds for Particulate Matter. What should the WELL projectadministrator recommend for the curative action plan?
A. Increase grade of media filter
B. Install sensor control to monitor the indoor environmental quality
C. Replace gas stoves in the commercial kitchen with induction stoves
D. Request cleaning products to be replaced with WELL compliant alternatives
Question # 11
A WELL project for a first recertification elects to be reviewed under the version for which itachieved initial certification. Under which of the following will the project be reviewed forsubsequent recertifications?
A. Same version as initial certification
B. Version in place at the time of performance verification
C. Version released at the time of project's first recertification
D. Version in place 12 months prior to expiration of project's certification
Question # 12
There is evidence to suggest that environments with poor acoustics may lead to anincrease in which of the following health impacts?
A. Dementia
B. Hypertension
C. Insulin resistance
D. Chronic inflammation
Question # 13
Which option best explains the intent of hands-free flushing, hands-free soap dispensersand hands-free hand drying?
A. improved hygiene by reduced touch points
B. Reduced splashing to stop the spread of pathogens
C. Lower susceptibility tor wet skin to become infected than dry skin
D. Enhanced bathroom availability for individuals of all gender identities
Question # 14
A well-being team in a commercial office building is interested in starting a garden. Twentyof the 400 employees are interested in starting an herb and vegetable garden. A minimumof how much space is required for the garden to earn an Optimization in the WELL BuildingStandard™ (WELL™)?
A. 20 ft2 (2 m2)
B. 200 ft2 (18 m2)
C. 400 ft2 (36 m2)
D. 600 ft2 (56 m2)
Question # 15
In one part of a university building the following rooms are all adjacent in a row andconnected to the same corridor study room, classroom, classroom, recreation room,meditation room, classroom Which of the following rooms are most likely to requirereprogramming or strategies for mitigating sound transmission?
A. The two adjacent classrooms
B. The study room and the corridor
C. The recreation room and the meditation room
D. The recreation room and the classroom that is adjacent to it
Question # 16
A project satisfies requirements lot Feature V10: Self-Monitoring Part 1 if it provides eligibleemployees with self-monitoring tools mat are subsidized by at least
A. 10%
B. 29%
C. 33%
D. 50%
Question # 17
A project team conducts a daylight simulation for an office building and the result is slightlylower than the daylight simulation requirement of sDA300,50%. The window locations canno longer be changed. Which of the following strategies can be pursued to help meet thedaylight simulation requirement?
A. Arrange for automated window shades to prevent glare
B. Change the occupancy settings in the simulation software
C. Specify window glazing with higher Visible Transmittance (Tvis)
D. Replace workstations along the south facade with conference rooms
Question # 18
What are possible impacts of poor lighting color rendering and flicker on people's health?
A. Back and neck pain
B. Itchy eyes, nose and throat
C. Panic syndrome and burnout
D. Impaired cognition and epileptic seizures
Question # 19
An office building is at the design stage. The client has the goal of achieving acceptablethermal environment for building occupants. Which of the following strategies should theWELL AP suggest to address this goal and meet the requirements of a WELL feature?
A. Utilize natural conditioning when the prevailing mean outdoor temperature is 48°F (9C)
B. Design a radiant ceiling, wall or floor heating/cooling system for at least 45% of theregularly occupied project area
C. Include real-time displays of dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity for 50% ofregularly occupied spaces and make available to occupants through display screens
D. Design mechanically conditioned regularly occupied spaces to meet predicted meanvalue range of +/- 0.5 for at least 90% of occupied hours and regularly occupled spaces
Question # 20
In addition to M06: Restorative Opportunities, which feature contributes to a healthy sleepand wake rhythm?
A. Feature M10: Tobacco Cessation
B. Feature L03: Circadian Lighting Design
C. Feature M08: Restorative Programming
D. Feature V02: Ergonomic Workstation Design
Question # 21
A WELL Performance Testing Agent notices that the real-time dry-bulb temperature valueson display screens are different from the field measured values. Which step should theproject team take first to address this problem?
A. Take measurements at least three times per hour
B. Verify sensors are recalibrated or replaced at least every three years
C. Provide additional user-adjustable thermostats within the regularly occupied spaces
D. Change the real-time display method from display screens to a website or mobileapplication
Question # 22
Thermal Comfort is known to impact which of the following
A. Productivity
B. Chionic stress
C. immune system
D. Cardiovascular system
Question # 23
Please click on the Project Scenario A button to review the project scenario and answer thefollowing question.MILO DESIGN STUDIO - SHENZHEN, CHINA - PROJECT SCENARIO AMILO is a small, multi-disciplinary design studio with 30 employees located in Shenzhen,China. Theirprimary business is interior commercial fit-outs and they also offer sustainability consulting.Three of their employees have achieved their WELL AP credential.They have recently leased one floor 21,528 ft.a (2 000 m2) in a building owned by anotherorganization to use as their new studio office. This space includes floor to ceiling windowson all four exterior walls. While the windows are numerous, they are also highly tinted, witha visible light transmittance of approximately 0.35 (35%). They intend on installing severalliving plant walls and have included natural fibers and patterns in their finishingsthroughout.Their building is located 984.25 ft. (300 m) from an underground train station and acrossthe road (approx. 328.08 ft. (100 m)) from a large public park. While many employees haveindicated that they bike to work on bike trails, the new building's landlord will not allowtenants to use the elevators to bring bicycles to their offices. Instead, their building has bikeracks at the building entrance, an underground garage for bike storage, small rentablelockers and basic bike maintenance tools.MILO considers itself a human-centric design firm and leads with a people-first approachthrough itsemployee benefits and organizational policies. As an example, they offer a 50% discounton severalmindfulness apps and make guided meditation courses available twice per year to allemployees on-site.PROJECT SCOPE & GOALSMILO has enrolled their office for WELL Certification to demonstrate their commitment todesigning for well-being and employee health. They will be renovating and designing theentire fit-out themselves, including new space configurations that will prioritize natural light.The space layout will include seating for 45 people in an open-plan office with hot-desking, three conference rooms and four individual phone booths. Additionally, they are planning toupdate lighting fixtures and purchase new office furniture. MILO do not provide any food orbeverages on a daily basis except coffee and tea.MILO is targeting WELL Certification at the Gold level or higher. This effort is being led byone of their inhouse WELL APs.Which design element would need to be included to meet the requirements of Feature L05Daylight Design Strategies. Part 2: Integrate Solar Shading?
A. Task lighting at all workstations
B. Manual screens/blinds controlled by occupants
C. An illuminance ratio of at least 0.4 or 1:2.
D. Target illuminance of fc (300 lux) for >50% of the unit area
Question # 24
To contribute to Feature A11: Source Separation, which of the following rooms is mostlikely to require exhaust fans such that the return air is vented outdoors and notrecirculated?
A. Copy rooms
B. Activity room
C. Lactation room
D. Conference rooms
Question # 25
Which of the following steps can be most effective in reducing antibiotics and pesticides infood?
A. Limit red or processed meat items on the menu
B. Offer main dish options that do not contain gluten
C. Source at least 50% certified organic fruits and vegetables
D. Provide heat resistant plastic plates, bowls, cups and utensils
Question # 26
Under which of the following circumstances must projects provide a plan forreprogramming or mitigating sound transmission'?
A. A quiet zone directly border a loud zone
B. A mixed zone directly borders a quiet zone
C. A loud zone directly borders o mixed zone
D. A circulation zone directly borders a mixed zone
Question # 27
What should the minimum size be for a restorative space in a project with 30 regularoccupants to comply with Feature M07: Restorative Spaces?
A. 32 ft2 (3 m2)
B. 100 ft2 (9 m2)
C. 105 ft2 (10 m2)
D. 194 ft2 (18 m2)
Question # 28
A project team is evaluating products to meet Feature X07: Materials Transparency, Part 1: Select Products with Disclosed Ingredients. What strategy should the team take to ensureproducts meet this feature's requirements?
A. Identify products that meet ANSI/BIFMA e3-2014
B. Identify products that are subject to SCAQMD Rule 1168
C. Identify products that have a Health Product Declaration (HPD)
D. Identify products that comply with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) orilorio
Question # 29
Which of the following ongoing procedures is required for water dispensers in FeatureW06?
A. Occupant training
B. Regular maintenance
C. Water temperature monitoring
D. Educational sessions about hydration
Question # 30
A team is seeking to satisfy Feature A01: Air Quality, Part 2: Meet Thresholds for OrganicGases through VOC monitoring for a 87.50O ft2 (8 120 m2) project What is the minimumnumber of volatile organic compound (VOC) sensors that the project owner must install?
A. 10 VOC sensors
B. 15 VOC sensors
C. 20 VOC censors
D. 25 VOC sensors
Question # 31
Which of the following describes the purpose of an alternative adherence path (AAP)?
A. To provide a different solution to meet a feature intent
B. To enable substitution of a precondition for an optimisation
C. To apply for a change of points threshold for a certification level
D. To increase the maximum allowable points available for a given feature
Question # 32
A residential building has a small atrium. Which of the following should the WELL APrecommend to contribute toward Feature M07: Restorative Spaces?
A. Table tennis table
B. Fresh fruit options
C. Filtered water dispenser
D. Moveable seating arrangements
Question # 33
Which of the following techniques is used to remove pollutants that were introducedindoors during construction prior to occupancy?
A. Using low-VOC paints
B. Performing an air flush
C. Protecting absorptive materials
D. Installing permanent walk-off mats
Question # 34
For projects that include operable windows, which of the following outdoor air contaminantsdetermine how window use should be managed?
A. PM2.5
B. PM10
C. Ozone
D. Carbon monoxide
Question # 35
Which concept contains a feature designed to provide a written guide to building occupantsto promote a deeper understanding of WELL features?
A. Light
B. Movement
C. Community
D. Thermal Comfort
Question # 36
The design team for a new office building protect is trying to achieve a point for FeatureX08 Materials Optimization by selecting materials with enhanced chemical restrictions.They are preparing a list of products to submit to the owner for approval All of the selectedproducts are inventoried to 100 parts per million (ppm). Which of the following productsshould the design team give priority to in order to achieve this point?
A. Flooring product with a compound listed on the Living Building Challenge's Red List
B. Ceiling tiles with a Health Product Declaration (HPD) published in the HPD PublicRepository
C. insulation that contains compounds listed in REACH Restriction Authorization andSHVC Lists
D. Paint that meets the chemical thresholds in the Cradle to Cradle Basic Level RestrictedSubstances List. Version 4
Question # 37
A project team performed quarterly water testing and determined that the total dissolvedsolids (TDS) is above the 500 mg/L threshold. Which of the following steps should theproject team take to address this issue?
A. Remediate and retest within one month
B. Increase the number of sample points and retest
C. Provide additional tests from highest and lowest floors
D. Pretest one month before next performance verification
Question # 38
A WELL AP is reviewing a zoning layout for a new WELL commercial fit-out project. Whichof the following spaces should be labeled as acoustically quiet zones?
A. Classrooms
B. Lift lobbies
C. Lactation rooms
D. Recreational rooms
Question # 39
In addition to addressing a variety of emergency situations, what else must a projectaddress in Feature C03: Emergency Preparedness?
A. Business continuity plan
B. Opioid response training
C. Employee assistance fund
D. Annual inventory of response resources
Question # 40
Supplemental light fixtures are provided to occupants upon request at no cost within aWELL building. This benefit will enhance occupant comfort by
A. providing visual diversity
B. improving correlated color temperature
C. keeping lighting uniformity in the space
D. increasing the light level on the task surface
Question # 41
The WELL project administrator realizes that a project's special circumstances do not meetthe WELL features, as written. They would like to explore other means of compliance andcannot find a similar situation in the official International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™)guidelines. What should the project administrator do next?
A. Contact the WELL Reviewer
B. Submit an Equivalency Proposal
C. Communicate with the project architect
D. Submit an alternative adherence path (AAP)
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