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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Which utility should an administrator use to verify library device functionality?
A. nbdevconfig
B. robtest
C. bpmedia
D. tpconfig
Question # 2
Which command should an administrator use to determine which storage lifecycle policy's image copies are incomplete?
A. nbstl
B. nbreplicate
C. bpimage
D. nbstlutil
Question # 3
Which statement applies to a NetBackup calendar based schedule in a Windows policy type?
A. the backup may run on a day with a closed backup window with Retries allowed after runday
B. an Exclude date may be configured to occur on an included recurring day of the week
C. configuring a start window spanning midnight is invalid
D. a calendar based schedule can run twice a day
Question # 4
An administrator discovers that backup images configured with a fixed two-week retention are failing to expire. What is a possible cause of this issue?
A. the disk pool containing the images is unavailable
B. secondary SLP operations on the images are incomplete
C. the tape containing the images is frozen
D. the tape containing the images is suspended
Question # 5
What is the image removal behavior for relocated images from a disk staging storage unit when the high water mark is reached during a backup?
A. NetBackup removes the oldest images until the low water mark is reached.
B. NetBackup removes images alphabetically until the low water mark is reached.
C. NetBackup removes the largest images until the low water mark is reached.
D. NetBackup removes images with the lowest rank data classification until the low water mark is reached.
Question # 6
An administrator needs to back up 100 clients using 10 LTO5 tape drives. Which policy setting will perform the backup fastest?
A. Allow multiple data streams
B. Limit jobs per policy
C. Media multiplexing
D. Use Accelerator
Question # 7
Which option is available with a Trusted Master Server?
A. Backup of other Master Server domains
B. Duplications
C. Automatic Image Replication
D. Catalog backups
Question # 8
Which user account(s) is allowed remote login access directly to the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH)?
A. admin
B. NetBackupCLI users
C. admin and root
D. admin andNetBackupCLI users
Question # 9
In a NetBackup environment with only appliances, there is a mixture of 1GbE and 10GbE networks as well as Fibre channel SAN. Which two performance tuning scenarios result in optimized backup throughput? (Select two.)
A. create a single bonded interface using all available interfaces, disable client-side deduplication throughout the environment, and enable network resiliency to improve network throughput
B. create separate bonded interfaces from the available 1GbE and 10GbE interfaces and configure the Fibre Transport Media Server option to back up busy application servers
C. create separate bonded interfaces from the available 1GbE and 10GbE interfaces, leverage network resiliency, and enable WAN optimization to improve network throughput
D. create separate bonded interfaces from the available 1GbE and 10GbE interfaces and leverage client-side deduplication for all suitable LAN based clients
E. create a single bonded interfaces from all the available interfaces and leverage client-side deduplication for all suitable LAN based clients
Question # 10
A policy is created using the Standard policy type. The default settings are used. Linux hosts s1 and s2 are added in theclient list and ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES is specified in the Backup Selection.Host s1 has the mount points listed below://opt/usr/usr/homeHost s2 has the mount points listed below://proc/tmp/usrHow many streams will be created when the policy runs for both clients?
A. two
B. four
C. five
D. eight
Question # 11
An administrator has a backup policy with the following policy attributes: 3 paths listed in the Backup Selections list 5 clients listed in the Clients list Allow multiple data streams is selected Limit Jobs per policy is set to 4 How many jobs go Active when the job is started, excluding parent jobs?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 12
D. 15
Question # 12
Which file contains LiveUpdate server configuration?
A. pd.conf
B. bp.conf
C. nblu.conf
D. vm.conf
Question # 13
Which capability is provided by rebasing in an MSDP storage pool?
A. garbage collection
B. integrity checking
C. backup image defragmentation
D. image deletion
Question # 14
Which command can be used to recover the NBDB from the staging location?
A. bprecover
B. bprestore
C. nbdb_restore
D. nbdb_unload
Question # 15
An administrator received previously used media. The administrator inserted the media into the library, ran a inventory, updated the volume configuration, and initiated a backup. The backup ran and froze every tape that had been recently added. Which NetBackup configuration must the administrator change to prevent this scenario from recurring?
A. assign the media to a volume pool
B. allow media overwrite
C. change the barcode tag
D. change the media ID generation rule
Question # 16
A Windows policy protects over 100 servers using the directive ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES. The backup window for this policy is a two-hour window that is unused by any other policy. When the jobs run, each server has no more than ten paths, and the overall performance of the disk storage unit is degraded. Which setting should the administrator modify to ensure only ten jobs write concurrently to the disk storage unit during the backup window?
A. set theAllow multiple data streamspolicy attribute
B. enable theLimit Jobs per policyattribute
C. set theMaximum jobs per clienthost property
D. enable multiplexing for the storage unit and set the value
Question # 17
An administrator is adding a new media server appliance to an existing NetBackup appliance master server. What is the correct sequence to configure the new appliance in the NetBackup domain?
A. configure the new media server, theconfiguration process automatically adds the new server to the master server
B. configure the new media server, then manually add the new media server to the master server’s bp.conf
C. configure the new media server, then add the new media server to the master server in the Web console underManage > Additional Servers
D. add the new media server to the master server in the Web console underManage > Additional Servers, then configure the new media server
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