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USGBC LEED-AP-BD+C Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which of the following standards needs to be followed to comply with Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Thermal Comfort?

A. ASHRAE 55-2010
B. ASHRAE 62.1-2010
C. ASHRAE 90.1-2010
D. ASHRAE 189.1-2010

Question # 2

Which of the following activities must be prohibited within a building as a prerequisite toLEED certification?

A. Burning fossil fuels
B. Smoking tobacco products
C. Preparing non-organic foods
D. Manufacturing toxic chemicals

Question # 3

Which of the following statements is correct when defining the project boundary?

A. The LEED project boundary cannot include non-contiguous land
B. The LEED project boundary cannot include more than one building
C. The land associated with the project supports typical operation
D. The gross floor area of the LEED project should be no less than 1% of the gross landarea within the LEED project boundary

Question # 4

For a task chair purchased for a healthcare facility, which portion of the product contributestoward Materials and Resources Credit, Furniture and Medical Furnishings?

A. Wheels, 4% of product by weight, that do not contain lead, mercury, cadmium orantimony
B. Fabric, 5% of product by weight, with stain resistant treatment containing PerfluorinatedCompounds (PFCs)
C. Metal base, 20% of product by weight, which do not contain heavy metals and is notplated with hexavalent chromium
D. Plastic armrests, 30% of product by weight, with added antimicrobial treatment

Question # 5

Which of the following would be most useful to a school project that is attempting to pursueWater Efficiency Credit, Indoor Water Use Reduction?

A. A standard garbage disposal
B. Electronic submeter at the domestic water supply pipe to the building
C. An open-loop HVAC system that discharges potable cooling water to a nearby lake
D. Commercial dishwasher that is ENERGY STAR® labeled or performance equivalent

Question # 6

Which one of the following represents quality transit service as defined in Location andTransportation Credit, Access to Quality Transit?

A. A bus stop served by two bus lines Monday through Friday, located 1/8 mi. (0.20 km)from the project building
B. A rail station served by one train line Monday through Sunday, located 1/2 mi. (0.80 km)from the project building
C. A rail station served by two train lines Monday through Sunday, located 1 mi. (1.60 km)from the project building
D. A private shuttle bus stop providing hourly service Monday through Friday to a railstation two hours away, located across the street from the project building

Question # 7

What standard should an engineer use when establishing minimum ventilation rates for anew mechanically ventilated space to earn Indoor Environmental Quality, Minimum IndoorAir Quality Performance?

A. Local building code
B. ASHRAE 62.1-2010
C. International Mechanical Code 2012
D. The ventilation code requiring the greatest volume of outside air

Question # 8

In the calculations for Water Efficiency Credit, Outdoor Water Use Reduction, food gardens

A. must be calculated using at least 20% from an alternative water source
B. must be calculated using 100% potable water
C. may be included or excluded from the calculations
D. may be calculated using a standard 20% reduction from baseline

Question # 9

Plug-in task lighting will be utilized in a LEED project at all workstations. The task lighting isnot included in the installed lighting power calculations for Energy and AtmospherePrerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance since

A. it is being covered by Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Interior Lighting, Option 1.Lighting Control
B. it is specifically exempted by ASHRAE
C. it will be installed by the owner
D. the lamp wattage has not been determined

Question # 10

Which of the following project team members should be integrated early into the designphase to assist with earning the Materials and Resources Prerequisite, Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning?

A. Owner
B. Contractor
C. Occupants
D. Facility manager

Question # 11

A Healthcare Project is constructing a new building adjacent to an existing LEED Certifiedhospital facility. The new building's location is on the same hospital campus as the certifiedfacility. The entire hospital campus was analyzed with an Environmental Site Assessment(ESA) as part of the certified facility's project scope. The new building project needs tocomplete a new Phase I ESA if

A. the Phase II ESA uncovers suspected contaminationReferences:Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction v4 – Pages 81-821LEED v4: Building Design + Construction Guide - U.S. Green Building Council2
B. contamination was identified by the certified facility
C. the certified facility's Phase I ESA is older than 180 days
D. the local equivalent standard is more stringent than ASTM E1527-05

Question # 12

What reference standard is used to determine compliance with the Energy and AtmospherePrerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance when the whole building energy modelingoption is used?

A. ASHRAE 55-2010
B. ASHRAE 90.1-2007
C. ASHRAE 90.1-2010
D. ASHRAE 62.1-2010

Question # 13

A project's massing and site orientation can have a direct impact on which of the followingprerequisites?

A. Minimum Energy Performance
B. Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
C. Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
D. Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

Question # 14

Which item is included in the reuse calculation for Materials and Resources Credit, BuildingLife-Cycle Impact Reduction?

A. Floor decking
B. Asbestos insulation
C. Exterior glazing
D. Plumbing fixtures

Question # 15

Which of the following projects is eligible to pursue the Energy and AtmospherePrerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance, Option 2. Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE50% Advanced Energy Design Guide?

A. 50,000 ft2 (4 645 m2) office project
B. 80,000 ft2 (7 432 m2) hospital project
C. 110,000 ft2 (10 219 m2) school project
D. 140,000 ft2 (13 006 m2) retail project

Question # 16

Which of these is a method to assess the regional context of a building's design forsustainability?

A. Conducting a site analysis
B. Consulting with neighbors
C. Improving a design threshold
D. Performing an energy analysis of the building

Question # 17

A design team pursuing LEED for a new office building project calculated that with thewater fixtures specified for the project, a 24% water reduction can be achieved comparedto the LEED baseline. What does this mean to the team in terms of pursuing LEED?

A. The project cannot pursue LEED
B. The project may pursue Water Efficiency Credit, Indoor Water Use Reduction
C. The project does not meet Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Indoor Water Use Reduction,but can make up the points elsewhere in the rating system
D. The project can meet the Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Indoor Water Use Reduction,but cannot earn any points under Water Efficiency Credit, Indoor Water Use Reduction

Question # 18

What stage of LEED for Neighborhood Development certification listed below is eligible forpoints under Building Design and Construction: New Construction, Location andTransportation Credit, LEED for Neighborhood Development Location?

A. LEED v4, LEED for Neighborhood Development Conditional Approval
B. LEED for Neighborhood Development Pilot, Stage 3 LEED for NeighborhoodDevelopment Certified Project
C. LEED for Neighborhood Development Pilot, Stage 1 LEED for NeighborhoodDevelopment Pre-reviewed Plan
D. LEED 2009, Stage 1 Conditional Approval of LEED for Neighborhood Development Plan

Question # 19

Which of the following contributes to the value of the commissioning process?

A. Ensuring that the project budgetary goal is met
B. Verifying that the building systems perform as intended
C. Verifying that the building water fixtures are installed properly
D. Ensuring that the project is delivered to meet the permitting requirements

Question # 20

A project team seeking certification for a new school is attempting to achieve Materials andResources Credit, Construction and Demolition Waste Management, Option 2. Reductionof Total Waste Material. What strategy can be taken to meet the requirements of thiscredit?

A. Track waste materials per occupant
B. Track waste materials used on site
C. Document total waste by project cost
D. Document total waste per building floor area
Answer: DExplanation: The correct answer is D. Document total waste per building floor area.According to the LEED v4.1 Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction, Option2 of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management credit requires projects to reducethe total construction waste generated by the project to less than 12.2 kilograms per squaremeter (2.5 pounds per square foot) of the building’s floor area1. This option rewardsprojects for implementing waste prevention strategies, such as designing for materialoptimization, prefabrication, modular construction, deconstruction, and reuse1. To meet therequirements of this option, projects must document the total weight or volume of allconstruction waste generated by the project, excluding land-clearing debris and excavatedsoil, and divide it by the building’s floor area1. Projects must also provide a narrative

Question # 21

When considering the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Thermal Comfort, what is theminimum percentage of building occupants that must have individual comfort controls?

A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%

Question # 22

Which of the following Water Efficiency credits differ between LEED Building Design andConstruction: New Construction and LEED Building Design and Construction: Healthcare?

A. LEED Building Design and Construction: Healthcare has no Water Efficiency Credit,Cooling Tower Water Use
B. LEED Building Design and Construction: New Construction has no Water EfficiencyCredit, Cooling Tower Water Use
C. LEED Building Design and Construction: Healthcare has additional appliance andprocess water requirements in Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Indoor Water Use Reduction
D. LEED Building Design and Construction: New Construction has additional appliance andprocess water requirements in Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Indoor Water Use Reduction

Question # 23

Which of the following must be included in the Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Assessment?

A. A targeted Brownfield remedy plan
B. Historic preservation plan to include neighboring properties
C. Proximity of vulnerable populations to major sources of air pollution
D. The surrounding density within a 1/4 mi. (0.40 km) radius of the project boundary

Question # 24

Which energy efficient lamp type is free from mercury?

A. Compact Fluorescent
B. High Pressure Sodium
C. Light Emitting Diode
D. T-8 Fluorescent

Question # 25

A new five-story building with a 30,000 ft2 (2 800 m2) footprint is being designed on a previously disturbed100,000 ft2 (9 290 m2) site. The remaining on-grade surface will be35,000 ft2 (3 250 m2) of asphalt parking, and 35,000 ft2 (3 250 m2) of native vegetatedopen space. To achieve a point for exemplary performance under Option 1 of SustainableSites Credit, Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat, the design team will have toincorporate a native and/or adapted vegetated roof with a minimum area of

A. 12,500 ft2 (1 160 m2)
B. 15,000 ft2 (1 400 m2)
C. 25,000 ft2 (2 300 m2)
D. 35,000 ft2 (3 250 m2)

Question # 26

The WaterSense label or local equivalent requirement in Water Efficiency Prerequisite,Indoor Water Use Reduction ensures that eligible newly installed plumbing fixtures will

A. be advertised as LEED compliant
B. be both water efficient and high performing
C. comply with mandatory federal government regulations
D. comply with all international plumbing system requirements

Question # 27

Which of the following could be considered diverted construction waste?

A. Excavated soil
B. Land-clearing debris
C. Alternative daily cover
D. Asphalt with aggregate

Question # 28

What is a benefit of including the public in a charrette for a new school before the predesignphase?

A. Neighbors can plan for future construction
B. It will help streamline the permitting process
C. Potential partnerships with the community can be revealed
D. The owner can determine financial strategies based on the public's input

Question # 29

A school wants to incorporate natural daylighting in classrooms on all sides of the building.What can the project design team explain to the school district about how this strategy willaffect the operational energy cost?

A. Heat gain will reduce the air conditioning load
B. Having the lights off reduces the electricity use
C. Reduction in lighting fixture use reduces re-lamping
D. There would be passive solar heating benefits to all of the classrooms

Question # 30

During the early stages of a LEED for Schools project, the team was able to reduce thenumber of lighting fixtures in classrooms by 25% because the project team selected paintcolor whose light reflectance value was 75% instead of the initially proposed 64% value.This strategy is an example of applying which of the following credits to the project?

A. Innovation Credit, Innovation
B. Integrative Process Credit
C. Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Interior Lighting, Option 1. Lighting Control
D. Materials and Resources Credit, Interiors Life-Cycle Impact Reduction

Question # 31

Which of the following strategies is allowed under Energy Atmosphere Credit, RenewableEnergy Production, and will help a project achieve Energy Atmosphere Credit, OptimizeEnergy Performance?

A. Install an on-site photovoltaic array
B. Purchase Green-e certified carbon offsets
C. Purchase Green-e certified Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
D. Install a ground-source heat pump

Question # 32

Which of the following is required when documenting a LEED Pilot credit?

A. Compliance letter
B. LEED AP approval
C. Innovation narrative
D. Pilot Credit registration

Question # 33

A newly constructed school has installed solar thermal systems and wind turbines on site.To achieve the maximum number of Energy and Atmosphere points, which team membersmust be included?

A. Energy Modeler and Contractor
B. Construction Manager and Energy Modeler
C. Energy Modeler and Commissioning (Cx) Agent
D. Commissioning (Cx) Agent and Facilities Manager

Question # 34

What is the minimum number of members of the integrated project team for the IntegrativeProcess Prerequisite, Integrative Project Planning and Design?

A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Six

Question # 35

When the LEED AP is applying the Integrative Process to a Building Design andConstruction project, which of the following information is required to be present in theOwner's Project Requirements (OPR)?

A. All applicable codes and standards
B. Interior finishes related to the project
C. All project team members and applicable roles
D. Energy efficiency goals and training requirements

Question # 36

Which of the following buildings meets the Minimum Program Requirements for LEEDcertification?

A. A 1,500 ft2 (139 m2) Tourism Center located on a previously undeveloped one-acre site
B. A 20,000 ft2 (1 859 m2) Transit Parking Garage located on a previously developed fiveacresite
C. A 2,500 ft2 (232 m2) mobile Health Clinic located on a previously constructed abovewaterdock
D. A 5,000 ft2 (465 m2) Science Education center on an above-water pier that is being builtspecifically for the Education center

Question # 37

The LEED project has a main entrance and two service entrances in an alley behind thebuilding. Which entrances need non-smoking signage and at what maximum distance fromthe door(s) can the non-smoking signage be posted?

A. At the main entrance, 10 ft. (3 m) from the door
B. At the main entrance, 25 ft. (7.5 m) from the door
C. At the main entrance and the two service entrances, 10 ft. (3 m) from the doors
D. At the main entrance and the two service entrances, 25 ft. (7.5 m) from the doors

Question # 38

A new commercial building is being designed to use small capacity air handling units. Tomeet the requirements of the Carbon Dioxide Monitoring strategy in the IndoorEnvironmental Quality Credit, Enhanced Indoor EnvironmentalQuality Strategies, where would CO2 monitors need to be located?

A. In each occupied space
B. In each densely occupied space
C. In each occupied space and outdoors
D. In each occupied space over 500 ft2 (46 m2)

Question # 39

Which approach will contribute to maintaining compliance with Sustainable Sites Credit,Rainwater Management?

A. Installing bioretention area
B. Installing on-site renewable power generation facility
C. Substituting impervious surface area with high-albedo paving materials
D. Increase artificial turf on the roof

Question # 40

A new school with a 20 car parking lot has set aside four preferred parking spaces forgreen vehicles. What else must the project team provide to achieve Location andTransportation Credit, Green Vehicles?

A. Nothing; the project team has met the credit requirements
B. Provide secure bike racks for 5% of the building occupants
C. Provide an additional parking space for a low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicle
D. Provide qualifying electrical vehicle supply equipment in 2% of all parking spaces

Question # 41

Which strategy should be employed to improve daylighting when designing a new building?

A. Increase the building depth
B. Increase the number of skylights
C. Increase the height of interior partitions
D. Decrease the number of exterior light shelves

Question # 42

What phase of the integrative process gives the team the greatest chance of success inmeeting the project's environmental goals cost-effectively?

A. Design
B. Discovery
C. Operations
D. Construction

Question # 43

Which of the following strategies would be considered an acceptable minor improvementwithin the wetland buffer for Location and Transportation Credit, Sensitive Land Protection?

A. Build a two-story fitness facility
B. Change the grade to install a security fence
C. Provide a vehicular access drive that is less than 16 ft. (5 m) in width
D. Remove trees that are less than 6 inches (15.24 cm) diameter at breast height

Question # 44

The owner has stated a desire to provide a variety of non-automobile commuting optionsfor the future occupants.What credits should the LEED AP suggest to meet this goal?

A. Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Reduction and Location and Transportation Credit,Bicycle Facilities
B. Location and Transportation Credit, Access to Quality Transit and Location andTransportation Credit, Sensitive Land Protection
C. Location and Transportation Credit, Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses andSustainable Sites Credit, Open Space
D. Location and Transportation Credit, Reduced Parking Footprint and Location andTransportation Credit, Access to Quality Transit

Question # 45

A LEED Building Design and Construction project includes an outdoor stage for theatricalperformances. In pursuit of Sustainable Sites Credit, Light Pollution Reduction the engineerhas specified an LED fixture to illuminate actors on the stage while limiting light pollution.Which of the following suggestions should the LEED AP give to the project owner?

A. Modify the design to enclose the performance areas
B. Calculate the return on investment over the 20-year life of the project
C. Compare the energy consumption against an alternative
D. Inform the owner that the LED fixture is exempt from Sustainable Sites Credit, LightPollution Reduction

Question # 46

A design team is pursuing Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Indoor Air QualityAssessment. The building is 1,000 ft2 (93 m2) and has a 10 ft. (3 m) ceiling height. In orderto earn the credit, what is the required volume ofsupply air for the entire building flush-out?

A. 3,500,000 ft3 (99 108 m3)
B. 10,000,000 ft3 (283 168 m3)
C. 14,000,000 ft3 (396 435 m3)
D. 35,000,000 ft3 (991 089 m3)

Question # 47

For Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Advanced Energy Metering, what is the minimumamount of time that the metering system should store data?

A. 6 months
B. 12 months
C. 24 months
D. 36 months

Question # 48

A luxury hotel project is in the design phase and is located on a scenic waterfront. It is onepoint away from attaining LEED Platinum certification. The LEED AP is recommending thatthe team pursue Innovation Credit, Innovation, Option 3. Additional Strategies. Which of thefollowing credits would be desirable considering the location of the project?

A. Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance, Exemplary Performance
B. Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Quality Views, Exemplary Performance
C. Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Acoustic Performance, Exemplary Performance
D. Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Enhanced Commissioning, Exemplary Performance

Question # 49

At the time of registering a project in LEED Online, Regional Priority credits are determinedbased upon the project's

A. environmental zone
B. longitude and latitude
C. ASHRAE 90.1 - 2010 climate zone
D. Environmental Protection Agency Phase I Assessment

Question # 50

The maximum number of points for Water Efficiency Credit, Cooling Tower Water Use canbe obtained by

A. utilizing a once-through system without recirculation
B. limiting cooling tower make-up to 50% of a potable source
C. conducting a one-time potable water analysis to determine acceptable non-potablesources
D. achieving a minimum of 10 cooling tower cycles by increasing the level of make-upwater treatment

Question # 51

The project landscape architect suggests reducing the area planned for surface parkingand replacing it with additional vegetated space. What benefit would this strategy provide tothe owner?

A. Increases the rainwater infiltration capacity
B. Decreases the amount of bicycle parking that must be provided
C. Increases the overall SR (solar reflectance) of the hardscape area
D. Decreases the required amount of on-street parking that must be provided

Question # 52

In addition to Materials and Resources Credit, Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction, Option3. Building and Materials Reuse, salvaged materials contribute to the achievement of

A. Materials and Resources Prerequisite, Storage and Collection of Recyclables
B. Materials and Resources Credit, Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - MaterialIngredients
C. Materials and Resources Credit, Construction and Demolition Waste Management
D. Materials and Resources Credit, Building Product Disclosure and Optimization -Environmental Product Declarations

Question # 53

A building owner is considering the installation of a solar thermal panel on the roof of thebuilding. The initial cost of the system is higher than a conventional natural gas system.Which of the following is true to make the renewable energy option economically feasible?

A. Utility cost savings over the lifetime of the system must offset the higher initial cost
B. Higher initial cost must exceed the cost of the utility over the lifetime of the system
C. Higher initial cost must exceed the savings on the utility cost over the lifetime of thesystem
D. Utility cost savings over the lifetime of the system must be lower than the higher initialcost of the system

Question # 54

Discussing the project goals to help identify the credits and options that the team shouldattempt is an example of

A. documenting LEED credits
B. creating the Basis of Design (BOD)
C. developing the LEED Scorecard
D. implementing the Commissioning (Cx) Plan

Question # 55

Which of the following is a leadership extraction practice that rewards projects for choosingmaterials with closed-loop recycling and take-back programs in LEED?

A. Material reuse
B. Bio-based elements
C. Extended producer responsibility
D. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) wood products

Question # 56

A project has a potable water source as well as two alternative water sources. Which of thefollowing statements is applicable for a project using two alternative water sources?

A. A project may not use two alternative water sources
B. Target the uses that require the least treatment first
C. Match uses by location: indoor sources to indoor uses, outdoor sources to outdoor uses
D. All alternative water sources should be treated to potable water standards

Question # 57

Which of the following innovation proposals is most likely to be successful to achieve anInnovation Credit?

A. Providing an educational program on the environmental and human health benefits ofgreen building practices
B. Including locked, indoor bicycle storage for 100% of project occupants
C. Being located next to a 20 mi. (32 km) award-winning bicycle trail
D. Distributing leaflets to project occupants about available public transit services nearby

Question # 58

Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Assessment requires evaluation of

A. soils, archeology, hydrology
B. topography, hydrology, human use
C. vegetation, topography, archaeology
D. human health effects, climate, land value

Question # 59

A LEED AP submitted a Preliminary Design and Construction review and has received areview comment and technical advice on Materials and Resources Prerequisite,Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning. Which of the following actionsshould the LEED AP do if the project continues to pursue LEED certification?

A. Revise the documentation and resubmit the form
B. Abandon meeting this prerequisite
C. Submit an appeal to Green Business Certification Inc.
D. Ask the General Contractor to be more aggressive with recycling goals

Question # 60

When using the Integrative Process, what is the best way for the LEED AP to assess theimpact of indoor and outdoor water consumption in a Building Design and Constructionproject?

A. Perform a preliminary water budget analysis before the completion of schematic design
B. Install permanent metering on both the water sources and the waste water leaving thesite
C. At the completion of schematic design, count the fixtures and apply the maximum flowrate
D. Estimate consumption by using 20 gal. per day (76 I per day) for each Full TimeEquivalent (FTE) scheduled to occupy the building

Question # 61

Which of the following strategies can be used to reduce the internal load of a building?

A. Decreasing lighting power
B. Oversize the HVAC systems
C. Install low reflective exterior facade
D. Increase the insulating value of the glazing and window frame system

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