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The Open Group OG0-092 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

ScenarioPlease read this scenario prior to answering the questionYou are serving as the Lead Architect for the Enterprise Architecture team at amultinational company. The company has grown rapidly by acquisition and has inheritednumerous supply chain processes and related IT systems. Several supply chain processeshave had problems related to the timing of purchases, which has led to excess inventory.The Vice President in charge of Supply Chain Management has made the decision toconsolidate and reduce redundant processes and systems. The company will move to a"Just-in-time" supply chain management so as to keep inventory costs low.The TOGAF standard is followed for internal Enterprise Architecture activities. This projectis using an iterative approach for executing the Architecture Development Method (ADM).At present, there are no architectural assets in the Architecture Repository related to thisinitiative. All assets will need to be acquired, customized, or created. The company prefersto implement commercial off the shelf package applications with little customization. TheCIO, who is the project sponsor, has stated that she is not concerned about preserving theexisting supply chain management processes or systems.The architecture development project has completed Phase A and has started a number ofiteration cycles to develop the Architecture. As a packaged application is being considered,the next iteration will include both the Business and Application Architectures. Keystakeholder concerns that should be addressed by these architectures include:1. What groups of people should be involved in the supply chain management-relatedbusiness processes?2. What non-supply chain management applications will need to be integrated with any newsupply chain management applications?3. What data will need to be shared?Refer to the Scenario[Note: You may need to refer to the Architectural Artifacts chapter, section 31.6 (located inPart IV) of the reference text in order to answer this question.]You have been asked to identify the most appropriate catalogs matrices and diagrams tosupport the next iteration of Architecture development.Based on the TOGAF standard, which of the following is the best answer?

A. You would describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Business Service/function catalog, an Organization/Actor catalog, and a Data Entity/Business Function matrix. You would describe the Baseline Data Architecture using a Data Entity/Data Component catalog. You would describe the Baseline Application Architecture with an Application/Function matrix. 
B. In the next iteration of Architecture development, you would describe the Target Business Architecture with an Organization/Actor catalog, a Business Service/Function catalog, and Data Lifecycle diagrams. You would describe the Target Application Architecture with a Data Entity/Data Component catalog. You would describe the Target Application Architecture with an Application Interaction matrix and Application Communication diagrams.
C. You would describe the Target Business Architecture with a Business Service/Function catalog, and a Business Interaction matrix. You would describe the Target Data Architecture with a Data Entity/Business Function matrix and an Application/Data matrix. You would describe the Target Application Architecture with Application Communication diagrams and an Application Interaction matrix. 
D. In the next iteration of Architecture development, you would describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Value Chain diagram, and a Baseline Business Process catalog. You would describe the Baseline Data Architecture with a Data diagram. You would describe the Baseline Application Architecture with an Environments and Locations diagram. 

Question # 2

Scenario: Global Mobile 1Please read this scenario prior to answering the questionGlobal Mobile is a mobile telecommunications company formed through a series ofmergers and acquisitions. They are yet to fully integrate the customer service systems forthe most recent acquisitions, and as result, customer service has been a major concern forthe Chief Technology Officer.Results for the last two quarters have shown that Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) andthe customer retention (Churn) rate have fallen below the industry average. The CorporateMarketing group has published some new findings about customer satisfaction. Thecustomers appear to be switching to Air Light, a competitor, because of superior customerservice. Global Mobile actually has better coverage in nearly all markets than Air Light, andgood roaming agreements that keep rates low for business travelers. But, customersatisfaction has remained low.The Business Strategy group and the Enterprise Architecture group have conducted ahigh-level project to develop the enterprise-wide strategic plan. They have developed abusiness scenario which contains a good conceptual model of what needs to be done, andalso identifies the key requirements. This was used in preparing the proposal presented tothe Executive Council and the Corporate Board.The planning for the program has been underway for several months. Global Mobile hasselected TOGAF 9 as the basis for its Enterprise Architecture.The Corporate Board has approved funding for a multi-million Euro conversion to transitionto a packaged Customer Service System. It is anticipated that the overall program will takefive years to complete, but there are some tactical projects that can commenceimmediately to address the situation. The Corporate Board has placed one additional majorconstraint on the program. In addition to achieving the business outcomes directly relatedto improving overall customer service within each business unit, the Corporate Boardexpects the Target Architecture to produce an additional saving of at least 30% overcurrent operating costs through energy efficiency initiatives, virtualization of servers andworkstations, and expanded telecommuting and desk-sharing. This Green initiative isintended to become a model for future investments at all company facilities worldwide.Refer to Global Mobile scenarioYou have been engaged as a consultant to advise the Chief Architect on the best ways toapproach to the implementation planning activities for this significant businesstransformation.Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer? (Is this the right answers tochoose?)

A. You recommend using conventional implementation planning techniques. The horizontal scope of the Green initiative would make the Capability-Based Planning approach used in the organization's TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture framework difficult to manage and govern. This approach to planning was better applied within the vertical scope of a business unit. 
B. You recommend that the implementation planning activities be conducted using Capability-Based Planning. This is appropriate because the Green initiative is an enterprise-wide plan with a horizontal scope. Its metrics are aggregated at the enterprise level. It is crucial to gain business unit support and cooperation to achieve the broader business outcomes which will benefit all. 
C. The Capability-Based Planning approach used in the organization's TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture framework is focused on business outcomes. The Green initiative is an infrastructure program that is technical in nature; therefore, it would not be appropriate to use the Capability-Based Planning approach. Instead, the Global Mobile systems development lifecycle approach should be utilized to develop the Solution Architecture. 
D. You recommend using conventional implementation planning techniques. The Capability-Based Planning approach is normally only used in public sector, defense-related programs. This approach is not appropriate for a private sector company

Question # 3

ScenarioPlease read this scenario prior to answering the questionYour role is that of a consultant to the Lead Enterprise Architect in a company thatdevelops photovoltaic technologies for use in large-scale solar power farms. The companyhas three manufacturing facilities, two in the United States, and one in Southern France.Each of these facilities supplies a different manufacturer that assembles and sells completesystems. The solar panels and photovoltaic arrays are custom engineered to meet eachmanufacturer's design specifications.A challenge that the solar power industry has faced is the efficiency of energy conversion.When a conventional solar panel overheats, it becomes inefficient and generates lessenergy. In response to this, the research arm of the company has pioneered thedevelopment of a new solar panel design that will produce up to 50% more energy thanstandard solar panels when operating at elevated temperatures. This will allow theproduction of significantly more useable energy per square meter than from standard solartechnology. This new design is ready to go into production.The company has a mature Enterprise Architecture practice that is supported by a crossfunctional Architecture Board. TOGAF 9 is used for developing the automatedmanufacturing process and systems used to design, manufacture and test the solar powertechnologies they produce. The Chief Information Officer and the Chief Operating Officerco-sponsor the Enterprise Architecture program.As part of putting the new solar panel design into production, a pilot architecture project ata single location has defined an updated standard approach for controlling the automatedtest systems used to perform final quality assurance. The Chief Engineer, sponsor of theactivity, and the Architecture Board have approved the plan for immediate implementationat each plant.Architecture Contracts have been developed that detail the work needed to implement anddeploy the new automated test system controller for each location. The Chief Engineer hasexpressed concern that a uniform process be employed at each location to ensureconsistency and high yields.Refer to the ScenarioThe Lead Enterprise Architect has asked you to recommend the best approach to addressthe Chief Engineer's concern.Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer?

A. You review the applicable Architecture Contract for each location, ensuring that it addresses the project objectives, effectiveness metrics, acceptance criteria, and risk management. In cases where the contract is issued to an external party, you ensure that it is a legally enforceable contract.You schedule compliance reviews at key points in the implementation process to ensure that the work is proceeding in accordance with the Architecture Definition. You ensure that the Architecture Board reviews all deviations from the Architecture Contract, and considers whether or not to grant a dispensation to allow the implementation organization to customize the process to meet their local needs. 
B. You create an Architecture Contract to manage and govern the implementation and migration process at each location. For internal development projects, you issue a memorandum of understanding between the Architecture Board and the implementation organization. For contracts issued to an external party, you ensure that it is a fully enforceable legal contract.You ensure that the Architecture Board reviews all deviations from the Architecture Contract, and considers whether or not to grant a dispensation to allow the implementation organization to customize the process to meet their local needs. 
C. You create an Architecture Contract to manage and govern the implementation and migration process. If the contract is issued to an external party, you ensure that it is a fully enforceable legal contract. For internal development projects, you decide it is adequate to utilize a memorandum of understanding between the Architecture Board and the implementation organization.You recommend that if a deviation from the Architecture Contract is detected, the Architecture Board grant a dispensation to allow the implementation organization the ability to customize the process to meet their local needs. 
D. You use the Architecture Contracts to manage the architecture governance processes for the project across the locations. You deploy monitoring tools to assess the performance of each completed solar panel assembly at each location and develop change requirements if necessary.You recommend that if a deviation from the contract is detected, the Architecture Board should modify the Architecture Contract to allow the implementation organization the ability to customize the process to meet their local needs. As a result, you then issue a new Request for Architecture Work to implement the modified Architecture Definition. 

Question # 4

Please read this scenario prior to answering the question You are serving as the Lead Architect for a chain of convenience stores, which has over 2000 retail outlets throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The stores operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and use the latest cloud-based point-of-sale (POS) technology to manage their sales and inventory. Cloud-based POS systems store all user data, including sales and inventory in a remote server.The cloud-based systems collect real-time data to support ordering and product selectiondecisions including the tailoring of product assortment based on sales history, customerdemographics as well as the next day’s weather forecast. In many cases, several storesare located in neighboring areas. This strategy makes distribution to each store cheaper,as well as making multiple deliveries per day possible. The stores also act as self-servicedelivery locations for a large online retailer which further increases the number of potentialcustomers entering the stores.An Enterprise Architecture practice exists within the company, with the CEO and CIO asjoint sponsors. They have decided to adopt TOGAF 9 within the practice and the firstproject is to restructure the Enterprise Architecture so that it can better support the existingenvironment and accommodate future changes of strategy within the company.The CIO has stated that the following issues also need to be addressed in therestructuring:- They need to address problems with data quality and inconsistent data in order to supportbetter decision making and analysis.- The architecture should focus on the needs of the business, not technology.- To remain competitive, new products and promotions must undergo market trials beforedeployment across the retail chain. Information systems must be able to manage changesand updates without undue delays.Refer to the Scenario[Note: You should assume that the company has adopted the example set of principles thatare listed and defined in TOGAF, Section 23.6. You may need to refer to Chapter 23 of thereference text in order to answer this question.]You have been asked to identify the most relevant architecture principles for the currentsituation.Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer? [Note: The ordering of theprinciples listed in each answer is not significant.] 

A. Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise, Data Trustee, Data is an Asset, Responsive Change Management, Interoperability. 
B. Requirements Based Change, Responsive Change Management, Data Trustee, Common Vocabulary and Data Definitions, Business Continuity.
C. IT Responsibility, Data security, Ease of Use, Service Orientation, Common Use Applications.
D. Data is Accessible, Data is shared, Interoperability, Requirements Based Change, Control Technical Diversity. 

Question # 5

ScenarioPlease read this scenario prior to answering the questionYou have been assigned the role of Lead Enterprise Architect for a firm that is a majorOEM parts supplier to the auto industry. Europe has been the primary market for itsproducts, with just 20% of its output being exported to North America. The firm is planningto expand its exports to North America and also to establish sales in South America andthe Asia Pacific region. This will enable them to better ride out recessions in key marketssuch as Europe. It will also enable the firm to exploit the auto industry move to globalplatforms.The firm is organized into business units with each addressing different auto industrysectors. Each business unit has acquired other procedures to expand its manufacturingcapacity. This has resulted and manufacturing systems.The Enterprise Architecture (EA) program within the firm has been functioning for severalyears. It has made significant progress in consolidating the technology portfolio andestablishing key standards. The CIO and the COO are joint sponsors of the EA program.The EA program is mature, with an Active Architecture Board and a well-definedarchitecture process and standard content templates based on the TOGAF ArchitectureContent Framework. The EA program is well coordinated with Project Management Office,Systems Development, and Operations functions.The firm has completed a strategic plan to reorganize its Sales & Marketing organizationaccording to the target geographic markets. One of the goals of this reorganization is toimprove the ability of Marketing to collect more meaningful market analytics that will enableeach sector to better address market needs with effective marketing campaigns and globalproduct presence.A Request for Architecture Work to address the goals of the reorganization has beenapproved. As the architecture team commences its work, the CIO has expressed concernsabout whether the firm will be able to adapt to the proposed change and how to managethe associated risks.Refer to the ScenarioYou have been asked how to address the concerns of the CIO.Based on the TOGAF standard, which of the following is the best answer?

A. In Phase A, the team should analyze their risk by completing an Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix to identify the particular risks associated with the implementation and deployment. The matrix should include a list of factors to be considered, their descriptions, and constraints that should be taken into account. These factors can then be used to assess the initial risks associated with the proposed project. 
B. In Phase B, the team should create a set of views that will enable them to identify the factors that will influence the successful reorganization. There should then be an assessment of each factor on a maturity scale that will allow the team to gauge the urgency, readiness, and degree of difficulty to fix. These factors can then be used to assess the initial risks associated with the proposed project. 
C. In Phase A, the team should conduct a Business Scenario to describe the business problem, identify the stakeholders' and the resulting retirements. Once the requirements have been identified, they can be assessed in terms of their risks. The risks should be evaluated in terms of how they could be avoided, transferred, or mitigated. Any risks that cannot be resolved should be identified as residual risks and their disposition should be decided by the Architecture Board. 
D. In Phase A, the team should evaluate the organization’s readiness to undergo change. This will identify the factors that will influence the reorganization. This should include a maturity scale that will allow the team to gauge the urgency, readiness, and degree of difficulty to fix. These factors can then be used to assess the initial risks associated with the proposed project. 

Question # 6

Your role is that of Lead Enterprise Architect for a chain of convenience stores. The chainincludes over 15,000 retail outlets throughout the Asia-Pacific region.Each store in the chain is an independently owned and operated franchise. The storesoperate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Many of the stores have been wirh thefranchise for more than 10 years and still use the original IT systems deployed at that time.The CEO of the chain has stated his concerns about the inefficiencies of the currentsystems and identified the need to change. He has defined a new strategic vision that willenhance the business by providing its franchisees new services to help them complete withother retail outlets and online retailers. This strategy is part of the long-term commitment toenhance the brand image and increase revenue for the chain. He has also stated that heexpects improved financial results by the end of the current fiscal year.The changes will help provide the chain with improved products, and more efficientoperations. The stores will also act as delivery and return locations for a large onlineretailer which will further increase the number of potential customers. The addition of acorporate-wide data warehouse will provide analytics that will enable the marketing groupto improve its ability to target advertising and new products to specific regions.The chain has a mature Enterprise Architecture practice based in its headquarters anduses the TOGAF standard as the method and guiding framework. The CIO is the sponsorof the activity.The Chief Architect engaged the services of a leading consulting firm that specializes inbusiness strategy. An initial study has been conducted to identify the strategic changesneeded to implement the CEO's vision. This recently completed with approval of a strategicarchitecture encompassing the entire chin, including detailed requirements andrecommendations.Based on the recommendations from the initial study, the decision for the chain to adopt apackegd suite of integrated applications that is tailored to the needs of the franchise hasbeen taken.You have been asked by the Chief Architect to propose the best approach for architecturedevelopment to realize the CEO's vision.Based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 which of the following is the best answer?

A. You proposed that the target architecture is defined first, followed by transition planning. This is because the vision is well understood and the strategic architecture agreed. The target first approach will ensure that the current problems and inefficiencies of the baseline architecture are not carried forward, and the baseline architecture are not carried forward, and that the proposed solution addresses the requirements identified in the initial study.  
B. You propose that his engagement define the baseline architecture first in order to assess the current infrastructure capcity and capability. The initial priority is to understand the problem. Then the focus should be on transition planning and architecture deployment. This will identify requirements to ensure that the prjects are sequenced in an optimal fashion so as to realize the vision. 
C. You propose that the team focus on defining the target architecture by going through the architecture definition phases (B-D). This is because the initial study identified the need to change. This will ensure that the change can be defined in a structured manner and address the requirements needed to realize the vision. 
D. You propose that the team focus on architecture definition with a specific emphasis on understanding the strategic change parameters of the business strategy. Once understood, the team will be in the best position to identify the requirements, drivers, issues, and constraints for this engagement. You would ensure that the target architecture addresses non-functional requirements so as to ensure the target architecture is robust and secure.  

Question # 7

TP Banking is a strong financial institute with a well-known acquisition history with an internal IT department managing over 100 projects related to infrastructure and services.The CIO has decided to create an Enterprise Architecture based on TOGAF 9 as reaction to the difficult market conditions. An Architecture Vision and a set of domain architectures were approved. The CIO is asking you (the Lead Architect) to define an Implementation and Migration Plan that realizes the vision already agreed with the stakeholders involved.Refer to the scenario above You are leading a group of domain architects and you are working with the corporate PMO, the business strategy team and service operations. You are meeting the stakeholders to clarify how you want to proceed with the Implementation and Migration Plan. Choose one of the following answers

A. You propose to start collecting the existing deliverables describing the different domains in order to enable the Enterprise Architecture tram to integrate them with the support of the operation management. Every domain architect will then evaluate the impact on the projects already planned for the domain. The single revised plans will be integrated together and consolidated into a strategic implementation and migration strategy defining an IT roadmap. 
B. You communicate the need for urgency. The projects already planned will be cancelled and the implementation of the new architecture vision will be set as first priority. A set of new projects will be defined to implement the new strategy. You will use the requirements from Phases B through D and define new projects for each one of the requirements. The use of defined interoperability architecture guidelines will then enable the project teams to work together and define a set of new point-to-point interfaces. 
C. You describe the concept of Transition Architectures and clarify that the business value can be achieved by all the projects delivering their increments in a coordinated approach. Capability gaps and project dependencies are analyzed for each domain this will then enable the projects to be organized in work packages. You will then agree on the roadmap for the implementation and migration strategy meeting with all the key stakeholders. 
D. You communicate the CIO's will to transform the corporation and then that he's seeking help from the domain architects to do that. The requirements are managed in order to enable every Architect to participate to the planning that will result in a detailed list of work activities with impact on the IT portfolio of projects. A five year Target Architecture will then be defined and a report will keep track of dependencies and factors assessment. 

Question # 8

Scenario: Rollins ManufacturingPlease read this scenario prior to answering the questionRollins Manufacturing is a major supplier in the automotive industry, headquartered inCleveland, Ohio with manufacturing plants in Chicago, Sao Paulo, Stuttgart, Yokohama,and Seoul. Each of these plants has been operating its own Manufacturing RequirementsPlanning (MRPII) system, production scheduling, and custom developed applications thatdrive the automated production equipment at each plant.Rollins is implementing lean manufacturing principles to minimize waste and improve theefficiency of all of its production operations. During a recent exercise held for internalquality improvement, it was determined that a significant reduction in process waste couldbe achieved by replacing the current MRPII and scheduling systems with a commonEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system located in the Cleveland data center. Thiscentral system would provide support to each of the plants replacing the functionality in theexisting systems. It would also eliminate the need for full data centers at each of the plantfacilities. A reduced number of IT staff could support the remaining applications. In somecases, a third-party contractor could provide those staff.The Rollins Enterprise Architecture department has been operating for several years andhas mature, well-developed architecture governance and development processes that arestrongly based on TOGAF 9.At a recent meeting, the Architecture Review Board approveda Request for Architecture Work from the Chief Engineer of Global ManufacturingOperations who is the project sponsor. The request covered the initial architecturalinvestigations and the development of a comprehensive architecture to plan thetransformation.The Common ERP Deployment architecture project team has now been formed, and theproject team has been asked to develop an Architecture Vision that will achieve the desiredoutcomes and benefits. Some of the plant managers have expressed concern about thesecurity and reliability of driving their MRPII and production scheduling from a centralsystem located in Cleveland. The Chief Engineer wants to know how these concerns canbe addressed.Refer to the Rollins Manufacturing ScenarioYou are serving as the Lead Enterprise Architect for the Common ERP Deploymentarchitecture project.One of the earliest initiatives in the Enterprise Architecture program at Rollins was thedefinition of a set of IT principles and architecture principles that are well aligned with theoverall enterprise principles. These now need to be updated to address the concernsraised.You have been asked to select a set of principles most appropriate for guiding the team todefine a robust solution.[Note: You should assume that Rollins has adopted the example set of principles that arelisted and defined in TOGAF 9, Section 23.6.]Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?

A. Common-use Applications, Data is Shared, Data is Accessible, Data is Secure, Interoperability, Control Technical Diversity.
B. Business Continuity, Service-orientation, Data is Accessible, Data is Secure, Responsive Change Management. 
C. Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise, Business Continuity, Common-use Applications, Data is Shared, Data is Accessible, Data is Secure. 
D. Information Management is Everybody's Business, IT Responsibility, Data Trustee, Technology Independence, Responsive Change Management. 

Question # 9

You have been assigned the role of Chief Enterprise Architect within a leading professional services company that specializes in providing outsourcing services.The company has over 20,000 professionals and works on some of the world's largest outsourcing projects. Outsourcing services include business processes, infrastructure, and service management. The company also provides business consulting services. Roughly half of its turnover comes from the private sector and hal from the public sector.With numerous service areas and a large number of diverse engagements in progress at any given time, overall engagement management within the company has become challenging. The company has recently had a number of high profile projects that have overrun on budget and under delivered, thereby damaging its reputation and adversely impacting its share price.The company has established an Enterprise Architecture program based on the TOGAFstandard, sponsored jointly by the Chief Executive Officer and ChiefInformation Officer. An Architecture Board has been formed comprised of IT staffexecutives and executives from the major service areas and consulting practice.The Enterprise Architecture (EA) team has been working with the Strategic Planning teamto create a strategic Enterprise Architecture to address these issues.The EA team has defined a framework and held workshops with key stakeholders to definea set of architecture principles to govern the architecture work. They have completed anArchitecture Version at a strategic level and laid our Architecture Definitions for the fourdomains. They have set out an ambitious vision of the future of the company over a fiveyear period. This will include three distinct transformations.The CIO has made it clear that prior to the approval of the detailed implementation andMigration plan, the EA team will need to assess the risks associated with the proposedarchitecture. He has received concerns from some of the vice presidents across thecompany that the proposed architecture may be too ambitious and they are not sure it canproduce sufficient value to warrant the risks.You have been asked to recommend an approach to satisfy these concerns.Based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, which of the following is the best answer? 

A. Before preparing the detailed Implementation and Migration plan, the EA team should review and consolidate the gap analysis results from Phases B to D. This can be used to understand the transformations that are required to achieve the proposed Target Architecture. The EA team should then assess the readiness of the organization to undergo change. Once the architecture has been assembled, it should be analyzed using a state evolution table to determine the Transition Architectures. 
B. The EA team should apply an interoperability analysis to evaluate any potentital issues across the architecture. This should include the development of a matrix showing the interoperability requirements. Once all of the concerns have been resolved, the EA team should finalize the Architecture Roadmap and the Implementation and Migration Plan. 
C. The EA team should evaluate the organization's readiness to undergo change. This will allow the risks associated with the transformations to be identified and mitigated for. It will also identify improvement actions to be worked into the Implementaion and Migration Plan. The Business Value Assessment technique should then be used to detetmine the business value and associated risks for the transformation. 
D. The EA team should bring together information about potential solutions from the appropriate sources. Once the target architecture has been assembled, it should be analyzed using a state evolution table to determine the Transition Architectures. A value realization process should then be established to ensure that the concerns raised are addressed. 

Question # 10

Scenario:Please read this scenario prior to answering the QuestionYou are serving as the Lead Enterprise Architect at a major supplier in the automotiveindustry. The company is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio with manufacturing plantsacross the United States, Brazil, Germany, Japan and South Korea. Each of these plantshas been operating its own planning and production scheduling systems, as well as customdeveloped applications that drive the automated production equipment at each plant.The company is implementing lean manufacturing principles to minimize waste andimprove the efficiency of all of its production operations. During a recent exercise held forinternal quality improvement, it was determined that a significant reduction in processwaste could be achieved by replacing the current planning and scheduling systems with acommon Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system located in the Cleveland data center.This central system would provide support to each of the plants replacing the functionalityin the existing systems. It would also eliminate the need for full data centers at each of theplant facilities. A reduced number of IT staff could support the remaining applications. Insome cases, a third-party contractor could provide those staff.The Enterprise Architecture department has been operating for several years and hasmature, well-developed architecture governance and development processes that arestrongly based on TOGAF 9.At a recent meeting, the Architecture Board approved a Request for Architecture Worksponsored by the Chief Engineer of Global Manufacturing Operations. The request coveredthe initial architectural investigations and the development of a comprehensive architectureto plan the transformation.The Common ERP Deployment architecture project team has now been formed, and theproject team has been asked to develop an Architecture Vision that will achieve the desiredoutcomes and benefits. Some of the plant managers have expressed concern about thesecurity and reliability of diving their planning and production scheduling from a remotecentralized system. The Chief Engineer wants to know how these concerns can beaddressed.Refer to the ScenarioDuring the initial meeting of the Common ERP Deployment architecture project team, anumber of alternative recommendations for how to proceed are put forward by members of the team.You have been asked to select the most appropriate recommendation to ensure that theteam evaluates different approaches to the problem and clarifies the requirements for thearchitecture.Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?

A. The team should develop Baseline and Target Architectures for each of the manufacturing plants, ensuring that the views corresponding to selected viewpoints address key concerns of the stakeholders. A consolidated gap analysis between the architectures will then be used to validate the approach, and determine the capability increments needed to achieve the target state. 
B. The team should exercise due diligence and carefully research vendor literature and conduct a series of briefings with vendors that are on the current approved supplier list. Based on the findings from the research, the team should define a preliminary Architecture Vision. The team should then use that model to build consensus among the key stakeholders. 
C. The team should use stakeholder analysis to understand who has concerns about the initiative. The team should then hold a series of interviews at each of the manufacturing plants using the business scenario technique. This will then enable them to identify and document the key high-level stakeholder requirements for the architecture. 
D. The team should conduct a pilot project that will enable vendors on the short list to demonstrate potential solutions that will address the concerns of the stakeholders. Based on the findings of that pilot project, a complete set of retirements will be developed that will drive the evolution of the architecture. 

Question # 11

Scenario: Vittronics Ltd.Please read this scenario prior to answering the questionVittronics Ltd. is a leading medical device manufacturer in the highly competitive market forMigraine Headache Pain Management (MHPM) devices. These tiny wireless devices areimplanted in the brain and can deliver a precise electric shock when the wearable PainControl Unit (PCU) detects an increase in stress induced by the onset of a migraineheadache.This technology will be a breakthrough in the treatment of this condition, and severalcompetitors are striving to be the first to introduce a product into the market. However, all ofthem must demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of their products in a set of clinicaltrials that will satisfy the regulatory requirements of the countries in the target markets.The Enterprise Architecture group at Vittronics has been engaged in an architecturedevelopment project to create a Secure Private Immersive Collaborative Environment(SPICE) that will allow researchers at its product development laboratories worldwide toshare information about their independent clinical trials.The Vittronics Enterprise Architecture group is a mature organization that has been utilizingTOGAF for several years. They have recently upgraded to TOGAF 9. The VittronicsArchitecture Development Method (VADM) is strictly based on the TOGAF 9 ArchitectureDevelopment Method (ADM) with extensions required to support current goodmanufacturing practices and good laboratory practices in their target markets.The SPICE project team has now completed the Business, Information Systems, andTechnology Architecture phases and has produced a complete set of deliverables for eachphase. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the information that is managed in SPICE,special care was taken to ensure that each architecture domain included an examination ofthe security and privacy issues that are relevant for each domain. A corresponding SPICESecurity Architecture has been defined.The Executive Vice President for Clinical Research is the sponsor of the EnterpriseArchitecture activity. He has stated that the changes to the SPICE architecture will need tobe rolled out on a geographic basis that will minimize disruptions to ongoing clinical trials.The work will need to be done in stages and rolled out in geographical regions.Refer to the Vittronics Ltd ScenarioYou are serving as the Lead Architect for the SPICE project team.You have been asked to recommend the approach to identify the work packages that willbe included in the Transition Architecture(s).Based en TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?

A. Create an Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix and a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions and Dependencies Matrix. For each gap, identify a proposed solution and classify it as new development, purchased solution, or based on an existing product. Group similar solutions together to form work packages. Identify dependencies between work packages factoring in the clinical trial schedules. Regroup the packages into a set of Capability Increments scheduled into a series of Transition Architectures and documented in an Architecture Definition Increments Table. 
B. Determine the set of Solution Building Blocks required by identifying which Solution Building Blocks need to be developed and which need to be procured. Eliminate any duplicate building blocks. Group the remaining Solution Building Blocks together to create the work packages using a CRLO matrix. Rank the work packages in terms of cost and select the most cost-effective options for inclusion in a series of Transition Architectures. Schedule the roll out of the work packages to be sequential across the geographic regions. 
C. Use a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions and Dependencies Matrix as a planning tool. For each gap classify whether the solution is either a new development, purchased solution, or based on an existing product. Group the similar solutions together to define the work packages. Regroup the work packages into a set of Capability Increments to transition to the Target Architecture taking into account the schedule for clinical trials. 
D. Group the Solution Building Blocks from a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions and Dependencies Matrix into a set of work packages. Using the matrix as a planning tool, regroup the work packages to account for dependencies. Sequence the work packages into the Capability Increments needed to achieve the Target Architecture. Schedule the rollout one region at a time. Document the progression of the enterprise architecture using an Enterprise Architecture State Evolution table. 

Question # 12

ScenarioPlease read this scenario prior to answering the questionYour role is that of the Lead Architect working for a government agency responsible forimmigration, customs, and border control. The agency was formed by consolidating severalsmaller government agencies. The agency has established an Enterprise Architecturepractice based on TOGAF 9. The CIO is the executive sponsor and has appointed an EAsteering team to oversee the practice.There has been a considerable increase in security requirements and immigration servicerequests in recent years, which have expanded the scope and size of the operations of theagency. As a result, the existing Information Technology architecture no longer meets therequired service levels. A significant Enterprise Architecture (EA) initiative is in progresswith the goal to improve customer responsiveness and satisfaction, and improve the overalloperational efficiency of the agency.The current EA staff members were internal appointments based on a request from the EAsteering team to supply a number of suitable individuals for the EA effort. Collectively, theypossess a broad range of IT and business analysis skills. However, the CIO has expressedconcern about the diverse range of experience within the team. There is concern that theEA staff may be lacking in some of the critical skills that are required to properly conduct EA activities. It had been assumed that any EA-related skill gaps would be overcome by on-the-job mentoring from the senior members of the EA staff. Each architect was expected to attend a TOGAF training course and participate in other skill development activities. A recent review of the EA program revealed that many EA staff members, despite attending multi-day training courses, were not proficient in analyzing or creating the models and artifacts required for their assigned architecture projects. Stakeholders have observed errors and inconsistencies in artifacts and deliverables being submitted for review. Refer to the Scenario The CIO has asked you to recommend a professional development plan for the EA staff in order to address the findings raised in the recent review. Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer?

A. You recommend that a comprehensive evaluation of key team leader skills be made using the TOGAF Architecture Skills Framework. Based on the evaluations, you will recommend the necessary staff changes. This will ensure that the team leaders have the necessary skills and experience for the architecture tasks within the agency. The role and skill categories defined in the TOGAF Architecture Skills Framework should then be shared with the department leaders so that in the future, they can make more informed choices when providing internal candidates for the EA team. 
B. You recommend that an architecture maturity assessment should be conducted. This will identify the practices on which the agency should focus to see the greatest improvement and ensure that the basic enterprise architecture process is documented. As part of the assessment, all of the team leaders should be interviewed and their qualifications assessed. In order to rectify areas of low proficiency, they are expected to attend additional EA training courses. When the team leaders have achieved the desired levels of proficiency, they should apply a similar process for their staff members. 
C. You recommend that you work with the EA steering team to adapt the TOGAF Architecture Skills Framework for use within the architecture practice at the agency. The categories of architecture roles, the required skills for each role and the desired level of proficiency for each role and skill will be defined by this framework. Each team member, or prospective team member, can then be evaluated for suitability against these roles and skills. Staffing and training adjustments can then be made as necessary to close gaps that are discovered. 
D. You recommend that to address the issues identified in the review, the experienced team leaders should mentor the junior team members. At the same time additional training should be provided. Since it is now known that some models are improperly defined and may have caused cascading errors in other parts of the architecture, you recommend an iteration of the Migration Planning phase occur, so as to develop a coordinated transition to a new baseline using the last known good architecture. Once the artifacts are consistent and correct, these can be applied to this new baseline.

Question # 13

ScenarioPlease read this scenario prior to answering the questionYou are serving as the Lead Architect for an enterprise architecture project team within a leading multinational pharmaceutical and medical devices manufacturer. Its brands includenumerous household names for medications and first aid supplies.The company has a long history of innovating new treatments for many common illnessesand diseases. Prior to launching a new treatment, the company has to demonstrate itseffectiveness and safety in a set of clinical trials that satisfy the regulatory requirements ofthe countries in the target markets. All clinical trials are undertaken by its researchlaboratories, which employ over 10,000 people at separate facilities in the United Kingdom,United States, Sweden, France, Canada, India, China and Japan. In addition to internalresearch and development activities the company is also involved in publicly fundedcollaborative research projects, with other industrial and academic partners.The Enterprise Architecture group within the company has been engaged in an architecturedevelopment project to create a secure networked collaboration system that will allowresearchers at its product development laboratories worldwide to share information abouttheir clinical trials. This system will also connect with external partners.The Enterprise Architecture group is a mature organization. They use the TOGAF 9 ADMwith extensions required to support current good manufacturing practices and goodlaboratory practices in their target markets. Due to the highly sensitive nature of theinformation that is managed, special care was taken to ensure that each architecturedomain included an examination of the security and privacy issues that are relevant.The Executive Vice President for Clinical Research is the sponsor of the EnterpriseArchitecture activity. She has stated that the changes to the enterprise architecture for thenew system will need to be rolled out in stages on a regional basis that minimizesdisruptions to ongoing clinical trials.Refer to the ScenarioYou have been asked to recommend the approach to identify the work packages that willbe included in the Transition Architecture(s).Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer?

A. Determine the set of Solution Building Blocks required by identifying which Solution Building Blocks need to be developed and which need to be procured. Eliminate any duplicate building blocks. Group the remaining Solution Building Blocks together to create the work packages using a CRUD matrix. Rank the work packages in terms of cost and select the most cost-effective options for inclusion in a series of Transition Architectures. Schedule the roll out of the work packages to be sequential across the geographic regions
B. Create an Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix and a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions and Dependencies Matrix. For each gap, identify a proposed solution and classify it as new development, purchased solution, or based on an existing product. Group similar solutions together to form work packages. Identify dependencies between work packages factoring in the clinical trial schedules. Regroup the packages into a set of Capability Increments scheduled into a series of Transition Architectures.  
C. Group the Solution Building Blocks from a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions and Dependencies Matrix into a set of work packages. Using the matrix as a planning tool, regroup the work packages to account for dependencies. Sequence the work packages into the Capability Increments needed to achieve the Target Architecture. Schedule the rollout one region at a time. Document the progression of the enterprise architecture using a state evolution table
D. Use a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions and Dependencies Matrix as a planning tool. For each gap classify whether the solution is either a new envelopment, purchased solution, or based on an existing product. Group the similar solutions together to define the work packages. Regroup the work packages into a set of Capability Increments to transition to the Target Architecture taking into account the schedule for clinical trials. 

Question # 14

Carter Woods, a global furniture firm, wants to improve the efficiency of its sales force byreplacing their legacy configuration and ordering systems based on manual and paperbased processes with an online ordering platform.Carter Woods uses the Architecture Delivery Method from TOGAF 9. The CIO sponsoredthis activity and the Baseline Architecture was defined on the initial iteration defining:approach, scope and architectural vision including a set of architecture principles related tothe Data domain:Data is an asset.Data is shared.Data is accessible.A set of aspects to clarify arose from the business analysis from the assumption to replacethe legacy systems with an online centralized one. These main concerns are:· To identify the changes to existing business processes.· To identify the data entities that can be shared among the sales agents.· To clarify how to keep the data secured.· To identify the list of non-sales application to be integrated with the sales applicationsRefer to the scenario aboveYou, as Lead Enterprise Architect, need to identify the most appropriate architectureviewpoints to address the concerns above mentioned.Choose one of the following answers

A. Depict the Business Architecture using a Role catalog and a Process/Event/Control/Product catalog. Depict the Data Architecture using a System/Data matrix, a Data Entity/Data Component catalog and Data Security diagram. Depict the Application Architecture using an Interface catalog. Define the Technology Architecture via a Network Computing/Hardware diagram. 
B. Depict the Business Architecture using a Business Interaction matrix and a Location catalog. Depict the Data Architecture using a Data Lifecycle diagram and a Data Migration diagram. Depict the Application Architecture using a Software Engineering diagram. Depict the Technology Architecture using a Communications Engineering diagram. 
C. Depict the Business Architecture using a Business Footprint diagram and a Location catalog. Depict the Data Architecture using a Data Migration diagram, System/Data matrix and Data Lifecycle diagram. Depict the Application Architecture using an Application Communication diagram. Depict the Technology Architecture using a Network Computing/Hardware diagram.
D. Depict the Business Architecture using a Role catalog and Location catalog. Depict the Data Architecture using a System/Data matrix, Data Entity/Business Function matrix and Data Security diagram. Depict the Application Architecture using an Application Interaction matrix. Define the Technology Architecture via a Network Computing/Hardware diagram. 

Question # 15

ScenarioPlease read this scenario prior to answering the questionYour role is that of Lead Enterprise Architect within the staff headquarters of a large hotelchain. The chain manages over 500 hotels across North America and Canada, withanother 230 hotels internationally in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and NewZealand. Unlike other hotel chains, which are often a mix of company-owned andfranchised units, each hotel in the chain is an independently owned and operatedfranchise. Many of the hotels use the same internal IT systems that they used before theyjoined the franchise. Until recently, the only requirement that has been placed on eachhotel is that they use a standard financial reporting system to report their financial results tothe headquarters on a weekly basis.The CEO of the chain has stated his concerns about the inefficiencies of the currentapproach and identified the need to change. He has defined a new strategic vision that willenhance the business by providing its franchisees new support services includingworldwide reservations, global, national and regional marketing as well as consolidatedfinancials, logistics, and yield management. This strategy is part of the long-termcommitment to enhance the brand image and drive superior revenue for the chain. He hasalso stated that he expects improved financial results by the end of the current fiscal year.These changes will provide the chain with improved utilization of its capacity and moreefficient operations. The addition of a corporate-wide data warehouse will provide analyticsthat will enable the marketing group to improve its ability to target advertising into keynational and regional markets to improve yields.The chain has a mature enterprise architecture practice based in its headquarters and usesTOGAF 9 as the method and guiding framework. The CIO is the sponsor of the activity.In planning this change, the Chief Architect engaged the services of a well-knownconsulting firm that specializes in business strategy. An initial study has been conducted toidentify the strategic changes needed to implement the CEO's vision. This recentlycompleted with approval of a strategic architecture encompassing the entire chain,including detailed requirements and recommendations.Based on the recommendations from the initial study, the chain has taken the decision toadopt a packaged suite of integrated applications that is tailored to the needs of thehospitality industry.Refer to the scenarioYou have been asked by the Chief Architect to propose the best approach for architecturedevelopment to realize the CEO's vision.Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer?

A. You propose that this engagement define the baseline Technology Architecture first in order to assess the current infrastructure capacity and capability. Then the focus should be on transition planning and architecture deployment. This will identify requirements to ensure that the projects are sequenced in an optimal fashion so as to realize the vision. 
B. You propose that the target architecture is defined first, followed by transition planning. This is because the vision is well understood and the strategic architecture agreed. The target first approach will ensure that the current problems and inefficiencies of the baseline architecture are not carried forward, and that the proposed solution addresses the requirements identified in the initial study. 
C. You propose that the team focus on architecture definition, with a specific emphasis on understanding the strategic change parameters of the business strategy. Once understood, the team will be in the best position to identify the requirements, drivers, issues, and constraints for this engagement. You would ensure that the target architecture addresses non-functional requirements so as to ensure the target architecture is robust and secure. 
D. You propose that the team focus on defining the target architecture by going through the architecture definition phases (B-D). This is because the initial study identified the need to change. This will ensure that the change can be defined in a structured manner and address the requirements needed to realize the vision. 

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