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- Updated On January 21, 2025
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- PCAP-31-03 Practice Questions
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- Updated On January 21, 2025
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Python Institute PCAP-31-03 Exam Overview:
Aspect | Details |
Exam Name | PCAP-31-03 |
Exam Cost | $295 USD |
Total Time | 65 minutes |
Available Languages | English |
Passing Marks | 70% |
Certified Associate in Python Programming Exam Topics Breakdown
Domain | Percentage | Description |
Control Structures | 25 | Decision-making, loops, exceptions |
Data Aggregates | 25 | Lists, tuples, dictionaries |
Functions and Modules | 25 | Functions, modules, packages |
Objects and Classes | 25 | Object-oriented programming, inheritance, polymorphism |
Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
What is the expected output of the following code?
A. abcef
B. The program will cause a runtime exception error
C. acdef
D. abdef
Question # 2
What is the expected output of the following code?def foo(x,y,z):return x(y) - x(z)print{f00(lambda x: x % 2, 2, 1) )
A. 1
B. 0
C. -1
D. an exception is raised
Question # 3
You are going to read 16 bytes from a binary file into a bytearray called data. Which lineswould you use? (Select two answers)
A. data = bytearray (16) bf.readinto (data)
B. data = binfile.read (bytearray (16))
C. bf. readinto (data = bytearray (16))
D. data = bytearray (binfile.read (16))
Question # 4
Is it possible to safely check if a class/object has a certain attribute?
A. yes, by using the hasattr attribute
B. yes, by using the hasattr ( ) method
C. yes, by using the hassattr ( ) function
D. no, it is not possible
Question # 5
Assuming that the math module has been successfully imported, which of the followingexpressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)
A. math. hypot (3,4) == math.sqrt (25)
B. math. hypot (2,5) == math.truec (2.5)
C. math. hypot (2,5) == math.true (2.5)
D. math. cell (2,5) == math.floor (2.5)
Question # 6
What is the expected behavior of the following code?
A. it outputs 2
B. it raises an exception
C. it outputs 3
D. it outputs 5
Question # 7
What is the expected behavior of the following code?
A. the code is erroneus and it will not execute
B. it outputs [2, 4]
C. it outputs [4, 2]
D. it outputs [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Question # 8
What is the expected behavior of the following code?
A. the code is erroneous and it will not execute
B. it outputs 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
C. 0it outputs list assignment index out of range
D. it outputs None
Question # 9
Assuming that the V variable holds an integer value to 2, which of the following operatorsshould be used instead of OPER to make the expression equal to 1?V OPER 1 -
A. <<<
B. >>>
C. >>
D. <<
Question # 10
What is true about the following snippet? (Select two answers)
A. the code will raise an unhandled exception
B. the string I feel fine 'will be seen
C. the string it's nice to see you will be seen
D. the string what a pity will be seen
Question # 11
What can you deduce from the following statement? (Select two answers)str = open('file.txt', "rt")
A. str is a string read in from the file named file.txt
B. a newlina character translation will be performed during the reads
C. if file. txt does not exist, it will be created
D. the opened file cannot be written with the use of the str variable
Question # 12
What is the expected output of the following snippet?
A. abc
B. The code will cause a runtime exception
D. 123
Question # 13
The first parameter of each method:
A. holds a reference to the currently processed object
B. is always set to None
C. is set to a unique random value
D. is set by the first argument's value
Question # 14
Assuming that the following snippet has been successfully executed, which of theequations are False? (Select two answers)
A. len(a)== len (b)
B. a [0]-1 ==b [0]
C. a[0] = b[0]
D. b[0] - 1 == a[0]
Question # 15
How many lines does the following snippet output?
A. three
B. one
C. two
D. four
Question # 16
What is the expected behavior of the following snippet? It will:
A. cause a runtime exception
B. print 1
C. print 0 , [1]
D. print [1J
Question # 17
Which of the following expressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)
A. 121 +1 == int ('1' + 2 * '2')
B. float ('3.14') == str('3.'+'14')
C. 'xyz'.lower() 'XY'
D. '8' + '8' !=2 * '8'
Question # 18
What is a true about python class constructors? (Select two answers)
A. the constructor must have at least one parameter
B. the constructor must return a value other than None
C. the constructor is a method named_init_
D. there can the more than one constructor in a Python class.
Question # 19
There is a stream named s open for writing. What option will you select to write a line to thestream''
A. s.write("Hello\n")
B. write(s, "Hello")
C. s.writeln("Hello")
D. s.writeline("Hello")
Question # 20
Assuming that the following code has been executed successfully, selected the expressionwhich evaluate to True (Select two answers)
A. a ( ) == 4
B. a is not None
C. b ( ) == 4
D. a ! = b
Question # 21
What is the expected output of the following code?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. an exception is raised
Question # 22
What is the expected behavior of the following code?
A. it outputs 2
B. the code is erroneous and it will not execute
C. it outputs 1
D. it outputs 3
Question # 23
The simplest possible class definition in Python can be expressed as:
A. class X:
B. class X:pass
C. class X:return
D. class X: {}
Question # 24
A class constructor (Select two answers)
A. can return a value
B. cannot be invoked directly from inside the class
C. can be invoked directly from any of the subclasses
D. can be invoked directly from any of the superclasses
Question # 25
Assuming that the following snippet has been successfully executed, which of theequations are True? (Select two answers)
A. len(a) == len (b)
B. b[0] fe- 1 == a[0]
C. a [0] == b [0]
D. a[0] + 1 == b[0]
Question # 26
Which of the following invocations are valid? (Select two answers)
A. rfind("python","r")
B. sorted("python")
C. "python".sort ()
D. "python".index("th")
Question # 27
With regards to the directory structure below, select the proper forms of the directives inorder to import module_c. (Select two answers)
A. from pypack.upper.lower import module_c
B. import pypack.upper.lower.module_c
C. import upper.module_c
D. import upper.lower.module_c
Question # 28
Can a module run like regular code?
A. yes, and it can differentiate its behavior between the regular launch and import
B. it depends on the Python version
C. yes, but it cannot differentiate its behavior between the regular launch and import
D. no. it is not possible; a module can be imported, not run
Question # 29
How many elements will the list2 list contain after execution of the following snippet?list1 = [False for i in range (1, 10) ]list2 = list1 [-1:1:-1]
A. zero
B. five
C. seven
D. three
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