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Paloalto Networks PCNSE Exam Overview Detail Exam Overview Details:

Aspect Details
Exam Cost $1600 USD
Total Time 80 minutes
Available Languages English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
Passing Marks 70%
Number of Questions 60
Exam Format Multiple choice, scenario-based questions
Prerequisites None
Exam Delivery Proctored exam, in-person or online
Certification Validity 2 years
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Palo Alto Networks Certified Security Engineer (PCNSE) PAN-OS 11.0 Exam Topics Breakdown

Content Area Percentage
Architecture and Design 17%
Core Concepts 12%
Logging and Monitoring 12%
Troubleshooting 13%
Network 17%
Management 11%
Policy 10%
VPN 8%

Frequently Asked Questions

Palo Alto Networks PCNSE Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which three actions can Panorama perform when deploying PAN-OS images to itsmanaged devices? (Choose three.)

A. upload-only
B. install and reboot
C. upload and install
D. upload and install and reboot
E. verify and install

Question # 2

Which statement regarding HA timer settings is true?

A. Use the Recommended profile for typical failover timer settings
B. Use the Moderate profile for typical failover timer settings
C. Use the Aggressive profile for slower failover timer settings.
D. Use the Critical profile for faster failover timer settings.

Question # 3

With the default TCP and UDP settings on the firewall, what will be the identified application in the following session?

A. Incomplete
B. unknown-tcp
C. Insufficient-data
D. not-applicable

Question # 4

An administrator has two pairs of firewalls within the same subnet. Both pairs of firewallshave been configured to use High Availability mode with Active/Passive. The ARP tablesfor upstream routes display the same MAC address being shared for some of thesefirewalls.What can be configured on one pair of firewalls to modify the MAC addresses so they areno longer in conflict?

A. Configure a floating IP between the firewall pairs.
B. Change the Group IDs in the High Availability settings to be different from the otherfirewall pair on the same subnet.
C. Change the interface type on the interfaces that have conflicting MAC addresses fromL3 to VLAN.
D. On one pair of firewalls, run the CLI command: set network interface vlan arp.

Question # 5

Which User-ID mapping method should be used in a high-security environment where all IPaddress-to-user mappings should always be explicitly known?

A. PAN-OS integrated User-ID agent
B. GlobalProtect
C. Windows-based User-ID agent
D. LDAP Server Profile configuration

Question # 6

What can be used as an Action when creating a Policy-Based Forwarding (PBF) policy?

A. Deny
B. Discard
C. Allow
D. Next VR

Question # 7

Which three items must be configured to implement application override? (Choose three )

A. Custom app
B. Security policy rule
C. Application override policy rule
D. Decryption policy rule
E. Application filter

Question # 8

A company has recently migrated their branch office's PA-220S to a centralized Panorama.This Panorama manages a number of PA-7000 Series and PA-5200 Series devices Alldevice group and template configuration is managed solely within PanoramaThey notice that commit times have drastically increased for the PA-220S after themigrationWhat can they do to reduce commit times?

A. Disable "Share Unused Address and Service Objects with Devices" in PanoramaSettings.
B. Update the apps and threat version using device-deployment
C. Perform a device group push using the "merge with device candidate config" option
D. Use "export or push device config bundle" to ensure that the firewall is integrated withthe Panorama config.

Question # 9

Which two profiles should be configured when sharing tags from threat logs with a remote User-ID agent? (Choose two.)

A. Log Ingestion
C. Log Forwarding

Question # 10

An engineer reviews high availability (HA) settings to understand a recent HA failoverevent. Review the screenshot below. Which timer determines the frequency at which the HA peers exchange messages in theform of an ICMP (ping)

A. Hello Interval
B. Promotion Hold Time
C. Heartbeat Interval
D. Monitor Fail Hold Up Time

Question # 11

A network administrator is trying to prevent domain username and password submissionsto phishing sites on some allowed URL categoriesWhich set of steps does the administrator need to take in the URL Filtering profile toprevent credential phishing on the firewall?

A. Choose the URL categories in the User Credential Submission column and set action toblock Select the User credential Detection tab and select Use Domain Credential FilterCommit
B. Choose the URL categories in the User Credential Submission column and set action toblock Select the User credential Detection tab and select use IP User Mapping Commit
C. Choose the URL categories on Site Access column and set action to block Click theUser credential Detection tab and select IP User Mapping Commit
D. Choose the URL categories in the User Credential Submission column and set action toblock Select the URL filtering settings and enable Domain Credential Filter Commit

Question # 12

Where can a service route be configured for a specific destination IP?

A. Use Netw ork > Virtual Routers, select the Virtual Router > Static Routes > IPv4
B. Use Device > Setup > Services > Services
C. Use Device > Setup > Services > Service Route Configuration > Customize >Destination
D. Use Device > Setup > Services > Service Route Configuration > Customize > IPv4

Question # 13

Refer to the exhibit. Based on the screenshots above what is the correct order in which the various rules aredeployed to firewalls inside the DATACENTER_DG device group?

A.shared pre-rulesDATACENTER DG pre rulesrules configured locally on the firewallshared post-rulesDATACENTER_DG post-rulesDATACENTER.DG default rules
B.shared pre-rulesDATACENTER_DG pre-rulesrules configured locally on the firewallshared post-rulesDATACENTER.DG post-rulesshared default rules
C.shared pre-rulesDATACENTER_DG pre-rulesrules configured locally on the firewallDATACENTER_DG post-rulesshared post-rulesshared default rules
D.shared pre-rulesDATACENTER_DG pre-rulesrules configured locally on the firewallDATACENTER_DG post-rulesshared post-rules DATACENTER_DG default rules

Question # 14

After importing a pre-configured firewall configuration to Panorama, what step is required toensure a commit/push is successful without duplicating local configurations?

A. Ensure Force Template Values is checked when pushing configuration.
B. Push the Template first, then push Device Group to the newly managed firewall.
C. Perform the Export or push Device Config Bundle to the newly managed firewall.
D. Push the Device Group first, then push Template to the newly managed firewall

Question # 15

What is the best definition of the Heartbeat Interval?

A. The interval in milliseconds between hello packets
B. The frequency at which the HA peers check link or path availability
C. The frequency at which the HA peers exchange ping
D. The interval during which the firewall will remain active following a link monitor failure

Question # 16

An administrator has been tasked with configuring decryption policies,Which decryption best practice should they consider?

A. Consider the local, legal, and regulatory implications and how they affect which traffic can be decrypted.
B. Decrypt all traffic that traverses the firewall so that it can be scanned for threats.
C. Place firewalls where administrators can opt to bypass the firewall when needed.
D. Create forward proxy decryption rules without Decryption profiles for unsanctionedapplications.

Question # 17

Which type of zone will allow different virtual systems to communicate with each other?

A. Tap
B. External
C. Virtual Wire
D. Tunnel

Question # 18

Which statement is correct given the following message from the PanGPA log on theGlobalProtect app?Failed to connect to server at port:47 67

A. The PanGPS process failed to connect to the PanGPA process on port 4767
B. The GlobalProtect app failed to connect to the GlobalProtect Portal on port 4767
C. The PanGPA process failed to connect to the PanGPS process on port 4767
D. The GlobalProtect app failed to connect to the GlobalProtect Gateway on port 4767

Question # 19

Which GlobalProtect gateway selling is required to enable split-tunneling by access route, destination domain, and application?

A. No Direct Access to local networks
B. Tunnel mode
C. iPSec mode
D. Satellite mode

Question # 20

An administrator would like to determine which action the firewall will take for a specificCVE. Given the screenshot below, where should the administrator navigate to view this information?

A. The profile rule action
B. CVE column
C. Exceptions lab
D. The profile rule threat name

Question # 21

An administrator notices that an interface configuration has been overridden locally on afirewall. They require all configuration to be managed from Panorama and overrides are notallowed.What is one way the administrator can meet this requirement?

A. Perform a commit force from the CLI of the firewall.
B. Perform a template commit push from Panorama using the "Force Template Values"option.
C. Perform a device-group commit push from Panorama using the "Include Device andNetwork Templates" option.
D. Reload the running configuration and perform a Firewall local commit.

Question # 22

During the implementation of SSL Forward Proxy decryption, an administrator imports thecompany's Enterprise Root CA and Intermediate CA certificates onto the firewall. Thecompany's Root and Intermediate CA certificates are also distributed to trusted devicesusing Group Policy and GlobalProtect. Additional device certificates and/or Subordinatecertificates requiring an Enterprise CA chain of trust are signed by the company'sIntermediate CA.Which method should the administrator use when creating Forward Trust and ForwardUntrust certificates on the firewall for use with decryption?

A. Generate a single subordinate CA certificate for both Forward Trust and ForwardUntrust.
B. Generate a CA certificate for Forward Trust and a self-signed CA for Forward Untrust.
C. Generate a single self-signed CA certificate for Forward Trust and another for ForwardUntrust
D. Generate two subordinate CA certificates, one for Forward Trust and one for ForwardUntrust.

Question # 23

An administrator receives the following error message:"IKE phase-2 negotiation failed when processing Proxy ID. Received local id 192.168 3333/24 type IPv4 address protocol 0 port 0, received remote id 172.16 33.33/24 type IPv4address protocol 0 port 0."How should the administrator identify the root cause of this error message?

A. In the IKE Gateway configuration, verify that the IP address for each VPN peer isaccurate
B. Verify that the IP addresses can be pinged and that routing issues are not causing theconnection failure
C. Check whether the VPN peer on one end is set up correctly using policy-based VPN
D. In the IPSec Crypto profile configuration, verify that PFS is either enabled on both VPNpeers or disabled on both VPN peers.

Question # 24

Which two policy components are required to block traffic in real time using a dynamic usergroup (DUG)? (Choose two.)

A. A Deny policy for the tagged traffic
B. An Allow policy for the initial traffic
C. A Decryption policy to decrypt the traffic and see the tag
D. A Deny policy with the "tag" App-ID to block the tagged traffic

Question # 25

After implementing a new NGFW, a firewall engineer sees a VoIP traffic issue goingthrough the firewall After troubleshooting the engineer finds that the firewall performs NATon the voice packets payload and opens dynamic pinholes for media portsWhat can the engineer do to solve the VoIP traffic issue?

A. Disable ALG under H.323 application
B. Increase the TCP timeout under H.323 application
C. Increase the TCP timeout under SIP application
D. Disable ALG under SIP application

Question # 26

A company has configured GlobalProtect to allow their users to work from home. Adecrease in performance for remote workers has been reported during peak-use hours.Which two steps are likely to mitigate the issue? (Choose TWO)

A. Exclude video traffic
B. Enable decryption
C. Block traffic that is not work-related
D. Create a Tunnel Inspection policy

Question # 27

Which operation will impact the performance of the management plane?

A. Decrypting SSL sessions
B. Generating a SaaS Application report
C. Enabling DoS protection
D. Enabling packet buffer protection

Question # 28

Which three external authentication services can the firewall use to authenticate adminsinto the Palo Alto Networks NGFW without creating administrator account on the firewall?(Choose three.)

C. Kerberos

Question # 29

An organization is interested in migrating from their existing web proxy architecture to theWeb Proxy feature of their PAN-OS 11.0 firewalls. Currently. HTTP and SSL requestscontain the c IP address of the web server and the client browser is redirected to the proxyWhich PAN-OS proxy method should be configured to maintain this type of traffic flow?

A. DNS proxy
B. Explicit proxy
C. SSL forward proxy
D. Transparent proxy

Question # 30

When an engineer configures an active/active high availability pair, which two links canthey use? (Choose two)

B. Console Backup
C. HA3
D. HA2 backup

Question # 31

A network security administrator wants to inspect HTTPS traffic from users as it egressesthrough a firewall to the Internet/Untrust zone from trusted network zones.The security admin wishes to ensure that if users are presented with invalid or untrustedsecurity certificates, the user will see an untrusted certificate warning.What is the best choice for an SSL Forward Untrust certificate?

A. A web server certificate signed by the organization's PKI
B. A self-signed certificate generated on the firewall
C. A subordinate Certificate Authority certificate signed by the organization's PKI
D. A web server certificate signed by an external Certificate Authority

Question # 32

Which new PAN-OS 11.0 feature supports IPv6 traffic?

A. DHCPv6 Client with Prefix Delegation
C. DHCP Server
D. IKEv1

Question # 33

An engineer is deploying multiple firewalls with common configuration in Panorama.What are two benefits of using nested device groups? (Choose two.)

A. Inherit settings from the Shared group
B. Inherit IPSec crypto profiles
C. Inherit all Security policy rules and objects
D. Inherit parent Security policy rules and objects

Question # 34

Based on the screenshots above, and with no configuration inside the Template Stackitself, what access will the device permit on its Management port?

A. The firewall will allow HTTP Telnet, HTTPS, SSH, and Ping from IP addresses definedas $permitted-subnet-1.
B. The firewall will allow HTTP Telnet, HTTPS, SSH, and Ping from IP addresses definedas $permitted-subnet-2.
C. The firewall will allow HTTP, Telnet, SNMP, HTTPS, SSH and Ping from IP addressesdefined as $permitted-subnet-1 and $permitted-subnet-2.
D. The firewall will allow HTTP, Telnet, HTTPS, SSH, and Ping from IP addresses definedas $permitted-subnet-1 and $permitted-subnet-2.

Question # 35

An engineer configures SSL decryption in order to have more visibility to the internal users'traffic when it is regressing the firewall.Which three types of interfaces support SSL Forward Proxy? (Choose three.)

A. High availability (HA)
B. Layer 3
C. Layer 2
D. Tap
E. Virtual Wire

Question # 36

Refer to the exhibit. Using the above screenshot of the ACC, what is the best method to set a global filter,narrow down Blocked User Activity, and locate the user(s) that could be compromised by abotnet?

A. Click the hyperlink for the Zero Access.Gen threat.
B. Click the left arrow beside the Zero Access.Gen threat.
C. Click the source user with the highest threat count.
D. Click the hyperlink for the hotport threat Category.

Question # 37

What type of address object would be useful for internal devices where the addressingstructure assigns meaning to certain bits in the address, as illustrated in the diagram?

A. IP Netmask
B. IP Wildcard Mask
C. IP Address
D. IP Range

Question # 38

A network security administrator has been tasked with deploying User-ID in theirorganization.What are three valid methods of collecting User-ID information in a network? (Choosethree.)

A. Windows User-ID agent
B. GlobalProtect
D. External dynamic list
E. Dynamic user groups

Question # 39

Phase two of a VPN will not establish a connection. The peer is using a policy-based VPNconfiguration.What part of the configuration should the engineer verify?

A. IKE Crypto Profile
B. Security policy
C. Proxy-IDs
D. PAN-OS versions

Question # 40

Which Panorama feature protects logs against data loss if a Panorama server fails?

A. Panorama HA automatically ensures that no logs are lost if a server fails inside the HACluster.
B. Panorama Collector Group with Log Redundancy ensures that no logs are lost if aserver fails inside the Collector Group.
C. Panorama HA with Log Redundancy ensures that no logs are lost if a server fails inside the HA Cluster.
D. Panorama Collector Group automatically ensures that no logs are lost if a server failsinside the Collector Group

Question # 41

A firewall engineer creates a destination static NAT rule to allow traffic from the internet toa webserver hosted behind the edge firewall. The pre-NAT IP address of the server is153.6 12.10, and the post-NAT IP address is Refer to the routing andinterfaces information below. What should the NAT rule destination zone be set to?

A. None
B. Outside
D. Inside

Question # 42

An engineer manages a high availability network and requires fast failover of the routingprotocols. The engineer decides to implement BFD.Which three dynamic routing protocols support BFD? (Choose three.)

E. OSPFv3 virtual link

Question # 43

Which three options does Panorama offer for deploying dynamic updates to its manageddevices? (Choose three.)

A. Check dependencies
B. Schedules
C. Verify
D. Revert content
E. Install

Question # 44

Refer to the diagram. Users at an internal system want to ssh to the SSH server The serveris configured to respond only to the ssh requests coming from IP order to reach the SSH server only from the Trust zone, which Security rule and NAT rule must be configured on the firewall?

A. NAT Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: Any -Destination Zone: Server -Destination IP: -Source Translation: Static IP / Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: Any -Destination Zone: Trust -Destination IP: -Application: ssh
B. NAT Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: -Destination Zone: Trust -Destination IP: -Destination Translation: Static IP / Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: -Destination Zone: Server -Destination IP: -Application: ssh
C. NAT Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: Any -Destination Zone: Trust -Destination IP: -Destination Translation: Static IP / Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: Any -Destination Zone: Server -Destination IP: -Application: ssh
D. NAT Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: Any -Destination Zone: Server -Destination IP: -Source Translation: dynamic-ip-and-port / ethernet1/4Security Rule:Source Zone: Trust -Source IP: Any -Destination Zone: Server -Destination IP: -Application: ssh

Question # 45

A security engineer needs firewall management access on a trusted interface.Which three settings are required on an SSL/TLS Service Profile to provide secure Web UIauthentication? (Choose three.)

A. Minimum TLS version
B. Certificate
C. Encryption Algorithm
D. Maximum TLS version
E. Authentication Algorithm

Question # 46

A network administrator wants to deploy SSL Forward Proxy decryption. What twoattributes should a forward trust certificate have? (Choose two.)

A. A subject alternative name
B. A private key
C. A server certificate
D. A certificate authority (CA) certificate

Question # 47

Why would a traffic log list an application as "not-applicable”?

A. The firewall denied the traffic before the application match could be performed.
B. The TCP connection terminated without identifying any application data
C. There was not enough application data after the TCP connection was established
D. The application is not a known Palo Alto Networks App-ID.

Question # 48

What are three tasks that cannot be configured from Panorama by using a template stack? (Choose three.)

A. Change the firewall management IP address
B. Configure a device block list
C. Add administrator accounts
D. Rename a vsys on a multi-vsys firewall
E. Enable operational modes such as normal mode, multi-vsys mode, or FIPS-CC mode

Question # 49

An administrator needs to identify which NAT policy is being used for internet traffic.From the Monitor tab of the firewall GUI, how can the administrator identify which NATpolicy is in use for a traffic flow?

A. Click Session Browser and review the session details.
B. Click Traffic view and review the information in the detailed log view.
C. Click Traffic view; ensure that the Source or Destination NAT columns are included andreview the information in the detailed log view.
D. Click App Scope > Network Monitor and filter the report for NAT rules.

Question # 50

An engineer is configuring a firewall with three interfaces:• MGT connects to a switch with internet access.• Ethernet1/1 connects to an edge router.• Ethernet1/2 connects to a visualization network.The engineer needs to configure dynamic updates to use a dataplane interface for internettraffic. What should be configured in Setup > Services > Service Route Configuration toallow this traffic?

A. Set DNS and Palo Alto Networks Services to use the ethernet1/1 source interface
B. Set DNS and Palo Alto Networks Services to use the ethernet1/2 source interface.
C. Set DNS and Palo Alto Networks Services to use the MGT source interface.
D. Set DDNS and Palo Alto Networks Services to use the MGT source interface.

Question # 51

Which GlobalProtect gateway selling is required to enable split-tunneling by access route,destination domain, and application?

A. No Direct Access to local networks
B. Tunnel mode
C. iPSec mode
D. Satellite mode

Question # 52

In a template, which two objects can be configured? (Choose two.)

A. SD-WAN path quality profile
B. Monitor profile
C. IPsec tunnel
D. Application group

Question # 53

Information Security is enforcing group-based policies by using security-event monitoringon Windows User-ID agents for IP-to-User mapping in the network. During the rollout,Information Security identified a gap for users authenticating to their VPN and wirelessnetworks.Root cause analysis showed that users were authenticating via RADIUS and thatauthentication events were not captured on the domain controllers that were beingmonitored Information Security found that authentication events existed on the IdentityManagement solution (IDM). There did not appear to be direct integration between PAN-OS and the IDM solutionHow can Information Security extract and learn iP-to-user mapping information fromauthentication events for VPN and wireless users?

A. Add domain controllers that might be missing to perform security-event monitoring forVPN and wireless users.
B. Configure the integrated User-ID agent on PAN-OS to accept Syslog messages overTLS.
C. Configure the User-ID XML API on PAN-OS firewalls to pull the authentication eventsdirectly from the IDM solution
D. Configure the Windows User-ID agents to monitor the VPN concentrators and wirelesscontrollers for IP-to-User mapping.

Question # 54

Based on the graphic which statement accurately describes the output shown in the ServerMonitoring panel?

A. The User-ID agent is connected to a domain controller labeled lab-client
B. The host lab-client has been found by a domain controller
C. The host lab-client has been found by the User-ID agent.
D. The User-ID aaent is connected to the firewall labeled lab-client

Question # 55

Review the information below. A firewall engineer creates a U-NAT rule to allow users inthe trust zone access to a server in the same zone by using an external,public NAT IP for that server.Given the rule below, what change should be made to make sure the NAT works asexpected?

A. Change destination NAT zone to Trust_L3.
B. Change destination translation to Dynamic IP (with session distribution) using firewallethI/2 address.
C. Change Source NAT zone to Untrust_L3.
D. Add source Translation to translate original source IP to the firewall eth1/2 interfacetranslation.

Question # 56

To ensure that a Security policy has the highest priority, how should an administratorconfigure a Security policy in the device group hierarchy?

A. Add the policy to the target device group and apply a master device to the device group.
B. Reference the targeted device's templates in the target device group.
C. Clone the security policy and add it to the other device groups.
D. Add the policy in the shared device group as a pre-rule

Question # 57

ln a security-first network, what is the recommended threshold value for apps and threats tobe dynamically updated?

A. 1 to 4 hours
B. 6 to 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 36 hours

Question # 58

An administrator has purchased WildFire subscriptions for 90 firewalls globally.What should the administrator consider with regards to the WildFire infra-structure?

A. To comply with data privacy regulations, WildFire signatures and ver-dicts are notshared globally.
B. Palo Alto Networks owns and maintains one global cloud and four WildFire regionalclouds.
C. Each WildFire cloud analyzes samples and generates malware signatures and verdictsindependently of the other WildFire clouds.
D. The WildFire Global Cloud only provides bare metal analysis.

Question # 59

Refer to the exhibit. Which will be the egress interface if the traffic's ingress interface is ethernet1/7 sourcingfrom and to the destination

A. ethernet1/6
B. ethernet1/3
C. ethernet1/7
D. ethernet1/5

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