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Oracle 1z0-902 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which two statements are true for the Oracle Exadata Configuration Assistant (OECA)? 

A. OECA reconfigures the size of disk groups and recreates grid disks. 
B. OECA extends the hardware for the elastic configuration only. 
C. OECA allows one XT storage server in the configuration. 
D. OECA's "Add Equipment" input option allows allocation of RU slots for customer equipment.
E. OECA facilitates PDU power selection initially and after equipment addition. 

Question # 2

Which of the following is NOT a requirement when validating, receiving, unpacking, and planning access route and space requirements for Exadata Database Machine? 

A. The entire access route to the installation site should be free of raised-pattern flooring that can cause vibration. 
B. 914mm of space required above the rack height is required for maintenance access. 
C. The incline of any access route ramp must be less than or equal to 6 degrees.
 D. All four leveling and stabilizing feet should be raised and out of the way prior to moving the rack. 
E. Oracle Exadata Rack may only be installed on raised floor environments.
 F. A conditioned space is required to remove the packaging material to reduce particles before entering the data center. 

Question # 3

Which two statements are true about the initial storage configuration after the standard (non-virtualized) deployment of a new Exadata Database Machine with High Capacity storage servers? 

A. The sparse_ diskgroup is created automatically. 
B. There is free space available on the hard disks inside the database servers for possible extension of the /uoi file system. 
C. The DATA_ and RECO_ ASM diskgroups are built on with DATA on the outer-most tracks and RECO on the inner-most tracks of the physical disk. 
D. There is free space available on flashdisks inside the Exadata storage servers for possible use for storage indexes. 
E. There is free space available on flashdisks inside the Exadata storage servers to configure Exadata Smart Flash Logs. 

Question # 4

How is Exadata Secure RDMA Fabric isolation used in X9M-2 with virtualization enabled? 

A. With Secure Fabric isolation, each Storage Server runs multiple KVM guests each dedicated to a Database VM cluster using a dedicated network partition and VLAN ID. This provides security and isolation between multiple tenants or VM clusters. 
B. With Secure Fabric isolation, each Database VM Guest uses a dedicated network partition and VLAN ID for client networking between application servers. This improves security by preventing man in the middle attacks. 
C. With Secure Fabric isolation, each Database VM Cluster uses a dedicated network partition and VLAN ID for Data Guard networking between the primary and disaster recovery Exadata racks. This improves security by isolating data guard traffic onto an encrypted network between data centers. 
D. With Secure Fabric isolation, each Database VM cluster uses a dedicated network partition and VLAN ID for cluster networking between the database servers in the VM Cluster. This provides security and isolation between multiple tenants or VM clusters. 

Question # 5

Examine this list of software components: 1. Oracle KVM Guest 2. Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent (OMA) 3. ASM instance 4. RDBMS instance 5. Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter (ADRCI) 6. CELLCLI 7. Cell Server(CELLSRV) 8. diskmon 9. Restart Server (RS) 10. Management Server (MS) What is the correct location where these software components can run in the standard Exadata Database Machine deployment?

A. 2, 3, 4, 8, and 10 run on the database servers; 1, 5, 6, 7and 9 run on the Exadata storage servers.
 B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 and 10 run on the database servers; 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 run on the Exadata storage servers. 
C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 run on the database servers; 5, 6,7, 9 and 10 run on the Exadata storage servers. 
D. 3, 4, 8, and 10 run on the database servers; 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9 run on the Exadata storage servers. 
E. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9 run on the database servers; 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 run on the Exadata storage servers. 

Question # 6

Which are two correct statements about backing up Exadata Database Machine? 

A. Backup of the Oracle Cluster Registry, which also contains Voting Disk information, is automatically maintained on the file system of the first database server. 
B. Backing up Exadata Storage Server Software is critical for restoration. 
C. For high availability, system area can be on the first two disks and M.2 devices. 
D. The M.2 disk is hot pluggable and can be replaced when the power is on, but you will have to restore the system data manually. 
E. Use a snapshot-based backup of an Oracle Exadata Database Machine database server software. 

Question # 7

Which four actions should you take before proceeding with applying updates to your Exadata Database Machine?

 A. Consult My Oracle Support note 888828.1 to determine the current recommended Exadata software release. 
B. Check the Exadata Critical Issues My Oracle Support note 1270094.1 for any issues not added to the latest version of exachk.
C. Run exachk and resolve only WARNINGS that you have not seen before. 
D. Run the appropriate patchmgr preqequisite check step for each component being updated. 
E. Run patchmgr --all_comp —autofix —autobackup —upgrade —rolling. 
F. For database servers, perform a server backup using patchmgr —dbnodes db_list_file —backup —rolling. 

Question # 8

Which three steps are required to expand an Exadata X9M-2 Database Server with the lowest memory configuration available to the highest memory configuration? 

A. Add 12x 32GB DIMMs. 
B. Add 12x 64GB DIMMs. 
C. Shutdown the Database Server if running. 
D. Add 16x 32GB DIMMs. 
E. Add 16x 64GB DIMMs. 
F. Memory cannot be expanded on Exadata X9M-2 Database Servers. 
G. Remove existing memory modules. 
H. Add 32x 64GB DIMMs. I. Add 24x 32GB DIMMs. 

Question # 9

You are providing oversight for the delivery of a new Exadata Database Machine. 1. Stabilize the Exadata Rack. 2. Unpack Oracle Exadata Rack. 3. Review the safety guidelines. 4. Let the Exadata acclimatize for 24 hours. 5. Power on Exadata PDU A. 6. Place Exadata in its allocated space. 7. Power on Exadata PDU B. What is the correct order of these steps?

A. 4,3,2,6,1,7,5 
B. 3,2,6,4,1,7,5 
C. 2,3,4,6,1,7,5 
D. 3,2,6,1,4,7,5
 E. 2,6,1,4,3,7,5 

Question # 10

You have been asked to design a backup solution for an Exadata X9M-2 Quarter Rack with Extreme Flash Storage Servers connected to a new ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7 with 2 Storage Controllers with 100Gb Ethernet cards and 3 Storage Trays. You are using Oracle Exadata Configuration Assistant to validate the rack layout. 1. Use "Add Equipment" to add the Exadata X9M EF Storage Servers, starting from RU10. 2. Use drop down to add ZFS Storage Appliance Controllers. 3. You cannot add ZFS Storage Appliance to an Exadata Rack. 4. Use "Add Equipment" to add the ZFS Storage Trays, starting from RU1. 5. Use drop down to add ZFS Storage Trays. 6. Use "Add Equipment" to add the Exadata X9M Database Servers, starting from RU16. 7. Use "Add Equipment" to add the Exadata X9M EF Storage Servers, starting from RU1. 8. Use drop down to add Exadata X9M EF Storage Servers. 9. Use "Add Equipment" to add the ZFS Storage Controllers, starting from RU27. 10. Use drop down to add Exadata X9M Database Servers. 11. Use "Add Equipment" to add the ZFS Storage Trays, starting from RU31. Which of these steps are correct and what is their correct order? 

A. 10, 8, 2, 5 
B. 44, 6, 9 
C. 3 
D. 10, 8, 9, 11 
E. 7,6,9,11 

Question # 11

You use Enterprise Manager to monitor all the components of your Exadata Database Machine. Recently, you discovered that certain asmdisks were offline in one of the diskgroups used by the rac database called prod. In which two sources would you find diagnostic messages related to this problem? 

A. alert logs for Enterprise Manager 
B. alert logs for the ASM instances 
C. Enterprise Manager Alerts on the Exadata Storage Server Grid home page 
D. Enterprise Manager Alerts on the ILOM home page for cell connectivity problems for the prod database instances 
E. alert logs for the prod database instances 

Question # 12

A new Exadata Quarter Rack with 2 Database Servers and 3 HC Storage Servers and 3- phase 15kVA PDUs is being installed in a Data Center. However, the Data Center is only providing enough power for a single cable from each PDU. Which statement is correct? 

A. The installation can go ahead, no change is required. 
B. The installation cannot proceed until two power feeds are available per PDU. 
C. A splitter cable can be used to provide power to all PDU cables. 
D. The power cables from the servers to the PDUs can be rearranged inside the rack following OECA guidance to utilize a single PDU power cable. 

Question # 13

You are updating your Exadata X9M-2 Elastic Database Machine with 6 database servers and 12 High Capacity Storage Servers. You will be using patchmgr to apply updates across the entire machine while still maintaining database availability. Assuming you are driving patchmgr from an external server, which statement is true about the execution phase? 

A. patchmgr must be invoked with the —rolling argument. Each component type must be upgraded independently of the other. 
B. patchmgr cannot apply updates in a rolling manner, you must manually apply patches with the dbnodeudpate and cellupdate tools if high availability is required. 
C. patchmgr will apply patches in component groups consisting of 1 database server and 2 storage servers to minimize disruption. 
D. patchmgr must be invoked with the —rolling argument with all database and storage servers listed in a single input file. 

Question # 14

Which three statements are true about the CELLCLI command? 

A. It can execute commands on multiple storage servers in parallel.
 B. It has command-line history. 
C. It requires root privileges to create CELLDISKS and GRIDDISKS. 
D. It can be executed on storage servers. 
E. It can be executed using the DCLI utility. 

Question # 15

What is the maximum DRAM capacity you can expand an X9M-2 DB Server? 

A. 1536GB B. 512GB 
C. 2048GB 
D. 768GB 
E. 1024GB 
F. 384GB 

Question # 16

Examine these commands: 1. Execute "crscti stop cluster -all" as the grid user from one database server. 2. Execute "crscti stop cluster -all" as root from one database server. 3. Power off all network switches. 4. Execute "crscti stop cluster" as root from one database server. 5. Execute "crscti stop cluster" as the grid user from one database server. 6. Power off the rack using the power switches on the PDUs. 7. Execute "shutdown -h now" on all database servers. 8. Execute "shutdown -h now" on all Exadata storage servers. Which is the correct order or the required commands to completely power off an Exadata Database Machine in an orderly fashion? 

A. 5, 8, 7, and 6 
B. 4, 7, 8, 3, and 6 
C. 2, 8, 7, 3, and 6 
D. 2, 7, 8, and 6 
E. 1, 8, 7, 3 and 6 

Question # 17

You must drop all celldisks on all the storage servers in an X9M-2 quarter rack as part of a reconfiguration project. Which three statements describe the account on the storage servers which you should use and the tool that may be used to drop the celldisks? 

A. to the CELLADMIN account by calling CELLCLI on all cells using DCLI 
B. to an administrator-created storage server user with appropriate privileges on celldisk objects by calling CELLCLI on all cells using exadcli 
C. to the CELLMONITOR account using cellcli interactively on each storage server 
D. to an administrator-created storage server user with appropriate privileges on celldisk objects by calling EXACLI on all cells using exadcli 
E. to the CELLMONITOR account calling CELLCLI on all cells using DCLI 
F. to the CELLADMIN account using cellcli interactively on each storage server 

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