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Frequently Asked Questions

Oracle 1z0-808 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Given: What is the result?

A. Area is 6.0
B. Area is 3.0
C. Compilation fails at line n1
D. Compilation fails at line n2.

Question # 2

Given: What is the result?

A. Compilation fails at line n3 and line n4.
B. Compilation fails at line n1 and line n2.
C. Welcome Visit Count:1Welcome Visit Count: 1
D. Welcome Visit Count:1Welcome Visit Count: 2

Question # 3

Given: What is the result?

A. Compilation fails.
B. false true
C. true false
D. true true
E. false false

Question # 4

Given the code fragment:

A. An exception is thrown at runtime.
B. 2014-07-31T01:01:00
C. 2014-07-31
D. 2014-09-30T00:00:00

Question # 5

Given the code fragment:

A. 2 4
B. 0 2 4 6
C. 0 2 4
D. Compilation fails

Question # 6

Given: What is the result?

A. null:null:0.0
B. null:null
C. <<HashCode>>:0.0
D. null:0.0

Question # 7

Given this array:

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
F. Option F

Question # 8


A. false, false
B. false, true
C. true, false
D. true, true

Question # 9

Given the code fragment: Assume that the system date is June 20, 2014. What is the result?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 10


A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 11

Given: What is the result?

A. BaseDerivedA
B. BaseDerivedB
C. DerivedBDerivedB
D. DerivedBDerivedA
E. A ClassCastException is thrown at runtime.

Question # 12

Given: What is the result?

A. BaseDerivedA
B. BaseDerivedB
C. DerivedBDerivedB
D. DerivedBDerivedA
E. A ClassCastException is thrown at runtime.

Question # 13

Examine the given definitions: Which statement is true about the implementation of Object-Oriented Programmingconcepts in the given code?

A. Polymorphism, abstraction, and encapsulation are implemented.
B. Only polymorphism and inheritance are implemented.
C. Polymorphism, inheritance, and abstraction are implemented.
D. Only inheritance and encapsulation are implemented.

Question # 14

Given this code for a Planet object:

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E

Question # 15

Given the definitions of the Bird class and the Peacock class:

A. Bird p = new Peacock();
B. Bird b = new Bird();Peacock p = (Peacock) b;
C. Peacock b = new Peacock ();Bird p = (Bird) b;
D. Bird b = new Peacock ();Peacock p = (Peacock) b;

Question # 16

Given: What is the result?

A. Compilation fails at line n2.
B. Compilation fails at line n1.
C. 20:20
D. 10:20

Question # 17

Given the code fragment:

A. An exception is thrown at runtime.
B. -1
C. 5
D. 10

Question # 18

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. A B C
B. A B C D E
C. A B D E
D. Compilation fails.

Question # 19

Given the code fragment:

A. 1324
B. 2313
C. 3142
D. 4231

Question # 20


A. At line n1 insert: import clothing.Shirt;At line n2 insert: String color = Shirt.getColor();
B. At line n1 insert: import clothing;At line n2 insert: String color = Shirt.getColor();
C. At line n1 insert: import static clothing.Shirt.getColor;At line n2 insert: String color =getColor();
D. At line n1 no changes required.At line n2 insert: String color = Shirt.getColor();
E. At line n1 insert: import Shirt;At line n2 insert: String color = Shirt.getColor();

Question # 21

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. 3
B. 4
C. -1
D. Compilation fails.

Question # 22

Which two code fragments cause a compilation error? (Choose two.)

A. float flt = 100.00F;
B. float flt = (float) 1_11.00;
C. Float flt = 100.00;
D. double y1 = 203.22;float flt = y1;
E. int y2 = 100;float flt = (float) y2 ;

Question # 23


A. At line 17, add throws AccessViolationException
B. At line 13, add throws LogFileException
C. At line 2, replace throws LogFileException with throws AccessViolationException
D. At line 7, insert throw new LogFileException ();

Question # 24

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. 5 : 5
B. 10 : 10
C. 5 : 10
D. Compilation fails.

Question # 25

Given the code fragment:

A. Sum is 600
B. Compilation fails at line n1.
C. Compilation fails at line n2.
D. A ClassCastException is thrown at line n1.
E. A ClassCastException is thrown at line n2.

Question # 26

Given the following code for the classes MyException and Test: What is the result?

A. A
B. B
C. Either A or B
D. A B
E. A compile time error occurs at line n1

Question # 27

Given the following main method: What is the result?

A. 5 4 3 2 1 0
B. 5 4 3 2 1
C. 4 2 1
D. 5
E. Nothing is printed

Question # 28

You are asked to develop a program for a shopping application, and you are given thisinformation:The application must contain the classes Toy, EduToy, and ConsToy. The Toyclass is the superclass of the other two classes.The int calculatePrice (Toy t) method calculates the price of a toy.The void printToy (Toy t) method prints the details of a toy.Which definition of the Toy class adds a valid layer of abstraction to the class hierarchy?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 29

You are asked to create a method that accepts an array of integers and returns the highestvalue from that array. Given the code fragment:

A. public int findMax (int[] numbers)
B. static int[] findMax (int[] max)
C. static int findMax (int[] numbers)
D. final int findMax (int[] )

Question # 30


A. A B C D
B. A C D
C. A C D D
D. A B D
E. A B D C

Question # 31

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. Sum is 600
B. Compilation fails at line n1.
C. Compilation fails at line n2.
D. A ClassCastException is thrown at line n1.
E. A ClassCastException is thrown at line n2.

Question # 32

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. A B C
B. A B C D E
C. A B D E
D. Compilation fails.

Question # 33

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. 2 4
B. 0 2 4 6
C. 0 2 4
D. Compilation fails.

Question # 34

Given: What is the result?

A. 1 null
B. true false
C. false false
D. true true
E. A ClassCastException is thrown at runtime.

Question # 35

Given the code fragment:

A. The sum of 4 numbers is: 10
B. A compile time error occurs.
C. The sum of 5 numbers is: 10
D. The sum of 5 numbers is: 15

Question # 36

Given the code fragment: 

What is the result?
A. Compilation fails.
B. The program compiles, but it prints nothing.
C. HiHowAreYou removed
D. An UnsupportedOperationException is thrown at runtime.

Question # 37

Which two code fragments cause compilation errors? (Choose two.)

A. double y1 = 203.22; float fit = y1;
B. float fit = (float) 1_11.00;
C. Float fit = 100.00;
D. int y2 = 100;float fit = (float) y2;
E. float fit = 100.00F;

Question # 38


A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 39

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. 100
B. 101
C. 102
D. 103
E. Compilation fails

Question # 40

Given the code fragment:

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 41

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. Compilation fails.
B. Hi removed
C. An UnsupportedOperationException is thrown at runtime.
D. The program compiles, but it prints nothing.

Question # 42

Given the code fragment: What is the result?

A. 1 3 5 71 3
B. 1 31 3
C. 1 31 3 0 0
D. 1 3followed by an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
E. Compilation fails.

Question # 43

Given: What is the result?

A. 4W 100 Auto4W 150 Manual
B. null 0 Auto4W 150 Manual
C. Compilation fails only at line n1
D. Compilation fails only at line n2
E. Compilation fails at both line n1 and line n2

Question # 44

Given this class:

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
F. Option F

Question # 45

Given the code fragment: Which code fragment, when inserted at line 3, enables the code to print 10:20?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

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