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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Which statement is correct about the tasks that StandaloneAgents perform?(Choose the best answer.)
A. They update or modify code to be executed, check security, select database servers, and update log files after execution.
B. They schedule scenarios to be executed, check security, constraints and update log files after execution.
C. They retrieve code from the execution repository and request database servers, operatingsystems, or scripting engines for execution.
D. They schedule code from the execution repository and update log files after execution.
Question # 2
Which two statements are true about ODI web-based components?(Choose two.)
A. ODI Console allows administrators to edit users’ information.
B. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control provides access to ODI data servers’ settings.
C. ODI sessions can be monitored in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.
D. ODI Console provides access to project and mapping details.
Question # 3
How do youprovide a timeout value for an exception step?(Choose the best answer.)
A. by using a custom Groovy script
B. by using a variable
C. by using the Timeout filed
D. by using a Timeout knowledge module
Question # 4
You want to ensure that thePhysical Mapping Design cannot be modifiedeven if the Logical Design of the Mapping is changed. What sequence of steps must you follow to achieve this?(Choosethe best answer)
A. Go to the Physical tab, select theFixedDesign check boxof the Physical Mapping Design.
B. Go to the Physical tab, select the Is Frozen check box of the Physical Mapping Design.
C. Go to the Physical tab, select the Read-only check box of the Physical Mapping Design.
D. Go to the Physical tab, deselect theModify check boxof the Physical Mapping Design.
Question # 5
You want to modify the code generated by a failed Task and restart the session. How must you proceed?(Choose the best answer.)
A. Open the Task in Operator, go to Code, click Edit, use Pre-execution Code to edit the code, and save it.
B. It is not possible to modify the code once it has been generated.
C. Open the Step in Operator, edit the code, and save it.
D. Open the Task in Operator, go to Code, click Query/Execution Plan to edit the code, and save it.
Question # 6
You are working with delimited flat files and want to enforce a primary key on a flat file by using a Check Knowledge Modules (CKM). However, you encounter an error. Why did this happen?(Choose the best answer.)
A. It is not possible to enforce constraints on some technologies such as flat files and Java Messaging Service (JMS) queries.
B. It is not possible to enforce constraints on any technology.
C. It is only possible to forward-engineer it to the flat file definition.
D. It is possible to enforce a primary key on a flat file by using a CKM; however, you have to save it as a fixed file.
Question # 7
How are the ODI repositories upgraded?(Choose the best answer.)
A. by using Opatch
B. by using ODI Studio
C. by using the import/export utilities
D. by using Upgrade Assistant
Question # 8
You must send the same message in multiple packages to several email addresses stored in the same database table. How do you accomplish this by using a reusable package step?(Choose the best answer.)
A. Create a procedure and add two tasks. The first one must have a Command on Source
that reads the email addresses from the database table and stores them in a bind variable,
and the second must have a Command on Target that usesOdiSendMailto send the email
by using the bind variable defined in the first task.
B. Createa Knowledge Module. Add a task with a Command on Source that reads the email addresses from the database table and stores them in a bind variable, and a Command on Target that usesOdiSendMailto send the email using the bind variable defined in the Command on Source.
C. Create a counter variable that gets the total number of email addresses stored in the database table. Next, create another variable that selects the email addresses from the database table. Then, create a loop in the packages by using the variables and anOdiSendMailstep.
D. Create a procedure. Add a task with a Command on Source that reads the email addresses from the database table and stores them in a bind variable, and a Commandon Targetthat usesOdiSendMailto send the email using the bind variable defined in the Command on Source.
Question # 9
Which tables created by ODI contain error records?(Choose the best answer.)
D. E$
Question # 10
You are working on notifications in a package and you must send an email containing an error message incase a Package step fails. WhichodiRefmethod do you use to access the error message?(Choose the best answer.)
A. odiRef.getSession()
B. odiRef.getInfo()
C. odiRef.getPrevStepLog()
D. odiRef.getStep()
Question # 11
Your project requires a loop through the same package logic 24/7. You must be able to purge those executions when required. How do you accomplish this?(Choose the best answer.)
A. Link the last step of the package to its first step to create an infinite loop.
B. Create a scenario from the package, add the scenario as the last step in the package, run it asynchronously, and then save and regenerate this scenario.
C. Create a scenario from the package, add the scenario as the last step in the package, run it asynchronously, and then save.
D. Drag the package to the last step in the package, run it asynchronously, and then save.
Question # 12
You are designing a Mapping. How are target and source tables defined?(Choose the best answer.)
A. Their definition is imported with areverse-engineering process directly from databases
and other sources, but you must manually define all keys and constraints existing on the
B. Their definition is imported with a reverse-engineering process directly from databases and other sources.
C. Forevery load the definition of the tables used, their columns and constraints must be manually built.
D. An external engine must be run to describe what metadata is needed for a Mapping.
Question # 13
You must split a model with many database tables into multiple sub-models based on their names. How must you proceed?(Choose the best answer)
A. Create new submodels and drag data stores individually to each submodel.
B. Use automatic distribution feature at the models level to automatically create the submodels and move the data stores based on their names.
C. Create new submodels and leverage the automatic distribution feature at the submodels level to automatically move the data stores based on their names.
D. Create new models, drag the data stores individually to each model and then drag the models to the parent model to create submodels.
Question # 14
You have to loop through a Mapping step three times in a package by using variables. Identify thecorrect variable data type to create the loop. (Choose the best answer.)
A. numeric
B. alphanumeric
C. date
D. text
Question # 15
Identify two correct Restart values for parallel steps in load plans.(Choose two.)
A. Restart from new session.
B. Restart from failure.
C. Restart from failed children.
D. Restart all children.
Question # 16
Which two statements are true about big data support in ODI?(Choose two.)
A. ODI uses its own transformation engine to process data in a Hadoop cluster.
B. ODI performs data transformations inside a Hadoop cluster.
C. ODI must perform data transformations outside Hadoop in an Oracle database.
D. ODI allows moving data in and out of a Hadoop cluster.
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