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- Updated On February 10, 2025
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OMG OMG-OCSMP-MBI300 Exam Overview:
Aspect | Details |
Exam Name | OMG OMG-OCSMP-MBI300 |
Exam Cost | $250 USD |
Total Time | 90 minutes |
Available Languages | English |
Passing Marks | 70% |
Exam Provider | OMG (Object Management Group) |
OMG-Certified Systems Modeling Professional - Model Builder – Intermediate Exam Topics Breakdown
Domain | Percentage | Description |
Basic Concepts | 20 | Understanding fundamental concepts of model-based systems |
Modeling Principles | 30 | Applying modeling principles to system development |
Model-Based System Design | 50 | Designing systems using model-based approaches |
Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Choose the correct answer Annex C of the SysML specification describes optional stereotypes that are useful formodeling requirements. Which stereotype are all the other stereotypes based upon, andwhich properties does it add to a requirement?
A. «designConstraint», which adds a mandatory constraintProperty
B. «emanagedRequirement», which adds properties for owner and changeAuthority
C. «extendedRequirement», which adds properties for source, risk, and verifyMethod
D. «penformanceRequirement». which adds properties for performanceMeasure andperformance MeasureKind
E. «synched Requirement», which adds properties for lastSynch. version, andcorresponding ID in the requirements management tool
Question # 2
Choose the correct answer.Given the following diagram: Which SysML, relationship should be used to relate c1 to Weight_Requirement for bestsemantics?
A. Copy
B. Trace
C. Refine
D. Satisfy
E. Dependency
F. Association
G. composition
Question # 3
Choose the correct answer.In the following bdd, A delegates both of its ports to B:
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 4
Choose the correct answer.Given the following model:
A. Only Instances X1 and X? are invalid
B. Only instances X2 and X4 are invalid.
C. Only instance X4 is invalid.
D. All instances (X1, X2, X3, and X4) are valid.
Question # 5
Choose the correct answer.What is the best way to specify the behavior of a functional requirement?
A. Model an activity that refines the functional requirement.
B. Model a state machine that refines the functional requirement.
C. The project methodology will indicate which way is compatible with its process.
D. The requirement text must be a clear and concise specification of the functionality.
Question # 6
Choose the correct answerHow would a modeler refine a use case textual narrative?
A. provide a detailed definition of the use case using a behavioral diagram
B. specify all of the triggers preconditions, and post conditions for the use case
C. specify all extension points for extend use cases and specify all secondary actors
D. provide a complete textual description of the main flow and alternative/exceptional flowsfor the use case
Question # 7
Choose the correct answerWhich statement is true about the read only keyword when it appears next to a property?
A. It states that the corresponding property is provided for reading purposes only
B. It specifies that the corresponding property cannot be redefined
C. It specifies that the value of the corresponding property cannot change during thelifetime of its owner.
D. It specifies that the value of the corresponding property can be changed by its owner,but can only be read by other blocks
Question # 8
Choose the correct answer.Block 1 has a value property 'a' part 1. typed by Block! sends the message Ml If a»0; otherwise it sends message M2.Which diagram depicts this scenario?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 9
Choose the correct answer.What is a property that may be calculated by analysis of the model?
A. a derived property
B. an analysis property
C. a calculated property
D. an estimation property
E. a replacement property
Question # 10
Choose the correct answer.Which option correctly describes the effect of an object flowing into and out of a data store?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 11
Choose the correct answerWhich SysML construct is used to represent a connection point to an interaction when It isbeing used by another interaction?
A. a formal gate
B. a usage point
C. a message port
D. an interaction parameter
Question # 12
Choose the correct answerA sequence diagram depicts the beginning of a user's session with a piece of interactivesoftware . The diagram must show that the –Software Session is created by some activityof the .User.Which sequence diagram fragment expresses this?A)
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 13
Choose the correct answerWhat is an effective and efficient approach to project modeling standards and conventions?
A. Every project should create its own domain specific profile to describe modelingstandards and conventions
B. Organizations should create specific modeling standards and conventions to ensuremodeling consistency across projects
C. The SysML specification alone is sufficient to describe modeling standards andconventions when the modeling tool has a proper implementation of SysML
D. The SysML specification and the modeling tool documentation are sufficient to describemodeling standards and conventions
Question # 14
What is the shortest event sequence that will place this state machine in its final state?
A. a, b, x
B. c, a, x
C. c, a, x, x
D. a, b. c, x
E. a, b, c, a, x, x
Question # 15
Choose the correct answer.Given the following diagram fragment:
A. At most two Initiator actor instances can perform the use case
B. Two Initiator actor instances are required to trigger the use case
C. Two Initiator actor instances are required to participate in the use case.
D. Multiplicities carry no meaning on use case diagrams
Question # 16
Choose the correct answerWhat is an efficient way to represent highly reused patterns of interaction on sequencediagrams?
A. an Interaction use referencing an interaction defined on a separate sequence diagram
B. an interaction template construct that is instantiated from the referring sequencediagram
C. the call interaction operator with an operand referring to the reusable Interaction definedelsewhere
D. an activation on the referring sequence diagram allocated to another activation on thereferenced diagram
Question # 17
Choose the correct answer.Given the following diagram:
A. It remains in State 1.
B. it arbitrarily enters either State 2 or State 3.
C. It terminates
D. Its behavior is not defined.
Question # 18
Choose the correct answerWhere may constraint blocks be defined?
A. on any diagram
B. only on parametric diagrams
C. only on block definition diagrams
D. only on block definition diagrams or package diagrams
E. only on block definition diagrams or parametric diagrams
F. only on block definition diagrams or internal block diagrams
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