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Nokia 4A0-107 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which of the following statements about the token buckets of a policer is TRUE?

A. When a packet arrives, the PIR bucket depth is checked and the packet is discarded ifthis bucket is full.
B. The CIR bucket of a policer is the reserved portion of its PIR bucket.
C. The CIR bucket of a policer has two thresholds: CBS and HPO.
D. Packets processed by the PIR bucket at an average rate above PIR will be forwarded asout-of-profile.

Question # 2

Traffic assigned to forwarding classes is placed into queues, while the contents of thequeues are serviced in a controlled manner using____________.

B. shapers
C. schedulers
D. markers
E. weighted fair queues (WFQ)

Question # 3

According to the SAP-egress policy configured and applied, which queue will AF trafficuse?

A. Queue 3, because it is explicitly defined in the SAP-egress policy.
B. Queue 2, because it is explicitly configured in the queue-group template.
C. The default, queue 1, because there is a mismatch between the mapping in the SAPegresspolicy and in the queue-group template.
D. AF traffic is dropped because there is a mismatch between the mapping in the SAPegresspolicy and in the queue-group template.

Question # 4

Which of the following features of the Nokia 7750 SR prevents Head of Line blocking in thedefault queuing model?

A. Every forwarding class can be associated with its own queue without sharing with otherforwarding classes.
B. A 3-tier scheduling policy can be applied at SAP-ingress/SAP-egress.
C. For each unicast queue in a SAP-ingress or network-queue policy, there is a separatehardware queue for each destination FFPC.
D. Policing can be deployed instead of queuing at ingress.

Question # 5

Which of the following statements regarding scheduling on the Nokia 7750 SR is TRUE?(Choose two)

A. When using profile-mode queues, traffic that is marked as in-profile on ingress andscheduled in the above-CIR loop will still be considered as in-profile at egress.
B. When an HQoS strategy using an egress port-scheduler has been deployed, Tier 1receives its scheduling rates based on the amount of egress bandwidth available for eachforwarding class.
C. The greater the difference between PIR and CIR rates in a queue, the less likely a CIRwill be provided.
D. Packets scheduled out of high-priority queues in the default scheduler will have a lowerchance of packet loss at the expense of incurring a higher probability of delay.
E. When using priority-mode queues, traffic that is marked as in-profile on ingress andscheduled in the above-CIR loop will be considered as in-profile at egress.

Question # 6

Click the exhibit button below. The service provider has both a VLL (epipe) service and aVPLS, as shown in the diagram below. At router PE B, traffic arriving from both services will have the same network-queue policyapplied.


Question # 7

On the Nokia 7750 SR, where can network-queue policies be applied? (Choose two)

A. On the network egress port.
B. On the SDP.
C. On the access ingress port.
D. On the egress MDA.
E. On the SAP.
F. On the ingress MDA.

Question # 8

Which of the following statements about a SAP-ingress policy is FALSE?

A. It maps customer traffic to forwarding classes on ingress.
B. It can use customer QoS markings to do the mapping.
C. The default SAP-ingress policy classifies all traffic into FC “be” with low priority.
D. It serves the classification, queuing, and marking functions of QoS but does not servescheduling

Question # 9

According to the SAP-ingress QoS policy shown, what is the maximum amount of memorythat queue 5 can use from the shared buffer pool?

A. 1 kilobyte
B. 2 kilobytes
C. 10 kilobytes
D. 20 kilobytes

Question # 10

Which of the following is NOT a valid configuration value for a queue’s CIR parameterwithin a SAP-ingress policy?

A. 0
B. min
C. max D. 50000

Question # 11

How does a shaper rate-limit a traffic stream?

A. Packets that arrive in a burst are immediately dropped; packets that arrive with theproper in between space are immediately.
B. Packets are buffered on arrival and are forwarded at an average rate conforming withPIR, typically, with a reduced burstiness.
C. Packets with an average arrival rate higher than PIR are immediately dropped;conforming packets are forwarded at the same rate at which they arrive.
D. Packets with an average arrival rate higher than PIR are buffered for future processing;conforming packets are immediately forwarded.

Question # 12

Which of the following statements about burst-limit of a queue is FALSE?

A. Burst-limit sets a limit on the maximum burst of packets transmitted during eachscheduler visitation time.
B. Proper configuration of the burst-limit can prevent packet drops on the downstreamnodes resulting from traffic bursts.
C. The lower the configured burst limit value, the lower the burst allowed to enter thequeue.
D. If the burst-limit is not configured, a default burst-limit value will be used by the queue.

Question # 13

Click the exhibit button below. Each router is interconnected by a single GigE link, asshown in the diagram below. Note: The arrows show the direction of traffic flow.Traffic from Customer A and Customer B that is classified to the same forwarding class isqueued together at the ingress of Router B.

A. True
B. False

Question # 14

Which of the following are the minimum requirements needed to classify traffic marked withDSCP AF11, AF12, and AF13 into the AF forwarding class and provide fair treatment to thedrop precedence settings? (Choose three)

A. Profile mode queues
B. Priority mode queues
C. 1 queue
D. 3 queues
E. 3 forwarding classes
F. 1 forwarding class, with 2 subclasses
G. 1 forwarding class, with 3 subclasses

Question # 15

On the Nokia 7750 SR, how many queues per FC are available for multipoint traffic within aVPLS on service ingress?

A. 64
B. 8
C. 3
D. 16
E. 1

Question # 16

Given the scheduler-policy parameters shown, and assuming the offered rate of eachqueue is 10 Mbps, what are the operational PIR and CIR for queue 3?

A. PIR = 4 Mbps, CIR = 1 Mbps
B. PIR = 1 Mbps, CIR = 1 Mbps
C. PIR = 10 Mbps, CIR = 1 Mbps
D. PIR = 5 Mbps, CIR = 1.25 Mbps
E. PIR = 1.25 Mbps, CIR = 1.25 Mbps

Question # 17

What is the maximum number of SAP-ingress policies that can be applied on a SAP?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
F. 8

Question # 18

A hierarchical scheduler policy with the shown parameters is configured at a serviceingress. If the offered rate of each queue is 10Mbps, what is the operational PIR and CIRfor queue 3?

A. PIR = 5 Mbps, CIR = 0 Mbps
B. PIR= 4 Mbps, CIR = 1 Mbps
C. PIR= 6 Mbps, CIR = 4 Mbps
D. PIR= 6 Mbps, CIR = 1 Mbps

Question # 19

Which of the following are possible criteria for classifying packets at the SAP-ingress?(Choose three)

A. The EXP bits in the MPLS header.
B. The packet's source and destination IP addresses.
C. The service ID of the service to which the SAP belongs.
D. The dot1p bits in the frame header.
E. The packet's Ethertype.

Question # 20

Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the building of a QoS-enablednetwork? (Choose two)

A. It is important that all packets are classified in the same way at all SAP-ingress points.
B. Once a packet is classified to a forwarding class, it cannot change across the network.
C. Packet enters a node will be treated as per the local hop's configured policy.
D. Native IP packets entering a network port will be marked at the first network egress bydefault
E. Native IP packets entering a network port will not be marked at the first network egressby default.
F. Native IP packets entering a network port will be marked at the first network egress,regardless of the re-marking configuration.

Question # 21

Which of the following statements regarding egress FC and profile over-ride are TRUE?(Choose two)

A. Packets can be classified into 16 different FCs when using priority mode queuing.
B. This feature is available on egress SAPs within any service.
C. MPLS EXP bits can be changed based on multi-field classification.
D. If a Behavior Aggregate (BA) and Multi-field (MF) match occurs, only the MF overrideparameters will take effect.
E. If a Behavior Aggregate (BA) and Multi-field (MF) match occurs, the BA classificationcan override the forwarding class while the MF classification can override the profile.

Question # 22

Which parameter can be configured in a network ingress QoS policy?

A. The priority (low/high) to be assigned to the packets.
B. The profile (in/out) to be assigned to the packets.
C. The queues to be assigned to the forwarding classes.
D. The markings to be marked on the packets.

Question # 23

Traffic corresponding to a layer-3 VPN arrives at router PE1 marked with a dot1p value of4. The SDP carrying the traffic uses an MPLS transport tunnel. Given the policies appliedon the routers in the diagram, what is the EXP value of packets arriving at router PE2?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6

Question # 24

If packets egressing a SAP do not match any criteria defined in the SAP-egress policy,which forwarding class will these packets be assigned to?

A. The default forwarding class defined in the SAP-egress policy.
B. The forwarding class inherited from network ingress classification.
C. Best Effort.
D. If there is no match, packets will be dropped.

Question # 25

A queue is configured with the following attributes:MBS = 10KBCBS = 5KBHigh-Priority-Only = 20%Assume that there is no CBS overbooking and that the slope-policy is disabled. If thecurrent queue depth is 3KB, what will happen to an out-of-profile packet arriving at anegress queue?

A. It will be queued in the reserved portion of the buffer pool and remain out-of-profile.
B. It will be queued in the reserved portion of the buffer pool if there are no in-profilepackets already in the queue.
C. It will be queued in the reserved portion of the buffer pool and be in-profile.
D. It will be queued in the shared portion of the buffer pool but contend for shared bufferspace with packets from other queues.
E. It will be queued in the shared portion of the buffer pool but may be dropped if the bufferutilization exceeds the start-average value of the low slope.

Question # 26

On an Nokia IOM 3, how is buffer memory allocated per forwarding complex?

A. 512 MB ingress, 512 MB egress
B. 256 MB ingress, 256 MB egress
C. 1 GB dynamically allocated between ingress and egress.
D. 768 MB dynamically allocated between ingress and egress.
E. 768 MB, with a minimum of 256 MB ingress and egress, and an additional 256 MBdynamically allocated.

Question # 27

Which of the following statements about scheduling on the Nokia 7750 SR is FALSE?

A. When using priority-mode queues, traffic marked as low-priority on ingress andscheduled in the above-CIR loop will be considered as in-profile at egress.
B. When using priority-mode queues, traffic marked as high-priority on ingress andscheduled in the above-CIR loop will be considered as out-of-profile at egress.
C. When using profile-mode queues, traffic marked as low-priority on ingress andscheduled in the above-CIR loop will be considered as out-of-profile at egress.
D. When using profile-mode queues, traffic marked as in-profile on ingress and scheduledin the above-CIR loop will still be considered as in-profile at egress.

Question # 28

What feature makes a traffic stream real-time?

A. Its rate fluctuates rapidly with time.
B. Its bandwidth requirements are high.
C. Time between packets remains unchanged and end-to-end delay is kept to a minimum.
D. All packets received are guaranteed to be delivered to the destination.

Question # 29

Which of the following are characteristics of DSCP? (Choose two)

A. DSCP is part of the Layer 3 header.
B. DSCP is a 6-bit field.
C. DSCP specifies eight different priorities.
D. DSCP specifies four precedence levels.
E. DSCP is part of the Layer 2 header
F. DSCP specifies 128 different per-hop behaviors.

Question # 30

Which of the following statements about marking packets is TRUE?

A. Packets corresponding to a layer-2 service can be pre-marked on SAP-ingress.
B. Packets corresponding to a layer-2 service can be pre-marked on network-ingress.
C. Packets corresponding to a layer-3 service can be pre-marked on SAP-ingress.
D. Packets corresponding to a layer-3 service can be pre-marked on network-ingress.

Question # 31

How does an IOM3 improve the queue usage over an IOM2 in a Nokia 7750 SR? (Choosetwo)

A. The IOM3 adds more memory to both forwarding complexes which increases the totalnumber of queues available.
B. The IOM3 only contains a single forwarding complex which reduces the number ofqueues used.
C. The IOM3 allows multiple forwarding classes to be assigned to a single queue.
D. The IOM3 allows queues to be dynamically allocated between ingress and egress.
E. The IOM3 has a larger CPU capable of tracking active hardware queue utilization andadjusting memory allocation accordingly.

Question # 32

Forwarding subclasses are only relevant to, and are therefore applied within the context of,a _____________policy.

A. network
B. scheduling
C. slope
D. SAP-ingress
E. network-queue

Question # 33

At which points can traffic be marked or remarked on the Nokia 7750? (Choose two)

A. SAP-ingress only
B. SAP-egress only
C. SAP-ingress and SAP-egress
D. Network ingress
E. Network egress

Question # 34

Which of the following statements about the token buckets of a policer is FALSE?

A. The CIR has no influence on the forwarding rate of the policer traffic.
B. The CIR influences whether a packet is considered high-profile or low-profile.
C. The policer discards all incoming packets when PIR bucket reaches the MBS level.
D. PIR bucket forwards packets that arrive with rates above PIR as out-of-profile.

Question # 35

A queue-group template can only contain policers (no queues) when applied under whichconditions?

A. When applied at the FP (Forwarding Path) level for access egress
B. When applied at an access port for ingress or egress
C. When applied at the FP (Forwarding Pass) level for access ingress
D. When applied at the port level for network egress

Question # 36

On the Nokia 7750 SR, what is the maximum number of queues that a single SAP-ingresspolicy can support in a VPLS?

A. 16
B. 8
C. 32
D. 48
E. 56

Question # 37

In which of the following scenarios is self-generated traffic QoS (sgt-QoS) useful?

A. EXP markings on transit control traffic are not set correctly.
B. The priority of all self-generated traffic needs to be lowered to allow all other traffic totake precedence.
C. The priority of various control packets requires special treatment throughout thenetwork.
D. The BGP process is consuming too many CPU cycles and is impacting OSPFperformance.

Question # 38

Click the exhibit button below. Given the scheduler-policy (below), which of the followingcan be done to guarantee that the best-effort traffic receives its configured CIR value?

A. Change the CIR-level value for the best-effort queue to 8.
B. Do not change anything; it is already guaranteed to receive its CIR
C. Change the CIR-level value for the best-effort queue to 1.
D. Change the CIR-weight value of the AF queue to 0.

Question # 39

Assume all transmitted frames on a SONET port are 1500 bytes and that the averageframe overhead has been configured as 10%. If the total bandwidth of all queues,excluding overhead, needs to be guaranteed at 55 Mbps, how much bandwidth should beconfigured for the egress port scheduler applied on that port?

A. 55 Mbps / 1.1 = 50 Mbps
B. 55 Mbps
C. 55 Mbps + 55 Mbps * 0.1 / 1.1 = 60 Mbps
D. 55 Mbps * 1.1 = 60.5 Mbps

Question # 40

If two queues complete for bandwidth in a hierarchical scheduler environment, whichparameter is used by their parent scheduler to determine the priority with which eachqueue can use bandwidth above its committed rate?

A. level
B. cir-level
C. weight
D. cir-weight

Question # 41

In which of the following scenarios is the egress port scheduler useful? (Choose two)

A. A customer is complaining that his VoIP traffic is being dropped even though it issending the correct DSCP markings. Packets are not being dropped on ingress.
B. A customer is complaining that his VoIP traffic is being dropped even though it issending the correct DSCP markings. Packets are being dropped on ingress.
C. A commercial builder has requested numerous dot1Q epipes, VPRNs, and VPLSservices to a business park and is only paying up to a maximum 200Mbps.
D. An equipment manufacturer has requested a NULL epipe service that will transparentlypass dot1Q between the new location and national headquarters.

Question # 42

How many bits in the IP ToS field define the packet’s precedence?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

Question # 43

Which of the following statements regarding DSCP bits are TRUE? (Choose three)

A. The three most significant (first) bits define 8 forwarding classes.
B. The three least significant (last) bits of the DSCP specify the drop probability.
C. The full 8 bits of the TOS field are used for DSCP.
D. To convert DSCP to IP precedence, the three most significant (first) bits are matched.
E. DSCP provides for eight drop probabilities.

Question # 44

Which of the following statements describe the operation of WRED on the Nokia 7750 SR?(Choose three)

A. WRED monitors the shared buffer space utilization over a period of time.
B. WRED disables the TCP slow-start congestion control mechanism.
C. WRED uses two configurable slopes for each buffer pool: a high slope and a low slope.
D. WRED uses the shared buffer utilization, instead of the individual queue depth, to get abetter picture of the average resource utilization of the shared buffer space.
E. WRED polices the shared buffer pool and marks all packets above a certain rate as"discard eligible."

Question # 45

In which policies, on the Nokia 7750 SR. is classification performed? (Choose three)

A. SAP-ingress policy
B. SAP-egress policy
C. IP-criteria policy
D. Network-queue policy
E. Slope policy
F. Network policy

Question # 46

Which of the following is an example of something that CAN be done with hierarchicalpolicing (CFHP) but CANNOT be done with standalone policers?

A. Limiting the maximum forwarding rate of each individual policer and, at the same time,marking, packets as in-profile or out-of-profile.
B. Putting packets in a buffer as they are received, and marking packets as in-profile orout-of-profile as they are removed from the buffer.
C. Rate-limiting the collective output of several policers, and to reallocate bandwidth that isnot utilized by some policers to other policers that need to use it.
D. Rate-limiting the collective output of several policers towards each egress FFPC, whilemaintaining control of the maximum overall forwarding rate.

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