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- Updated On February 10, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
A pulmonary function technologist is reviewing results of a recent mechanical diffusion simulation using a 3-liter syringe. The test was conducted at a room temperature of 22° C. The following BTPS results were reported: Which of the following should the technologist do?
A. Proceed with testing.
B. Change the calibration gases.
C. Recalibrate the gas analyzer.
D. Recalibrate the pneumotachometer.
Question # 2
A pulmonary function laboratory routinely tests five subjects as biologic controls. Acceptable instrument performance over time is indicated when measurements
A. For each individual are within 2 standard deviations of the mean of previous
measurements for each individual.
B. For an individual are within 2 standard deviations of the mean of those for the group
C. Of the group as a whole agree with those predicted by linear regression for changes in
D. Are within the 95% confidence interval predicted for an individual being tested.
Question # 3
Which of the following thresholds for a clinically significant change in lung function from the beginning to the end of a methacholine challenge test is significant?
A. An increase of more than 20% in airway resistance
B. Adecline of more than 30% in FEF25-75%
C. Adecline of more than 20% in FEV1
D. Adecline of more than 20% in inspiratory capacity
Question # 4
The following biologic control data ranges were established: The following additional data were obtained when assessing the equipment: Which of the following should a pulmonary function technologist do?
A. Change the CO2and H2O absorbers.
B. Continue testing patients.
C. Change the DLcoCO analyzer.
D. Check the flow sensor.Answer: D
Question # 5
An arterial blood gas performed prior to exercise on a 45-year-old patient shows the following results: A pulmonary function technologist should conclude that the patient's
A. Hemoglobin level is below normal.
B. Values are within normal limits.
C. Alveolar ventilation is above normal.
D. Dead space ventilation is above normal.
Question # 6
Which of the following tracings represents an airways resistance maneuver performed with a slow breathing frequency?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Question # 7
A government agency requires that a pulmonary function technologist establish proceduresto minimize the loss of laboratory data. Which of the following should be included in theseprocedures?1. Continuous mirroring of hard drives2. Storage of duplicate test data offsite3. No Internet connections to the computer storing the database4. Contracting with a third-party security company
A. 2,3, and 4 only
B. 1,3, and 4 only
C. 1,2, and 4 only
D. 1,2, and 3 only
Question # 8
While performing a quality control test on an open circuit nitrogen system, the volume of a 3-liter syringe is measured as 3.9 L. Which of the following is the most probable explanation?
A. There was an air leak in the system.
B. The initialO2concentration in the syringe was greater than 0.21.
C. The volume was not corrected from ATPS to BTPS.
D. The nitrogen analyzer gain was set too low.
Question # 9
A subject has the following values reported: WhatistheSGAW?
A. 0.20
B. 0.80
C. 1.25
D. 0.40
Question # 10
Biological control data are obtained for lung volumes by plethysmography. The following results are obtained: A pulmonary function technologist should repeat the test instructing the individual to
A. Inhale to TV
B. Pant at 40 to 50 Hz
C. Pant at 90 to 100 Hz
D. Inhale to TLC
Question # 11
A treadmill belt stops for a fraction of a second each time the patient takes a step. A pulmonary function technologist should
A. Instruct the patient to use the hand rails.
B. Tighten the belt.
C. Increase the speed of the belt.
D. Decrease the treadmill grade.
Question # 12
A patient is performing a flow-volume loop. A pulmonary function technologist observes equal decreases in expiratory and inspiratory flows resulting in plateaus. Patient effort is satisfactory, and he follows instructions well. The technologist should expect the patient to have a
A. Small airways obstruction
B. Restrictive disorder
C. Variable large airways obstruction
D. Fixed large airways obstruction.
Question # 13
During a linearity check of a flow sensor in a plethysmograph with a 3-liter calibration syringe, a pulmonary function technologist observes the following: Which of the following should the technologist do?
A. Perform an additional flow check at 10 L/sec
B. Look for an obstruction in the flow sensor.
C. Record these results and begin testing.
D. Recalibrate andrepeat the linearity check.
Question # 14
A 54-year-old male who smokes presents to the pulmonary laboratory for chronic cough and dyspnea on exertion. PFT and blood gas results show the following: Which of the following should the pulmonary function technologist recommend?
A. DLcomeasurement
B. Oxygen therapy with exercise
C. Trial of varenicline (Chantix)
D. Lung volume measurement
Question # 15
A pulmonary function technologist is asked to select gas concentrations to simulate pediatric patients' exhaled concentrations during a DLcosimulation. Which of the following FECO concentrations should the technologist select?
A. 0.200
B. 0.300
C. 0.400
D. 0.100
Question # 16
Prior to an exercise study, a pulmonary function technologist finds that the patient's RER is 1.13. Which of the following bestexplains this finding?
A. Carbohydrate metabolism
B. Protein metabolism
C. Hypoventilation
D. Hyperventilation
Question # 17
When selecting gas tanks for a DLcosimulator, which of the following expired CO gas concentrations will produce the highest simulated DLco?
A. 0.08
B. 0.30
C. 0.10
D. 0.15
Question # 18
The following Levy-Jennings charts of control values are obtained: Which of the following is the correct sequence of actions for a pulmonary function technologist to take?1. Replace the oxygen electrode2. Check the temperature of the measuring chamber.3. Run protein remover through the blood gas analyzer.4. Replace theCO2electrode.
A. 3, then 1
B. 1, then 4
C. 2, then 3
D. 4, then 2
Question # 19
The following data are observed during an exercise test: Which of the following should a pulmonary function technologist do?
A. Continue the test until the patient is symptomatic.
B. Discontinue the test and ensure patient safety.
C. Discontinue the test after the next stage
D. Continue the test until the patient reaches maximal tolerance.
Question # 20
The following blood gas report is questioned by the attending physician: Which of the following values is INCONSISTENT?
B. pH
C. PaCO2
Question # 21
The desiccant column on an infrared CO2analyzer is pink. The readings obtained from this analyzer would result in
A. Adecreased CO2
B. An increased CO2
C. An unstable reading
D. No effect on CO2
Question # 22
A smoking cessation program using a nicotine patch is started for all smokers in a factory. Results revealed that smokers who reported they had quit had exhaled carbon monoxide levels less than 6 ppm. A pulmonary function technologist should conclude that
A. The program was effective in accomplishing smoking cessation.
B. The smokers had refrained from smoking for the previous 6 hours.
C. The smokers were not being truthful about smoking cessation.
D. Adifferent method of smoking cessation should be offered to improve outcomes.
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