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NABCEP PVIP Exam Overview:

Aspect Details
Exam Cost $450
Total Time 4 hours
Available Languages English, Spanish
Passing Marks 70%
Retake Policy Allowed after 30 days
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Certification Validity 3 years
Study Material Provided

PV Installation Professional (PVIP) Board Certification Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
Design 25% Designing PV systems, shading analysis, layouts
Installation 30% Mounting, wiring, commissioning
Maintenance 20% Troubleshooting, inspection, maintenance
System Design 15% System sizing, site analysis, code compliance
Safety 10% OSHA regulations, safety practices

Frequently Asked Questions

NABCEP PVIP Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

What is an arc-flash boundary?

A. The approach limit distance within which inadvertent movement exposes personnel toincrease ris due to electrical arc-over potential.
B. The approach limit distance from energized electrical equipment within which a personis considered to be exposed to full circuit voltage.
C. The approach limit distance within which a person could receive a second-degree burnin the event that an electrical arc flash were to occur
D. The distance within which qualified personnel can safely perform bare-handed work onexposed energized electrical equipment operating at 50 volts or more.

Question # 2

The NEC requires that PV systems installed on dwellings incorporate which of the followingcomponents?

A. A dc ground-fault protect device
B. Blocking diodes across each module
C. Dc lightning surge arrestors
D. A lockable utility disconnect at the point-of-utility interconnection

Question # 3

While surveying a potential three-phase project, an installer measures the voltage at thepoint of utility interconnection. The results are as follows:* Phase to phase: 240V* Phase A neutral: 120V* Phase B neutral: 208V* Phase C neutral: 120VWhich is a likely cause of these reading?

A. Supply-side ground fault
B. Phase-to-phase power imbalances
C. High-leg transformer configuration
D. Missing ground in the transformer

Question # 4

How should stratification be eliminated in a set of large, stationary, stationary flooded leadacidbatteries?

A. Rotate the battery positions
B. Add 50% diluted sulfuric acid.
C. Enable equalization.
D. Discharge to 80 depth of discharge.

Question # 5

A grid-connected PV system on a dwelling is producing 30% less power than expected.The conductors from threes strings of modules enter into a 3-pole fused dc disconnect, andeach ungrounded conductor is connected to a separate pole. On the inverter side of theswitch terminals, the three strings are combined. The dc disconnect switch is opened. Thevoltages on the array side of theswitchare 440 on string #1, 444V on string #2, and 0V onstring #3. The dc disconnect is then closed and the inverter resumes operating, stillproducing about 30% less power than expected. A clamp-on ammeter is used to measurethe dc current of each string of each string of modules where they enter the rooftop junctionbox. The operating currents of each string are 3.9A for string #1, 3 85A for string #2, and4.3 A for string #3. What is the MOST likely with the system?

A. Positive and negative output conductors of string #3 are faulted together.
B. String #3 has an open connection and is not contributing any voltage.
C. A ground fault is causing the current from strings #1 and #2 to flow into string #3.
D. There is lower module mismatch in string #3 than in string #1 and #2.

Question # 6

Thermal imaging infrared cameras can be used to help find which of the following systemoperational issues?

A. Intensity of solar insolation to determine power output
B. Battery state of charge in a multimode system
C. Blind spot fault in a source circuit
D. Loose PV input circuit terminations in a combiner box

Question # 7

A residential PV system uses two 120.240Vac utility-interactive inverters with a sealedlead-acid battery energy backup for protected loads. The MOST important protected loadconsideration when operating in the backup mode is that:

A. The protected loads must have automatic restart function.
B. All protected loads are connected in multiwire branch circuits.
C. The peak current from the sealed lead- acid batteries must not exceed peak demandcurrents.
D. The stand-alone system configuration can adequately supply current to all protectedload branch circuit.

Question # 8

A grounding electrode is required at the location of all ground-mounted and pole-mountedPV arrays. Which typeof grounding electrode is NOT permitted for arrays. Which type ofthe grounding electrode is NOT permitted for array grounding?

A. Concrete-encased 4 AWG copper conductor at least 20 ft, in length
B. Aluminum structural member in direct contact with the earth for 10ft, or more
C. Metal underground water pipe in direct contact with the earth for 10 ft. or more.
D. Metal frame of a building or structure in direct with the earth for 10 ft. or more.

Question # 9

A site has a known magnetic declination of 14 west. What should the corrected azimuthreading of the array be in order to be facing true south?

A. 270
B. 194
C. 180
D. 166

Question # 10

A commercial 600v carport-mounted PV system is installed with rigid running under theparking lot to an inverter pad located at the edge of the parking lot. At what depth below theparkinglot base MUST condult be buried?

A. 12 in.
B. 18 in.
C. 24 in.
D. 36 in.

Question # 11

With all other environmental parameters being the same, which would be the expectedreduction in KM performance of a PV system after an irradiance drop from 810w/m2 to740w/m2?

A. 7.4%
B. 8.6%
C. 9.5%
D. 10.2%

Question # 12

Which insulation color is allowed for a current-carrying roottop dc conductor on afunctionally grounded 6kw PV system?

A. Red
B. White
C. Green
D. Green/yellow

Question # 13

Which of the following is an NEC-indicate means to identify PV source and output circuitsat accessible points of termination connection, and splices?

A. Tagging
B. Insulation type
C. Conduct stickers
D. Placards

Question # 14

Which of the following is an NEC requirement regarding access for large-scale PV electricpower production facilities?

A. Field-applied hazard markings must be installed, and access to the supply station is tobe restricted by fencing or other adequate means.
B. All fencing and associated gates must have ac and dc current and voltage exposurelabvels and must be electrically isolated from the solar facility.
C. Arc flash warning labels must be field-applied by the installer at all access points forqualified persons and at the point of the utility interconnection directory.
D. Access to remote isolating equipment for servicing is allowed for individual other thanqualified persons when the equipment is enclosed within a secure structure.

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