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Microsoft MB-240 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

The company has hired a new manager to set up and configure Field Serviceto automatically schedule workorders to the most appropriate resource scheduling.The manager is unable to optimize requirements and bookings related to work orders.Which three settings are required? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.

A. Assign the Field Service-Administrator security role to the RSO user.
B. Add the RSO dispatcher role to a dispatcher.
C. Enable Resource Scheduling Optimization.
D. Set Connect to Maps as Yes.
E. Add RSO to the profile Field Service-Administrator.

Question # 2

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Administrator.You install and configure Connected Field Service with Azure IoT Central. Several of your connected devicessent alerts back to Dynamics 365 and work orders were created. However, the work orders were not sent backto Azure IoT Central.You need to resolve the issue.Which Action should you take to resolve the issue?

A. Configure the Microsoft Flow When a work order is created in Connected Field Service, update IoT Central.
B. Create an IoT Command in Dynamics 365 to trigger an update in IoT Central.
C. Configure the Dynamics 365 workflow When a work order is created inConnected Field Service, updateIoT Central.
D. Create an IoT action in Dynamics 365 to trigger an update in IoT Central.

Question # 3

Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present thesame scenario. Each question inthe series contains a unique solution that might meet stated goals. Some question sets might havemore than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, thesequestions will not appear in the review screen.You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service system administrator.You are configuring a new instance of Dynamics 365 for Field Service. The organization needs toautomatically generate work orders based on agreements, and send invoices on a recurring basis bycustomer.Solution: You implement the following configuration changes.1) Create Agreement2) Define Booking Setup3) Create Invoice Setup4) Set Auto Generate Invoice = Yes5) Populate Generate Agreement Invoices X Days in AdvanceDoes this meet the goal?

A. Yes
B. No

Question # 4

You are a Field Service resource manager for Contoso, Ltd. and are setting up characteristics for fieldtechnicians who are responsible for repairs on rental equipment.Work performed on certain types of backhones, trenchers, and excavating equipment requires differentattributes to be identified for proper work order assignment and scheduling.Which two characteristics are valid? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. Certification
B. Approval Status
C. Skill
D. Rating Value

Question # 5

You are Dynamics 365 for Field Service Administrator and work for a manufacturing company. The companyprovides customers with large power systems for sophisticated data centers. The power systems are servicedby a field engineering team.The field engineering team documents work done on repairs and maintenance by completing Work Orderswithin Dynamics 365.You need to easily schedule work orders for the field engineering team via the schedule and enablegeocoding.Which two steps must you take to schedule resources via the schedule board and enable geocoding? Eachcorrect answer presents part of the solution.

A. Connect to Maps in Resource Scheduling.
B. Configure the map on the Schedule Board.
C. Set Auto Geo Code Addresses to Yes in Resource Scheduling.
D. Set Auto Geo Code Addresses to Yes in Field Service Settings.

Question # 6

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Administrator and work for a manufacturing firm. You are receivingsupport requests that field engineers are unable to see a custom area entitled “Parts Requests” within theDynamics 365 Field Service Mobile App.You need to troubleshoot the Dynamics 365 for Field Service mobile app to ensure that the field engineers areable to view the customizations created.What are the three steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue reported?Each correct answer presents acomplete solution.

A. Ensure that the Dynamics Mobile solution with the appropriate customizations has been published.
B. Synchronize the Dynamics 365 for Field Service Mobile App.
C. Ensure that a security role has been assigned to the project.
D. Verify that the impacted field engineers are enabled to use this project.
E. Ensure that the Woodford project with the appropriate customizations has been published.

Question # 7

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service administrator for a construction company.You need to schedule a work order for a group of resources that will work together for a set number of days,week, or months.How should you achieve the goal without scheduling the same requirements multiple times manually by usingthe schedule board (or with the schedule assistant)?

A. Use Facility Scheduling
B. Use Multi-Resource Scheduling
C. Use Resource Crew Scheduling
D. Use Universal Resource Scheduling

Question # 8

Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present thesame scenario. Each question inthe series contains a unique solution that might meet stated goals. Some question sets might havemore than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, thesequestions will not appear in the review screen.You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service system administrator.You are configuring a new instance of Dynamics 365 for Field Service. The organization needs to accuratelycapture the cost of work order bookings.Solution: You implement the following configuration changes:1) Create Resource Pay Types for regular, holiday, overtime, travel, and breaks.2) Assign an Hourly Markup percentage to each Resource Pay Type.3) Assign Resource Pay Types to the applicable Pay Type.4) Create Business Closures.5) Create Bookable Resources with Hourly Rates and Work Hours.Does this meet the goal?

A. Yes
B. No

Question # 9

Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present the same scenario. Each question inthe series contains a unique solution that might meet stated goals. Some question sets might havemore than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, thesequestions will not appear in the review screen.You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service system administrator.You are configuring a new instance of Dynamics 365 for Field Service. The organization needs toautomatically generate work orders based on agreements, and send invoices on a recurring basis bycustomer.Solution: You implement the following configuration changes.1) Create Agreement2) Define Booking Setup3) Set Booking Recurrence4) Create Invoice Setup5) Define Invoice RecurrenceDoes this meet the goal?

A. Yes
B. No

Question # 10

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Administrator. Your organization wants to use Connected FieldService for existing Customer Assets.You install Connected Field Service and set up Azure IoT Central, but it seemsno alerts are being received inDynamics 365 for the devices.You need to find the issue and resolve it.Which action should you choose?

A. Configure the Create CFS alerts from IoT Central Workflow within Dynamics 365.
B. Create the IoT Connected Device connection role to link devices to customer assets.
C. Register the device in Dynamics 365 Connected Field Service.
D. Configure the Create CFS alerts from IoT Central within Microsoft Flow.

Question # 11

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Billing Administrator. Your customer wants to purchase a series ofquarterly preventative maintenance visits as well as bi-weekly site visits.The customer wants to be billed for the preventative maintenance quarterly but billed for the site visits monthly.What are two ways that this can be completed against a single Agreement? Each correct answer presents acomplete solution.

A. Create Invoice Setup for preventative maintenance, with Invoice Products tied to Quarterly Price List.
B. Create Invoice Setup for preventative maintenance with Invoice Recurrence of every three months.
C. Create Invoice Setup for site visits, with Invoice Recurrence of each month.
D. Create Invoice Setup for site visits, with Invoice Products tied to Monthly Price List.

Question # 12

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Administrator. You configure Route Scheduling Optimization (RSO)and publish the schedule.One of your schedulers indicates two of their resources are not getting work orders assigned.You need to determine reasons why the two resources are not assigned work orders through RSO.Which three options should you choose? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. Work Hours is not properly configured for days being optimized.
B. Optimize Schedule field is not set to Yes.
C. The Work Location field is not set to Onsite.
D. Scheduling Method is not set to Optimize.
E. Start Location and End Location fields are not the same.

Question # 13

Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present thesame scenario. Each question inthe series contains a unique solution that might meet stated goals. Some question sets might havemore than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, thesequestions will not appear in the review screen.You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service system administrator.You are configuring a new instance of Dynamics 365 for Field Service. The organization needs toautomatically generate work orders based on agreements, and send invoices on a recurring basis bycustomer.Solution: You implement the following configuration changes.1) Create Agreement2) Define Agreement Products3) Set Booking Recurrence4) Create Invoice Setup5) Define Invoice RecurrenceDoes this meet the goal?

A. Yes
B. No

Question # 14

You work for a recycling company that provides customers with large compactor units to collect theirrecyclable materials. The compactor units are comprised of two separate components: a container to collectthe recyclable materials and a separate component that compacts the recyclable materials to make themeasier to transport.These containers are expensive, and the components tend to break down frequently, requiring ongoingmaintenance and repairs.You need to easily track the containers that your company has at each clientlocation and maintain a servicehistory for each of the sub-components.

A. Configure the customer asset records hierarchically, and maintain service history at the sub-componentlevel.
B. Configure the customer inventory records individually, in order to maintain the service history at the parentcomponent level.
C. Configure the customer inventory records in a hierarchy, and maintain service history at the subcomponent level.
D. Configure the customer asset records hierarchically, and maintain servicehistory at the service accountlevel.

Question # 15

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Mobile Administrator (FSM).When technicians log into FSM, they receive the following message:“Your organization has not configured Field Service Mobile.”You log into FSM and cannot reproduce the issue with your login.What must you do to fix the issue?

A. Update the Security Roles for the FSM project within Woodford.
B. Update the Priority for the FSM project within Woodford.
C. Update the Security Roles for all Bookable Resources within Dynamics 365.
D. Set Enabled for Field Service Mobile to Yes for all Bookable Resources.

Question # 16

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Administrator.You have a requirement to make a custom attribute "Contract Status" required and to not allow invalid data tobe entered in the attribute.What are three ways that you can make an attribute required on a form within the Dynamics 365 for FieldService Mobile App and ensure invalid data cannot be entered? Each correct answer presents a completesolution.

A. Create an OnSave rule, and display a message to the user if the specific field does not meet the required conditions.
B. Create an OnChange rule, and set a simple validation for a field to check whether the field contains data.
C. Create an Option Set with all possible options for the attribute.
D. Create an OnChange rule to highlight a field when it does not contain correct field data.
E. Create an OnSave rule to check any field's data, but without highlighting thefield when the condition is notmet

Question # 17

The field service team manager needs you to give a new technician user access to the system. The technicianwill use the mobile application to fill out work orders when they are onsite doing filed work to repair factorymotors at customer sites. When the dispatcher takes vacation, the new technician user will manage dispatcherfunctions.Which two field service security roles will the new technician user need? Each correct answer presents part ofthe solution.

A. Field Service-Dispatcher
B. Field Service-App Access and Field Service -Resource
C. Field Service-Mobile User
D. Field Service-User

Question # 18

Your company processes a large number of work orders each day. The company wants to ensure the highpriority work orders are dealt with immediately.You need to configure the schedule board so that bookings are easily visible to the dispatchers.How can you configure Dynamics Field Services to increase booking visibility?

A. Configure a work order type for high priority issues, to help categorize high priority work order records.
B. Configure an Incident type for high priority incidents on work order records.
C. Configure the status color for a booking status record, to identify high priority work order records.
D. Configure a priority record to allow you to identify high priority work order records.

Question # 19

You are entering products and services into Dynamics 365 CE Field Services.You need to ensure that your field technicians can use the products when completing work orders.Which two field service product types should you configure to allow your technicians to add work orderproducts? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. Product
B. Non Inventory
C. Inventory
D. Service

Question # 20

Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present the same scenario. Each question in the series contains a unique solution that might meet stated goals. Some question sets might havemore than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, thesequestions will not appear in the review screen.You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service system administrator.You are configuring a new instance of Dynamics 365 for Field Service. The organization needs to accuratelycapture the cost of work order bookings.Solution: You implement the following configuration changes:1) Create Resource Pay Types for regular, holiday, overtime, travel, and breaks.2) Assign an Hourly Markup percentage to each Resource Pay Type.3) Assign Resource Pay Types to the applicable Pay Type.4) Create Business Closures.5) Create Bookable Resources with Hourly Rates.Does this meet the goal?

A. Yes
B. No

Question # 21

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Dispatcher reviewing automatically generated bookings foroptimization of the schedule.You notice that, for certain customers, Work Orders are being generated without service tasks, products, orservices, when they should have them documented from the Agreement.Which two of the following should you troubleshoot? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.

A. Incident Type contains appropriate Service Tasks, Products, and Services.
B. Incident Type field "Copy Incident Items to Agreement" is marked "Yes".
C. Agreement Booking Setup field "Auto Generate Work Order" is marked "Yes".
D. Agreement Booking Setup contains appropriate Service Tasks, Products, and Services

Question # 22

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Mobile customizer.Your mobile technicians indicate that when in offline mode, they do not have access to the same data set thatis available online. Offline mode contains less account and work order data, and users cannot seewarehouses.You need to determine which updates to make within the mobile projectso that technicians can see theappropriate information.Which three actions should you choose? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. Update Synchronization setting to Always Full Sync.
B. Update entity Sync Filter.
C. Update View filters.
D. Update the Max Sync Records setting.
E. Update the entity Mode to Online and Offline.

Question # 23

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service consultant.One of your Dynamics 365 customers wants to decrease the number of repair appointments by sending fewertechnicians onsite.You need to provide a recommendation of which solution your customer should use to achieve their request.What should you recommend?

A. Azure IoT Hub
B. Connected Field Service
C. Dynamics 365 for Field Service
D. Crew Scheduling

Question # 24

You are implementing Dynamics 365 for Field Service.Your customer needs to understand how they can schedule the closest possible resource to a work order. Therequirement further specifies it could be start of day from the company’s siteor during the middle of the dayfrom an existing work order.You need to provide them with the settings they need to properly configure so the closest resource is foundwhen using the schedule assistant.What should you suggest?

A. Update the Resources Synchronization Timeout (in sec) setting within the Schedule Board Settings.
B. Update the Load Default Filters on the Schedule Assistant.
C. Update the Starting Location to Organization Unit within Schedule Board Settings.
D. Update the filter on the Scheduler core tool tips view.

Question # 25

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service scheduling coordinator.When you select the Book button on a work order, TechnicianA never shows up as available.You need to update the system to see TechnicianA’s availability.What should you do?

A. Set Enable for Availability Search to Yes on the TechnicianA bookable resource record.
B. Set Ignore Proposed Bookings to Yes on the Schedule Assistant view.
C. Set Real Time Mode to Yes on the Schedule Assistant view.
D. Set Display on Schedule Board to Yes on the TechnicianA bookable resource record.

Question # 26

As a new start-up field services company, you are looking to streamline your customer service process toprovide the best customer service experience. Your company has decided to implement Dynamics Field Services as the foundation for its customer servicemanagement processes. You need to ensure that the cases that the customer service team createscan be quickly and efficientlyconverted to work orders (that will minimize the need to add additional information to the work orders) usingthe out-of-the-box capabilities. Which key item do you need to configure before the customer service agents will be able to convert a case to awork order?

A. Resources
B. Work Order Types
C. Booking Rules
D. Incident Type

Question # 27

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Administrator. You need to add two compressor sub-components to one of the refrigerator customer assets, in theenvironment and set up the sub-components for the customer asset. What must you do to properly set up the assets?

A. Add the compressor sub-components as sub-assets on the refrigerator customer asset record.
B. Click View Hierarchy on the refrigerator customer asset record.
C. Set the Master Asset on the sub-components to the refrigerator Customer Asset record.
D. Add the compressor sub-components as customer asset records.

Question # 28

You are in charge of setting up the new Dynamics 365 CE Field Services environment for your company. As the field Service Administrator, you need to configure the field service settings for work orders for yourenvironment. Which three work order settings can be configured by the Field Service Administrator? Each correct answerpresents a complete solution

A. Default work order type
B. Auto generate resource requirement for work order
C. Work order invoice creation
D. Default work order completed status
E. Auto generate work order for agreement booking

Question # 29

Contoso, Ltd has just acquired a new company in order to increase the services it offers to its customers. Contoso, Ltd. wants to ensure that it is able to track all of the stages in its service management workflow,including the services offered by the new service company.You need to configure Dynamics 365 CE for Field Services to ensure that allof the necessary status valuesare configured correctly to track your company’s unique business process. Which action must you perform? 

A. Edit the existing system status field values.
B. Create the necessary sub-status values.
C. Create the necessary system status values.
D. Create the necessary service task values.

Question # 30

You are onsite, working on a customer's factory floor. You need to return tomorrow and replace a belt on theconveyor. You look at the inventory in Warehouse 1, and there are 10 in stock. You pull the belt from stock andcreate an inventory transfer record. What are the two correct steps to complete the transfer? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.

A. Select the source warehouse, then select the destination warehouse.
B. Enter the quantity to transfer, then click transfer.
C. Enter the part number from the drop down, then click to transfer.
D. Select the From warehouse location, then select the To warehouse location.

Question # 31

Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present thesame scenario. Each question inthe series contains a unique solution that might meet stated goals. Some question sets might havemore than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution. After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, thesequestions will not appear in the review screen.You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service system administrator. You are configuring a new instance of Dynamics 365 for Field Service. The organization needs to accuratelycapture the cost of work order bookings. Solution: You implement the following configuration changes:1) Create Resource Pay Types for regular, holiday, overtime, travel, and breaks.2) Assign an Hourly Markup percentage to each Resource Pay Type.3) Assign Resource Pay Types to the applicable Pay Type.4) Create the Holiday Schedule.Does this meet the goal? 

A. Yes
B. No

Question # 32

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service scheduler using the Schedule Assistant. You notice the Schedule Assistant always sets the Default Radius to 25 KM.You need to have the schedule assistant Default Radius set to 50 Miles. Which two options should you choose? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. Set the Default Radius Unit to Miles under Field Service Settings, Work Order/Booking section.
B. Set the Default Radius Value to 50 under Scheduling Parameters.
C. Set the Default Radius Value to 50 under Field Service Settings, Work Order/ Booking section.
D. Set the Default Radius Unit to Miles under Scheduling Parameters.

Question # 33

You are setting up a maintenance agreement for a new customer that will require preventative maintenancevisits as well as emergency visits to repair unforeseen equipment failures. You want to be certain that the price the customer is charged for all maintenance and repairs visits accuratelyreflects the agreed upon price list. The price of the spare parts used in equipmentrepairs varies significantly bythe territory where the client is located. As the work order administrator, you need to ensure that the prices used when generating the invoices forwork completed are correct, based on the agreement with the customer and the territory of the customer. What are three ways that you can accomplish this goal? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. 

A. Add a regional price list to the agreement that includes the price for products and services used.
B. Add a regional price list to the work order product that includes the price for products and services used.
C. Add a territory relationship to the work order that includes the price for products and services used.
D. Add a regional price list to the work order type that includes the price for products and services used.
E. Add a territory relationship to the agreement that includes the price for products and services used.

Question # 34

You are a Dynamics 365 for Field Service Mobile (FSM) customizer. Technicians report that they are not seeing their Bookings in the FSM app. You need to investigate why they cannot see their bookings. What are three actions you must take to perform your investigation? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

A. Check Drip Scheduling setting on the Bookable Resource.
B. Check sync filter on Bookable Resource Booking View.
C. Check if sync filter on Bookable Resource entity is too restrictive for offline mode.
D. Check that FSM app is synching to server.
E. Check if sync filter on Bookable Resource Booking entity is too restrictive for offline mode.c

Question # 35

You are a Dynamics 365 Field Service dispatcher using the Scheduling Assistant function.One of your customers, Adventure Works, does not want one of your resources to be scheduled to workorders going forward. The resource must be able to be scheduled for other accounts.How can you achieve this goal?

A. Create a Requirement Resource Preference record for the resource.
B. Set the Preference Type to Restricted and Cascade to No.
C. Create a Requirement Resource Preference record for the resource.
D. Set the Preference Type to Restricted and Account to Adventure Works.
E. Select Load the Default Filters on the Schedule Board.
F. Create a Requirement Resource Preference record for the resource.

Question # 36

You are Dynamics 365 for Field Service Development Manager.You need to enable customization development for multiple developers, via the Woodford solution, wherecustomizations can be combined together to complete the development requirements.What should you create in order to enable this capability?

A. Create a project for each developer, which publishes changes to a master project.
B. Create a project for each developer, using security roles to identify what customizations are available formodification.
C. Create a Dynamics 365 solution for each developer, which publishes changes to the Woodford solution.
D. Create a project for each developer, each within its own Woodford solution.Answer: A

Question # 37

Your company is expanding nationally.You need to configure tax codes for a new territory, so the company can start to operate in the new territory.You realize that you can identify which field service record types the tax code will be applied to.Which three Field Service record types are taxable within the new tax code? Each correct answer presents acomplete solution.

A. Agreements
B. Services
C. Purchase Orders
D. Products
E. Work Orders

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