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Liferay LRP-614 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Site administrators would like to search for web content based on the review date. Thereview date is not currently indexed when web content is published. The recommendedway to add the review date to the search index is to:

A. Create an Ext plugin and overwrite the Journal indexer to index the review date
B. Create a hook plugin and override the Journal service to index the review date
C. Create a hook plugin and override the edit article Struts action to index the review date
D. Create a hook plugin and implement an indexer post processor to index the review date

Question # 2

The recommended way to override the updateLastLogin() method and create a newmethod called updateLastlmpersonation() for the User service is to:

A. Create a hook plugin and implement a service wrapper that overrides theupdateLastLogin() method and creates the updatel_astImpersonation() method in the Userservice
B. Create a portlet plugin and implement a service wrapper hook that overrides theupdatel_astLogin() method in the User service and build a new service in the plugin thatreferences the User service and creates the updatel_astImpersonation() method
C. Create an Ext plugin that modifies portal-spring.xml to replace the User service with anew service that overrides the updatel_astLogin() method and creates theupdatel_astImpersonation() method
D. Create a hook plugin and implement a service wrapper that overrides theupdatel_astLogin() method and create an Ext plugin that builds a new service to implementthe updateLastImpersonation() method for the User service.

Question # 3

A portlet application only needs the standard web.xml deployment descriptor to beconsidered valid.

A. True
B. False

Question # 4

In portal.properties:login,events.post=\com.liferay.portal.events.ChannelLoginPostActionA,\com.liferay.portal.events.Defaultl_andingPageAction,\com.liferay.portal.events.LoginPostActionA hook plugin can insert a new class between DefaultLandingPageAction andLoginPostAction.

A. True
B. False

Question # 5

An Ext plugin should be used to:

A. Create aportlet
B. Create a theme
C. Overwrite a portal JSP file
D. Create a servlet filter
E. Modify coreportletdeployment descriptors
F. Create a web service

Question # 6

Color schemes are defined in:

A. liferay-color-scheme.xml
B. portal-ext.properties
C. liferay-look-and-feel.xml
D. liferay-plugin-package.properties

Question # 7

The business logic for UserLocalServiceUtil is found in:

A. Use rLocaIServiceUtil
B. UserLocalServicelmpI
C. Use rLocalService
D. UserServicelmpI
E. UserServiceUtil

Question # 8

Service Builder does not generate:

A. SQL statements to create tables
B. Hibernate and Spring configuration files
C. Axis web services
D. The view layer

Question # 9

The descriptor liferay-portlet.xml:

A. Defines Liferay-specific portlet features
B. Defines the categories of the Add Application menu
C. Identifies portlets that only run onLiferay
D. All of the above

Question # 10

To hide the default success message in a portlet that extends MVCPortlet:

A. Add the following when creating an action URL:<portlet:actionURLname="addRecord"var="addRecordURL"add-process-action-success-action="false" />
B. Add the following to liferay-portletxml:<add-process-action-success-action>false</add-process-action-success-action>
C. Add the following to portlet.xml:< in it-pa ram>< na me >add -process-action -success-action </na me ><value>false</value></init-param>
D. The default success message can only be overridden by supplying a customizedsuccess message using:SessionMessages.add(actionRequest, "custom-success-message");

Question # 11

The settings in portal-developer.properties:

A. Enable faster deployment of plugins
B. Disable minification of CSS and JavaScript
C. Assist deployment from a development to a production environment
D. Precompile Velocity and FreeMarker templates

Question # 12

Hook plugins can only override core JSPs, services, language keys and Struts actions.

A. True
B. False

Question # 13

The bundled property file that contains settings for a development environment is:

A. portal-ext. properties
B. portal-developer, properties
C. developer, properties
D. None of the above

Question # 14

AlloyUI is:

A. A JavaScript library
B. A CSS framework
C. A tag library
D. All of the above

Question # 15

To customize the User service in a hook plugin, create a class that extends:

A. UserServicelmpI
B. UserServiceBaseImpI
C. UserService
D. UserServiceWrapper

Question # 16

The Ant target that removes compiled class files from the plugin is:

A. obliterate
B. destroy
C. remove
D. clean
E. reset
F. terminate

Question # 17

Beta-portlet.war requires services that are in alpha-portlet.war. To guarantee betaportlet.war deploys after alpha-portlet.war:

A. Add the following to portletxml in beta-portlet.war:< init-pa ram><name>required-deployment-contexts</name><value>alpha-portlet</value> </init-param>
B. Add the following to liferay-plugin-package.properties in beta-portlet.war:required-deployment-contexts=alpha-portlet
C. Add the following to liferay-portlet.xml in beta-portlet.war:<required-deployment-contexts>alpha-portlet</required-deployment-contexts>
D. It is not possible to declare this type of dependency

Question # 18

Thecompanyld" is a(n):

A. Portal instance
B. Organization
C. Site
D. Team

Question # 19

The recommended way to escape text is:

A. StringUtil.escape()
B. HtmlUtiI.escape()
C. DisplayUtil.escape()
D. JSPUtil.escape()
E. FormUtil.escape()
F. GetterUtil.escape()

Question # 20

Liferay's persistence layer: (Please select all correct answers.)

A. Relies on Enterprise JavaBeans to ensure compatibility with all major application servers
B. Uses Hibernate by default to ensure compatibility with all major database servers
C. Can be invoked directly from the UI layer
D. Can be configured to use JPA

Question # 21

The method to send a redirect response and prevent resubmitting a form when a userrefreshes the page is:

A. clearRequ estPara mete rs ()
B. removeDuplicates()
C. removeParameters()
D. send Red irect()

Question # 22

Instanceable portlets: (Please select all correct answers.)

A. Have unique preferences perportlet
B. Can be added to a page multiple times
C. Share the same data within the same site
D. Can be displayed in the Control Panel
E. Share the same data on the same page

Question # 23

Supported plugin types in the Plugins SDK include: (Please select all correct answers.)

A. AlloyUI plugins
B. Ext plugins
C. Hook plugins
D. Web plugins
E. Layout template plugins
F. Portlet plugins

Question # 24

The portlet lifecycle includes the methods: (Please select all correct answers.)

A. destroy ()
B. processEvent()
C. service()
D. render()
E. serveResource()
F. processAction()

Question # 25

A JSR-286 standard portlet extends:

A. LiferayPortlet
B. MVCPortlet
C. GenericPortlet
D. StrutsPortlet
E. Any Java class

Question # 26

The file containing the HTML document for a typical page is:

A. portal.vm
B. portal_normal.vm
C. liferay-portal.vm
D. init.vm

Question # 27

The recommended way to implement a new SSO solution that captures the SSO header isto:

A. Create an Ext plugin that adds a sen/let filter to capture the SSO header
B. Create a hook plugin that implements a servlet filter to capture the SSO header
C. Modify the portal source code and create an SSO servlet filter in the portal to capture the SSO header
D. Create a hook plugin to override the Struts action for the Loginportletto capture the SSO header

Question # 28

The hooks that can import classes from the plugin class loader are: (Please select all correct answers.)

A. Auto login hooks
B. JSP hooks
C. Service wrapper hooks
D. Servlet filter hooks
E. Struts action hooks
F. Indexer post processor hooks

Question # 29

Language hooks cannot be used to add new language keys.

A. True
B. False

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